changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 366 6d73bb2e9f6a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b97547f5f1fa
     1 """a class implementing basic actions used in migration scripts.
     3 The following schema actions are supported for now:
     4 * add/drop/rename attribute
     5 * add/drop entity/relation type
     6 * rename entity type
     8 The following data actions are supported for now:
     9 * add an entity
    10 * execute raw RQL queries
    13 :organization: Logilab
    14 :copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
    15 :contact: --
    16 """
    17 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    19 import sys
    20 import os
    21 from os.path import join, exists
    23 from mx.DateTime import now
    24 from logilab.common.decorators import cached
    25 from logilab.common.adbh import get_adv_func_helper
    27 from yams.constraints import SizeConstraint
    28 from yams.schema2sql import eschema2sql, rschema2sql
    30 from cubicweb import AuthenticationError
    31 from cubicweb.dbapi import get_repository, repo_connect
    32 from cubicweb.common.migration import MigrationHelper, yes
    34 try:
    35     from cubicweb.server import schemaserial as ss
    36     from cubicweb.server.utils import manager_userpasswd
    37     from cubicweb.server.sqlutils import sqlexec
    38 except ImportError: # LAX
    39     pass
    41 class ServerMigrationHelper(MigrationHelper):
    42     """specific migration helper for server side  migration scripts,
    43     providind actions related to schema/data migration
    44     """
    46     def __init__(self, config, schema, interactive=True,
    47                  repo=None, cnx=None, verbosity=1, connect=True):
    48         MigrationHelper.__init__(self, config, interactive, verbosity)
    49         if not interactive:
    50             assert cnx
    51             assert repo
    52         if cnx is not None:
    53             assert repo
    54             self._cnx = cnx
    55             self.repo = repo
    56         elif connect:
    57             self.repo_connect()
    58         if not schema:
    59             schema = config.load_schema(expand_cubes=True)
    60         self.new_schema = schema
    61         self._synchronized = set()
    63     @cached
    64     def repo_connect(self):
    65         self.repo = get_repository(method='inmemory', config=self.config)
    66         return self.repo
    68     def shutdown(self):
    69         if self.repo is not None:
    70             self.repo.shutdown()
    72     def rewrite_vcconfiguration(self):
    73         """write current installed versions (of cubicweb software
    74         and of each used cube) into the database
    75         """
    76         self.cmd_set_property('system.version.cubicweb', self.config.cubicweb_version())
    77         for pkg in self.config.cubes():
    78             pkgversion = self.config.cube_version(pkg)
    79             self.cmd_set_property('system.version.%s' % pkg.lower(), pkgversion)
    80         self.commit()
    82     def backup_database(self, backupfile=None, askconfirm=True):
    83         config = self.config
    84         source = config.sources()['system']
    85         helper = get_adv_func_helper(source['db-driver'])
    86         date = now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
    87         app = config.appid
    88         backupfile = backupfile or join(config.backup_dir(),
    89                                         '%s-%s.dump' % (app, date))
    90         if exists(backupfile):
    91             if not self.confirm('a backup already exists for %s, overwrite it?' % app):
    92                 return
    93         elif askconfirm and not self.confirm('backup %s database?' % app):
    94             return
    95         cmd = helper.backup_command(source['db-name'], source.get('db-host'),
    96                                     source.get('db-user'), backupfile,
    97                                     keepownership=False)
    98         while True:
    99             print cmd
   100             if os.system(cmd):
   101                 print 'error while backuping the base'
   102                 answer = self.confirm('continue anyway?',
   103                                       shell=False, abort=False, retry=True)
   104                 if not answer:
   105                     raise SystemExit(1)
   106                 if answer == 1: # 1: continue, 2: retry
   107                     break
   108             else:
   109                 print 'database backup:', backupfile
   110                 break
   112     def restore_database(self, backupfile, drop=True):
   113         config = self.config
   114         source = config.sources()['system']
   115         helper = get_adv_func_helper(source['db-driver'])
   116         app = config.appid
   117         if not exists(backupfile):
   118             raise Exception("backup file %s doesn't exist" % backupfile)
   119         if self.confirm('restore %s database from %s ?' % (app, backupfile)):
   120             for cmd in helper.restore_commands(source['db-name'], source.get('db-host'),
   121                                                source.get('db-user'), backupfile,
   122                                                source['db-encoding'],
   123                                                keepownership=False, drop=drop):
   124                 while True:
   125                     print cmd
   126                     if os.system(cmd):
   127                         print 'error while restoring the base'
   128                         answer = self.confirm('continue anyway?',
   129                                               shell=False, abort=False, retry=True)
   130                         if not answer:
   131                             raise SystemExit(1)
   132                         if answer == 1: # 1: continue, 2: retry
   133                             break
   134                     else:
   135                         break
   136             print 'database restored'
   138     def migrate(self, vcconf, toupgrade, options):
   139         if not options.fs_only:
   140             if options.backup_db is None:
   141                 self.backup_database()
   142             elif options.backup_db:
   143                 self.backup_database(askconfirm=False)
   144         super(ServerMigrationHelper, self).migrate(vcconf, toupgrade, options)
   145         self.rewrite_configuration()
   147     def process_script(self, migrscript, funcname=None, *args, **kwargs):
   148         """execute a migration script
   149         in interactive mode,  display the migration script path, ask for
   150         confirmation and execute it if confirmed
   151         """
   152         if migrscript.endswith('.sql'):
   153             if self.execscript_confirm(migrscript):
   154                 sqlexec(open(migrscript).read(), self.session.system_sql)
   155         else:
   156             return super(ServerMigrationHelper, self).process_script(
   157                 migrscript, funcname, *args, **kwargs)
   159     @property
   160     def cnx(self):
   161         """lazy connection"""
   162         try:
   163             return self._cnx
   164         except AttributeError:
   165             sourcescfg = self.repo.config.sources()
   166             try:
   167                 login = sourcescfg['admin']['login']
   168                 pwd = sourcescfg['admin']['password']
   169             except KeyError:
   170                 login, pwd = manager_userpasswd()
   171             while True:
   172                 try:
   173                     self._cnx = repo_connect(self.repo, login, pwd)
   174                     if not 'managers' in self._cnx.user(self.session).groups:
   175                         print 'migration need an account in the managers group'
   176                     else:
   177                         break
   178                 except AuthenticationError:
   179                     print 'wrong user/password'
   180                 except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
   181                     print 'aborting...'
   182                     sys.exit(0)
   183                 try:
   184                     login, pwd = manager_userpasswd()
   185                 except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
   186                     print 'aborting...'
   187                     sys.exit(0)
   188             return self._cnx
   190     @property
   191     def session(self):
   192         return self.repo._get_session(self.cnx.sessionid)
   194     @property
   195     @cached
   196     def rqlcursor(self):
   197         """lazy rql cursor"""
   198         return self.cnx.cursor(self.session)    
   200     def commit(self):
   201         if hasattr(self, '_cnx'):
   202             self._cnx.commit()
   204     def rollback(self):
   205         if hasattr(self, '_cnx'):
   206             self._cnx.rollback()
   208     def rqlexecall(self, rqliter, cachekey=None, ask_confirm=True):
   209         for rql, kwargs in rqliter:
   210             self.rqlexec(rql, kwargs, cachekey, ask_confirm)
   212     @cached
   213     def _create_context(self):
   214         """return a dictionary to use as migration script execution context"""
   215         context = super(ServerMigrationHelper, self)._create_context()
   216         context.update({'checkpoint': self.checkpoint,
   217                         'sql': self.sqlexec,
   218                         'rql': self.rqlexec,
   219                         'rqliter': self.rqliter,
   220                         'schema': self.repo.schema,
   221                         'newschema': self.new_schema,
   222                         'cnx': self.cnx,
   223                         'session' : self.session,
   224                         'repo' : self.repo,
   225                         })
   226         return context
   228     @cached
   229     def group_mapping(self):
   230         """cached group mapping"""
   231         return ss.group_mapping(self.rqlcursor)
   233     def exec_event_script(self, event, cubepath=None, funcname=None,
   234                           *args, **kwargs):            
   235         if cubepath:
   236             apc = join(cubepath, 'migration', '' % event)
   237         else:
   238             apc = join(self.config.migration_scripts_dir(), '' % event)
   239         if exists(apc):
   240             if self.config.free_wheel:
   241                 from cubicweb.server.hooks import setowner_after_add_entity
   242       ,
   243                                              'after_add_entity', '')
   244                 self.deactivate_verification_hooks()
   245   'executing %s', apc)
   246             confirm = self.confirm
   247             execscript_confirm = self.execscript_confirm
   248             self.confirm = yes
   249             self.execscript_confirm = yes
   250             try:
   251                 return self.process_script(apc, funcname, *args, **kwargs)
   252             finally:
   253                 self.confirm = confirm
   254                 self.execscript_confirm = execscript_confirm
   255                 if self.config.free_wheel:
   256           ,
   257                                                'after_add_entity', '')
   258                     self.reactivate_verification_hooks()
   260     # base actions ############################################################
   262     def checkpoint(self):
   263         """checkpoint action"""
   264         if self.confirm('commit now ?', shell=False):
   265             self.commit()
   267     def cmd_add_cube(self, cube, update_database=True):
   268         """update_database is telling if the database schema should be updated
   269         or if only the relevant eproperty should be inserted (for the case where
   270         a cube has been extracted from an existing application, so the
   271         cube schema is already in there)
   272         """
   273         newcubes = super(ServerMigrationHelper, self).cmd_add_cube(
   274             cube)
   275         if not newcubes:
   276             return
   277         for pack in newcubes:
   278             self.cmd_set_property('system.version.'+pack,
   279                                   self.config.cube_version(pack))
   280         if not update_database:
   281             self.commit()
   282             return
   283         self.new_schema = self.config.load_schema()
   284         new = set()
   285         # execute pre-create files
   286         for pack in reversed(newcubes):
   287             self.exec_event_script('precreate', self.config.cube_dir(pack))
   288         # add new entity and relation types
   289         for rschema in self.new_schema.relations():
   290             if not rschema in self.repo.schema:
   291                 self.cmd_add_relation_type(rschema.type)
   292                 new.add(rschema.type)
   293         for eschema in self.new_schema.entities():
   294             if not eschema in self.repo.schema:
   295                 self.cmd_add_entity_type(eschema.type)
   296                 new.add(eschema.type)
   297         # check if attributes has been added to existing entities
   298         for rschema in self.new_schema.relations():
   299             existingschema = self.repo.schema.rschema(rschema.type)
   300             for (fromtype, totype) in rschema.iter_rdefs():
   301                 if existingschema.has_rdef(fromtype, totype):
   302                     continue
   303                 # check we should actually add the relation definition
   304                 if not (fromtype in new or totype in new or rschema in new):
   305                     continue
   306                 self.cmd_add_relation_definition(str(fromtype), rschema.type, 
   307                                                  str(totype))
   308         # execute post-create files
   309         for pack in reversed(newcubes):
   310             self.exec_event_script('postcreate', self.config.cube_dir(pack))
   311             self.commit()        
   313     def cmd_remove_cube(self, cube):
   314         removedcubes = super(ServerMigrationHelper, self).cmd_remove_cube(cube)
   315         if not removedcubes:
   316             return
   317         oldschema = self.new_schema
   318         self.new_schema = newschema = self.config.load_schema()
   319         reposchema = self.repo.schema
   320         # execute pre-remove files
   321         for pack in reversed(removedcubes):
   322             self.exec_event_script('preremove', self.config.cube_dir(pack))
   323         # remove cubes'entity and relation types
   324         for rschema in oldschema.relations():
   325             if not rschema in newschema and rschema in reposchema:
   326                 self.cmd_drop_relation_type(rschema.type)
   327         for eschema in oldschema.entities():
   328             if not eschema in newschema and eschema in reposchema:
   329                 self.cmd_drop_entity_type(eschema.type)
   330         for rschema in oldschema.relations():
   331             if rschema in newschema and rschema in reposchema: 
   332                 # check if attributes/relations has been added to entities from 
   333                 # other cubes
   334                 for fromtype, totype in rschema.iter_rdefs():
   335                     if not newschema[rschema.type].has_rdef(fromtype, totype) and \
   336                            reposchema[rschema.type].has_rdef(fromtype, totype):
   337                         self.cmd_drop_relation_definition(
   338                             str(fromtype), rschema.type, str(totype))
   339         # execute post-remove files
   340         for pack in reversed(removedcubes):
   341             self.exec_event_script('postremove', self.config.cube_dir(pack))
   342             self.rqlexec('DELETE EProperty X WHERE X pkey %(pk)s',
   343                          {'pk': u'system.version.'+pack}, ask_confirm=False)
   344             self.commit()
   346     # schema migration actions ################################################
   348     def cmd_add_attribute(self, etype, attrname, attrtype=None, commit=True):
   349         """add a new attribute on the given entity type"""
   350         if attrtype is None:
   351             rschema = self.new_schema.rschema(attrname)
   352             attrtype = rschema.objects(etype)[0]
   353         self.cmd_add_relation_definition(etype, attrname, attrtype, commit=commit)
   355     def cmd_drop_attribute(self, etype, attrname, commit=True):
   356         """drop an existing attribute from the given entity type
   358         `attrname` is a string giving the name of the attribute to drop
   359         """
   360         rschema = self.repo.schema.rschema(attrname)
   361         attrtype = rschema.objects(etype)[0]
   362         self.cmd_drop_relation_definition(etype, attrname, attrtype, commit=commit)
   364     def cmd_rename_attribute(self, etype, oldname, newname, commit=True):
   365         """rename an existing attribute of the given entity type
   367         `oldname` is a string giving the name of the existing attribute
   368         `newname` is a string giving the name of the renamed attribute
   369         """
   370         eschema = self.new_schema.eschema(etype)
   371         attrtype = eschema.destination(newname)
   372         # have to commit this first step anyway to get the definition
   373         # actually in the schema
   374         self.cmd_add_attribute(etype, newname, attrtype, commit=True)
   375         # skipp NULL values if the attribute is required
   376         rql = 'SET X %s VAL WHERE X is %s, X %s VAL' % (newname, etype, oldname)
   377         card = eschema.rproperty(newname, 'cardinality')[0]
   378         if card == '1':
   379             rql += ', NOT X %s NULL' % oldname
   380         self.rqlexec(rql, ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   381         self.cmd_drop_attribute(etype, oldname, commit=commit)
   383     def cmd_add_entity_type(self, etype, auto=True, commit=True):
   384         """register a new entity type
   386         in auto mode, automatically register entity's relation where the
   387         targeted type is known
   388         """
   389         applschema = self.repo.schema
   390         if etype in applschema:
   391             eschema = applschema[etype]
   392             if eschema.is_final():
   393                 applschema.del_entity_type(etype)
   394         else:
   395             eschema = self.new_schema.eschema(etype)
   396         confirm = self.verbosity >= 2
   397         # register the entity into EEType
   398         self.rqlexecall(ss.eschema2rql(eschema), ask_confirm=confirm)
   399         # add specializes relation if needed
   400         self.rqlexecall(ss.eschemaspecialize2rql(eschema), ask_confirm=confirm)
   401         # register groups / permissions for the entity
   402         self.rqlexecall(ss.erperms2rql(eschema, self.group_mapping()),
   403                         ask_confirm=confirm)
   404         # register entity's attributes
   405         for rschema, attrschema in eschema.attribute_definitions():
   406             # ignore those meta relations, they will be automatically added
   407             if rschema.type in ('eid', 'creation_date', 'modification_date'):
   408                 continue
   409             if not rschema.type in applschema:
   410                 # need to add the relation type and to commit to get it
   411                 # actually in the schema
   412                 self.cmd_add_relation_type(rschema.type, False, commit=True)
   413             # register relation definition
   414             self.rqlexecall(ss.rdef2rql(rschema, etype, attrschema.type),
   415                             ask_confirm=confirm)
   416         if auto:
   417             # we have commit here to get relation types actually in the schema
   418             self.commit()
   419             added = []
   420             for rschema in eschema.subject_relations():
   421                 # attribute relation have already been processed and
   422                 # 'owned_by'/'created_by' will be automatically added
   423                 if or rschema.type in ('owned_by', 'created_by', 'is', 'is_instance_of'): 
   424                     continue
   425                 rtypeadded = rschema.type in applschema
   426                 for targetschema in rschema.objects(etype):
   427                     # ignore relations where the targeted type is not in the
   428                     # current application schema
   429                     targettype = targetschema.type
   430                     if not targettype in applschema and targettype != etype:
   431                         continue
   432                     if not rtypeadded:
   433                         # need to add the relation type and to commit to get it
   434                         # actually in the schema
   435                         added.append(rschema.type)
   436                         self.cmd_add_relation_type(rschema.type, False, commit=True)
   437                         rtypeadded = True
   438                     # register relation definition
   439                     # remember this two avoid adding twice non symetric relation
   440                     # such as "Emailthread forked_from Emailthread"
   441                     added.append((etype, rschema.type, targettype))
   442                     self.rqlexecall(ss.rdef2rql(rschema, etype, targettype),
   443                                     ask_confirm=confirm)
   444             for rschema in eschema.object_relations():
   445                 rtypeadded = rschema.type in applschema or rschema.type in added
   446                 for targetschema in rschema.subjects(etype):
   447                     # ignore relations where the targeted type is not in the
   448                     # current application schema
   449                     targettype = targetschema.type
   450                     # don't check targettype != etype since in this case the
   451                     # relation has already been added as a subject relation
   452                     if not targettype in applschema:
   453                         continue
   454                     if not rtypeadded:
   455                         # need to add the relation type and to commit to get it
   456                         # actually in the schema
   457                         self.cmd_add_relation_type(rschema.type, False, commit=True)
   458                         rtypeadded = True
   459                     elif (targettype, rschema.type, etype) in added:
   460                         continue
   461                     # register relation definition
   462                     self.rqlexecall(ss.rdef2rql(rschema, targettype, etype),
   463                                     ask_confirm=confirm)
   464         if commit:
   465             self.commit()
   467     def cmd_drop_entity_type(self, etype, commit=True):
   468         """unregister an existing entity type
   470         This will trigger deletion of necessary relation types and definitions
   471         """
   472         # XXX what if we delete an entity type which is specialized by other types
   473         # unregister the entity from EEType
   474         self.rqlexec('DELETE EEType X WHERE X name %(etype)s', {'etype': etype},
   475                      ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   476         if commit:
   477             self.commit()
   479     def cmd_rename_entity_type(self, oldname, newname, commit=True):
   480         """rename an existing entity type in the persistent schema
   482         `oldname` is a string giving the name of the existing entity type
   483         `newname` is a string giving the name of the renamed entity type
   484         """
   485         self.rqlexec('SET ET name %(newname)s WHERE ET is EEType, ET name %(oldname)s',
   486                      {'newname' : unicode(newname), 'oldname' : oldname})
   487         if commit:
   488             self.commit()
   490     def cmd_add_relation_type(self, rtype, addrdef=True, commit=True):
   491         """register a new relation type named `rtype`, as described in the
   492         schema description file.
   494         `addrdef` is a boolean value; when True, it will also add all relations
   495         of the type just added found in the schema definition file. Note that it
   496         implies an intermediate "commit" which commits the relation type
   497         creation (but not the relation definitions themselves, for which
   498         committing depends on the `commit` argument value).
   500         """
   501         rschema = self.new_schema.rschema(rtype)
   502         # register the relation into ERType and insert necessary relation
   503         # definitions
   504         self.rqlexecall(ss.rschema2rql(rschema, addrdef=False),
   505                         ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   506         # register groups / permissions for the relation
   507         self.rqlexecall(ss.erperms2rql(rschema, self.group_mapping()),
   508                         ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   509         if addrdef:
   510             self.commit()
   511             self.rqlexecall(ss.rdef2rql(rschema),
   512                             ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   513         if commit:
   514             self.commit()
   516     def cmd_drop_relation_type(self, rtype, commit=True):
   517         """unregister an existing relation type"""
   518         # unregister the relation from ERType
   519         self.rqlexec('DELETE ERType X WHERE X name %r' % rtype,
   520                      ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   521         if commit:
   522             self.commit()
   524     def cmd_rename_relation(self, oldname, newname, commit=True):
   525         """rename an existing relation
   527         `oldname` is a string giving the name of the existing relation
   528         `newname` is a string giving the name of the renamed relation
   529         """
   530         self.cmd_add_relation_type(newname, commit=True)
   531         self.rqlexec('SET X %s Y WHERE X %s Y' % (newname, oldname),
   532                      ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   533         self.cmd_drop_relation_type(oldname, commit=commit)
   535     def cmd_add_relation_definition(self, subjtype, rtype, objtype, commit=True):
   536         """register a new relation definition, from its definition found in the
   537         schema definition file
   538         """
   539         rschema = self.new_schema.rschema(rtype)
   540         if not rtype in self.repo.schema:
   541             self.cmd_add_relation_type(rtype, addrdef=False, commit=True)
   542         self.rqlexecall(ss.rdef2rql(rschema, subjtype, objtype),
   543                         ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   544         if commit:
   545             self.commit()
   547     def cmd_drop_relation_definition(self, subjtype, rtype, objtype, commit=True):
   548         """unregister an existing relation definition"""
   549         rschema = self.repo.schema.rschema(rtype)
   550         # unregister the definition from EFRDef or ENFRDef
   551         if rschema.is_final():
   552             etype = 'EFRDef'
   553         else:
   554             etype = 'ENFRDef'
   555         rql = ('DELETE %s X WHERE X from_entity FE, FE name "%s",'
   556                'X relation_type RT, RT name "%s", X to_entity TE, TE name "%s"')
   557         self.rqlexec(rql % (etype, subjtype, rtype, objtype),
   558                      ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   559         if commit:
   560             self.commit()
   562     def cmd_synchronize_permissions(self, ertype, commit=True):
   563         """permission synchronization for an entity or relation type"""
   564         if ertype in ('eid', 'has_text', 'identity'):
   565             return
   566         newrschema = self.new_schema[ertype]
   567         teid = self.repo.schema[ertype].eid
   568         if 'update' in newrschema.ACTIONS or newrschema.is_final():
   569             # entity type
   570             exprtype = u'ERQLExpression'
   571         else:
   572             # relation type
   573             exprtype = u'RRQLExpression'
   574         assert teid, ertype
   575         gm = self.group_mapping()
   576         confirm = self.verbosity >= 2
   577         # * remove possibly deprecated permission (eg in the persistent schema
   578         #   but not in the new schema)
   579         # * synchronize existing expressions
   580         # * add new groups/expressions
   581         for action in newrschema.ACTIONS:
   582             perm = '%s_permission' % action
   583             # handle groups
   584             newgroups = list(newrschema.get_groups(action))
   585             for geid, gname in self.rqlexec('Any G, GN WHERE T %s G, G name GN, '
   586                                             'T eid %%(x)s' % perm, {'x': teid}, 'x',
   587                                             ask_confirm=False):
   588                 if not gname in newgroups:
   589                     if not confirm or self.confirm('remove %s permission of %s to %s?'
   590                                                    % (action, ertype, gname)):
   591                         self.rqlexec('DELETE T %s G WHERE G eid %%(x)s, T eid %s'
   592                                      % (perm, teid),
   593                                      {'x': geid}, 'x', ask_confirm=False)
   594                 else:
   595                     newgroups.remove(gname)
   596             for gname in newgroups:
   597                 if not confirm or self.confirm('grant %s permission of %s to %s?'
   598                                                % (action, ertype, gname)):
   599                     self.rqlexec('SET T %s G WHERE G eid %%(x)s, T eid %s'
   600                                  % (perm, teid),
   601                                  {'x': gm[gname]}, 'x', ask_confirm=False)
   602             # handle rql expressions
   603             newexprs = dict((expr.expression, expr) for expr in newrschema.get_rqlexprs(action))
   604             for expreid, expression in self.rqlexec('Any E, EX WHERE T %s E, E expression EX, '
   605                                                     'T eid %s' % (perm, teid),
   606                                                     ask_confirm=False):
   607                 if not expression in newexprs:
   608                     if not confirm or self.confirm('remove %s expression for %s permission of %s?'
   609                                                    % (expression, action, ertype)):
   610                         # deleting the relation will delete the expression entity
   611                         self.rqlexec('DELETE T %s E WHERE E eid %%(x)s, T eid %s'
   612                                      % (perm, teid),
   613                                      {'x': expreid}, 'x', ask_confirm=False)
   614                 else:
   615                     newexprs.pop(expression)
   616             for expression in newexprs.values():
   617                 expr = expression.expression
   618                 if not confirm or self.confirm('add %s expression for %s permission of %s?'
   619                                                % (expr, action, ertype)):
   620                     self.rqlexec('INSERT RQLExpression X: X exprtype %%(exprtype)s, '
   621                                  'X expression %%(expr)s, X mainvars %%(vars)s, T %s X '
   622                                  'WHERE T eid %%(x)s' % perm,
   623                                  {'expr': expr, 'exprtype': exprtype,
   624                                   'vars': expression.mainvars, 'x': teid}, 'x',
   625                                  ask_confirm=False)
   626         if commit:
   627             self.commit()
   629     def cmd_synchronize_rschema(self, rtype, syncrdefs=True, syncperms=True,
   630                                 commit=True):
   631         """synchronize properties of the persistent relation schema against its
   632         current definition:
   634         * description
   635         * symetric, meta
   636         * inlined
   637         * relation definitions if `syncrdefs`
   638         * permissions if `syncperms`
   640         physical schema changes should be handled by repository's schema hooks
   641         """
   642         rtype = str(rtype)
   643         if rtype in self._synchronized:
   644             return
   645         self._synchronized.add(rtype)
   646         rschema = self.new_schema.rschema(rtype)
   647         self.rqlexecall(ss.updaterschema2rql(rschema),
   648                         ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   649         reporschema = self.repo.schema.rschema(rtype)
   650         if syncrdefs:
   651             for subj, obj in rschema.iter_rdefs():
   652                 if not reporschema.has_rdef(subj, obj):
   653                     continue
   654                 self.cmd_synchronize_rdef_schema(subj, rschema, obj,
   655                                                  commit=False)
   656         if syncperms:
   657             self.cmd_synchronize_permissions(rtype, commit=False)
   658         if commit:
   659             self.commit()
   661     def cmd_synchronize_eschema(self, etype, syncperms=True, commit=True):
   662         """synchronize properties of the persistent entity schema against
   663         its current definition:
   665         * description
   666         * internationalizable, fulltextindexed, indexed, meta
   667         * relations from/to this entity
   668         * permissions if `syncperms`
   669         """
   670         etype = str(etype)
   671         if etype in self._synchronized:
   672             return
   673         self._synchronized.add(etype)
   674         repoeschema = self.repo.schema.eschema(etype)
   675         try:
   676             eschema = self.new_schema.eschema(etype)
   677         except KeyError:
   678             return
   679         repospschema = repoeschema.specializes()
   680         espschema = eschema.specializes()
   681         if repospschema and not espschema:
   682             self.rqlexec('DELETE X specializes Y WHERE X is EEType, X name %(x)s',
   683                          {'x': str(repoechema)})
   684         elif not repospschema and espschema:
   685             self.rqlexec('SET X specializes Y WHERE X is EEType, X name %(x)s, '
   686                          'Y is EEType, Y name %(y)s',
   687                          {'x': str(repoechema), 'y': str(epschema)})
   688         self.rqlexecall(ss.updateeschema2rql(eschema),
   689                         ask_confirm=self.verbosity >= 2)
   690         for rschema, targettypes, x in eschema.relation_definitions(True):
   691             if x == 'subject':
   692                 if not rschema in repoeschema.subject_relations():
   693                     continue
   694                 subjtypes, objtypes = [etype], targettypes
   695             else: # x == 'object'
   696                 if not rschema in repoeschema.object_relations():
   697                     continue
   698                 subjtypes, objtypes = targettypes, [etype]
   699             self.cmd_synchronize_rschema(rschema, syncperms=syncperms,
   700                                          syncrdefs=False, commit=False)
   701             reporschema = self.repo.schema.rschema(rschema)
   702             for subj in subjtypes:
   703                 for obj in objtypes:
   704                     if not reporschema.has_rdef(subj, obj):
   705                         continue
   706                     self.cmd_synchronize_rdef_schema(subj, rschema, obj,
   707                                                      commit=False)
   708         if syncperms:
   709             self.cmd_synchronize_permissions(etype, commit=False)
   710         if commit:
   711             self.commit()
   713     def cmd_synchronize_rdef_schema(self, subjtype, rtype, objtype,
   714                                     commit=True):
   715         """synchronize properties of the persistent relation definition schema
   716         against its current definition:
   717         * order and other properties
   718         * constraints
   719         """
   720         subjtype, objtype = str(subjtype), str(objtype)
   721         rschema = self.new_schema.rschema(rtype)
   722         reporschema = self.repo.schema.rschema(rschema)
   723         if (subjtype, rschema, objtype) in self._synchronized:
   724             return
   725         self._synchronized.add((subjtype, rschema, objtype))
   726         if rschema.symetric:
   727             self._synchronized.add((objtype, rschema, subjtype))
   728         confirm = self.verbosity >= 2
   729         # properties
   730         self.rqlexecall(ss.updaterdef2rql(rschema, subjtype, objtype),
   731                         ask_confirm=confirm)
   732         # constraints
   733         newconstraints = list(rschema.rproperty(subjtype, objtype, 'constraints'))
   734         # 1. remove old constraints and update constraints of the same type
   735         # NOTE: don't use rschema.constraint_by_type because it may be
   736         #       out of sync with newconstraints when multiple
   737         #       constraints of the same type are used
   738         for cstr in reporschema.rproperty(subjtype, objtype, 'constraints'):
   739             for newcstr in newconstraints:
   740                 if newcstr.type() == cstr.type():
   741                     break
   742             else:
   743                 newcstr = None
   744             if newcstr is None:
   745                 self.rqlexec('DELETE X constrained_by C WHERE C eid %(x)s',
   746                              {'x': cstr.eid}, 'x',
   747                              ask_confirm=confirm)
   748                 self.rqlexec('DELETE EConstraint C WHERE C eid %(x)s',
   749                              {'x': cstr.eid}, 'x',
   750                              ask_confirm=confirm)
   751             else:
   752                 newconstraints.remove(newcstr)
   753                 values = {'x': cstr.eid,
   754                           'v': unicode(newcstr.serialize())}
   755                 self.rqlexec('SET X value %(v)s WHERE X eid %(x)s',
   756                              values, 'x', ask_confirm=confirm)
   757         # 2. add new constraints
   758         for newcstr in newconstraints:
   759             self.rqlexecall(ss.constraint2rql(rschema, subjtype, objtype,
   760                                               newcstr),
   761                             ask_confirm=confirm)
   762         if commit:
   763             self.commit()
   765     def cmd_synchronize_schema(self, syncperms=True, commit=True):
   766         """synchronize the persistent schema against the current definition
   767         schema.
   769         It will synch common stuff between the definition schema and the
   770         actual persistent schema, it won't add/remove any entity or relation.
   771         """
   772         for etype in self.repo.schema.entities():
   773             self.cmd_synchronize_eschema(etype, syncperms=syncperms, commit=False)
   774         if commit:
   775             self.commit()
   777     def cmd_change_relation_props(self, subjtype, rtype, objtype,
   778                                   commit=True, **kwargs):
   779         """change some properties of a relation definition"""
   780         assert kwargs
   781         restriction = []
   782         if subjtype and subjtype != 'Any':
   783             restriction.append('X from_entity FE, FE name "%s"' % subjtype)
   784         if objtype and objtype != 'Any':
   785             restriction.append('X to_entity TE, TE name "%s"' % objtype)
   786         if rtype and rtype != 'Any':
   787             restriction.append('X relation_type RT, RT name "%s"' % rtype)
   788         assert restriction
   789         values = []
   790         for k, v in kwargs.items():
   791             values.append('X %s %%(%s)s' % (k, k))
   792             if isinstance(v, str):
   793                 kwargs[k] = unicode(v)
   794         rql = 'SET %s WHERE %s' % (','.join(values), ','.join(restriction))
   795         self.rqlexec(rql, kwargs, ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   796         if commit:
   797             self.commit()
   799     def cmd_set_size_constraint(self, etype, rtype, size, commit=True):
   800         """set change size constraint of a string attribute
   802         if size is None any size constraint will be removed
   803         """
   804         oldvalue = None
   805         for constr in self.repo.schema.eschema(etype).constraints(rtype):
   806             if isinstance(constr, SizeConstraint):
   807                 oldvalue = constr.max
   808         if oldvalue == size:
   809             return
   810         if oldvalue is None and not size is None:
   811             ceid = self.rqlexec('INSERT EConstraint C: C value %(v)s, C cstrtype CT '
   812                                 'WHERE CT name "SizeConstraint"',
   813                                 {'v': SizeConstraint(size).serialize()},
   814                                 ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)[0][0]
   815             self.rqlexec('SET X constrained_by C WHERE X from_entity S, X relation_type R, '
   816                          'S name "%s", R name "%s", C eid %s' % (etype, rtype, ceid),
   817                          ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   818         elif not oldvalue is None:
   819             if not size is None:
   820                 self.rqlexec('SET C value %%(v)s WHERE X from_entity S, X relation_type R,'
   821                              'X constrained_by C, C cstrtype CT, CT name "SizeConstraint",'
   822                              'S name "%s", R name "%s"' % (etype, rtype),
   823                              {'v': unicode(SizeConstraint(size).serialize())},
   824                              ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   825             else:
   826                 self.rqlexec('DELETE X constrained_by C WHERE X from_entity S, X relation_type R,'
   827                              'X constrained_by C, C cstrtype CT, CT name "SizeConstraint",'
   828                              'S name "%s", R name "%s"' % (etype, rtype),
   829                              ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2)
   830                 # cleanup unused constraints
   831                 self.rqlexec('DELETE EConstraint C WHERE NOT X constrained_by C')
   832         if commit:
   833             self.commit()
   835     # Workflows handling ######################################################
   837     def cmd_add_state(self, name, stateof, initial=False, commit=False, **kwargs):
   838         """method to ease workflow definition: add a state for one or more
   839         entity type(s)
   840         """
   841         stateeid = self.cmd_add_entity('State', name=name, **kwargs)
   842         if not isinstance(stateof, (list, tuple)):
   843             stateof = (stateof,)
   844         for etype in stateof:
   845             # XXX ensure etype validity
   846             self.rqlexec('SET X state_of Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, Y name %(et)s',
   847                          {'x': stateeid, 'et': etype}, 'x', ask_confirm=False)
   848             if initial:
   849                 self.rqlexec('SET ET initial_state S WHERE ET name %(et)s, S eid %(x)s',
   850                              {'x': stateeid, 'et': etype}, 'x', ask_confirm=False)
   851         if commit:
   852             self.commit()
   853         return stateeid
   855     def cmd_add_transition(self, name, transitionof, fromstates, tostate,
   856                            requiredgroups=(), conditions=(), commit=False, **kwargs):
   857         """method to ease workflow definition: add a transition for one or more
   858         entity type(s), from one or more state and to a single state
   859         """
   860         treid = self.cmd_add_entity('Transition', name=name, **kwargs)
   861         if not isinstance(transitionof, (list, tuple)):
   862             transitionof = (transitionof,)
   863         for etype in transitionof:
   864             # XXX ensure etype validity
   865             self.rqlexec('SET X transition_of Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, Y name %(et)s',
   866                          {'x': treid, 'et': etype}, 'x', ask_confirm=False)
   867         for stateeid in fromstates:
   868             self.rqlexec('SET X allowed_transition Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, Y eid %(y)s',
   869                          {'x': stateeid, 'y': treid}, 'x', ask_confirm=False)
   870         self.rqlexec('SET X destination_state Y WHERE X eid %(x)s, Y eid %(y)s',
   871                      {'x': treid, 'y': tostate}, 'x', ask_confirm=False)
   872         self.cmd_set_transition_permissions(treid, requiredgroups, conditions,
   873                                             reset=False)
   874         if commit:
   875             self.commit()
   876         return treid
   878     def cmd_set_transition_permissions(self, treid,
   879                                        requiredgroups=(), conditions=(),
   880                                        reset=True, commit=False):
   881         """set or add (if `reset` is False) groups and conditions for a
   882         transition
   883         """
   884         if reset:
   885             self.rqlexec('DELETE T require_group G WHERE T eid %(x)s',
   886                          {'x': treid}, 'x', ask_confirm=False)
   887             self.rqlexec('DELETE T condition R WHERE T eid %(x)s',
   888                          {'x': treid}, 'x', ask_confirm=False)
   889         for gname in requiredgroups:
   890             ### XXX ensure gname validity
   891             self.rqlexec('SET T require_group G WHERE T eid %(x)s, G name %(gn)s',
   892                          {'x': treid, 'gn': gname}, 'x', ask_confirm=False)
   893         if isinstance(conditions, basestring):
   894             conditions = (conditions,)
   895         for expr in conditions:
   896             if isinstance(expr, str):
   897                 expr = unicode(expr)
   898             self.rqlexec('INSERT RQLExpression X: X exprtype "ERQLExpression", '
   899                          'X expression %(expr)s, T condition X '
   900                          'WHERE T eid %(x)s',
   901                          {'x': treid, 'expr': expr}, 'x', ask_confirm=False)
   902         if commit:
   903             self.commit()
   905     # EProperty handling ######################################################
   907     def cmd_property_value(self, pkey):
   908         rql = 'Any V WHERE X is EProperty, X pkey %(k)s, X value V'
   909         rset = self.rqlexec(rql, {'k': pkey}, ask_confirm=False)
   910         return rset[0][0]
   912     def cmd_set_property(self, pkey, value):
   913         value = unicode(value)
   914         try:
   915             prop = self.rqlexec('EProperty X WHERE X pkey %(k)s', {'k': pkey},
   916                                 ask_confirm=False).get_entity(0, 0)
   917         except:
   918             self.cmd_add_entity('EProperty', pkey=unicode(pkey), value=value)
   919         else:
   920             self.rqlexec('SET X value %(v)s WHERE X pkey %(k)s',
   921                          {'k': pkey, 'v': value}, ask_confirm=False)
   923     # other data migration commands ###########################################
   925     def cmd_add_entity(self, etype, *args, **kwargs):
   926         """add a new entity of the given type"""
   927         rql = 'INSERT %s X' % etype
   928         relations = []
   929         restrictions = []
   930         for rtype, rvar in args:
   931             relations.append('X %s %s' % (rtype, rvar))
   932             restrictions.append('%s eid %s' % (rvar, kwargs.pop(rvar)))
   933         commit = kwargs.pop('commit', False)
   934         for attr in kwargs:
   935             relations.append('X %s %%(%s)s' % (attr, attr))
   936         if relations:
   937             rql = '%s: %s' % (rql, ', '.join(relations))
   938         if restrictions:
   939             rql = '%s WHERE %s' % (rql, ', '.join(restrictions))
   940         eid = self.rqlexec(rql, kwargs, ask_confirm=self.verbosity>=2).rows[0][0]
   941         if commit:
   942             self.commit()
   943         return eid
   945     def sqlexec(self, sql, args=None, ask_confirm=True):
   946         """execute the given sql if confirmed
   948         should only be used for low level stuff undoable with existing higher
   949         level actions
   950         """
   951         if not ask_confirm or self.confirm('execute sql: %s ?' % sql):
   952             self.session.set_pool() # ensure pool is set
   953             try:
   954                 cu = self.session.system_sql(sql, args)
   955             except:
   956                 ex = sys.exc_info()[1]
   957                 if self.confirm('error: %s\nabort?' % ex):
   958                     raise
   959                 return
   960             try:
   961                 return cu.fetchall()
   962             except:
   963                 # no result to fetch
   964                 return
   966     def rqlexec(self, rql, kwargs=None, cachekey=None, ask_confirm=True):
   967         """rql action"""
   968         if not isinstance(rql, (tuple, list)):
   969             rql = ( (rql, kwargs), )
   970         res = None
   971         for rql, kwargs in rql:
   972             if kwargs:
   973                 msg = '%s (%s)' % (rql, kwargs)
   974             else:
   975                 msg = rql
   976             if not ask_confirm or self.confirm('execute rql: %s ?' % msg):
   977                 try:
   978                     res = self.rqlcursor.execute(rql, kwargs, cachekey)
   979                 except Exception, ex:
   980                     if self.confirm('error: %s\nabort?' % ex):
   981                         raise
   982         return res
   984     def rqliter(self, rql, kwargs=None, ask_confirm=True):
   985         return ForRqlIterator(self, rql, None, ask_confirm)
   987     def cmd_deactivate_verification_hooks(self):
   990     def cmd_reactivate_verification_hooks(self):
   993     # broken db commands ######################################################
   995     def cmd_change_attribute_type(self, etype, attr, newtype, commit=True):
   996         """low level method to change the type of an entity attribute. This is
   997         a quick hack which has some drawback:
   998         * only works when the old type can be changed to the new type by the
   999           underlying rdbms (eg using ALTER TABLE)
  1000         * the actual schema won't be updated until next startup
  1001         """
  1002         rschema = self.repo.schema.rschema(attr)
  1003         oldtype = rschema.objects(etype)[0]
  1004         rdefeid = rschema.rproperty(etype, oldtype, 'eid')
  1005         sql = ("UPDATE EFRDef "
  1006                "SET to_entity=(SELECT eid FROM EEType WHERE name='%s')"
  1007                "WHERE eid=%s") % (newtype, rdefeid)
  1008         self.sqlexec(sql, ask_confirm=False)
  1009         dbhelper = self.repo.system_source.dbhelper
  1010         sqltype = dbhelper.TYPE_MAPPING[newtype]
  1011         sql = 'ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s TYPE %s' % (etype, attr, sqltype)
  1012         self.sqlexec(sql, ask_confirm=False)
  1013         if commit:
  1014             self.commit()
  1016     def cmd_add_entity_type_table(self, etype, commit=True):
  1017         """low level method to create the sql table for an existing entity.
  1018         This may be useful on accidental desync between the repository schema
  1019         and a sql database
  1020         """
  1021         dbhelper = self.repo.system_source.dbhelper
  1022         tablesql = eschema2sql(dbhelper, self.repo.schema.eschema(etype))
  1023         for sql in tablesql.split(';'):
  1024             if sql.strip():
  1025                 self.sqlexec(sql)
  1026         if commit:
  1027             self.commit()
  1029     def cmd_add_relation_type_table(self, rtype, commit=True):
  1030         """low level method to create the sql table for an existing relation.
  1031         This may be useful on accidental desync between the repository schema
  1032         and a sql database
  1033         """
  1034         dbhelper = self.repo.system_source.dbhelper
  1035         tablesql = rschema2sql(dbhelper, self.repo.schema.rschema(rtype))
  1036         for sql in tablesql.split(';'):
  1037             if sql.strip():
  1038                 self.sqlexec(sql)
  1039         if commit:
  1040             self.commit()
  1043 class ForRqlIterator:
  1044     """specific rql iterator to make the loop skipable"""
  1045     def __init__(self, helper, rql, kwargs, ask_confirm):
  1046         self._h = helper
  1047         self.rql = rql
  1048         self.kwargs = kwargs
  1049         self.ask_confirm = ask_confirm
  1050         self._rsetit = None
  1052     def __iter__(self):
  1053         return self
  1055     def next(self):
  1056         if self._rsetit is not None:
  1057             return
  1058         rql, kwargs = self.rql, self.kwargs
  1059         if kwargs:
  1060             msg = '%s (%s)' % (rql, kwargs)
  1061         else:
  1062             msg = rql
  1063         if self.ask_confirm:
  1064             if not self._h.confirm('execute rql: %s ?' % msg):
  1065                 raise StopIteration
  1066         try:
  1067             #print rql, kwargs
  1068             rset = self._h.rqlcursor.execute(rql, kwargs)
  1069         except Exception, ex:
  1070             if self._h.confirm('error: %s\nabort?' % ex):
  1071                 raise
  1072             else:
  1073                 raise StopIteration
  1074         self._rsetit = iter(rset)
  1075         return