1 |
2 .. _foundationsCube: |
3 |
4 .. _cubelayout: |
5 |
6 Standard structure for a cube |
7 ----------------------------- |
8 |
9 A cube is structured as follows: |
10 |
11 :: |
12 |
13 mycube/ |
14 | |
15 |-- data/ |
16 | |-- cubes.mycube.css |
17 | |-- cubes.mycube.js |
18 | `-- external_resources |
19 | |
20 |-- debian/ |
21 | |-- changelog |
22 | |-- compat |
23 | |-- control |
24 | |-- copyright |
25 | |-- cubicweb-mycube.prerm |
26 | `-- rules |
27 | |
28 |-- entities.py |
29 | |
30 |-- i18n/ |
31 | |-- en.po |
32 | |-- es.po |
33 | `-- fr.po |
34 | |
35 |-- __init__.py |
36 | |
37 |-- MANIFEST.in |
38 | |
39 |-- migration/ |
40 | |-- postcreate.py |
41 | `-- precreate.py |
42 | |
43 |-- __pkginfo__.py |
44 | |
45 |-- schema.py |
46 | |
47 |-- setup.py |
48 | |
49 |-- site_cubicweb.py |
50 | |
51 |-- hooks.py |
52 | |
53 |-- test/ |
54 | |-- data/ |
55 | | `-- bootstrap_cubes |
56 | |-- pytestconf.py |
57 | |-- realdb_test_mycube.py |
58 | `-- test_mycube.py |
59 | |
60 `-- views.py |
61 |
62 |
63 We can use subpackages instead of python modules for ``views.py``, ``entities.py``, |
64 ``schema.py`` or ``hooks.py``. For example, we could have: |
65 |
66 :: |
67 |
68 mycube/ |
69 | |
70 |-- entities.py |
71 |-- hooks.py |
72 `-- views/ |
73 |-- forms.py |
74 |-- primary.py |
75 `-- widgets.py |
76 |
77 |
78 where : |
79 |
80 * ``schema`` contains the schema definition (server side only) |
81 * ``entities`` contains the entities definition (server side and web interface) |
82 * ``hooks`` contains hooks and/or views notifications (server side only) |
83 * ``views`` contains the web interface components (web interface only) |
84 * ``test`` contains tests related to the cube (not installed) |
85 * ``i18n`` contains message catalogs for supported languages (server side and |
86 web interface) |
87 * ``data`` contains data files for static content (images, css, javascripts) |
88 ...(web interface only) |
89 * ``migration`` contains initialization files for new instances (``postcreate.py``) |
90 and a file containing dependencies of the component depending on the version |
91 (``depends.map``) |
92 * ``debian`` contains all the files managing debian packaging (you will find |
93 the usual files ``control``, ``rules``, ``changelog``... not installed) |
94 * file ``__pkginfo__.py`` provides component meta-data, especially the distribution |
95 and the current version (server side and web interface) or sub-cubes used by |
96 the cube. |
97 |
98 |
99 At least you should have the file ``__pkginfo__.py``. |
100 |
101 |
102 The :file:`__init__.py` and :file:`site_cubicweb.py` files |
103 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
104 |
105 The :file:`__pkginfo__.py` file |
106 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
107 |
108 It contains metadata describing your cubes, mostly useful for |
109 packaging. |
110 |
111 |
112 :file:`migration/precreate.py` and :file:`migration/postcreate.py` |
113 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
114 |
115 .. XXX detail steps of instance creation |
116 |
117 |
118 External resources such as image, javascript and css files |
119 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
120 |
121 .. XXX naming convention external_resources file |
122 |
123 |
124 Out-of the box testing |
125 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
126 |
127 .. XXX MANIFEST.in, __pkginfo__.include_dirs, debian |
128 |
129 |
130 Packaging and distribution |
131 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
132 |
133 .. XXX MANIFEST.in, __pkginfo__.include_dirs, debian |
134 |