changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 298 3e6d32667140
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b97547f5f1fa
     1 """Test tools for cubicweb
     3 :organization: Logilab
     4 :copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     5 :contact: --
     6 """
     7 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
     9 import os
    10 import logging
    11 from os.path import (abspath, join, exists, basename, dirname, normpath, split,
    12                      isfile, isabs)
    14 from mx.DateTime import strptime, DateTimeDelta
    16 from cubicweb import CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, ConfigurationError
    17 from cubicweb.toolsutils import read_config
    18 from cubicweb.cwconfig import CubicWebConfiguration, merge_options
    19 from cubicweb.server.serverconfig import ServerConfiguration
    20 from cubicweb.etwist.twconfig import TwistedConfiguration
    22 # validators are used to validate (XML, DTD, whatever) view's content
    23 # validators availables are :
    24 #  'dtd' : validates XML + declared DTD
    25 #  'xml' : guarantees XML is well formed
    26 #  None : do not try to validate anything
    28 BASE_URL = ''
    29 DEFAULT_SOURCES = {'system': {'adapter' : 'native',
    30                               'db-encoding' : 'UTF-8', #'ISO-8859-1',
    31                               'db-user' : u'admin',
    32                               'db-password' : 'gingkow',
    33                               'db-name' : 'tmpdb',
    34                               'db-driver' : 'sqlite',
    35                               'db-host' : None,
    36                               },
    37                    'admin' : {'login': u'admin',
    38                               'password': u'gingkow',
    39                               },
    40                    }
    42 class TestServerConfiguration(ServerConfiguration):
    43     mode = 'test'
    44     set_language = False
    45     read_application_schema = False
    46     bootstrap_schema = False
    47     init_repository = True
    48     options = merge_options(ServerConfiguration.options + (
    49         ('anonymous-user',
    50          {'type' : 'string',
    51           'default': None,
    52           'help': 'login of the CubicWeb user account to use for anonymous user (if you want to allow anonymous)',
    53           'group': 'main', 'inputlevel': 1,
    54           }),
    55         ('anonymous-password',
    56          {'type' : 'string',
    57           'default': None,
    58           'help': 'password of the CubicWeb user account matching login',
    59           'group': 'main', 'inputlevel': 1,
    60           }),
    61         ))
    63     if not os.environ.get('APYCOT_ROOT'):
    64         REGISTRY_DIR = normpath(join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, '../cubes'))
    66     def __init__(self, appid, log_threshold=logging.CRITICAL+10):
    67         ServerConfiguration.__init__(self, appid)
    68         self.global_set_option('log-file', None)
    69         self.init_log(log_threshold, force=True)
    70         # need this, usually triggered by cubicweb-ctl
    71         self.load_cwctl_plugins()
    73     anonymous_user = TwistedConfiguration.anonymous_user.im_func
    75     @property
    76     def apphome(self):
    77         if exists(self.appid):
    78             return abspath(self.appid)
    79         # application cube test
    80         return abspath('..')
    81     appdatahome = apphome
    83     def main_config_file(self):
    84         """return application's control configuration file"""
    85         return join(self.apphome, '%s.conf' %
    87     def instance_md5_version(self):
    88         return ''
    90     def bootstrap_cubes(self):
    91         try:
    92             super(TestServerConfiguration, self).bootstrap_cubes()
    93         except IOError:
    94             # no cubes
    95             self.init_cubes( () )
    97     sourcefile = None
    98     def sources_file(self):
    99         """define in subclasses self.sourcefile if necessary"""
   100         if self.sourcefile:
   101             print 'Reading sources from', self.sourcefile
   102             sourcefile = self.sourcefile
   103             if not isabs(sourcefile):
   104                 sourcefile = join(self.apphome, sourcefile)
   105         else:
   106             sourcefile = super(TestServerConfiguration, self).sources_file()
   107         return sourcefile
   109     def sources(self):
   110         """By default, we run tests with the sqlite DB backend.  One may use its
   111         own configuration by just creating a 'sources' file in the test
   112         directory from wich tests are launched or by specifying an alternative
   113         sources file using self.sourcefile.
   114         """
   115         sources = super(TestServerConfiguration, self).sources()
   116         if not sources:
   117             sources = DEFAULT_SOURCES
   118         return sources
   120     def load_defaults(self):
   121         super(TestServerConfiguration, self).load_defaults()
   122         # note: don't call global set option here, OptionManager may not yet be initialized
   123         # add anonymous user
   124         self.set_option('anonymous-user', 'anon')
   125         self.set_option('anonymous-password', 'anon')
   126         # uncomment the line below if you want rql queries to be logged
   127         #self.set_option('query-log-file', '/tmp/test_rql_log.' + `os.getpid()`)
   128         self.set_option('sender-name', 'cubicweb-test')
   129         self.set_option('sender-addr', '')
   130         try:
   131             send_to =  '' % os.getlogin()
   132         except OSError:
   133             send_to =  '' % (os.environ.get('USER')
   134                                           or os.environ.get('USERNAME')
   135                                           or os.environ.get('LOGNAME'))
   136         self.set_option('sender-addr', send_to)
   137         self.set_option('default-dest-addrs', send_to)
   138         self.set_option('base-url', BASE_URL)
   141 class BaseApptestConfiguration(TestServerConfiguration, TwistedConfiguration):
   142     repo_method = 'inmemory'
   143     options = merge_options(TestServerConfiguration.options + TwistedConfiguration.options)
   144     cubicweb_vobject_path = TestServerConfiguration.cubicweb_vobject_path | TwistedConfiguration.cubicweb_vobject_path
   145     cube_vobject_path = TestServerConfiguration.cube_vobject_path | TwistedConfiguration.cube_vobject_path
   147     def available_languages(self, *args):
   148         return ('en', 'fr', 'de')
   150     def ext_resources_file(self):
   151         """return application's external resources file"""
   152         return join(self.apphome, 'data', 'external_resources')
   154     def pyro_enabled(self):
   155         # but export PYRO_MULTITHREAD=0 or you get problems with sqlite and threads
   156         return True
   159 class ApptestConfiguration(BaseApptestConfiguration):
   161     def __init__(self, appid, log_threshold=logging.CRITICAL, sourcefile=None):
   162         BaseApptestConfiguration.__init__(self, appid, log_threshold=log_threshold)
   163         self.init_repository = sourcefile is None
   164         self.sourcefile = sourcefile
   165         import re
   166         self.global_set_option('embed-allowed', re.compile('.*'))
   169 class RealDatabaseConfiguration(ApptestConfiguration):
   170     init_repository = False
   171     sourcesdef =  {'system': {'adapter' : 'native',
   172                               'db-encoding' : 'UTF-8', #'ISO-8859-1',
   173                               'db-user' : u'admin',
   174                               'db-password' : 'gingkow',
   175                               'db-name' : 'seotest',
   176                               'db-driver' : 'postgres',
   177                               'db-host' : None,
   178                               },
   179                    'admin' : {'login': u'admin',
   180                               'password': u'gingkow',
   181                               },
   182                    }
   184     def __init__(self, appid, log_threshold=logging.CRITICAL, sourcefile=None):
   185         ApptestConfiguration.__init__(self, appid)
   186         self.init_repository = False
   189     def sources(self):
   190         """
   191         By default, we run tests with the sqlite DB backend.
   192         One may use its own configuration by just creating a
   193         'sources' file in the test directory from wich tests are
   194         launched. 
   195         """
   196         self._sources = self.sourcesdef
   197         return self._sources
   200 def buildconfig(dbuser, dbpassword, dbname, adminuser, adminpassword, dbhost=None):
   201     """convenience function that builds a real-db configuration class"""
   202     sourcesdef =  {'system': {'adapter' : 'native',
   203                               'db-encoding' : 'UTF-8', #'ISO-8859-1',
   204                               'db-user' : dbuser,
   205                               'db-password' : dbpassword,
   206                               'db-name' : dbname,
   207                               'db-driver' : 'postgres',
   208                               'db-host' : dbhost,
   209                               },
   210                    'admin' : {'login': adminuser,
   211                               'password': adminpassword,
   212                               },
   213                    }
   214     return type('MyRealDBConfig', (RealDatabaseConfiguration,),
   215                 {'sourcesdef': sourcesdef})
   217 def loadconfig(filename):
   218     """convenience function that builds a real-db configuration class
   219     from a file
   220     """
   221     return type('MyRealDBConfig', (RealDatabaseConfiguration,),
   222                 {'sourcesdef': read_config(filename)})
   225 class LivetestConfiguration(BaseApptestConfiguration):
   226     init_repository = False
   228     def __init__(self, cube=None, sourcefile=None, pyro_name=None,
   229                  log_threshold=logging.CRITICAL):
   230         TestServerConfiguration.__init__(self, cube, log_threshold=log_threshold)
   231         self.appid = pyro_name or cube
   232         # don't change this, else some symlink problems may arise in some
   233         # environment (e.g. mine (syt) ;o)
   234         # XXX I'm afraid this test will prevent to run test from a production
   235         # environment
   236         self._sources = None
   237         # application cube test
   238         if cube is not None:
   239             self.apphome = self.cube_dir(cube)
   240         elif 'web' in os.getcwd().split(os.sep):
   241             # web test
   242             self.apphome = join(normpath(join(dirname(__file__), '..')), 'web')
   243         else:
   244             # application cube test
   245             self.apphome = abspath('..')
   246         self.sourcefile = sourcefile
   247         self.global_set_option('realm', '')
   248         self.use_pyro = pyro_name is not None
   250     def pyro_enabled(self):
   251         if self.use_pyro:
   252             return True
   253         else:
   254             return False
   256 CubicWebConfiguration.cls_adjust_sys_path()
   258 def install_sqlite_path(querier):
   259     """This patch hotfixes the following sqlite bug :
   260      -,33
   261     (some dates are returned as strings rather thant date objects)
   262     """
   263     def wrap_execute(base_execute):
   264         def new_execute(*args, **kwargs):
   265             rset = base_execute(*args, **kwargs)
   266             if rset.description:
   267                 found_date = False
   268                 for row, rowdesc in zip(rset, rset.description):
   269                     for cellindex, (value, vtype) in enumerate(zip(row, rowdesc)):
   270                         if vtype in ('Date', 'Datetime') and type(value) is unicode:
   271                             found_date = True
   272                             try:
   273                                 row[cellindex] = strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
   274                             except:
   275                                 row[cellindex] = strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d')
   276                         if vtype == 'Time' and type(value) is unicode:
   277                             found_date = True
   278                             try:
   279                                 row[cellindex] = strptime(value, '%H:%M:%S')
   280                             except:
   281                                 # DateTime used as Time?
   282                                 row[cellindex] = strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
   283                         if vtype == 'Interval' and type(value) is int:
   284                             found_date = True
   285                             row[cellindex] = DateTimeDelta(0, 0, 0, value)
   286                     if not found_date:
   287                         break
   288             return rset
   289         return new_execute
   290     querier.__class__.execute = wrap_execute(querier.__class__.execute)
   293 def init_test_database(driver='sqlite', configdir='data', config=None,
   294                        vreg=None):
   295     """init a test database for a specific driver"""
   296     from cubicweb.dbapi import in_memory_cnx
   297     if vreg and not config:
   298         config = vreg.config
   299     config = config or TestServerConfiguration(configdir)
   300     source = config.sources()
   301     if driver == 'sqlite':
   302         init_test_database_sqlite(config, source)
   303     elif driver == 'postgres':
   304         init_test_database_postgres(config, source)
   305     else:
   306         raise ValueError('no initialization function for driver %r' % driver)
   307     config._cubes = None # avoid assertion error
   308     repo, cnx = in_memory_cnx(vreg or config, unicode(source['admin']['login']),
   309                               source['admin']['password'] or 'xxx')
   310     if driver == 'sqlite':
   311         install_sqlite_path(repo.querier)
   312     return repo, cnx
   314 def init_test_database_postgres(config, source, vreg=None):
   315     """initialize a fresh sqlite databse used for testing purpose"""
   316     if config.init_repository:
   317         from cubicweb.server import init_repository
   318         init_repository(config, interactive=False, drop=True, vreg=vreg)
   320 def cleanup_sqlite(dbfile, removecube=False):
   321     try:
   322         os.remove(dbfile)
   323         os.remove('%s-journal' % dbfile)
   324     except OSError:
   325         pass
   326     if removecube:
   327         try:
   328             os.remove('%s-cube' % dbfile)
   329         except OSError:
   330             pass
   332 def init_test_database_sqlite(config, source, vreg=None):
   333     """initialize a fresh sqlite databse used for testing purpose"""
   334     import shutil
   335     # remove database file if it exists (actually I know driver == 'sqlite' :)
   336     dbfile = source['system']['db-name']
   337     cleanup_sqlite(dbfile)
   338     cube = '%s-cube' % dbfile
   339     if exists(cube):
   340         shutil.copy(cube, dbfile)
   341     else:
   342         # initialize the database
   343         from cubicweb.server import init_repository
   344         init_repository(config, interactive=False, vreg=vreg)
   345         shutil.copy(dbfile, cube)