changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 125 979dbe0cade3
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b97547f5f1fa
     1 """base application's entities class implementation: `AnyEntity`
     3 :organization: Logilab
     4 :copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     5 :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
     6 """
     7 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
     9 from warnings import warn
    11 from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated_function
    12 from logilab.common.decorators import cached
    14 from cubicweb import Unauthorized, typed_eid
    15 from cubicweb.common.utils import dump_class
    16 from cubicweb.common.entity import Entity
    17 from cubicweb.schema import FormatConstraint
    19 from cubicweb.interfaces import IBreadCrumbs
    21 class AnyEntity(Entity):
    22     """an entity instance has e_schema automagically set on the class and
    23     instances have access to their issuing cursor
    24     """
    25     id = 'Any'   
    26     __rtags__ = {
    27         'is' : ('generated', 'link'),
    28         'is_instance_of' : ('generated', 'link'),
    29         'identity' : ('generated', 'link'),
    31         # use primary and not generated for eid since it has to be an hidden
    32         # field in edition
    33         ('eid',                '*', 'subject'): 'primary',
    34         ('creation_date',      '*', 'subject'): 'generated',
    35         ('modification_date',  '*', 'subject'): 'generated',
    36         ('has_text',           '*', 'subject'): 'generated',
    38         ('require_permission', '*', 'subject') : ('generated', 'link'),
    39         ('owned_by',           '*', 'subject') : ('generated', 'link'),
    40         ('created_by',         '*', 'subject') : ('generated', 'link'),
    42         ('wf_info_for',        '*', 'subject') : ('generated', 'link'),
    43         ('wf_info_for',        '*', 'object')  : ('generated', 'link'),
    45         ('description',        '*', 'subject'): 'secondary',
    47         # XXX should be moved in their respective cubes
    48         ('filed_under',        '*', 'subject') : ('generic', 'link'),
    49         ('filed_under',        '*', 'object')  : ('generic', 'create'),
    50         # generated since there is a componant to handle comments
    51         ('comments',           '*', 'subject') : ('generated', 'link'),
    52         ('comments',           '*', 'object')  : ('generated', 'link'),
    53         }
    55     __implements__ = (IBreadCrumbs,)
    57     @classmethod
    58     def selected(cls, etype):
    59         """the special Any entity is used as the default factory, so
    60         the actual class has to be constructed at selection time once we
    61         have an actual entity'type
    62         """
    63         if cls.id == etype:
    64             return cls
    65         usercls = dump_class(cls, etype)
    66         usercls.id = etype
    67         usercls.__initialize__()
    68         return usercls
    70     fetch_attrs = ('modification_date',)
    71     @classmethod
    72     def fetch_order(cls, attr, var):
    73         """class method used to control sort order when multiple entities of
    74         this type are fetched
    75         """
    76         return cls.fetch_unrelated_order(attr, var)
    78     @classmethod
    79     def fetch_unrelated_order(cls, attr, var):
    80         """class method used to control sort order when multiple entities of
    81         this type are fetched to use in edition (eg propose them to create a
    82         new relation on an edited entity).
    83         """
    84         if attr == 'modification_date':
    85             return '%s DESC' % var
    86         return None
    88     @classmethod
    89     def __initialize__(cls): 
    90         super(ANYENTITY, cls).__initialize__() # XXX
    91         eschema = cls.e_schema
    92         eschema.format_fields = {}
    93         # set a default_ATTR method for rich text format fields
    94         for attr, formatattr in eschema.rich_text_fields():
    95             if not hasattr(cls, 'default_%s' % formatattr):
    96                 setattr(cls, 'default_%s' % formatattr, cls._default_format)
    97             eschema.format_fields[formatattr] = attr
    99     def _default_format(self):
   100         return self.req.property_value('ui.default-text-format')
   102     def use_fckeditor(self, attr):
   103         """return True if fckeditor should be used to edit entity's attribute named
   104         `attr`, according to user preferences
   105         """
   106         req = self.req
   107         if req.property_value('ui.fckeditor') and self.has_format(attr):
   108             if self.has_eid() or '%s_format' % attr in self:
   109                 return self.format(attr) == 'text/html'
   110             return req.property_value('ui.default-text-format') == 'text/html'
   111         return False
   113     # meta data api ###########################################################
   115     def dc_title(self):
   116         """return a suitable *unicode* title for this entity"""
   117         for rschema, attrschema in self.e_schema.attribute_definitions():
   118             if rschema.meta:
   119                 continue
   120             value = self.get_value(rschema.type)
   121             if value:
   122                 # make the value printable (dates, floats, bytes, etc.)
   123                 return self.printable_value(rschema.type, value, attrschema.type,
   124                                             format='text/plain')
   125         return u'%s #%s' % (self.dc_type(), self.eid)
   127     def dc_long_title(self):
   128         """return a more detailled title for this entity"""
   129         return self.dc_title()
   131     def dc_description(self, format='text/plain'):
   132         """return a suitable description for this entity"""
   133         if hasattr(self, 'description'):
   134             return self.printable_value('description', format=format)
   135         return u''
   137     def dc_authors(self):
   138         """return a suitable description for the author(s) of the entity"""
   139         try:
   140             return ', '.join(u.name() for u in self.owned_by)
   141         except Unauthorized:
   142             return u''
   144     def dc_creator(self):
   145         """return a suitable description for the creator of the entity"""
   146         if self.creator:
   147             return self.creator.name()
   148         return u''
   150     def dc_date(self, date_format=None):# XXX default to ISO 8601 ?
   151         """return latest modification date of this entity"""
   152         return self.format_date(self.modification_date, date_format=date_format)
   154     def dc_type(self, form=''):
   155         """return the display name for the type of this entity (translated)"""
   156         return self.e_schema.display_name(self.req, form)
   157     display_name = deprecated_function(dc_type) # require agueol > 0.8.1, asteretud > 0.10.0 for removal
   159     def dc_language(self):
   160         """return language used by this entity (translated)"""
   161         # check if entities has internationalizable attributes
   162         # XXX one is enough or check if all String attributes are internationalizable?
   163         for rschema, attrschema in self.e_schema.attribute_definitions():
   164             if rschema.rproperty(self.e_schema, attrschema,
   165                                  'internationalizable'):
   166                 return self.req._(self.req.user.property_value('ui.language'))
   167         return self.req._(self.vreg.property_value('ui.language'))
   169     @property
   170     def creator(self):
   171         """return the EUser entity which has created this entity, or None if
   172         unknown or if the curent user doesn't has access to this euser
   173         """
   174         try:
   175             return self.created_by[0]
   176         except (Unauthorized, IndexError):
   177             return None
   179     def breadcrumbs(self, view=None, recurs=False):
   180         path = [self]
   181         if hasattr(self, 'parent'):
   182             parent = self.parent()
   183             if parent is not None:
   184                 try:
   185                     path = parent.breadcrumbs(view, True) + [self]
   186                 except TypeError:
   187                     warn("breadcrumbs method's now takes two arguments "
   188                          "(view=None, recurs=False), please update",
   189                          DeprecationWarning)
   190                     path = parent.breadcrumbs(view) + [self]
   191         if not recurs:
   192             if view is None:
   193                 if 'vtitle' in self.req.form:
   194                     # embeding for instance
   195                     path.append( self.req.form['vtitle'] )
   196             elif view.id != 'primary' and hasattr(view, 'title'):
   197                 path.append( self.req._(view.title) )
   198         return path
   200     # abstractions making the whole things (well, some at least) working ######
   202     @classmethod
   203     def get_widget(cls, rschema, x='subject'):
   204         """return a widget to view or edit a relation
   206         notice that when the relation support multiple target types, the widget
   207         is necessarily the same for all those types
   208         """
   209         # let ImportError propage if web par isn't available
   210         from cubicweb.web.widgets import widget
   211         if isinstance(rschema, basestring):
   212             rschema = cls.schema.rschema(rschema)
   213         if x == 'subject':
   214             tschema = rschema.objects(cls.e_schema)[0]
   215             wdg = widget(cls.vreg, cls, rschema, tschema, 'subject')
   216         else:
   217             tschema = rschema.subjects(cls.e_schema)[0]
   218             wdg = widget(cls.vreg, tschema, rschema, cls, 'object')
   219         return wdg
   221     def sortvalue(self, rtype=None):
   222         """return a value which can be used to sort this entity or given
   223         entity's attribute
   224         """
   225         if rtype is None:
   226             return self.dc_title().lower()
   227         value = self.get_value(rtype)
   228         # do not restrict to `unicode` because Bytes will return a `str` value
   229         if isinstance(value, basestring):
   230             return self.printable_value(rtype, format='text/plain').lower()
   231         return value
   233     def after_deletion_path(self):
   234         """return (path, parameters) which should be used as redirect
   235         information when this entity is being deleted
   236         """
   237         return str(self.e_schema).lower(), {}
   239     def add_related_schemas(self):
   240         """this is actually used ui method to generate 'addrelated' actions from
   241         the schema.
   243         If you're using explicit 'addrelated' actions for an entity types, you
   244         should probably overrides this method to return an empty list else you
   245         may get some unexpected actions.
   246         """
   247         req = self.req
   248         eschema = self.e_schema
   249         for role, rschemas in (('subject', eschema.subject_relations()),
   250                                ('object', eschema.object_relations())):
   251             for rschema in rschemas:
   252                 if rschema.is_final():
   253                     continue
   254                 # check the relation can be added as well
   255                 if role == 'subject'and not rschema.has_perm(req, 'add', fromeid=self.eid):
   256                     continue
   257                 if role == 'object'and not rschema.has_perm(req, 'add', toeid=self.eid):
   258                     continue
   259                 # check the target types can be added as well
   260                 for teschema in rschema.targets(eschema, role):
   261                     if not self.relation_mode(rschema, teschema, role) == 'create':
   262                         continue
   263                     if teschema.has_local_role('add') or teschema.has_perm(req, 'add'):
   264                         yield rschema, teschema, role
   266     def relation_mode(self, rtype, targettype, role='subject'):
   267         """return a string telling if the given relation is usually created
   268         to a new entity ('create' mode) or to an existant entity ('link' mode)
   269         """
   270         return self.rtags.get_mode(rtype, targettype, role)
   272     # edition helper functions ################################################
   274     def relations_by_category(self, categories=None, permission=None):
   275         if categories is not None:
   276             if not isinstance(categories, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)):
   277                 categories = (categories,)
   278             if not isinstance(categories, (set, frozenset)):
   279                 categories = frozenset(categories)
   280         eschema, rtags  = self.e_schema, self.rtags
   281         if self.has_eid():
   282             eid = self.eid
   283         else:
   284             eid = None
   285         for rschema, targetschemas, role in eschema.relation_definitions(True):
   286             if rschema in ('identity', 'has_text'):
   287                 continue
   288             # check category first, potentially lower cost than checking
   289             # permission which may imply rql queries
   290             if categories is not None:
   291                 targetschemas = [tschema for tschema in targetschemas
   292                                  if rtags.get_tags(rschema.type, tschema.type, role).intersection(categories)]
   293                 if not targetschemas:
   294                     continue
   295             tags = rtags.get_tags(rschema.type, role=role)
   296             if permission is not None:
   297                 # tag allowing to hijack the permission machinery when
   298                 # permission is not verifiable until the entity is actually
   299                 # created...
   300                 if eid is None and ('%s_on_new' % permission) in tags:
   301                     yield (rschema, targetschemas, role)
   302                     continue
   303                 if rschema.is_final():
   304                     if not rschema.has_perm(self.req, permission, eid):
   305                         continue
   306                 elif role == 'subject':
   307                     if not ((eid is None and rschema.has_local_role(permission)) or
   308                             rschema.has_perm(self.req, permission, fromeid=eid)):
   309                         continue
   310                     # on relation with cardinality 1 or ?, we need delete perm as well
   311                     # if the relation is already set
   312                     if (permission == 'add'
   313                         and rschema.cardinality(eschema, targetschemas[0], role) in '1?'
   314                         and self.has_eid() and self.related(rschema.type, role)
   315                         and not rschema.has_perm(self.req, 'delete', fromeid=eid,
   316                                                  toeid=self.related(rschema.type, role)[0][0])):
   317                         continue
   318                 elif role == 'object':
   319                     if not ((eid is None and rschema.has_local_role(permission)) or
   320                             rschema.has_perm(self.req, permission, toeid=eid)):
   321                         continue
   322                     # on relation with cardinality 1 or ?, we need delete perm as well
   323                     # if the relation is already set
   324                     if (permission == 'add'
   325                         and rschema.cardinality(targetschemas[0], eschema, role) in '1?'
   326                         and self.has_eid() and self.related(rschema.type, role)
   327                         and not rschema.has_perm(self.req, 'delete', toeid=eid,
   328                                                  fromeid=self.related(rschema.type, role)[0][0])):
   329                         continue
   330             yield (rschema, targetschemas, role)
   332     def srelations_by_category(self, categories=None, permission=None):
   333         result = []
   334         for rschema, ttypes, target in self.relations_by_category(categories,
   335                                                                   permission):
   336             if rschema.is_final():
   337                 continue
   338             result.append( (rschema.display_name(self.req, target), rschema, target) )
   339         return sorted(result)
   341     def attribute_values(self, attrname):
   342         if self.has_eid() or attrname in self:
   343             try:
   344                 values = self[attrname]
   345             except KeyError:
   346                 values = getattr(self, attrname)
   347             # actual relation return a list of entities
   348             if isinstance(values, list):
   349                 return [v.eid for v in values]
   350             return (values,)
   351         # the entity is being created, try to find default value for
   352         # this attribute
   353         try:
   354             values = self.req.form[attrname]
   355         except KeyError:
   356             try:
   357                 values = self[attrname] # copying
   358             except KeyError:
   359                 values = getattr(self, 'default_%s' % attrname,
   360                                  self.e_schema.default(attrname))
   361                 if callable(values):
   362                     values = values()
   363         if values is None:
   364             values = ()
   365         elif not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
   366             values = (values,)
   367         return values
   369     def linked_to(self, rtype, target, remove=True):
   370         """if entity should be linked to another using __linkto form param for
   371         the given relation/target, return eids of related entities
   373         This method is consuming matching link-to information from form params
   374         if `remove` is True (by default).
   375         """
   376         try:
   377             return self.__linkto[(rtype, target)]
   378         except AttributeError:
   379             self.__linkto = {}
   380         except KeyError:
   381             pass
   382         linktos = list(self.req.list_form_param('__linkto'))
   383         linkedto = []
   384         for linkto in linktos[:]:
   385             ltrtype, eid, lttarget = linkto.split(':')
   386             if rtype == ltrtype and target == lttarget:
   387                 # delete __linkto from form param to avoid it being added as
   388                 # hidden input
   389                 if remove:
   390                     linktos.remove(linkto)
   391                     self.req.form['__linkto'] = linktos
   392                 linkedto.append(typed_eid(eid))
   393         self.__linkto[(rtype, target)] = linkedto
   394         return linkedto
   396     def pre_web_edit(self):
   397         """callback called by the web editcontroller when an entity will be
   398         created/modified, to let a chance to do some entity specific stuff.
   400         Do nothing by default.
   401         """
   402         pass
   404     # server side helpers #####################################################
   406     def notification_references(self, view):
   407         """used to control References field of email send on notification
   408         for this entity. `view` is the notification view.
   410         Should return a list of eids which can be used to generate message ids
   411         of previously sent email
   412         """
   413         return ()
   415 # XXX:  store a reference to the AnyEntity class since it is hijacked in goa
   416 #       configuration and we need the actual reference to avoid infinite loops
   417 #       in mro
   418 ANYENTITY = AnyEntity
   420 def fetch_config(fetchattrs, mainattr=None, pclass=AnyEntity, order='ASC'):
   421     if pclass is ANYENTITY:
   422         pclass = AnyEntity # AnyEntity and ANYENTITY may be different classes
   423     if pclass is not None:
   424         fetchattrs += pclass.fetch_attrs
   425     if mainattr is None:
   426         mainattr = fetchattrs[0]
   427     @classmethod
   428     def fetch_order(cls, attr, var):
   429         if attr == mainattr:
   430             return '%s %s' % (var, order)
   431         return None
   432     return fetchattrs, fetch_order