2 ----- |
3 |
4 This chapter aims to describe the concept of a `view` used all along |
5 the development of a web application and how it has been implemented |
6 in `CubicWeb`. |
7 |
8 We'll start with a description of the interface providing you with a basic |
9 understanding of the classes and methods available, then detail the view |
10 selection principle which makes `CubicWeb` web interface very flexible. |
11 |
12 A `View` is an object applied to another object such as an entity. |
13 |
14 Basic class for views |
15 --------------------- |
16 |
17 Class `View` (`cubicweb.view`) |
18 ````````````````````````````````````` |
19 |
20 This class is an abstraction of a view class, used as a base class for every |
21 renderable object such as views, templates, graphic components, etc. |
22 |
23 A `View` is instantiated to render a result set or part of a result set. `View` |
24 subclasses may be parametrized using the following class attributes: |
25 |
26 * `templatable` indicates if the view may be embeded in a main |
27 template or if it has to be rendered standalone (i.e. XML views |
28 must not be embeded in the main template for HTML pages) |
29 * if the view is not templatable, it should set the `content_type` class |
30 attribute to the correct MIME type (text/xhtml by default) |
31 * the `category` attribute may be used in the interface to regroup related |
32 objects together |
33 |
34 At instantiation time, the standard `req`, `rset`, and `cursor` |
35 attributes are added and the `w` attribute will be set at rendering |
36 time. |
37 |
38 A view writes to its output stream thanks to its attribute `w` (`UStreamIO`). |
39 |
40 The basic interface for views is as follows (remember that the result set has a |
41 tabular structure with rows and columns, hence cells): |
42 |
43 * `dispatch(**context)`, render the view by calling `call` or |
44 `cell_call` depending on the given parameters |
45 * `call(**kwargs)`, call the view for a complete result set or null (default |
46 implementation calls `cell_call()` on each cell of the result set) |
47 * `cell_call(row, col, **kwargs)`, call the view for a given cell of a result set |
48 * `url()`, returns the URL enabling us to get the view with the current |
49 result set |
50 * `view(__vid, rset, __fallback_vid=None, **kwargs)`, call the view of identifier |
51 `__vid` on the given result set. It is possible to give a view identifier |
52 of fallback that will be used if the view requested is not applicable to the |
53 result set |
54 |
55 * `wview(__vid, rset, __fallback_vid=None, **kwargs)`, similar to `view` except |
56 the flow is automatically passed in the parameters |
57 |
58 * `html_headers()`, returns a list of HTML headers to set by the main template |
59 |
60 * `page_title()`, returns the title to use in the HTML header `title` |
61 |
62 |
63 Other basic view classes |
64 ```````````````````````` |
65 Here are some of the subclasses of `View` defined in `cubicweb.common.view` |
66 that are more concrete as they relate to data rendering within the application: |
67 |
68 * `EntityView`, view applying to lines or cell containing an entity (e.g. an eid) |
69 * `StartupView`, start view that does not require a result set to apply to |
70 * `AnyRsetView`, view applied to any result set |
71 * `EmptyRsetView`, view applied to an empty result set |
72 |
73 |
74 Examples of views class |
75 ----------------------- |
76 |
77 - Using `templatable`, `content_type` and HTTP cache configuration |
78 |
79 .. code-block:: python |
80 |
81 |
82 class RSSView(XMLView): |
83 id = 'rss' |
84 title = _('rss') |
85 templatable = False |
86 content_type = 'text/xml' |
87 http_cache_manager = MaxAgeHTTPCacheManager |
88 cache_max_age = 60*60*2 # stay in http cache for 2 hours by default |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 - Using custom selector |
93 |
94 .. code-block:: python |
95 |
96 |
97 class SearchForAssociationView(EntityView): |
98 """view called by the edition view when the user asks |
99 to search for something to link to the edited eid |
100 """ |
101 id = 'search-associate' |
102 title = _('search for association') |
103 __select__ = one_line_rset() & match_search_state('linksearch') & implements('Any') |
104 |
105 |
106 Example of a view customization |
107 ------------------------------- |
108 |
109 [FIXME] XXX Example needs to be rewritten as it shows how to modify cell_call which |
110 contredicts our advise of not modifying it. |
111 |
112 We'll show you now an example of a ``primary`` view and how to customize it. |
113 |
114 If you want to change the way a ``BlogEntry`` is displayed, just override |
115 the method ``cell_call()`` of the view ``primary`` in ``BlogDemo/views.py`` :: |
116 |
117 .. code-block:: python |
118 |
119 from cubicweb.view import EntityView |
120 from cubicweb.selectors import implements |
121 |
122 class BlogEntryPrimaryView(EntityView): |
123 id = 'primary' |
124 __select__ =implements('Blog') |
125 |
126 def cell_call(self, row, col): |
127 entity = self.entity(row, col) |
128 self.w(u'<h1>%s</h1>' % entity.title) |
129 self.w(u'<p>published on %s in category %s</p>' % \ |
130 (entity.publish_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), entity.category)) |
131 self.w(u'<p>%s</p>' % entity.text) |
132 |
133 The above source code defines a new primary view (`line 03`) for |
134 ``BlogEntry`` (`line 05`). |
135 |
136 Since views are applied to result sets which can be tables of |
137 data, we have to recover the entity from its (row,col)-coordinates (`line 08`). |
138 We will get to this in more detail later. |
139 |
140 The view method ``self.w()`` is used to output data. Here `lines |
141 09-12` output HTML tags and values of the entity's attributes. |
142 |
143 When displaying the same blog entry as before, you will notice that the |
144 page is now looking much nicer. [FIXME: it is not clear to what this refers.] |
145 |
146 .. image:: ../../images/lax-book.09-new-view-blogentry.en.png |
147 :alt: blog entries now look much nicer |
148 |
149 Let us now improve the primary view of a blog |
150 |
151 .. code-block:: python |
152 |
153 class BlogPrimaryView(EntityView): |
154 id = 'primary' |
155 __select__ =implements('Blog') |
156 |
157 def cell_call(self, row, col): |
158 entity = self.entity(row, col) |
159 self.w(u'<h1>%s</h1>' % entity.title) |
160 self.w(u'<p>%s</p>' % entity.description) |
161 rset = self.req.execute('Any E WHERE E entry_of B, B eid "%s"' % entity.eid) |
162 self.wview('primary', rset) |
163 |
164 In the above source code, `lines 01-08` are similar to the previous |
165 view we defined. [FIXME: defined where ?] |
166 |
167 At `line 09`, a simple request is made to build a result set with all |
168 the entities linked to the current ``Blog`` entity by the relationship |
169 ``entry_of``. The part of the framework handling the request knows |
170 about the schema and infer that such entities have to be of the |
171 ``BlogEntry`` kind and retrieves them. |
172 |
173 The request returns a selection of data called a result set. At |
174 `line 10` the view 'primary' is applied to this result set to output |
175 HTML. |
176 |
177 **This is to be compared to interfaces and protocols in object-oriented |
178 languages. Applying a given view called 'a_view' to all the entities |
179 of a result set only requires to have for each entity of this result set, |
180 an available view called 'a_view' which accepts the entity.** |
181 |
182 Assuming we added entries to the blog titled `MyLife`, displaying it |
183 now allows to read its description and all its entries. |
184 |
185 .. image:: ../../images/lax-book.10-blog-with-two-entries.en.png |
186 :alt: a blog and all its entries |
187 |
188 **Before we move forward, remember that the selection/view principle is |
189 at the core of `CubicWeb`. Everywhere in the engine, data is requested |
190 using the RQL language, then HTML/XML/text/PNG is output by applying a |
191 view to the result set returned by the query. That is where most of the |
192 flexibility comes from.** |
193 |
194 [WRITE ME] |
195 |
196 * implementing interfaces, calendar for blog entries |
197 * show that a calendar view can export data to ical |
198 |
199 We will implement the `cubicweb.interfaces.ICalendarable` interfaces on |
200 entities.BlogEntry and apply the OneMonthCalendar and iCalendar views |
201 to result sets like "Any E WHERE E is BlogEntry" |
202 |
203 * create view "blogentry table" with title, publish_date, category |
204 |
205 We will show that by default the view that displays |
206 "Any E,D,C WHERE E publish_date D, E category C" is the table view. |
207 Of course, the same can be obtained by calling |
208 self.wview('table',rset) |
209 |
210 * in view blog, select blogentries and apply view "blogentry table" |
211 * demo ajax by filtering blogentry table on category |
212 |
213 we did the same with 'primary', but with tables we can turn on filters |
214 and show that ajax comes for free. |
215 [FILLME] |
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 XML views, binaries... |
220 ---------------------- |
221 For views generating other formats than HTML (an image generated dynamically |
222 for example), and which can not simply be included in the HTML page generated |
223 by the main template (see above), you have to: |
224 |
225 * set the attribute `templatable` of the class to `False` |
226 * set, through the attribute `content_type` of the class, the MIME type generated |
227 by the view to `application/octet-stream` |
228 |
229 For views dedicated to binary content creation (like dynamically generated |
230 images), we have to set the attribute `binary` of the class to `True` (which |
231 implies that `templatable == False`, so that the attribute `w` of the view could be |
232 replaced by a binary flow instead of unicode). |