changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 1398 5fe84a5f7035
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b97547f5f1fa
     1 """functions for schema / permissions (de)serialization using RQL
     3 :organization: Logilab
     4 :copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     5 :contact: --
     6 """
     7 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
     9 from itertools import chain
    11 from logilab.common.shellutils import ProgressBar
    13 from yams import schema as schemamod, buildobjs as ybo
    15 from cubicweb.schema import CONSTRAINTS, ETYPE_NAME_MAP
    17 def group_mapping(cursor, interactive=True):
    18     """create a group mapping from an rql cursor
    20     A group mapping has standard group names as key (managers, owners at least)
    21     and the actual EGroup entity's eid as associated value.
    22     In interactive mode (the default), missing groups'eid will be prompted
    23     from the user.
    24     """
    25     res = {}
    26     for eid, name in cursor.execute('Any G, N WHERE G is EGroup, G name N'):
    27         res[name] = eid
    28     if not interactive:
    29         return res
    30     missing = [g for g in ('owners', 'managers', 'users', 'guests') if not g in res]
    31     if missing:
    32         print 'some native groups are missing but the following groups have been found:'
    33         print '\n'.join('* %s (%s)' % (n, eid) for n, eid in res.items())
    34         print 
    35         print 'enter the eid of a to group to map to each missing native group'
    36         print 'or just type enter to skip permissions granted to a group'
    37         for group in missing:
    38             while True:
    39                 value = raw_input('eid for group %s: ' % group).strip()
    40                 if not value:
    41                     continue
    42                 try:
    43                     res[group] = int(value)
    44                 except ValueError:
    45                     print 'eid should be an integer'
    46                     continue
    47     return res
    49 # schema / perms deserialization ##############################################
    51 def deserialize_schema(schema, session):
    52     """return a schema according to information stored in an rql database
    53     as ERType and EEType entities
    54     """
    55     # print 'reading schema from the database...'
    56     index = {}
    57     permsdict = deserialize_ertype_permissions(session)
    58     schema.reading_from_database = True
    59     for eid, etype, desc, meta in session.execute('Any X, N, D, M WHERE '
    60                                                   'X is EEType, X name N, '
    61                                                   'X description D, X meta M',
    62                                                   build_descr=False):
    63         # base types are already in the schema, skip them
    64         if etype in schemamod.BASE_TYPES:
    65             # just set the eid
    66             eschema = schema.eschema(etype)
    67             eschema.eid = eid
    68             index[eid] = eschema
    69             continue
    70         if etype in ETYPE_NAME_MAP: # XXX <2.45 bw compat
    71             print 'fixing etype name from %s to %s' % (etype, ETYPE_NAME_MAP[etype])
    72             # can't use write rql queries at this point, use raw sql
    73             session.system_sql('UPDATE EEType SET name=%(n)s WHERE eid=%(x)s',
    74                                {'x': eid, 'n': ETYPE_NAME_MAP[etype]})
    75             session.system_sql('UPDATE entities SET type=%(n)s WHERE type=%(x)s',
    76                                {'x': etype, 'n': ETYPE_NAME_MAP[etype]})
    77             session.commit(False)
    78             try:
    79                 session.system_sql('UPDATE deleted_entities SET type=%(n)s WHERE type=%(x)s',
    80                                    {'x': etype, 'n': ETYPE_NAME_MAP[etype]})
    81             except:
    82                 pass
    83             tocleanup = [eid]
    84             tocleanup += (eid for eid, (eidetype, uri, extid) in session.repo._type_source_cache.items()
    85                           if etype == eidetype)
    86             session.repo.clear_caches(tocleanup)
    87             session.commit(False)
    88             etype = ETYPE_NAME_MAP[etype]
    89         etype = ybo.EntityType(name=etype, description=desc, meta=meta, eid=eid)
    90         eschema = schema.add_entity_type(etype)
    91         index[eid] = eschema
    92         set_perms(eschema, permsdict.get(eid, {}))
    93     try:
    94         rset = session.execute('Any XN, ETN WHERE X is EEType, X name XN, '
    95                                'X specializes ET, ET name ETN')
    96     except: # `specializes` relation not available for versions prior to 2.50
    97         session.rollback(False)
    98     else:
    99         for etype, stype in rset:
   100             eschema = schema.eschema(etype)
   101             seschema = schema.eschema(stype)
   102             eschema._specialized_type = stype
   103             seschema._specialized_by.append(etype)
   104     for eid, rtype, desc, meta, sym, il in session.execute(
   105         'Any X,N,D,M,S,I WHERE X is ERType, X name N, X description D, '
   106         'X meta M, X symetric S, X inlined I', build_descr=False):
   107         try:
   108             # bw compat: fulltext_container added in 2.47
   109             ft_container = session.execute('Any FTC WHERE X eid %(x)s, X fulltext_container FTC',
   110                                            {'x': eid}).rows[0][0]
   111         except:
   112             ft_container = None
   113             session.rollback(False)
   114         rtype = ybo.RelationType(name=rtype, description=desc, meta=bool(meta),
   115                                  symetric=bool(sym), inlined=bool(il),
   116                                  fulltext_container=ft_container, eid=eid)
   117         rschema = schema.add_relation_type(rtype)
   118         index[eid] = rschema
   119         set_perms(rschema, permsdict.get(eid, {}))        
   120     cstrsdict = deserialize_rdef_constraints(session)
   121     for values in session.execute(
   123         'X relation_type RT, X cardinality CARD, X ordernum ORD, X indexed IDX,'
   124         'X description DESC, X internationalizable I18N, X defaultval DFLT,'
   125         'X fulltextindexed FTIDX, X from_entity SE, X to_entity OE',
   126         build_descr=False):
   127         rdefeid, seid, reid, teid, card, ord, desc, idx, ftidx, i18n, default = values
   128         constraints = cstrsdict.get(rdefeid, ())
   129         frometype = index[seid].type
   130         rtype = index[reid].type
   131         toetype = index[teid].type
   132         rdef = ybo.RelationDefinition(frometype, rtype, toetype, cardinality=card,
   133                                   order=ord, description=desc, 
   134                                   constraints=constraints,
   135                                   indexed=idx, fulltextindexed=ftidx,
   136                                   internationalizable=i18n,
   137                                   default=default, eid=rdefeid)
   138         schema.add_relation_def(rdef)
   139     for values in session.execute(
   140         'Any X,SE,RT,OE,CARD,ORD,DESC,C WHERE X is ENFRDef, X relation_type RT,'
   141         'X cardinality CARD, X ordernum ORD, X description DESC, '
   142         'X from_entity SE, X to_entity OE, X composite C', build_descr=False):
   143         rdefeid, seid, reid, teid, card, ord, desc, c = values
   144         frometype = index[seid].type
   145         rtype = index[reid].type
   146         toetype = index[teid].type
   147         constraints = cstrsdict.get(rdefeid, ())
   148         rdef = ybo.RelationDefinition(frometype, rtype, toetype, cardinality=card,
   149                                   order=ord, description=desc, 
   150                                   composite=c, constraints=constraints,
   151                                   eid=rdefeid)
   152         schema.add_relation_def(rdef)
   153     schema.infer_specialization_rules()
   154     session.commit()
   155     schema.reading_from_database = False
   158 def deserialize_ertype_permissions(session):
   159     """return sect action:groups associations for the given
   160     entity or relation schema with its eid, according to schema's
   161     permissions stored in the database as [read|add|delete|update]_permission
   162     relations between EEType/ERType and EGroup entities
   163     """
   164     res = {}
   165     for action in ('read', 'add', 'update', 'delete'):
   166         rql = 'Any E,N WHERE G is EGroup, G name N, E %s_permission G' % action
   167         for eid, gname in session.execute(rql, build_descr=False):
   168             res.setdefault(eid, {}).setdefault(action, []).append(gname)
   169         rql = ('Any E,X,EXPR,V WHERE X is RQLExpression, X expression EXPR, '
   170                'E %s_permission X, X mainvars V' % action)
   171         for eid, expreid, expr, mainvars in session.execute(rql, build_descr=False):
   172             # we don't know yet if it's a rql expr for an entity or a relation,
   173             # so append a tuple to differentiate from groups and so we'll be
   174             # able to instantiate it later
   175             res.setdefault(eid, {}).setdefault(action, []).append( (expr, mainvars, expreid) )
   176     return res
   178 def set_perms(erschema, permsdict):
   179     """set permissions on the given erschema according to the permission
   180     definition dictionary as built by deserialize_ertype_permissions for a
   181     given erschema's eid
   182     """
   183     for action in erschema.ACTIONS:
   184         actperms = []
   185         for something in permsdict.get(action, ()):
   186             if isinstance(something, tuple):
   187                 actperms.append(erschema.rql_expression(*something))
   188             else: # group name
   189                 actperms.append(something)
   190         erschema.set_permissions(action, actperms)            
   193 def deserialize_rdef_constraints(session):
   194     """return the list of relation definition's constraints as instances"""
   195     res = {}
   196     for rdefeid, ceid, ct, val in session.execute(
   197         'Any E, X,TN,V WHERE E constrained_by X, X is EConstraint, '
   198         'X cstrtype T, T name TN, X value V', build_descr=False):
   199         cstr = CONSTRAINTS[ct].deserialize(val)
   200         cstr.eid = ceid
   201         res.setdefault(rdefeid, []).append(cstr)
   202     return res
   205 # schema / perms serialization ################################################
   207 def serialize_schema(cursor, schema, verbose=False):
   208     """synchronize schema and permissions in the database according to
   209     current schema
   210     """
   211     print 'serializing the schema, this may take some time'
   212     eschemas = schema.entities()
   213     aller = eschemas + schema.relations()
   214     if not verbose:
   215         pb_size = len(aller) + len(CONSTRAINTS) + len([x for x in eschemas if x.specializes()])
   216         pb = ProgressBar(pb_size)
   217     for cstrtype in CONSTRAINTS:
   218         rql = 'INSERT EConstraintType X: X name "%s"' % cstrtype
   219         if verbose:
   220             print rql
   221         cursor.execute(rql)
   222         if not verbose:
   223             pb.update()
   224     groupmap = group_mapping(cursor, interactive=False)
   225     for ertype in aller:
   226         # skip eid and has_text relations
   227         if ertype in ('eid', 'identity', 'has_text',):
   228             pb.update()
   229             continue
   230         for rql, kwargs in erschema2rql(schema[ertype]):
   231             if verbose:
   232                 print rql % kwargs
   233             cursor.execute(rql, kwargs)
   234         for rql, kwargs in erperms2rql(schema[ertype], groupmap):
   235             if verbose:
   236                 print rql
   237             cursor.execute(rql, kwargs)
   238         if not verbose:
   239             pb.update()
   240     for rql, kwargs in specialize2rql(schema):
   241         if verbose:
   242             print rql % kwargs
   243         cursor.execute(rql, kwargs)
   244         if not verbose:
   245             pb.update()
   246     print
   249 def _ervalues(erschema):
   250     try:
   251         type_ = unicode(erschema.type)
   252     except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
   253         raise Exception("can't decode %s [was %s]" % (erschema.type, e))
   254     try:
   255         desc = unicode(erschema.description) or u''
   256     except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
   257         raise Exception("can't decode %s [was %s]" % (erschema.description, e))
   258     return {
   259         'name': type_,
   260         'meta': erschema.meta,
   261         'final': erschema.is_final(),
   262         'description': desc,
   263         }
   265 def eschema_relations_values(eschema):
   266     values = _ervalues(eschema)
   267     relations = ['X %s %%(%s)s' % (attr, attr) for attr in sorted(values)]
   268     return relations, values
   270 # XXX 2.47 migration
   273 def rschema_relations_values(rschema):
   274     values = _ervalues(rschema)
   275     values['final'] = rschema.is_final()
   276     values['symetric'] = rschema.symetric
   277     values['inlined'] = rschema.inlined
   279         if isinstance(rschema.fulltext_container, str):
   280             values['fulltext_container'] = unicode(rschema.fulltext_container)
   281         else:
   282             values['fulltext_container'] = rschema.fulltext_container
   283     relations = ['X %s %%(%s)s' % (attr, attr) for attr in sorted(values)]
   284     return relations, values
   286 def _rdef_values(rschema, objtype, props):
   287     amap = {'order': 'ordernum'}
   288     values = {}
   289     for prop, default in rschema.rproperty_defs(objtype).iteritems():
   290         if prop in ('eid', 'constraints', 'uid', 'infered'):
   291             continue
   292         value = props.get(prop, default)
   293         if prop in ('indexed', 'fulltextindexed', 'internationalizable'):
   294             value = bool(value)
   295         elif prop == 'ordernum':
   296             value = int(value)
   297         elif isinstance(value, str):
   298             value = unicode(value)
   299         values[amap.get(prop, prop)] = value
   300     return values
   302 def nfrdef_relations_values(rschema, objtype, props):
   303     values = _rdef_values(rschema, objtype, props)
   304     relations = ['X %s %%(%s)s' % (attr, attr) for attr in sorted(values)]
   305     return relations, values
   307 def frdef_relations_values(rschema, objtype, props):
   308     values = _rdef_values(rschema, objtype, props)
   309     default = values['default']
   310     del values['default']
   311     if default is not None:
   312         if default is False:
   313             default = u''
   314         elif not isinstance(default, unicode):
   315             default = unicode(default)
   316     values['defaultval'] = default
   317     relations = ['X %s %%(%s)s' % (attr, attr) for attr in sorted(values)]
   318     return relations, values
   321 def __rdef2rql(genmap, rschema, subjtype=None, objtype=None, props=None):
   322     if subjtype is None:
   323         assert objtype is None
   324         assert props is None
   325         targets = rschema.iter_rdefs()
   326     else:
   327         assert not objtype is None
   328         targets = [(subjtype, objtype)]
   329     for subjtype, objtype in targets:
   330         if props is None:
   331             _props = rschema.rproperties(subjtype, objtype)
   332         else:
   333             _props = props
   334         # don't serialize infered relations
   335         if _props.get('infered'):
   336             continue
   337         gen = genmap[rschema.is_final()]
   338         for rql, values in gen(rschema, subjtype, objtype, _props):
   339             yield rql, values
   342 def schema2rql(schema, skip=None, allow=None):
   343     """return a list of rql insert statements to enter the schema in the
   344     database as ERType and EEType entities
   345     """
   346     assert not (skip is not None and allow is not None), \
   347            'can\'t use both skip and allow'
   348     all = schema.entities() + schema.relations()
   349     if skip is not None:
   350         return chain(*[erschema2rql(schema[t]) for t in all if not t in skip])
   351     elif allow is not None:
   352         return chain(*[erschema2rql(schema[t]) for t in all if t in allow])
   353     return chain(*[erschema2rql(schema[t]) for t in all])
   355 def erschema2rql(erschema):
   356     if isinstance(erschema, schemamod.EntitySchema):
   357         return eschema2rql(erschema)
   358     return rschema2rql(erschema)
   360 def eschema2rql(eschema):
   361     """return a list of rql insert statements to enter an entity schema
   362     in the database as an EEType entity
   363     """
   364     relations, values = eschema_relations_values(eschema)
   365     # NOTE: 'specializes' relation can't be inserted here since there's no
   366     # way to make sure the parent type is inserted before the child type
   367     yield 'INSERT EEType X: %s' % ','.join(relations) , values
   369 def specialize2rql(schema):
   370     for eschema in schema.entities():
   371         for rql, kwargs in eschemaspecialize2rql(eschema):
   372             yield rql, kwargs
   374 def eschemaspecialize2rql(eschema):
   375     specialized_type = eschema.specializes()
   376     if specialized_type:
   377         values = {'x': eschema.type, 'et': specialized_type.type}
   378         yield 'SET X specializes ET WHERE X name %(x)s, ET name %(et)s', values
   380 def rschema2rql(rschema, addrdef=True):
   381     """return a list of rql insert statements to enter a relation schema
   382     in the database as an ERType entity
   383     """
   384     if rschema.type == 'has_text':
   385         return
   386     relations, values = rschema_relations_values(rschema)
   387     yield 'INSERT ERType X: %s' % ','.join(relations), values
   388     if addrdef:
   389         for rql, values in rdef2rql(rschema):
   390             yield rql, values
   392 def rdef2rql(rschema, subjtype=None, objtype=None, props=None):
   393     genmap = {True: frdef2rql, False: nfrdef2rql}
   394     return __rdef2rql(genmap, rschema, subjtype, objtype, props)
   397 _LOCATE_RDEF_RQL0 = 'X relation_type ER,X from_entity SE,X to_entity OE'
   398 _LOCATE_RDEF_RQL1 = 'SE name %(se)s,ER name %(rt)s,OE name %(oe)s'
   400 def frdef2rql(rschema, subjtype, objtype, props):
   401     relations, values = frdef_relations_values(rschema, objtype, props)
   402     relations.append(_LOCATE_RDEF_RQL0)
   403     values.update({'se': str(subjtype), 'rt': str(rschema), 'oe': str(objtype)})
   404     yield 'INSERT EFRDef X: %s WHERE %s' % (','.join(relations), _LOCATE_RDEF_RQL1), values
   405     for rql, values in rdefrelations2rql(rschema, subjtype, objtype, props):
   406         yield rql + ', EDEF is EFRDef', values
   408 def nfrdef2rql(rschema, subjtype, objtype, props):
   409     relations, values = nfrdef_relations_values(rschema, objtype, props)
   410     relations.append(_LOCATE_RDEF_RQL0)
   411     values.update({'se': str(subjtype), 'rt': str(rschema), 'oe': str(objtype)})
   412     yield 'INSERT ENFRDef X: %s WHERE %s' % (','.join(relations), _LOCATE_RDEF_RQL1), values
   413     for rql, values in rdefrelations2rql(rschema, subjtype, objtype, props):
   414         yield rql + ', EDEF is ENFRDef', values
   416 def rdefrelations2rql(rschema, subjtype, objtype, props):
   417     iterators = []
   418     for constraint in props['constraints']:
   419         iterators.append(constraint2rql(rschema, subjtype, objtype, constraint))
   420     return chain(*iterators)
   422 def constraint2rql(rschema, subjtype, objtype, constraint):
   423     values = {'ctname': unicode(constraint.type()),
   424               'value': unicode(constraint.serialize()),
   425               'rt': str(rschema), 'se': str(subjtype), 'oe': str(objtype)}
   426     yield 'INSERT EConstraint X: X value %(value)s, X cstrtype CT, EDEF constrained_by X WHERE \
   427 CT name %(ctname)s, EDEF relation_type ER, EDEF from_entity SE, EDEF to_entity OE, \
   428 ER name %(rt)s, SE name %(se)s, OE name %(oe)s', values
   430 def perms2rql(schema, groupmapping):
   431     """return rql insert statements to enter the schema's permissions in
   432     the database as [read|add|delete|update]_permission relations between
   433     EEType/ERType and EGroup entities
   435     groupmapping is a dictionnary mapping standard group names to
   436     eids
   437     """
   438     for etype in sorted(schema.entities()):
   439         yield erperms2rql(schema[etype], groupmapping)
   440     for rtype in sorted(schema.relations()):
   441         yield erperms2rql(schema[rtype], groupmapping)
   443 def erperms2rql(erschema, groupmapping):
   444     """return rql insert statements to enter the entity or relation
   445     schema's permissions in the database as
   446     [read|add|delete|update]_permission relations between EEType/ERType
   447     and EGroup entities
   448     """
   449     etype = isinstance(erschema, schemamod.EntitySchema) and 'EEType' or 'ERType'
   450     for action in erschema.ACTIONS:
   451         for group in sorted(erschema.get_groups(action)):
   452             try:
   453                 yield ('SET X %s_permission Y WHERE X is %s, X name "%s", Y eid %s'
   454                        % (action, etype, erschema, groupmapping[group]), None)
   455             except KeyError:
   456                 continue
   457         for rqlexpr in sorted(erschema.get_rqlexprs(action)):
   458             yield ('INSERT RQLExpression E: E expression %%(e)s, E exprtype %%(t)s, '
   459                    'E mainvars %%(v)s, X %s_permission E '
   460                    'WHERE X is %s, X name "%s"' % (action, etype, erschema),
   461                    {'e': unicode(rqlexpr.expression), 'v': unicode(rqlexpr.mainvars),
   462                     't': unicode(rqlexpr.__class__.__name__)})
   465 def updateeschema2rql(eschema):
   466     relations, values = eschema_relations_values(eschema)
   467     values['et'] = eschema.type
   468     yield 'SET %s WHERE X is EEType, X name %%(et)s' % ','.join(relations), values
   470 def updaterschema2rql(rschema):
   471     relations, values = rschema_relations_values(rschema)
   472     values['rt'] = rschema.type
   473     yield 'SET %s WHERE X is ERType, X name %%(rt)s' % ','.join(relations), values
   475 def updaterdef2rql(rschema, subjtype=None, objtype=None, props=None):
   476     genmap = {True: updatefrdef2rql, False: updatenfrdef2rql}
   477     return __rdef2rql(genmap, rschema, subjtype, objtype, props)
   479 def updatefrdef2rql(rschema, subjtype, objtype, props):
   480     relations, values = frdef_relations_values(rschema, objtype, props)
   481     values.update({'se': subjtype, 'rt': str(rschema), 'oe': objtype})
   482     yield 'SET %s WHERE %s, %s, X is EFRDef' % (','.join(relations),
   483                                                  _LOCATE_RDEF_RQL0,
   484                                                  _LOCATE_RDEF_RQL1), values
   486 def updatenfrdef2rql(rschema, subjtype, objtype, props):
   487     relations, values = nfrdef_relations_values(rschema, objtype, props)
   488     values.update({'se': subjtype, 'rt': str(rschema), 'oe': objtype})
   489     yield 'SET %s WHERE %s, %s, X is ENFRDef' % (','.join(relations),
   490                                                  _LOCATE_RDEF_RQL0,
   491                                                  _LOCATE_RDEF_RQL1), values