changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 321 247947250382
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b97547f5f1fa
     1 """Helper classes to execute RQL queries on a set of sources, performing
     2 security checking and data aggregation.
     4 :organization: Logilab
     5 :copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     6 :contact: --
     7 """
     8 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    10 from itertools import repeat
    12 from logilab.common.cache import Cache
    13 from logilab.common.compat import any
    14 from rql import RQLHelper, RQLSyntaxError
    15 from rql.stmts import Union, Select
    16 from rql.nodes import (Relation, VariableRef, Constant, Exists, Variable,
    17                        SubQuery)
    19 from cubicweb import Unauthorized, QueryError, UnknownEid, typed_eid
    20 from cubicweb import server
    21 from cubicweb.rset import ResultSet
    23 from cubicweb.server.utils import cleanup_solutions
    24 from cubicweb.server.rqlannotation import SQLGenAnnotator, set_qdata
    25 from cubicweb.server.ssplanner import add_types_restriction
    27 def empty_rset(session, rql, args, rqlst=None):
    28     """build an empty result set object"""
    29     return ResultSet([], rql, args, rqlst=rqlst)
    31 def update_varmap(varmap, selected, table):
    32     """return a sql schema to store RQL query result"""
    33     for i, term in enumerate(selected):
    34         key = term.as_string()
    35         value = '%s.C%s' % (table, i)
    36         if varmap.get(key, value) != value:
    37             raise Exception('variable name conflict on %s' % key)
    38         varmap[key] = value
    40 # permission utilities ########################################################
    42 def var_kwargs(restriction, args):
    43     varkwargs = {}
    44     for rel in restriction.iget_nodes(Relation):
    45         cmp = rel.children[1]
    46         if rel.r_type == 'eid' and cmp.operator == '=' and \
    47                 isinstance(cmp.children[0], Constant) and \
    48                 cmp.children[0].type == 'Substitute':
    49             varkwargs[rel.children[0].name] = typed_eid(cmp.children[0].eval(args))
    50     return varkwargs
    52 def check_no_password_selected(rqlst):
    53     """check that Password entities are not selected"""
    54     for solution in
    55         if 'Password' in solution.itervalues():
    56             raise Unauthorized('Password selection is not allowed')
    58 def check_read_access(schema, user, rqlst, solution):
    59     """check that the given user has credentials to access data read the
    60     query
    62     return a dict defining necessary local checks (due to use of rql expression
    63     in the schema), keys are variable names and values associated rql expression
    64     for the associated variable with the given solution
    65     """
    66     if rqlst.where is not None:
    67         for rel in rqlst.where.iget_nodes(Relation):
    68             # XXX has_text may have specific perm ?
    69             if rel.r_type in ('is', 'is_instance_of', 'has_text', 'identity', 'eid'):
    70                 continue
    71             if not schema.rschema(rel.r_type).has_access(user, 'read'):
    72                 raise Unauthorized('read', rel.r_type)
    73     localchecks = {}
    74     # iterate on defined_vars and not on solutions to ignore column aliases
    75     for varname in rqlst.defined_vars:
    76         etype = solution[varname]
    77         eschema = schema.eschema(etype)
    78         if not eschema.has_access(user, 'read'):
    79             erqlexprs = eschema.get_rqlexprs('read')
    80             if not erqlexprs:
    81                 ex = Unauthorized('read', etype)
    82                 ex.var = varname
    83                 raise ex
    84             #assert len(erqlexprs) == 1
    85             localchecks[varname] = tuple(erqlexprs)
    86     return localchecks
    88 def noinvariant_vars(restricted, select, nbtrees):
    89     # a variable can actually be invariant if it has not been restricted for
    90     # security reason or if security assertion hasn't modified the possible
    91     # solutions for the query
    92     if nbtrees != 1:
    93         for vname in restricted:
    94             try:
    95                 yield select.defined_vars[vname]
    96             except KeyError:
    97                 # this is an alias
    98                 continue
    99     else:
   100         for vname in restricted:
   101             try:
   102                 var = select.defined_vars[vname]
   103             except KeyError:
   104                 # this is an alias
   105                 continue
   106             if len(var.stinfo['possibletypes']) != 1:
   107                 yield var
   109 def _expand_selection(terms, selected, aliases, select, newselect):
   110     for term in terms:
   111         for vref in term.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
   112             if not in selected:
   113                 select.append_selected(vref)
   114                 colalias = newselect.get_variable(, len(aliases))
   115                 aliases.append(VariableRef(colalias))
   116                 selected.add(
   118 # Plans #######################################################################
   120 class ExecutionPlan(object):
   121     """the execution model of a rql query, composed of querier steps"""
   123     def __init__(self, querier, rqlst, args, session):
   124         # original rql syntax tree
   125         self.rqlst = rqlst
   126         self.args = args or {}
   127         # session executing the query
   128         self.session = session
   129         # quick reference to the system source
   130         self.syssource = session.pool.source('system')
   131         # execution steps
   132         self.steps = []
   133         # index of temporary tables created during execution
   134         self.temp_tables = {}
   135         # various resource accesors
   136         self.querier = querier
   137         self.schema = querier.schema
   138         self.rqlhelper = querier._rqlhelper
   139         self.sqlannotate = querier.sqlgen_annotate
   141     def annotate_rqlst(self):
   142         if not self.rqlst.annotated:
   143             self.rqlhelper.annotate(self.rqlst)
   145     def add_step(self, step):
   146         """add a step to the plan"""
   147         self.steps.append(step)
   149     def clean(self):
   150         """remove temporary tables"""
   151         self.syssource.clean_temp_data(self.session, self.temp_tables)
   153     def sqlexec(self, sql, args=None):
   154         return self.syssource.sqlexec(self.session, sql, args)
   156     def execute(self):
   157         """execute a plan and return resulting rows"""
   158         try:
   159             for step in self.steps:
   160                 result = step.execute()
   161             # the latest executed step contains the full query result
   162             return result
   163         finally:
   164             self.clean()
   166     def init_temp_table(self, table, selected, sol):
   167         """initialize sql schema and variable map for a temporary table which
   168         will be used to store result for the given rqlst
   169         """
   170         try:
   171             outputmap, sqlschema, _ = self.temp_tables[table]
   172             update_varmap(outputmap, selected, table)
   173         except KeyError:
   174             sqlschema, outputmap = self.syssource.temp_table_def(selected, sol,
   175                                                                  table)
   176             self.temp_tables[table] = [outputmap, sqlschema, False]
   177         return outputmap
   179     def create_temp_table(self, table):
   180         """create a temporary table to store result for the given rqlst"""
   181         if not self.temp_tables[table][-1]:
   182             sqlschema = self.temp_tables[table][1]
   183             self.syssource.create_temp_table(self.session, table, sqlschema)
   184             self.temp_tables[table][-1] = True
   186     def preprocess(self, union, security=True):
   187         """insert security when necessary then annotate rql st for sql generation
   189         return rqlst to actually execute
   190         """
   191         #if server.DEBUG:
   192         #    print '------- preprocessing', union.as_string('utf8')
   193         noinvariant = set()
   194         if security and not self.session.is_super_session:
   195             self._insert_security(union, noinvariant)
   196         self.rqlhelper.simplify(union)
   197         self.sqlannotate(union)
   198         set_qdata(union, noinvariant)
   199         if union.has_text_query:
   200             self.cache_key = None
   202     def _insert_security(self, union, noinvariant):
   203         rh = self.rqlhelper
   204         for select in union.children[:]:
   205             for subquery in select.with_:
   206                 self._insert_security(subquery.query, noinvariant)
   207             localchecks, restricted = self._check_permissions(select)
   208             if any(localchecks):
   209                 rewrite = self.session.rql_rewriter.rewrite
   210                 nbtrees = len(localchecks)
   211                 myunion = union
   212                 # transform in subquery when len(localchecks)>1 and groups
   213                 if nbtrees > 1 and (select.orderby or select.groupby or
   214                                     select.having or select.has_aggregat or
   215                                     select.limit or select.offset):
   216                     newselect = Select()
   217                     # only select variables in subqueries
   218                     origselection = select.selection
   219                     select.select_only_variables()
   220                     select.has_aggregat = False
   221                     # create subquery first so correct node are used on copy
   222                     # (eg ColumnAlias instead of Variable)
   223                     aliases = [VariableRef(newselect.get_variable(, i))
   224                                for i, vref in enumerate(select.selection)]
   225                     selected = set( for vref in aliases)
   226                     # now copy original selection and groups
   227                     for term in origselection:
   228                         newselect.append_selected(term.copy(newselect))
   229                     if select.orderby:
   230                         newselect.set_orderby([s.copy(newselect) for s in select.orderby])
   231                         _expand_selection(select.orderby, selected, aliases, select, newselect)
   232                         select.orderby = () # XXX dereference?
   233                     if select.groupby:
   234                         newselect.set_groupby([g.copy(newselect) for g in select.groupby])
   235                         _expand_selection(select.groupby, selected, aliases, select, newselect)
   236                         select.groupby = () # XXX dereference?
   237                     if select.having:
   238                         newselect.set_having([g.copy(newselect) for g in select.having])
   239                         _expand_selection(select.having, selected, aliases, select, newselect)
   240                         select.having = () # XXX dereference?
   241                     if select.limit:
   242                         newselect.limit = select.limit
   243                         select.limit = None
   244                     if select.offset:
   245                         newselect.offset = select.offset
   246                         select.offset = 0
   247                     myunion = Union()
   248                     newselect.set_with([SubQuery(aliases, myunion)], check=False)
   249                     solutions = [sol.copy() for sol in]
   250                     cleanup_solutions(newselect, solutions)
   251                     newselect.set_possible_types(solutions)
   252                     # if some solutions doesn't need rewriting, insert original
   253                     # select as first union subquery
   254                     if () in localchecks:
   255                         myunion.append(select)
   256                     # we're done, replace original select by the new select with
   257                     # subqueries (more added in the loop below)
   258                     union.replace(select, newselect)
   259                 elif not () in localchecks:
   260                     union.remove(select)
   261                 for lcheckdef, lchecksolutions in localchecks.iteritems():
   262                     if not lcheckdef:
   263                         continue
   264                     myrqlst = select.copy(solutions=lchecksolutions)
   265                     myunion.append(myrqlst)
   266                     # in-place rewrite + annotation / simplification
   267                     rewrite(myrqlst, lcheckdef, lchecksolutions, self.args)
   268                     noinvariant.update(noinvariant_vars(restricted, myrqlst, nbtrees))
   269                 if () in localchecks:
   270                     select.set_possible_types(localchecks[()])
   271                     add_types_restriction(self.schema, select)
   272                     noinvariant.update(noinvariant_vars(restricted, select, nbtrees))
   274     def _check_permissions(self, rqlst):
   275         """return a dict defining "local checks", e.g. RQLExpression defined in
   276         the schema that should be inserted in the original query
   278         solutions where a variable has a type which the user can't definitly read
   279         are removed, else if the user may read it (eg if an rql expression is
   280         defined for the "read" permission of the related type), the local checks
   281         dict for the solution is updated
   283         return a dict with entries for each different local check necessary,
   284         with associated solutions as value. A local check is defined by a list
   285         of 2-uple, with variable name as first item and the necessary rql
   286         expression as second item for each variable which has to be checked.
   287         So solutions which don't require local checks will be associated to
   288         the empty tuple key.
   290         note: rqlst should not have been simplified at this point
   291         """
   292         assert not self.session.is_super_session
   293         user = self.session.user
   294         schema = self.schema
   295         msgs = []
   296         # dictionnary of variables restricted for security reason
   297         localchecks = {}
   298         if rqlst.where is not None:
   299             varkwargs = var_kwargs(rqlst.where, self.args)
   300             neweids = self.session.query_data('neweids', ())
   301         else:
   302             varkwargs = None
   303         restricted_vars = set()
   304         newsolutions = []
   305         for solution in
   306             try:
   307                 localcheck = check_read_access(schema, user, rqlst, solution)
   308             except Unauthorized, ex:
   309                 msg = 'remove %s from solutions since %s has no %s access to %s'
   310                 msg %= (solution, user.login, ex.args[0], ex.args[1])
   311                 msgs.append(msg)
   313             else:
   314                 newsolutions.append(solution)
   315                 if varkwargs:
   316                     # try to benefit of rqlexpr.check cache for entities which
   317                     # are specified by eid in query'args
   318                     for varname, eid in varkwargs.iteritems():
   319                         try:
   320                             rqlexprs = localcheck.pop(varname)
   321                         except KeyError:
   322                             continue
   323                         if eid in neweids:
   324                             continue
   325                         for rqlexpr in rqlexprs:
   326                             if rqlexpr.check(self.session, eid):
   327                                 break
   328                         else:
   329                             raise Unauthorized()
   330                 restricted_vars.update(localcheck)
   331                 localchecks.setdefault(tuple(localcheck.iteritems()), []).append(solution)
   332         # raise Unautorized exception if the user can't access to any solution
   333         if not newsolutions:
   334             raise Unauthorized('\n'.join(msgs))
   335         rqlst.set_possible_types(newsolutions)
   336         return localchecks, restricted_vars
   338     def finalize(self, select, solutions, insertedvars):
   339         rqlst = Union()
   340         rqlst.append(select)
   341         for mainvarname, rschema, newvarname in insertedvars:
   342             nvartype = str(rschema.objects(solutions[0][mainvarname])[0])
   343             for sol in solutions:
   344                 sol[newvarname] = nvartype
   345         select.clean_solutions(solutions)
   346         self.rqlhelper.annotate(rqlst)
   347         self.preprocess(rqlst, security=False)
   348         return rqlst
   350 class InsertPlan(ExecutionPlan):
   351     """an execution model specific to the INSERT rql query
   352     """
   354     def __init__(self, querier, rqlst, args, session):
   355         ExecutionPlan.__init__(self, querier, rqlst, args, session)
   356         # save originaly selected variable, we may modify this
   357         # dictionary for substitution (query parameters)
   358         self.selected = rqlst.selection
   359         # list of new or updated entities definition (utils.Entity)
   360         self.e_defs = [[]]
   361         # list of new relation definition (3-uple (from_eid, r_type, to_eid)
   362         self.r_defs = []
   363         # indexes to track entity definitions bound to relation definitions
   364         self._r_subj_index = {}
   365         self._r_obj_index = {}
   366         self._expanded_r_defs = {}
   368     def relation_definitions(self, rqlst, to_build):
   369         """add constant values to entity def, mark variables to be selected
   370         """
   371         to_select = {}
   372         for relation in rqlst.main_relations:
   373             lhs, rhs = relation.get_variable_parts()
   374             rtype = relation.r_type
   375             if rtype in ('eid', 'has_text', 'is', 'is_instance_of', 'identity'):
   376                 raise QueryError("can't assign to %s" % rtype)
   377             try:
   378                 edef = to_build[str(lhs)]
   379             except KeyError:
   380                 # lhs var is not to build, should be selected and added as an
   381                 # object relation
   382                 edef = to_build[str(rhs)]
   383                 to_select.setdefault(edef, []).append((rtype, lhs, 1))
   384             else:
   385                 if isinstance(rhs, Constant) and not rhs.uid:
   386                     # add constant values to entity def
   387                     value = rhs.eval(self.args)
   388                     eschema = edef.e_schema
   389                     attrtype = eschema.subject_relation(rtype).objects(eschema)[0]
   390                     if attrtype == 'Password' and isinstance(value, unicode): 
   391                         value = value.encode('UTF8')
   392                     edef[rtype] = value
   393                 elif to_build.has_key(str(rhs)):
   394                     # create a relation between two newly created variables
   395                     self.add_relation_def((edef, rtype, to_build[]))
   396                 else:
   397                     to_select.setdefault(edef, []).append( (rtype, rhs, 0) )
   398         return to_select
   401     def add_entity_def(self, edef):
   402         """add an entity definition to build"""
   403         edef.querier_pending_relations = {}
   404         self.e_defs[-1].append(edef)
   406     def add_relation_def(self, rdef):
   407         """add an relation definition to build"""
   408         self.r_defs.append(rdef)
   409         if not isinstance(rdef[0], int):
   410             self._r_subj_index.setdefault(rdef[0], []).append(rdef)
   411         if not isinstance(rdef[2], int):
   412             self._r_obj_index.setdefault(rdef[2], []).append(rdef)
   414     def substitute_entity_def(self, edef, edefs):
   415         """substitute an incomplete entity definition by a list of complete
   416         equivalents
   418         e.g. on queries such as ::
   419           INSERT Personne X, Societe Y: X nom N, Y nom 'toto', X travaille Y
   420           WHERE U login 'admin', U login N
   422         X will be inserted as many times as U exists, and so the X travaille Y
   423         relations as to be added as many time as X is inserted
   424         """
   425         if not edefs or not self.e_defs:
   426             # no result, no entity will be created
   427             self.e_defs = ()
   428             return
   429         # first remove the incomplete entity definition
   430         colidx = self.e_defs[0].index(edef)
   431         for i, row in enumerate(self.e_defs[:]):
   432             self.e_defs[i][colidx] = edefs[0]
   433             samplerow = self.e_defs[i]
   434             for edef in edefs[1:]:
   435                 row = samplerow[:]
   436                 row[colidx] = edef
   437                 self.e_defs.append(row)
   438         # now, see if this entity def is referenced as subject in some relation
   439         # definition
   440         if self._r_subj_index.has_key(edef):
   441             for rdef in self._r_subj_index[edef]:
   442                 expanded = self._expanded(rdef)
   443                 result = []
   444                 for exp_rdef in expanded:
   445                     for edef in edefs:
   446                         result.append( (edef, exp_rdef[1], exp_rdef[2]) )
   447                 self._expanded_r_defs[rdef] = result
   448         # and finally, see if this entity def is referenced as object in some
   449         # relation definition
   450         if self._r_obj_index.has_key(edef):
   451             for rdef in self._r_obj_index[edef]:
   452                 expanded = self._expanded(rdef)
   453                 result = []
   454                 for exp_rdef in expanded:
   455                     for edef in edefs:
   456                         result.append( (exp_rdef[0], exp_rdef[1], edef) )
   457                 self._expanded_r_defs[rdef] = result
   459     def _expanded(self, rdef):
   460         """return expanded value for the given relation definition"""
   461         try:
   462             return self._expanded_r_defs[rdef]
   463         except KeyError:
   464             self.r_defs.remove(rdef)
   465             return [rdef]
   467     def relation_defs(self):
   468         """return the list for relation definitions to insert"""
   469         for rdefs in self._expanded_r_defs.values():
   470             for rdef in rdefs:
   471                 yield rdef
   472         for rdef in self.r_defs:
   473             yield rdef
   475     def insert_entity_defs(self):
   476         """return eids of inserted entities in a suitable form for the resulting
   477         result set, e.g.:
   479         e.g. on queries such as ::
   480           INSERT Personne X, Societe Y: X nom N, Y nom 'toto', X travaille Y
   481           WHERE U login 'admin', U login N
   483         if there is two entities matching U, the result set will look like
   484         [(eidX1, eidY1), (eidX2, eidY2)]
   485         """
   486         session = self.session
   487         repo = session.repo
   488         results = []
   489         for row in self.e_defs:
   490             results.append([repo.glob_add_entity(session, edef)
   491                             for edef in row])
   492         return results
   494     def insert_relation_defs(self):
   495         session = self.session
   496         repo = session.repo
   497         for subj, rtype, obj in self.relation_defs():
   498             # if a string is given into args instead of an int, we get it here
   499             if isinstance(subj, basestring):
   500                 subj = typed_eid(subj)
   501             elif not isinstance(subj, (int, long)):
   502                 subj = subj.eid
   503             if isinstance(obj, basestring):
   504                 obj = typed_eid(obj)
   505             elif not isinstance(obj, (int, long)):
   506                 obj = obj.eid
   507             if repo.schema.rschema(rtype).inlined:
   508                 entity = session.eid_rset(subj).get_entity(0, 0)
   509                 entity[rtype] = obj
   510                 repo.glob_update_entity(session, entity)
   511             else:
   512                 repo.glob_add_relation(session, subj, rtype, obj)
   515 class QuerierHelper(object):
   516     """helper class to execute rql queries, putting all things together"""
   518     def __init__(self, repo, schema):
   519         # system info helper
   520         self._repo = repo
   521         # application schema
   522         self.set_schema(schema)
   524     def set_schema(self, schema):
   525         self.schema = schema
   526         # rql parsing / analysing helper
   527         self._rqlhelper = RQLHelper(schema, special_relations={'eid': 'uid',
   528                                                                'has_text': 'fti'})        
   529         self._rql_cache = Cache(self._repo.config['rql-cache-size'])
   530         self.cache_hit, self.cache_miss = 0, 0
   531         # rql planner
   532         # note: don't use repo.sources, may not be built yet, and also "admin"
   533         #       isn't an actual source
   534         if len([uri for uri in self._repo.config.sources() if uri != 'admin']) < 2:
   535             from cubicweb.server.ssplanner import SSPlanner
   536             self._planner = SSPlanner(schema, self._rqlhelper)
   537         else:
   538             from cubicweb.server.msplanner import MSPlanner            
   539             self._planner = MSPlanner(schema, self._rqlhelper)
   540         # sql generation annotator
   541         self.sqlgen_annotate = SQLGenAnnotator(schema).annotate
   543     def parse(self, rql, annotate=False):
   544         """return a rql syntax tree for the given rql"""
   545         try:
   546             return self._rqlhelper.parse(unicode(rql), annotate=annotate)
   547         except UnicodeError:
   548             raise RQLSyntaxError(rql)
   550     def solutions(self, session, rqlst, args):
   551         assert session is not None
   552         def type_from_eid(eid, type_from_eid=self._repo.type_from_eid,
   553                           session=session):
   554             return type_from_eid(eid, session)
   555         self._rqlhelper.compute_solutions(rqlst, {'eid': type_from_eid}, args)
   557     def plan_factory(self, rqlst, args, session):
   558         """create an execution plan for an INSERT RQL query"""
   559         if rqlst.TYPE == 'insert':
   560             return InsertPlan(self, rqlst, args, session)
   561         return ExecutionPlan(self, rqlst, args, session)
   563     def execute(self, session, rql, args=None, eid_key=None, build_descr=True):
   564         """execute a rql query, return resulting rows and their description in
   565         a `ResultSet` object
   567         * `rql` should be an unicode string or a plain ascii string
   568         * `args` the optional parameters dictionary associated to the query
   569         * `build_descr` is a boolean flag indicating if the description should
   570           be built on select queries (if false, the description will be en empty
   571           list)
   572         * `eid_key` must be both a key in args and a substitution in the rql
   573           query. It should be used to enhance cacheability of rql queries.
   574           It may be a tuple for keys in args.
   575           eid_key must be providen in case where a eid substitution is providen
   576           and resolve some ambiguity in the possible solutions infered for each
   577           variable in the query.
   579         on INSERT queries, there will be on row with the eid of each inserted
   580         entity
   582         result for DELETE and SET queries is undefined yet
   584         to maximize the rql parsing/analyzing cache performance, you should
   585         always use substitute arguments in queries (eg avoid query such as
   586         'Any X WHERE X eid 123'!)
   587         """
   588         if server.DEBUG:
   589             print '*'*80
   590             print rql
   591         # parse the query and binds variables
   592         if eid_key is not None:
   593             if not isinstance(eid_key, (tuple, list)):
   594                 eid_key = (eid_key,)
   595             cachekey = [rql]
   596             for key in eid_key:
   597                 try:
   598                     etype = self._repo.type_from_eid(args[key], session)
   599                 except KeyError:
   600                     raise QueryError('bad cache key %s (no value)' % key)
   601                 except TypeError:
   602                     raise QueryError('bad cache key %s (value: %r)' % (key, args[key]))
   603                 except UnknownEid:
   604                     # we want queries such as "Any X WHERE X eid 9999"
   605                     # return an empty result instead of raising UnknownEid
   606                     return empty_rset(session, rql, args)
   607                 cachekey.append(etype)
   608             cachekey = tuple(cachekey)
   609         else:
   610             cachekey = rql
   611         try:
   612             rqlst = self._rql_cache[cachekey]
   613             self.cache_hit += 1
   614         except KeyError:
   615             self.cache_miss += 1
   616             rqlst = self.parse(rql)
   617             try:
   618       , rqlst, args)
   619             except UnknownEid:
   620                 # we want queries such as "Any X WHERE X eid 9999"
   621                 # return an empty result instead of raising UnknownEid
   622                 return empty_rset(session, rql, args, rqlst)
   623             self._rql_cache[cachekey] = rqlst
   624         orig_rqlst = rqlst
   625         if not rqlst.TYPE == 'select':
   626             if not session.is_super_session:
   627                 check_no_password_selected(rqlst)
   628             # write query, ensure session's mode is 'write' so connections
   629             # won't be released until commit/rollback
   630             session.mode = 'write'
   631             cachekey = None
   632         else:
   633             if not session.is_super_session:
   634                 for select in rqlst.children:
   635                     check_no_password_selected(select)
   636             # on select query, always copy the cached rqlst so we don't have to
   637             # bother modifying it. This is not necessary on write queries since
   638             # a new syntax tree is built from them.
   639             rqlst = rqlst.copy()
   640             self._rqlhelper.annotate(rqlst)
   641         # make an execution plan
   642         plan = self.plan_factory(rqlst, args, session)
   643         plan.cache_key = cachekey
   644         self._planner.build_plan(plan)
   645         # execute the plan
   646         try:
   647             results = plan.execute()
   648         except Unauthorized:
   649             # XXX this could be done in security's after_add_relation hooks
   650             # since it's actually realy only needed there (other relations
   651             # security is done *before* actual changes, and add/update entity
   652             # security is done after changes but in an operation, and exception
   653             # generated in operation's events  properly generate a rollback on
   654             # the session). Even though, this is done here for a better
   655             # consistency: getting an Unauthorized exception means the
   656             # transaction has been rollbacked
   657             session.rollback()
   658             raise
   659         # build a description for the results if necessary
   660         descr = ()
   661         if build_descr:
   662             if rqlst.TYPE == 'select':
   663                 # sample selection
   664                 descr = session.build_description(orig_rqlst, args, results)
   665             elif rqlst.TYPE == 'insert':
   666                 # on insert plan, some entities may have been auto-casted,
   667                 # so compute description manually even if there is only
   668                 # one solution
   669                 basedescr = [None] * len(plan.selected)
   670                 todetermine = zip(xrange(len(plan.selected)), repeat(False))
   671                 descr = session._build_descr(results, basedescr, todetermine)
   672             # FIXME: get number of affected entities / relations on non
   673             # selection queries ?
   674         # return a result set object
   675         return ResultSet(results, rql, args, descr, eid_key, orig_rqlst)
   677 from logging import getLogger
   678 from cubicweb import set_log_methods
   679 LOGGER = getLogger('cubicweb.querier')
   680 set_log_methods(QuerierHelper, LOGGER)