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     1 """Common utilies to format / semd emails.
     3 :organization: Logilab
     4 :copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     5 :contact: --
     6 """
     7 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
     9 from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
    10 from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
    11 from email.MIMEImage import MIMEImage
    12 from email.Header import Header
    15 def header(ustring):
    16     return Header(ustring.encode('UTF-8'), 'UTF-8')
    18 def addrheader(uaddr, uname=None):
    19     # even if an email address should be ascii, encode it using utf8 since
    20     # application tests may generate non ascii email address
    21     addr = uaddr.encode('UTF-8') 
    22     if uname:
    23         return '%s <%s>' % (header(uname).encode(), addr)
    24     return addr
    27 def format_mail(uinfo, to_addrs, content, subject="",
    28                 cc_addrs=(), msgid=None, references=(), config=None):
    29     """Sends an Email to 'e_addr' with content 'content', and subject 'subject'
    31     to_addrs and cc_addrs are expected to be a list of email address without
    32     name
    33     """
    34     assert type(content) is unicode, repr(content)
    35     msg = MIMEText(content.encode('UTF-8'), 'plain', 'UTF-8')
    36     # safety: keep only the first newline
    37     subject = subject.splitlines()[0]
    38     msg['Subject'] = header(subject)
    39     if uinfo.get('email'):
    40         email = uinfo['email']
    41     elif config and config['sender-addr']:
    42         email = unicode(config['sender-addr'])
    43     else:
    44         email = u''
    45     if uinfo.get('name'):
    46         name = uinfo['name']
    47     elif config and config['sender-addr']:
    48         name = unicode(config['sender-name'])
    49     else:
    50         name = u''
    51     msg['From'] = addrheader(email, name)
    52     if config and config['sender-addr'] and config['sender-addr'] != email:
    53         appaddr = addrheader(config['sender-addr'], config['sender-name'])
    54         msg['Reply-to'] = '%s, %s' % (msg['From'], appaddr)
    55     elif email:
    56         msg['Reply-to'] = msg['From']
    57     if config is not None:
    58         msg['X-CW'] = config.appid
    59     msg['To'] = ', '.join(addrheader(addr) for addr in to_addrs if addr is not None)
    60     if cc_addrs:
    61         msg['Cc'] = ', '.join(addrheader(addr) for addr in cc_addrs if addr is not None)
    62     if msgid:
    63         msg['Message-id'] = msgid
    64     if references:
    65         msg['References'] = ', '.join(references)
    66     return msg
    69 class HtmlEmail(MIMEMultipart):
    71     def __init__(self, subject, textcontent, htmlcontent,
    72                  sendermail=None, sendername=None, recipients=None, ccrecipients=None):
    73         MIMEMultipart.__init__(self, 'related')
    74         self['Subject'] = header(subject)
    75         self.preamble = 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format.'
    76         # Attach alternative text message
    77         alternative = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
    78         self.attach(alternative)
    79         msgtext = MIMEText(textcontent.encode('UTF-8'), 'plain', 'UTF-8')
    80         alternative.attach(msgtext)
    81         # Attach html message
    82         msghtml = MIMEText(htmlcontent.encode('UTF-8'), 'html', 'UTF-8')
    83         alternative.attach(msghtml)
    84         if sendermail or sendername:
    85             self['From'] = addrheader(sendermail, sendername)
    86         if recipients:
    87             self['To'] = ', '.join(addrheader(addr) for addr in recipients if addr is not None)
    88         if ccrecipients:
    89             self['Cc'] = ', '.join(addrheader(addr) for addr in ccrecipients if addr is not None)
    91     def attach_image(self, data, htmlId):
    92         image = MIMEImage(data)
    93         image.add_header('Content-ID', '<%s>' % htmlId)
    94         self.attach(image)