changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 170 455ff18ef28e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b97547f5f1fa
     1 """The `ResultSet` class which is returned as result of a rql query
     3 :organization: Logilab
     4 :copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     5 :contact: --
     6 """
     7 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
     9 from logilab.common.decorators import cached, clear_cache, copy_cache
    11 from rql import nodes
    13 from cubicweb import NotAnEntity
    16 class ResultSet(object):
    17     """a result set wrap a RQL query result. This object implements a partial
    18     list protocol to allow direct use as a list of result rows.
    20     :type rowcount: int
    21     :ivar rowcount: number of rows in the result
    23     :type rows: list
    24     :ivar rows: list of rows of result
    26     :type description: list
    27     :ivar description:
    28       result's description, using the same structure as the result itself
    30     :type rql: str or unicode
    31     :ivar rql: the original RQL query string
    32     """
    33     def __init__(self, results, rql, args=None, description=(), cachekey=None,
    34                  rqlst=None):
    35         self.rows = results
    36         self.rowcount = results and len(results) or 0
    37         # original query and arguments
    38         self.rql = rql
    39         self.args = args
    40         self.cachekey = cachekey
    41         # entity types for each cell (same shape as rows)
    42         # maybe discarded if specified when the query has been executed
    43         self.description = description
    44         # parsed syntax tree
    45         if rqlst is not None:
    46             rqlst.schema = None # reset schema in case of pyro transfert
    47         self._rqlst = rqlst
    48         # set to (limit, offset) when a result set is limited using the
    49         # .limit method
    50 = None
    51         # set by the cursor which returned this resultset
    52         self.vreg = None
    53         self.req = None
    55     def __str__(self):
    56         if not self.rows:
    57             return '<empty resultset %s>' % self.rql
    58         return '<resultset %s (%s rows)>' % (self.rql, len(self.rows))
    60     def __repr__(self):
    61         if not self.rows:
    62             return '<empty resultset for %s>' % self.rql
    63         if not self.description:
    64             return '<resultset %s: %s>' % (self.rql, '\n'.join(str(r) for r in self.rows))
    65         return '<resultset %s: %s>' % (self.rql,
    66                                        '\n'.join('%s (%s)' % (r, d)
    67                                                  for r, d in zip(self.rows, self.description)))
    69     @cached
    70     def possible_actions(self):
    71         return self.vreg.possible_vobjects('actions', self.req, self)
    73     def __len__(self):
    74         """returns the result set's size"""
    75         return self.rowcount
    77     def __nonzero__(self):
    78         return self.rowcount
    80     def __getitem__(self, i):
    81         """returns the ith element of the result set"""
    82         return self.rows[i] #ResultSetRow(self.rows[i])
    84     def __getslice__(self, i, j):
    85         """returns slice [i:j] of the result set"""
    86         return self.rows[i:j]
    88     def __iter__(self):
    89         """Returns an iterator over rows"""
    90         return iter(self.rows)
    92     def __add__(self, rset):
    93         # XXX buggy implementation (.rql and .args attributes at least much
    94         # probably differ)
    95         # at least rql could be fixed now that we have union and sub-queries
    96         # but I tend to think that since we have that, we should not need this
    97         # method anymore (syt)
    98         rset = ResultSet(self.rows+rset.rows, self.rql, self.args,
    99                          self.description +rset.description)
   100         return self.req.decorate_rset(rset)
   102     def _prepare_copy(self, rows, descr):
   103         rset = ResultSet(rows, self.rql, self.args, descr)
   104         return self.req.decorate_rset(rset)
   106     def transformed_rset(self, transformcb):
   107         """ the result set according to a given column types
   109         :type transormcb: callable(row, desc)
   110         :param transformcb:
   111           a callable which should take a row and its type description as
   112           parameters, and return the transformed row and type description.
   115         :type col: int
   116         :param col: the column index
   118         :rtype: `ResultSet`
   119         """
   120         rows, descr = [], []
   121         rset = self._prepare_copy(rows, descr)
   122         for row, desc in zip(self.rows, self.description):
   123             nrow, ndesc = transformcb(row, desc)
   124             if ndesc: # transformcb returns None for ndesc to skip that row
   125                 rows.append(nrow)
   126                 descr.append(ndesc)
   127         rset.rowcount = len(rows)
   128         return rset
   130     def filtered_rset(self, filtercb, col=0):
   131         """filter the result set according to a given filtercb
   133         :type filtercb: callable(entity)
   134         :param filtercb:
   135           a callable which should take an entity as argument and return
   136           False if it should be skipped, else True
   138         :type col: int
   139         :param col: the column index
   141         :rtype: `ResultSet`
   142         """
   143         rows, descr = [], []
   144         rset = self._prepare_copy(rows, descr)
   145         for i in xrange(len(self)):
   146             if not filtercb(self.get_entity(i, col)):
   147                 continue
   148             rows.append(self.rows[i])
   149             descr.append(self.description[i])
   150         rset.rowcount = len(rows)
   151         return rset
   154     def sorted_rset(self, keyfunc, reverse=False, col=0):
   155         """sorts the result set according to a given keyfunc
   157         :type keyfunc: callable(entity)
   158         :param keyfunc:
   159           a callable which should take an entity as argument and return
   160           the value used to compare and sort
   162         :type reverse: bool
   163         :param reverse: if the result should be reversed
   165         :type col: int
   166         :param col: the column index. if col = -1, the whole row are used
   168         :rtype: `ResultSet`
   169         """
   170         rows, descr = [], []
   171         rset = self._prepare_copy(rows, descr)
   172         if col >= 0:
   173             entities = sorted(enumerate(self.entities(col)),
   174                               key=lambda (i, e): keyfunc(e), reverse=reverse)
   175         else:
   176             entities = sorted(enumerate(self),
   177                               key=lambda (i, e): keyfunc(e), reverse=reverse)
   179         for index, entity in entities:
   180             rows.append(self.rows[index])
   181             descr.append(self.description[index])
   182         rset.rowcount = len(rows)
   183         return rset
   185     def split_rset(self, keyfunc=None, col=0, return_dict=False):
   186         """Splits the result set in multiple result set according to a given key
   188         :type keyfunc: callable(entity or FinalType)
   189         :param keyfunc:
   190           a callable which should take a value of the rset in argument and
   191           return the value used to group the value. If not define, raw value
   192           of the specified columns is used.
   194         :type col: int
   195         :param col: the column index. if col = -1, the whole row are used
   197         :type return_dict: Boolean
   198         :param return_dict: If true, the function return a mapping
   199             (key -> rset) instead of a list of rset
   201         :rtype: List of `ResultSet` or mapping of  `ResultSet`
   203         """
   204         result = []
   205         mapping = {}
   206         for idx, line in enumerate(self):
   207             if col >= 0:
   208                 try:
   209                     key = self.get_entity(idx,col)
   210                 except NotAnEntity:
   211                     key = line[col]
   212             else:
   213                 key = line
   214             if keyfunc is not None:
   215                 key = keyfunc(key)
   217             if key not in mapping:
   218                 rows, descr = [], []
   219                 rset = self._prepare_copy(rows, descr)
   220                 mapping[key] = rset
   221                 result.append(rset)
   222             else:
   223                 rset = mapping[key]
   224             rset.rows.append(self.rows[idx])
   225             rset.description.append(self.description[idx])
   228         for rset in result:
   229             rset.rowcount = len(rset.rows)
   230         if return_dict:
   231             return mapping
   232         else:
   233             return result
   235     def limit(self, limit, offset=0, inplace=False):
   236         """limit the result set to the given number of rows optionaly starting
   237         from an index different than 0
   239         :type limit: int
   240         :param limit: the maximum number of results
   242         :type offset: int
   243         :param offset: the offset index
   245         :type inplace: bool
   246         :param inplace:
   247           if true, the result set is modified in place, else a new result set
   248           is returned and the original is left unmodified
   250         :rtype: `ResultSet`
   251         """
   252         stop = limit+offset
   253         rows = self.rows[offset:stop]
   254         descr = self.description[offset:stop]
   255         if inplace:
   256             rset = self
   257             rset.rows, rset.description = rows, descr
   258             rset.rowcount = len(rows)
   259             clear_cache(rset, 'description_struct')
   260             if offset:
   261                 clear_cache(rset, 'get_entity')
   262             # we also have to fix/remove from the request entity cache entities
   263             # which get a wrong rset reference by this limit call
   264             for entity in self.req.cached_entities():
   265                 if entity.rset is self:
   266                     if offset <= entity.row < stop:
   267                         entity.row = entity.row - offset
   268                     else:
   269                         self.req.drop_entity_cache(entity.eid)
   270         else:
   271             rset = self._prepare_copy(rows, descr)
   272             if not offset:
   273                 # can copy built entity caches
   274                 copy_cache(rset, 'get_entity', self)
   275 = (limit, offset)
   276         return rset
   278     def printable_rql(self, encoded=False):
   279         """return the result set's origin rql as a string, with arguments
   280         substitued
   281         """
   282         encoding = self.req.encoding
   283         rqlstr = self.syntax_tree().as_string(encoding, self.args)
   284         # sounds like we get encoded or unicode string due to a bug in as_string
   285         if not encoded:
   286             if isinstance(rqlstr, unicode):
   287                 return rqlstr
   288             return unicode(rqlstr, encoding)
   289         else: 
   290             if isinstance(rqlstr, unicode):
   291                 return rqlstr.encode(encoding)
   292             return rqlstr
   294     # client helper methods ###################################################
   296     def entities(self, col=0):
   297         """iter on entities with eid in the `col` column of the result set"""
   298         for i in xrange(len(self)):
   299             # may have None values in case of outer join (or aggregat on eid
   300             # hacks)
   301             if self.rows[i][col] is not None:
   302                 yield self.get_entity(i, col)
   304     @cached
   305     def get_entity(self, row, col=None):
   306         """special method for query retreiving a single entity, returns a
   307         partially initialized Entity instance.
   309         WARNING: due to the cache wrapping this function, you should NEVER
   310                  give row as a named parameter (i.e. rset.get_entity(req, 0)
   311                  is OK but rset.get_entity(row=0, req=req) isn't
   313         :type row,col: int, int
   314         :param row,col:
   315           row and col numbers localizing the entity among the result's table
   317         :return: the partially initialized `Entity` instance
   318         """
   319         if col is None:
   320             from warnings import warn
   321             msg = 'col parameter will become mandatory in future version'
   322             warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
   323             col = 0
   324         etype = self.description[row][col]
   325         try:
   326             eschema = self.vreg.schema.eschema(etype)
   327             if eschema.is_final():
   328                 raise NotAnEntity(etype)
   329         except KeyError:
   330             raise NotAnEntity(etype)
   331         return self._build_entity(row, col)
   333     def _build_entity(self, row, col, _localcache=None):
   334         """internal method to get a single entity, returns a
   335         partially initialized Entity instance.
   337         partially means that only attributes selected in the RQL
   338         query will be directly assigned to the entity.
   340         :type row,col: int, int
   341         :param row,col:
   342           row and col numbers localizing the entity among the result's table
   344         :return: the partially initialized `Entity` instance
   345         """
   346         req = self.req
   347         if req is None:
   348             raise AssertionError('dont call get_entity with no req on the result set')
   349         rowvalues = self.rows[row]
   350         eid = rowvalues[col]
   351         assert eid is not None
   352         # return cached entity if exists. This also avoids potential recursion
   353         # XXX should we consider updating a cached entity with possible
   354         #     new attributes found in this resultset ?
   355         try:
   356             if hasattr(req, 'is_super_session'):
   357                 # this is a Session object which is not caching entities, so we
   358                 # have to use a local cache to avoid recursion pb
   359                 if _localcache is None:
   360                     _localcache = {}
   361                 return _localcache[eid]
   362             else:
   363                 return req.entity_cache(eid)
   364         except KeyError:
   365             pass
   366         # build entity instance
   367         etype = self.description[row][col]
   368         entity = self.vreg.etype_class(etype)(req, self, row, col)
   369         entity.set_eid(eid)
   370         # cache entity
   371         if _localcache is not None:
   372             _localcache[eid] = entity
   373         req.set_entity_cache(entity)
   374         eschema = entity.e_schema
   375         # try to complete the entity if there are some additional columns
   376         if len(rowvalues) > 1:
   377             rqlst = self.syntax_tree()
   378             if rqlst.TYPE == 'select':
   379                 # UNION query, find the subquery from which this entity has been
   380                 # found
   381                 rqlst = rqlst.locate_subquery(col, etype, self.args)
   382             # take care, due to outer join support, we may find None
   383             # values for non final relation
   384             for i, attr, x in attr_desc_iterator(rqlst, col):
   385                 if x == 'subject':
   386                     rschema = eschema.subject_relation(attr)
   387                     if rschema.is_final():
   388                         entity[attr] = rowvalues[i]
   389                         continue
   390                     tetype = rschema.objects(etype)[0]
   391                     card = rschema.rproperty(etype, tetype, 'cardinality')[0]
   392                 else:
   393                     rschema = eschema.object_relation(attr)
   394                     tetype = rschema.subjects(etype)[0]
   395                     card = rschema.rproperty(tetype, etype, 'cardinality')[1]
   396                 # only keep value if it can't be multivalued
   397                 if card in '1?':
   398                     if rowvalues[i] is None:
   399                         if x == 'subject':
   400                             rql = 'Any Y WHERE X %s Y, X eid %s'
   401                         else:
   402                             rql = 'Any Y WHERE Y %s X, X eid %s'
   403                         rrset = ResultSet([], rql % (attr, entity.eid))
   404                         req.decorate_rset(rrset)
   405                     else:
   406                         rrset = self._build_entity(row, i, _localcache).as_rset()
   407                     entity.set_related_cache(attr, x, rrset)
   408         return entity
   410     @cached
   411     def syntax_tree(self):
   412         """get the syntax tree for the source query. 
   414         :rtype: rql.stmts.Statement
   415         :return: the RQL syntax tree of the originating query
   416         """
   417         if self._rqlst:
   418             rqlst = self._rqlst.copy()
   419             # to avoid transport overhead when pyro is used, the schema has been
   420             # unset from the syntax tree
   421             rqlst.schema = self.vreg.schema
   422             self.vreg.rqlhelper.annotate(rqlst)
   423         else:
   424             rqlst = self.vreg.parse(self.req, self.rql, self.args)
   425         return rqlst
   427     @cached
   428     def column_types(self, col):
   429         """return the list of different types in the column with the given col
   430         index default to 0 (ie the first column)
   432         :type col: int
   433         :param col: the index of the desired column
   435         :rtype: list
   436         :return: the different entities type found in the column
   437         """
   438         return frozenset(struc[-1][col] for struc in self.description_struct())
   440     @cached
   441     def description_struct(self):
   442         """return a list describing sequence of results with the same
   443         description, e.g. :
   444         [[0, 4, ('Bug',)]
   445         [[0, 4, ('Bug',), [5, 8, ('Story',)]
   446         [[0, 3, ('Project', 'Version',)]]
   447         """
   448         result = []
   449         last = None
   450         for i, row in enumerate(self.description):
   451             if row != last:
   452                 if last is not None:
   453                     result[-1][1] = i - 1
   454                 result.append( [i, None, row] )
   455                 last = row
   456         if last is not None:
   457             result[-1][1] = i
   458         return result
   460     @cached
   461     def related_entity(self, row, col):
   462         """try to get the related entity to extract format information if any"""
   463         locate_query_col = col
   464         rqlst = self.syntax_tree()
   465         etype = self.description[row][col]
   466         if self.vreg.schema.eschema(etype).is_final():
   467             # final type, find a better (ambiguous) one
   468             for i in xrange(len(rqlst.children[0].selection)):
   469                 if i == col:
   470                     continue
   471                 coletype = self.description[row][i]
   472                 if coletype is None:
   473                     continue
   474                 if not self.vreg.schema.eschema(coletype).is_final():
   475                     etype = coletype
   476                     locate_query_col = i
   477                     if len(self.column_types(i)) > 1:
   478                         break
   479         # UNION query, find the subquery from which this entity has been
   480         # found
   481         select = rqlst.locate_subquery(locate_query_col, etype, self.args)
   482         try:
   483             myvar = select.selection[col].variable
   484         except AttributeError:
   485             # no .selection attribute is available
   486             return None, None
   487         rel = myvar.main_relation()
   488         if rel is not None:
   489             index = rel.children[0].variable.selected_index()
   490             if index is not None:
   491                 return self.get_entity(row, index), rel.r_type
   492         return None, None
   494     @cached
   495     def searched_text(self):
   496         """returns the searched text in case of full-text search
   498         :return: searched text or `None` if the query is not
   499                  a full-text query
   500         """
   501         rqlst = self.syntax_tree()
   502         for rel in rqlst.iget_nodes(nodes.Relation):
   503             if rel.r_type == 'has_text':
   504                 __, rhs = rel.get_variable_parts()
   505                 return rhs.eval(self.args)
   506         return None
   509 def attr_desc_iterator(rqlst, index=0):
   510     """return an iterator on a list of 2-uple (index, attr_relation)
   511     localizing attribute relations of the main variable in a result's row
   513     :type rqlst: rql.stmts.Select
   514     :param rqlst: the RQL syntax tree to describe
   516     :return:
   517       a generator on (index, relation, target) describing column being
   518       attribute of the main variable
   519     """
   520     main = rqlst.selection[index]
   521     for i, term in enumerate(rqlst.selection):
   522         if i == index:
   523             continue
   524         try:
   525             # XXX rewritten const
   526             var = term.variable
   527         except AttributeError:
   528             continue
   529         #varname =
   530         for ref in var.references():
   531             rel = ref.relation()
   532             if rel is None or rel.is_types_restriction():
   533                 continue
   534             lhs, rhs = rel.get_variable_parts()
   535             if main.is_equivalent(lhs):
   536                 if rhs.is_equivalent(term):
   537                     yield (i, rel.r_type, 'subject')
   538             elif main.is_equivalent(rhs):
   539                 if lhs.is_equivalent(term):
   540                     yield (i, rel.r_type, 'object')