1 .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
2 |
3 Creation of your first instance |
4 =============================== |
5 |
6 Instance creation |
7 ----------------- |
8 |
9 Now that we created our cube, we can create an instance to view our |
10 application in a web browser. To do so we will use a `all-in-one` |
11 configuration to simplify things :: |
12 |
13 cubicweb-ctl create -c all-in-one mycube myinstance |
14 |
15 .. note:: |
16 Please note that we created a new cube for a demo purpose but |
17 you could have use an existing cube available in our standard library |
18 such as blog or person for example. |
19 |
20 A serie of questions will be prompted to you, the default answer is usually |
21 sufficient. You can anyway modify the configuration later on by editing |
22 configuration files. When a user/psswd is requested to access the database |
23 please use the login you create at the time you configured the database |
24 (:ref:`ConfigurationPostgres`). |
25 |
26 It is important to distinguish here the user used to access the database and the |
27 user used to login to the cubicweb application. When an instance starts, it uses |
28 the login/psswd for the database to get the schema and handle low level |
29 transaction. But, when :command:`cubicweb-ctl create` asks for a manager |
30 login/psswd of `CubicWeb`, it refers to the user you will use during the |
31 development to administrate your web application. It will be possible, later on, |
32 to use this user to create others users for your final web application. |
33 |
34 |
35 Instance administration |
36 ----------------------- |
37 |
38 start / stop |
39 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
40 When this command is completed, the definition of your instance is |
41 located in :file:`~/etc/cubicweb.d/myinstance/*`. To launch it, you just type :: |
42 |
43 cubicweb-ctl start -D myinstance |
44 |
45 The option `-D` specify the *debug mode* : the instance is not running in |
46 server mode and does not disconnect from the termnial, which simplifies debugging |
47 in case the instance is not properly launched. You can see how it looks by |
48 visiting the URL `http://localhost:8080` (the port number depends of your |
49 configuration). To login, please use the cubicweb administrator login/psswd you |
50 defined when you created the instance. |
51 |
52 To shutdown the instance, Crtl-C in the terminal window is enough. |
53 If you did not use the option `-D`, then type :: |
54 |
55 cubicweb-ctl stop myinstance |
56 |
57 This is it! All is settled down to start developping your data model... |
58 |
59 |
60 upgrade |
61 ~~~~~~~ |
62 XXX feed me |
63 |