changeset 0 b97547f5f1fa
child 1898 39b37f90a8a4
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b97547f5f1fa
     1 # -*- shell-script -*-
     3 _ec_commands()
     4 {
     5     local commands
     6     commands="$("$ec" listcommands 2>/dev/null)" || commands=""
     7     COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]:-} $(compgen -W '$commands' -- "$cur"))
     8 }
    10 _ec()
    11 {
    12     local cur prev cmd cmd_index opts i
    13     local ec="$1"
    15     COMPREPLY=()
    16     cur="$2"
    17     prev="$3"
    19     # searching for the command
    20     # (first non-option argument that doesn't follow a global option that
    21     #  receives an argument)
    22     for ((i=1; $i<=$COMP_CWORD; i++)); do
    23 	if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[i]} != -* ]]; then
    24 	    cmd="${COMP_WORDS[i]}"
    25 	    cmd_index=$i
    26 	    break
    27 	fi
    28     done
    30     if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
    31         if [ -z "$cmd" ]; then
    32 	    COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]:-} $(compgen -W '--help' -- "$cur"))
    33 	else
    34 	    options="$("$ec" listcommands "$cmd" 2>/dev/null)" || commands=""
    35 	    COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]:-} $(compgen -W '$options' -- "$cur"))
    36 	fi
    37 	return
    38     fi
    40     if [ -z "$cmd" ] || [ $COMP_CWORD -eq $i ]; then
    41 	_ec_commands
    42 	return
    43     fi
    45     # try to generate completion candidates for whatever command the user typed
    46     if _ec_command_specific; then
    47 	return
    48     fi
    49 }
    51 _ec_command_specific()
    52 {
    53     if [ "$(type -t "_ec_cmd_$cmd")" = function ]; then
    54 	"_ec_cmd_$cmd"
    55 	return 0
    56     fi
    58     case "$cmd" in
    59 	client)
    60 	    if [ "$prev" == "-b" ] || [ "$prev" == "--batch" ]; then
    61 		COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -o filenames -G "$cur*" ) )
    62 		return
    63 	    fi
    64 	    options="$("$ec" listcommands "$cmd" 2>/dev/null)" || options=""
    65 	    instances="$("$ec" listinstances 2>/dev/null)" || instances=""
    66 	    COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]:-} $(compgen -W '$options $instances' -- "$cur"))
    67 	;;
    68 	db-dump)
    69 	    if [ "$prev" == "-o" ] || [ "$prev" == "--output" ]; then
    70 		COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -o filenames -G "$cur*" ) )
    71 		return
    72 	    fi
    73 	    options="$("$ec" listcommands "$cmd" 2>/dev/null)" || options=""
    74 	    instances="$("$ec" listinstances 2>/dev/null)" || instances=""
    75 	    COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]:-} $(compgen -W '$options $instances' -- "$cur"))
    76 	;;
    77 	# commands with template as argument
    78  	i18nupdate)
    79 	    cubes="$("$ec" listcubes 2>/dev/null)" || cubes=""
    80 	    COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]:-} $(compgen -W '$options $cubes' -- "$cur"))
    81  	;;
    82 	# generic commands with instance as argument
    83  	start|stop|reload|restart|upgrade|start-repository|db-create|db-init|db-check|db-grant-user)
    84 	    options="$("$ec" listcommands "$cmd" 2>/dev/null)" || options=""
    85 	    instances="$("$ec" listinstances 2>/dev/null)" || instances=""
    86 	    COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]:-} $(compgen -W '$options $instances' -- "$cur"))
    87  	;;
    88 	# generic commands without argument
    89  	list|newtemplate|i18nlibupdate|live-server)
    90 	    options="$("$ec" listcommands "$cmd" 2>/dev/null)" || options=""
    91 	    COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]:-} $(compgen -W '$options $instances' -- "$cur"))
    92  	;;
    93 	# generic commands without option
    94  	shell|i18ncompile|delete|status|schema-sync)
    95 	    instances="$("$ec" listinstances 2>/dev/null)" || instances=""
    96 	    COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]:-} $(compgen -W '$options $instances' -- "$cur"))
    97  	;;
    98 	# XXX should do better
    99  	create)
   100 	    options="$("$ec" listcommands "$cmd" 2>/dev/null)" || options=""
   101 	    COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]:-} $(compgen -W '$options $instances' -- "$cur"))
   102  	;;
   103  	db-copy,db-restore,mboximport)
   104 	    instances="$("$ec" listinstances 2>/dev/null)" || instances=""
   105 	    COMPREPLY=(${COMPREPLY[@]:-} $(compgen -W '$options $instances' -- "$cur"))
   106  	;;
   107  	*)
   108  	    return 1
   109  	;;
   110     esac
   112     return 0
   113 }
   115 complete -o bashdefault -o default -F _ec cubicweb-ctl 2>/dev/null \
   116     || complete -o default -F _ec cubicweb-ctl