changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11052 058bb3dc685f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
equal deleted inserted replaced
11052:058bb3dc685f 11057:0b59724cb3f2
     1 # copyright 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     2 # contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
     3 #
     4 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
     5 #
     6 # CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     7 # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     8 # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
     9 # any later version.
    10 #
    11 # CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    13 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    14 # details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    17 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    18 #
    19 # (disable pylint msg for client obj access to protected member as in obj._cw)
    20 # pylint: disable=W0212
    21 """The ``ajaxcontroller`` module defines the :class:`AjaxController`
    22 controller and the ``ajax-func`` cubicweb registry.
    24 .. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller.AjaxController
    25    :members:
    27 ``ajax-funcs`` registry hosts exposed remote functions, that is
    28 functions that can be called from the javascript world.
    30 To register a new remote function, either decorate your function
    31 with the :func:`~cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller.ajaxfunc` decorator:
    33 .. sourcecode:: python
    35     from cubicweb.predicates import mactch_user_groups
    36     from cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller import ajaxfunc
    38     @ajaxfunc(output_type='json', selector=match_user_groups('managers'))
    39     def list_users(self):
    40         return [u for (u,) in self._cw.execute('Any L WHERE U login L')]
    42 or inherit from :class:`~cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller.AjaxFunction` and
    43 implement the ``__call__`` method:
    45 .. sourcecode:: python
    47     from cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller import AjaxFunction
    48     class ListUser(AjaxFunction):
    49         __regid__ = 'list_users' # __regid__ is the name of the exposed function
    50         __select__ = match_user_groups('managers')
    51         output_type = 'json'
    53         def __call__(self):
    54             return [u for (u, ) in self._cw.execute('Any L WHERE U login L')]
    57 .. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller.AjaxFunction
    58    :members:
    60 .. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller.ajaxfunc
    62 """
    64 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    66 from warnings import warn
    67 from functools import partial
    69 from six import PY2, text_type
    71 from logilab.common.date import strptime
    72 from logilab.common.registry import yes
    73 from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
    75 from cubicweb import ObjectNotFound, NoSelectableObject
    76 from cubicweb.appobject import AppObject
    77 from cubicweb.utils import json, json_dumps, UStringIO
    78 from cubicweb.uilib import exc_message
    79 from cubicweb.web import RemoteCallFailed, DirectResponse
    80 from cubicweb.web.controller import Controller
    81 from cubicweb.web.views import vid_from_rset
    82 from cubicweb.web.views import basecontrollers
    85 def optional_kwargs(extraargs):
    86     if extraargs is None:
    87         return {}
    88     # we receive unicode keys which is not supported by the **syntax
    89     return dict((str(key), value) for key, value in extraargs.items())
    92 class AjaxController(Controller):
    93     """AjaxController handles ajax remote calls from javascript
    95     The following javascript function call:
    97     .. sourcecode:: javascript
    99       var d = asyncRemoteExec('foo', 12, "hello");
   100       d.addCallback(function(result) {
   101           alert('server response is: ' + result);
   102       });
   104     will generate an ajax HTTP GET on the following url::
   106         BASE_URL/ajax?fname=foo&arg=12&arg="hello"
   108     The AjaxController controller will therefore be selected to handle those URLs
   109     and will itself select the :class:`cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller.AjaxFunction`
   110     matching the *fname* parameter.
   111     """
   112     __regid__ = 'ajax'
   114     def publish(self, rset=None):
   115         self._cw.ajax_request = True
   116         try:
   117             fname = self._cw.form['fname']
   118         except KeyError:
   119             raise RemoteCallFailed('no method specified')
   120         # 1/ check first for old-style (JSonController) ajax func for bw compat
   121         try:
   122             func = getattr(basecontrollers.JSonController, 'js_%s' % fname)
   123             if PY2:
   124                 func = func.__func__
   125             func = partial(func, self)
   126         except AttributeError:
   127             # 2/ check for new-style (AjaxController) ajax func
   128             try:
   129                 func = self._cw.vreg['ajax-func'].select(fname, self._cw)
   130             except ObjectNotFound:
   131                 raise RemoteCallFailed('no %s method' % fname)
   132         else:
   133             warn('[3.15] remote function %s found on JSonController, '
   134                  'use AjaxFunction / @ajaxfunc instead' % fname,
   135                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
   136         # no <arg> attribute means the callback takes no argument
   137         args = self._cw.form.get('arg', ())
   138         if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
   139             args = (args,)
   140         try:
   141             args = [json.loads(arg) for arg in args]
   142         except ValueError as exc:
   143             self.exception('error while decoding json arguments for '
   144                            'js_%s: %s (err: %s)', fname, args, exc)
   145             raise RemoteCallFailed(exc_message(exc, self._cw.encoding))
   146         try:
   147             result = func(*args)
   148         except (RemoteCallFailed, DirectResponse):
   149             raise
   150         except Exception as exc:
   151             self.exception('an exception occurred while calling js_%s(%s): %s',
   152                            fname, args, exc)
   153             raise RemoteCallFailed(exc_message(exc, self._cw.encoding))
   154         if result is None:
   155             return ''
   156         # get unicode on @htmlize methods, encoded string on @jsonize methods
   157         elif isinstance(result, text_type):
   158             return result.encode(self._cw.encoding)
   159         return result
   161 class AjaxFunction(AppObject):
   162     """
   163     Attributes on this base class are:
   165     :attr: `check_pageid`: make sure the pageid received is valid before proceeding
   166     :attr: `output_type`:
   168            - *None*: no processing, no change on content-type
   170            - *json*: serialize with `json_dumps` and set *application/json*
   171                      content-type
   173            - *xhtml*: wrap result in an XML node and forces HTML / XHTML
   174                       content-type (use ``_cw.html_content_type()``)
   176     """
   177     __registry__ = 'ajax-func'
   178     __select__ = yes()
   179     __abstract__ = True
   181     check_pageid = False
   182     output_type = None
   184     @staticmethod
   185     def _rebuild_posted_form(names, values, action=None):
   186         form = {}
   187         for name, value in zip(names, values):
   188             # remove possible __action_xxx inputs
   189             if name.startswith('__action'):
   190                 if action is None:
   191                     # strip '__action_' to get the actual action name
   192                     action = name[9:]
   193                 continue
   194             # form.setdefault(name, []).append(value)
   195             if name in form:
   196                 curvalue = form[name]
   197                 if isinstance(curvalue, list):
   198                     curvalue.append(value)
   199                 else:
   200                     form[name] = [curvalue, value]
   201             else:
   202                 form[name] = value
   203         # simulate click on __action_%s button to help the controller
   204         if action:
   205             form['__action_%s' % action] = u'whatever'
   206         return form
   208     def validate_form(self, action, names, values):
   209         self._cw.form = self._rebuild_posted_form(names, values, action)
   210         return basecontrollers._validate_form(self._cw, self._cw.vreg)
   212     def _exec(self, rql, args=None, rocheck=True):
   213         """json mode: execute RQL and return resultset as json"""
   214         rql = rql.strip()
   215         if rql.startswith('rql:'):
   216             rql = rql[4:]
   217         if rocheck:
   218             self._cw.ensure_ro_rql(rql)
   219         try:
   220             return self._cw.execute(rql, args)
   221         except Exception as ex:
   222             self.exception("error in _exec(rql=%s): %s", rql, ex)
   223             return None
   224         return None
   226     def _call_view(self, view, paginate=False, **kwargs):
   227         divid = self._cw.form.get('divid')
   228         # we need to call pagination before with the stream set
   229         try:
   230             stream = view.set_stream()
   231         except AttributeError:
   232             stream = UStringIO()
   233             kwargs['w'] = stream.write
   234             assert not paginate
   235         if divid == 'pageContent':
   236             # ensure divid isn't reused by the view (e.g. table view)
   237             del self._cw.form['divid']
   238             # mimick main template behaviour
   239             stream.write(u'<div id="pageContent">')
   240             vtitle = self._cw.form.get('vtitle')
   241             if vtitle:
   242                 stream.write(u'<h1 class="vtitle">%s</h1>\n' % vtitle)
   243             paginate = True
   244         nav_html = UStringIO()
   245         if paginate and not view.handle_pagination:
   246             view.paginate(w=nav_html.write)
   247         stream.write(nav_html.getvalue())
   248         if divid == 'pageContent':
   249             stream.write(u'<div id="contentmain">')
   250         view.render(**kwargs)
   251         extresources = self._cw.html_headers.getvalue(skiphead=True)
   252         if extresources:
   253             stream.write(u'<div class="ajaxHtmlHead">\n') # XXX use a widget?
   254             stream.write(extresources)
   255             stream.write(u'</div>\n')
   256         if divid == 'pageContent':
   257             stream.write(u'</div>%s</div>' % nav_html.getvalue())
   258         return stream.getvalue()
   261 def _ajaxfunc_factory(implementation, selector=yes(), _output_type=None,
   262                       _check_pageid=False, regid=None):
   263     """converts a standard python function into an AjaxFunction appobject"""
   264     class AnAjaxFunc(AjaxFunction):
   265         __regid__ = regid or implementation.__name__
   266         __select__ = selector
   267         output_type = _output_type
   268         check_pageid = _check_pageid
   270         def serialize(self, content):
   271             if self.output_type is None:
   272                 return content
   273             elif self.output_type == 'xhtml':
   274                 self._cw.set_content_type(self._cw.html_content_type())
   275                 return ''.join((u'<div>',
   276                                 content.strip(), u'</div>'))
   277             elif self.output_type == 'json':
   278                 self._cw.set_content_type('application/json')
   279                 return json_dumps(content)
   280             raise RemoteCallFailed('no serializer found for output type %s'
   281                                    % self.output_type)
   283         def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
   284             if self.check_pageid:
   285                 data = self._cw.session.data.get(self._cw.pageid)
   286                 if data is None:
   287                     raise RemoteCallFailed(self._cw._('pageid-not-found'))
   288             return self.serialize(implementation(self, *args, **kwargs))
   290     AnAjaxFunc.__name__ = implementation.__name__
   291     # make sure __module__ refers to the original module otherwise
   292     # vreg.register(obj) will ignore ``obj``.
   293     AnAjaxFunc.__module__ = implementation.__module__
   294     # relate the ``implementation`` object to its wrapper appobject
   295     # will be used by e.g.:
   296     #   import base_module
   297     #   @ajaxfunc
   298     #   def foo(self):
   299     #       return 42
   300     #   assert foo(object) == 42
   301     #   vreg.register_and_replace(foo, base_module.older_foo)
   302     implementation.__appobject__ = AnAjaxFunc
   303     return implementation
   306 def ajaxfunc(implementation=None, selector=yes(), output_type=None,
   307              check_pageid=False, regid=None):
   308     """promote a standard function to an ``AjaxFunction`` appobject.
   310     All parameters are optional:
   312     :param selector: a custom selector object if needed, default is ``yes()``
   314     :param output_type: either None, 'json' or 'xhtml' to customize output
   315                         content-type. Default is None
   317     :param check_pageid: whether the function requires a valid `pageid` or not
   318                          to proceed. Default is False.
   320     :param regid: a custom __regid__ for the created ``AjaxFunction`` object. Default
   321                   is to keep the wrapped function name.
   323     ``ajaxfunc`` can be used both as a standalone decorator:
   325     .. sourcecode:: python
   327         @ajaxfunc
   328         def my_function(self):
   329             return 42
   331     or as a parametrizable decorator:
   333     .. sourcecode:: python
   335         @ajaxfunc(output_type='json')
   336         def my_function(self):
   337             return 42
   339     """
   340     # if used as a parametrized decorator (e.g. @ajaxfunc(output_type='json'))
   341     if implementation is None:
   342         def _decorator(func):
   343             return _ajaxfunc_factory(func, selector=selector,
   344                                      _output_type=output_type,
   345                                      _check_pageid=check_pageid,
   346                                      regid=regid)
   347         return _decorator
   348     # else, used as a standalone decorator (i.e. @ajaxfunc)
   349     return _ajaxfunc_factory(implementation, selector=selector,
   350                              _output_type=output_type,
   351                              _check_pageid=check_pageid, regid=regid)
   355 ###############################################################################
   356 #  Cubicweb remote functions for :                                            #
   357 #  - appobject rendering                                                      #
   358 #  - user / page session data management                                      #
   359 ###############################################################################
   360 @ajaxfunc(output_type='xhtml')
   361 def view(self):
   362     # XXX try to use the page-content template
   363     req = self._cw
   364     rql = req.form.get('rql')
   365     if rql:
   366         rset = self._exec(rql)
   367     elif 'eid' in req.form:
   368         rset = self._cw.eid_rset(req.form['eid'])
   369     else:
   370         rset = None
   371     vid = req.form.get('vid') or vid_from_rset(req, rset, self._cw.vreg.schema)
   372     try:
   373         viewobj = self._cw.vreg['views'].select(vid, req, rset=rset)
   374     except NoSelectableObject:
   375         vid = req.form.get('fallbackvid', 'noresult')
   376         viewobj = self._cw.vreg['views'].select(vid, req, rset=rset)
   377     viewobj.set_http_cache_headers()
   378     if req.is_client_cache_valid():
   379         return ''
   380     return self._call_view(viewobj, paginate=req.form.pop('paginate', False))
   383 @ajaxfunc(output_type='xhtml')
   384 def component(self, compid, rql, registry='components', extraargs=None):
   385     if rql:
   386         rset = self._exec(rql)
   387     else:
   388         rset = None
   389     # XXX while it sounds good, addition of the try/except below cause pb:
   390     # when filtering using facets return an empty rset, the edition box
   391     # isn't anymore selectable, as expected. The pb is that with the
   392     # try/except below, we see a "an error occurred" message in the ui, while
   393     # we don't see it without it. Proper fix would probably be to deal with
   394     # this by allowing facet handling code to tell to js_component that such
   395     # error is expected and should'nt be reported.
   396     #try:
   397     comp = self._cw.vreg[registry].select(compid, self._cw, rset=rset,
   398                                           **optional_kwargs(extraargs))
   399     #except NoSelectableObject:
   400     #    raise RemoteCallFailed('unselectable')
   401     return self._call_view(comp, **optional_kwargs(extraargs))
   403 @ajaxfunc(output_type='xhtml')
   404 def render(self, registry, oid, eid=None,
   405               selectargs=None, renderargs=None):
   406     if eid is not None:
   407         rset = self._cw.eid_rset(eid)
   408         # XXX set row=0
   409     elif self._cw.form.get('rql'):
   410         rset = self._cw.execute(self._cw.form['rql'])
   411     else:
   412         rset = None
   413     viewobj = self._cw.vreg[registry].select(oid, self._cw, rset=rset,
   414                                              **optional_kwargs(selectargs))
   415     return self._call_view(viewobj, **optional_kwargs(renderargs))
   418 @ajaxfunc(output_type='json')
   419 def i18n(self, msgids):
   420     """returns the translation of `msgid`"""
   421     return [self._cw._(msgid) for msgid in msgids]
   423 @ajaxfunc(output_type='json')
   424 def format_date(self, strdate):
   425     """returns the formatted date for `msgid`"""
   426     date = strptime(strdate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
   427     return self._cw.format_date(date)
   429 @ajaxfunc(output_type='json')
   430 def external_resource(self, resource):
   431     """returns the URL of the external resource named `resource`"""
   432     return self._cw.uiprops[resource]
   434 @ajaxfunc
   435 def unload_page_data(self):
   436     """remove user's session data associated to current pageid"""
   437     self._cw.session.data.pop(self._cw.pageid, None)
   439 @ajaxfunc(output_type='json')
   440 @deprecated("[3.13] use jQuery.cookie(cookiename, cookievalue, {path: '/'}) in js land instead")
   441 def set_cookie(self, cookiename, cookievalue):
   442     """generates the Set-Cookie HTTP reponse header corresponding
   443     to `cookiename` / `cookievalue`.
   444     """
   445     cookiename, cookievalue = str(cookiename), str(cookievalue)
   446     self._cw.set_cookie(cookiename, cookievalue)
   450 @ajaxfunc
   451 def delete_relation(self, rtype, subjeid, objeid):
   452     rql = 'DELETE S %s O WHERE S eid %%(s)s, O eid %%(o)s' % rtype
   453     self._cw.execute(rql, {'s': subjeid, 'o': objeid})
   455 @ajaxfunc
   456 def add_relation(self, rtype, subjeid, objeid):
   457     rql = 'SET S %s O WHERE S eid %%(s)s, O eid %%(o)s' % rtype
   458     self._cw.execute(rql, {'s': subjeid, 'o': objeid})