changeset 4556 43c14e0e8972
parent 4555 8968c50818db
parent 4553 23201259ffeb
child 4560 23e0632df615
equal deleted inserted replaced
4555:8968c50818db 4556:43c14e0e8972
     1 """Migration test script
     3 * migration will be played into a chroot of the local machine
     4 * the database server used can be configured
     5 * test tested instance may be on another host
     8 We are using postgres'.pgpass file. Here is a copy of postgres documentation
     9 about that:
    11 The file .pgpass in a user's home directory or the file referenced by
    12 PGPASSFILE can contain passwords to be used if the connection requires
    13 a password (and no password has been specified otherwise).
    16 This file should contain lines of the following format:
    18 hostname:port:database:username:password
    20 Each of the first four fields may be a literal value, or *, which
    21 matches anything. The password field from the first line that matches
    22 the current connection parameters will be used. (Therefore, put
    23 more-specific entries first when you are using wildcards.) If an entry
    24 needs to contain : or \, escape this character with \. A hostname of
    25 localhost matches both host (TCP) and local (Unix domain socket)
    26 connections coming from the local machine.
    28 The permissions on .pgpass must disallow any access to world or group;
    29 achieve this by the command chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass. If the permissions
    30 are less strict than this, the file will be ignored.
    32 :organization: Logilab
    33 :copyright: 2001-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
    34 :contact: --
    35 :license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 -
    36 """
    37 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    39 from os import system
    40 from os.path import join, basename
    42 from logilab.common.shellutils import cp, rm
    44 from cubicweb.toolsutils import read_config
    45 from cubicweb.server.utils import generate_sources_file
    47 # XXXX use db-copy instead
    49 # test environment configuration
    50 chrootpath = '/sandbox/cubicwebtest'
    51 tmpdbhost = 'crater'
    52 tmpdbuser = 'syt'
    53 tmpdbpasswd = 'syt'
    55 def play_migration(applhome, applhost='', sudo=False):
    56     applid = dbname = basename(applhome)
    57     testapplhome = join(chrootpath, applhome)
    58     # copy instance into the chroot
    59     if applhost:
    60         system('scp -r %s:%s %s' % (applhost, applhome, testapplhome))
    61     else:
    62         cp(applhome, testapplhome)
    63 ##     # extract db parameters
    64 ##     sources = read_config(join(testapplhome, 'sources'))
    65 ##     dbname = sources['system']['db-name']
    66 ##     dbhost = sources['system'].get('db-host') or ''
    67 ##     dbuser = sources['system'].get('db-user') or ''
    68 ##     dbpasswd = sources['system'].get('db-password') or ''
    69     # generate sources file
    70     # XXX multisources
    71     sources = {'system': {}}
    72     sources['system']['db-encoding'] = 'UTF8' # XXX
    73     sources['system']['db-name'] = dbname
    74     sources['system']['db-host'] = None
    75     sources['system']['db-user'] = tmpdbuser
    76     sources['system']['db-password'] = None
    77     generate_sources_file(applid, join(testapplhome, 'sources'), sources)
    78 ##     # create postgres password file so we won't need anymore passwords
    79 ##     # XXX may exist!
    80 ##     pgpassfile = expanduser('~/.pgpass')
    81 ##     pgpass = open(pgpassfile, 'w')
    82 ##     if dbpasswd:
    83 ##         pgpass.write('%s:*:%s:%s:%s\n' % (dbhost or applhost or 'localhost',
    84 ##                                           dbname, dbuser, dbpasswd))
    85 ##     if tmpdbpasswd:
    86 ##         pgpass.write('%s:*:%s:%s:%s\n' % (tmpdbhost or 'localhost', dbname,
    87 ##                                           tmpdbuser, tmpdbpasswd))
    88 ##     pgpass.close()
    89 ##     chmod(pgpassfile, 0600)
    90     # dump db
    91 ##     dumpcmd = 'pg_dump -Fc -U %s -f /tmp/%s.dump %s' % (
    92 ##         dbuser, dbname, dbname)
    93 ##     if dbhost:
    94 ##         dumpcmd += ' -h %s' % dbhost
    95     dumpfile = '/tmp/%s.dump' % applid
    96     dumpcmd = 'cubicweb-ctl db-dump --output=%s %s' % (dumpfile, applid)
    97     if sudo:
    98         dumpcmd = 'sudo %s' % dumpcmd
    99     if applhost:
   100         dumpcmd = 'ssh %s "%s"' % (applhost, dumpcmd)
   101     if system(dumpcmd):
   102         raise Exception('error while dumping the database')
   103 ##     if not dbhost and applhost:
   104     if applhost:
   105         # retrieve the dump
   106         if system('scp %s:%s %s' % (applhost, dumpfile, dumpfile)):
   107             raise Exception('error while retreiving the dump')
   108     # move the dump into the chroot
   109     system('mv %s %s%s' % (dumpfile, chrootpath, dumpfile))
   110     # locate installed versions
   111     vcconf = read_config(join(testapplhome, 'vc.conf'))
   112     template = vcconf['TEMPLATE']
   113     cubicwebversion = vcconf['CW']
   114     templversion = vcconf['TEMPLATE_VERSION']
   115     # install the same versions cubicweb and template versions into the chroot
   116     system('sudo chroot %s apt-get update' % chrootpath)
   117     system('sudo chroot %s apt-get install cubicweb-server=%s cubicweb-client=%s'
   118            % (chrootpath, cubicwebversion, cubicwebversion))
   119     system('sudo chroot %s apt-get install cubicweb-%s-appl-server=%s cubicweb-%s-appl-client=%s'
   120            % (chrootpath, template, templversion, template, templversion))
   121     # update and upgrade to the latest version
   122     system('sudo chroot %s apt-get install cubicweb-server cubicweb-client' % chrootpath)
   123     system('sudo chroot %s apt-get install cubicweb-%s-appl-server cubicweb-%s-appl-client'
   124            % (chrootpath, template, template))
   125     # create and fill the database
   126     system('sudo chroot cubicweb-ctl db-restore %s %s' % (applid, dumpfile))
   127 ##     if not tmpdbhost:
   128 ##         system('createdb -U %s -T template0 -E UTF8 %s' % (tmpdbuser, dbname))
   129 ##         system('pg_restore -U %s -O -Fc -d %s /tmp/%s.dump'
   130 ##                % (tmpdbuser, dbname, dbname))
   131 ##     else:
   132 ##         system('createdb -h %s -U %s -T template0 -E UTF8 %s'
   133 ##                % (tmpdbhost, tmpdbuser, dbname))
   134 ##         system('pg_restore -h %s -U %s -O -Fc -d %s /tmp/%s.dump'
   135 ##                % (tmpdbhost, tmpdbuser, dbname, dbname))
   136     # launch upgrade
   137     system('sudo chroot %s cubicweb-ctl upgrade %s' % (chrootpath, applid))
   139     # cleanup
   140     rm(testapplhome)
   141 ##     rm(pgpassfile)
   142 ##     if tmpdbhost:
   143 ##         system('dropdb -h %s -U %s %s' % (tmpdbuser, tmpdbhost, dbname))
   144 ##     else:
   145 ##         system('dropdb -U %s %s' % (tmpdbuser, dbname))
   146 ##     if not dbhost and applhost:
   147     if applhost:
   148         system('ssh %s rm %s' % (applhost, dumpfile))
   149     rm('%s%s' % (chrootpath, dumpfile))
   152 if __name__ == '__main__':
   153     play_migration('/etc/cubicweb.d/jpl', 'lepus')