changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11052 058bb3dc685f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
equal deleted inserted replaced
11052:058bb3dc685f 11057:0b59724cb3f2
     1 # copyright 2003-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     2 # contact --
     3 #
     4 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
     5 #
     6 # CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     7 # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     8 # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
     9 # any later version.
    10 #
    11 # CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    13 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    14 # details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    17 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
    18 """cubicweb-ctl commands and command handlers specific to the repository"""
    19 from __future__ import print_function
    21 __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
    23 # *ctl module should limit the number of import to be imported as quickly as
    24 # possible (for cubicweb-ctl reactivity, necessary for instance for usable bash
    25 # completion). So import locally in command helpers.
    26 import sys
    27 import os
    28 from contextlib import contextmanager
    29 import logging
    30 import subprocess
    32 from six import string_types
    33 from six.moves import input
    35 from logilab.common import nullobject
    36 from logilab.common.configuration import Configuration, merge_options
    37 from logilab.common.shellutils import ASK, generate_password
    39 from logilab.database import get_db_helper, get_connection
    41 from cubicweb import AuthenticationError, ExecutionError, ConfigurationError
    42 from cubicweb.toolsutils import Command, CommandHandler, underline_title
    43 from cubicweb.cwctl import CWCTL, check_options_consistency, ConfigureInstanceCommand
    44 from cubicweb.server import SOURCE_TYPES
    45 from cubicweb.server.serverconfig import (
    46     USER_OPTIONS, ServerConfiguration, SourceConfiguration,
    47     ask_source_config, generate_source_config)
    49 # utility functions ###########################################################
    51 def source_cnx(source, dbname=None, special_privs=False, interactive=True):
    52     """open and return a connection to the system database defined in the
    53     given server.serverconfig
    54     """
    55     from getpass import getpass
    56     dbhost = source.get('db-host')
    57     if dbname is None:
    58         dbname = source['db-name']
    59     driver = source['db-driver']
    60     dbhelper = get_db_helper(driver)
    61     if interactive:
    62         print('-> connecting to %s database' % driver, end=' ')
    63         if dbhost:
    64             print('%s@%s' % (dbname, dbhost), end=' ')
    65         else:
    66             print(dbname, end=' ')
    67     if dbhelper.users_support:
    68         if not interactive or (not special_privs and source.get('db-user')):
    69             user = source.get('db-user', os.environ.get('USER', ''))
    70             if interactive:
    71                 print('as', user)
    72             password = source.get('db-password')
    73         else:
    74             print()
    75             if special_privs:
    76                 print('WARNING')
    77                 print ('the user will need the following special access rights '
    78                        'on the database:')
    79                 print(special_privs)
    80                 print()
    81             default_user = source.get('db-user', os.environ.get('USER', ''))
    82             user = input('Connect as user ? [%r]: ' % default_user)
    83             user = user.strip() or default_user
    84             if user == source.get('db-user'):
    85                 password = source.get('db-password')
    86             else:
    87                 password = getpass('password: ')
    88     else:
    89         user = password = None
    90     extra_args = source.get('db-extra-arguments')
    91     extra = extra_args and {'extra_args': extra_args} or {}
    92     cnx = get_connection(driver, dbhost, dbname, user, password=password,
    93                          port=source.get('db-port'),
    94                          schema=source.get('db-namespace'),
    95                          **extra)
    96     try:
    97         cnx.logged_user = user
    98     except AttributeError:
    99         # C object, __slots__
   100         from logilab.database import _SimpleConnectionWrapper
   101         cnx = _SimpleConnectionWrapper(cnx)
   102         cnx.logged_user = user
   103     return cnx
   105 def system_source_cnx(source, dbms_system_base=False,
   106                       special_privs='CREATE/DROP DATABASE', interactive=True):
   107     """shortcut to get a connextion to the instance system database
   108     defined in the given config. If <dbms_system_base> is True,
   109     connect to the dbms system database instead (for task such as
   110     create/drop the instance database)
   111     """
   112     if dbms_system_base:
   113         system_db = get_db_helper(source['db-driver']).system_database()
   114         return source_cnx(source, system_db, special_privs=special_privs,
   115                           interactive=interactive)
   116     return source_cnx(source, special_privs=special_privs,
   117                       interactive=interactive)
   119 def _db_sys_cnx(source, special_privs, interactive=True):
   120     """return a connection on the RDMS system table (to create/drop a user or a
   121     database)
   122     """
   123     import logilab.common as lgp
   124     lgp.USE_MX_DATETIME = False
   125     driver = source['db-driver']
   126     helper = get_db_helper(driver)
   127     # connect on the dbms system base to create our base
   128     cnx = system_source_cnx(source, True, special_privs=special_privs,
   129                             interactive=interactive)
   130     # disable autocommit (isolation_level(1)) because DROP and
   131     # CREATE DATABASE can't be executed in a transaction
   132     set_isolation_level = getattr(cnx, 'set_isolation_level', None)
   133     if set_isolation_level is not None:
   134         # set_isolation_level() is psycopg specific
   135         set_isolation_level(0)
   136     return cnx
   138 def repo_cnx(config):
   139     """return a in-memory repository and a repoapi connection to it"""
   140     from cubicweb import repoapi
   141     from cubicweb.server.utils import manager_userpasswd
   142     try:
   143         login = config.default_admin_config['login']
   144         pwd = config.default_admin_config['password']
   145     except KeyError:
   146         login, pwd = manager_userpasswd()
   147     while True:
   148         try:
   149             repo = repoapi.get_repository(config=config)
   150             cnx = repoapi.connect(repo, login, password=pwd)
   151             return repo, cnx
   152         except AuthenticationError:
   153             print('-> Error: wrong user/password.')
   154             # reset cubes else we'll have an assertion error on next retry
   155             config._cubes = None
   156         login, pwd = manager_userpasswd()
   159 # repository specific command handlers ########################################
   161 class RepositoryCreateHandler(CommandHandler):
   162     cmdname = 'create'
   163     cfgname = 'repository'
   165     def bootstrap(self, cubes, automatic=False, inputlevel=0):
   166         """create an instance by copying files from the given cube and by asking
   167         information necessary to build required configuration files
   168         """
   169         config = self.config
   170         if not automatic:
   171             print(underline_title('Configuring the repository'))
   172             config.input_config('email', inputlevel)
   173             print('\n'+underline_title('Configuring the sources'))
   174         sourcesfile = config.sources_file()
   175         # hack to make Method('default_instance_id') usable in db option defs
   176         # (in
   177         sconfig = SourceConfiguration(config,
   178                                       options=SOURCE_TYPES['native'].options)
   179         if not automatic:
   180             sconfig.input_config(inputlevel=inputlevel)
   181             print()
   182         sourcescfg = {'system': sconfig}
   183         if automatic:
   184             # XXX modify a copy
   185             password = generate_password()
   186             print('-> set administrator account to admin / %s' % password)
   187             USER_OPTIONS[1][1]['default'] = password
   188             sconfig = Configuration(options=USER_OPTIONS)
   189         else:
   190             sconfig = Configuration(options=USER_OPTIONS)
   191             sconfig.input_config(inputlevel=inputlevel)
   192         sourcescfg['admin'] = sconfig
   193         config.write_sources_file(sourcescfg)
   194         # remember selected cubes for later initialization of the database
   195         config.write_bootstrap_cubes_file(cubes)
   197     def postcreate(self, automatic=False, inputlevel=0):
   198         if automatic:
   199   ['db-create', '--automatic', self.config.appid])
   200         elif ASK.confirm('Run db-create to create the system database ?'):
   201   ['db-create', '--config-level', str(inputlevel),
   202                        self.config.appid])
   203         else:
   204             print('-> nevermind, you can do it later with '
   205                   '"cubicweb-ctl db-create %s".' % self.config.appid)
   208 @contextmanager
   209 def db_transaction(source, privilege):
   210     """Open a transaction to the instance database"""
   211     cnx = system_source_cnx(source, special_privs=privilege)
   212     cursor = cnx.cursor()
   213     try:
   214         yield cursor
   215     except:
   216         cnx.rollback()
   217         cnx.close()
   218         raise
   219     else:
   220         cnx.commit()
   221         cnx.close()
   224 @contextmanager
   225 def db_sys_transaction(source, privilege):
   226     """Open a transaction to the system database"""
   227     cnx = _db_sys_cnx(source, privilege)
   228     cursor = cnx.cursor()
   229     try:
   230         yield cursor
   231     except:
   232         cnx.rollback()
   233         cnx.close()
   234         raise
   235     else:
   236         cnx.commit()
   237         cnx.close()
   240 class RepositoryDeleteHandler(CommandHandler):
   241     cmdname = 'delete'
   242     cfgname = 'repository'
   244     def _drop_namespace(self, source):
   245         db_namespace = source.get('db-namespace')
   246         with db_transaction(source, privilege='DROP SCHEMA') as cursor:
   247             helper = get_db_helper(source['db-driver'])
   248             helper.drop_schema(cursor, db_namespace)
   249             print('-> database schema %s dropped' % db_namespace)
   251     def _drop_database(self, source):
   252         dbname = source['db-name']
   253         if source['db-driver'] == 'sqlite':
   254             print('deleting database file %(db-name)s' % source)
   255             os.unlink(source['db-name'])
   256             print('-> database %(db-name)s dropped.' % source)
   257         else:
   258             helper = get_db_helper(source['db-driver'])
   259             with db_sys_transaction(source, privilege='DROP DATABASE') as cursor:
   260                 print('dropping database %(db-name)s' % source)
   261                 cursor.execute('DROP DATABASE "%(db-name)s"' % source)
   262                 print('-> database %(db-name)s dropped.' % source)
   264     def _drop_user(self, source):
   265         user = source['db-user'] or None
   266         if user is not None:
   267             with db_sys_transaction(source, privilege='DROP USER') as cursor:
   268                 print('dropping user %s' % user)
   269                 cursor.execute('DROP USER %s' % user)
   271     def _cleanup_steps(self, source):
   272         # 1/ delete namespace if used
   273         db_namespace = source.get('db-namespace')
   274         if db_namespace:
   275             yield ('Delete database namespace "%s"' % db_namespace,
   276                    self._drop_namespace, True)
   277         # 2/ delete database
   278         yield ('Delete database "%(db-name)s"' % source,
   279                self._drop_database, True)
   280         # 3/ delete user
   281         helper = get_db_helper(source['db-driver'])
   282         if source['db-user'] and helper.users_support:
   283             # XXX should check we are not connected as user
   284             yield ('Delete user "%(db-user)s"' % source,
   285                    self._drop_user, False)
   287     def cleanup(self):
   288         """remove instance's configuration and database"""
   289         source = self.config.system_source_config
   290         for msg, step, default in self._cleanup_steps(source):
   291             if ASK.confirm(msg, default_is_yes=default):
   292                 try:
   293                     step(source)
   294                 except Exception as exc:
   295                     print('ERROR', exc)
   296                     if ASK.confirm('An error occurred. Continue anyway?',
   297                                    default_is_yes=False):
   298                         continue
   299                     raise ExecutionError(str(exc))
   302 # repository specific commands ################################################
   304 def createdb(helper, source, dbcnx, cursor, **kwargs):
   305     if dbcnx.logged_user != source['db-user']:
   306         helper.create_database(cursor, source['db-name'], source['db-user'],
   307                                source['db-encoding'], **kwargs)
   308     else:
   309         helper.create_database(cursor, source['db-name'],
   310                                dbencoding=source['db-encoding'], **kwargs)
   313 class CreateInstanceDBCommand(Command):
   314     """Create the system database of an instance (run after 'create').
   316     You will be prompted for a login / password to use to connect to
   317     the system database.  The given user should have almost all rights
   318     on the database (ie a super user on the DBMS allowed to create
   319     database, users, languages...).
   321     <instance>
   322       the identifier of the instance to initialize.
   323     """
   324     name = 'db-create'
   325     arguments = '<instance>'
   326     min_args = max_args = 1
   327     options = (
   328         ('automatic',
   329          {'short': 'a', 'action' : 'store_true',
   330           'default': False,
   331           'help': 'automatic mode: never ask and use default answer to every '
   332           'question. this may require that your login match a database super '
   333           'user (allowed to create database & all).',
   334           }),
   335         ('config-level',
   336          {'short': 'l', 'type' : 'int', 'metavar': '<level>',
   337           'default': 0,
   338           'help': 'configuration level (0..2): 0 will ask for essential '
   339           'configuration parameters only while 2 will ask for all parameters',
   340           }),
   341         ('create-db',
   342          {'short': 'c', 'type': 'yn', 'metavar': '<y or n>',
   343           'default': True,
   344           'help': 'create the database (yes by default)'
   345           }),
   346         )
   348     def run(self, args):
   349         """run the command with its specific arguments"""
   350         check_options_consistency(self.config)
   351         automatic = self.get('automatic')
   352         appid = args.pop()
   353         config = ServerConfiguration.config_for(appid)
   354         source = config.system_source_config
   355         dbname = source['db-name']
   356         driver = source['db-driver']
   357         helper = get_db_helper(driver)
   358         if driver == 'sqlite':
   359             if os.path.exists(dbname) and (
   360                 automatic or
   361                 ASK.confirm('Database %s already exists. Drop it?' % dbname)):
   362                 os.unlink(dbname)
   363         elif self.config.create_db:
   364             print('\n'+underline_title('Creating the system database'))
   365             # connect on the dbms system base to create our base
   366             dbcnx = _db_sys_cnx(source, 'CREATE/DROP DATABASE and / or USER',
   367                                 interactive=not automatic)
   368             cursor = dbcnx.cursor()
   369             try:
   370                 if helper.users_support:
   371                     user = source['db-user']
   372                     if not helper.user_exists(cursor, user) and (automatic or \
   373                            ASK.confirm('Create db user %s ?' % user, default_is_yes=False)):
   374                         helper.create_user(source['db-user'], source.get('db-password'))
   375                         print('-> user %s created.' % user)
   376                 if dbname in helper.list_databases(cursor):
   377                     if automatic or ASK.confirm('Database %s already exists -- do you want to drop it ?' % dbname):
   378                         cursor.execute('DROP DATABASE "%s"' % dbname)
   379                     else:
   380                         print('you may want to run "cubicweb-ctl db-init '
   381                               '--drop %s" manually to continue.' % config.appid)
   382                         return
   383                 createdb(helper, source, dbcnx, cursor)
   384                 dbcnx.commit()
   385                 print('-> database %s created.' % dbname)
   386             except BaseException:
   387                 dbcnx.rollback()
   388                 raise
   389         cnx = system_source_cnx(source, special_privs='CREATE LANGUAGE/SCHEMA',
   390                                 interactive=not automatic)
   391         cursor = cnx.cursor()
   392         helper.init_fti_extensions(cursor)
   393         namespace = source.get('db-namespace')
   394         if namespace and ASK.confirm('Create schema %s in database %s ?'
   395                                      % (namespace, dbname)):
   396             helper.create_schema(cursor, namespace)
   397         cnx.commit()
   398         # postgres specific stuff
   399         if driver == 'postgres':
   400             # install plpythonu/plpgsql languages
   401             langs = ('plpythonu', 'plpgsql')
   402             for extlang in langs:
   403                 if automatic or ASK.confirm('Create language %s ?' % extlang):
   404                     try:
   405                         helper.create_language(cursor, extlang)
   406                     except Exception as exc:
   407                         print('-> ERROR:', exc)
   408                         print('-> could not create language %s, some stored procedures might be unusable' % extlang)
   409                         cnx.rollback()
   410                     else:
   411                         cnx.commit()
   412         print('-> database for instance %s created and necessary extensions installed.' % appid)
   413         print()
   414         if automatic:
   415   ['db-init', '--automatic', '--config-level', '0',
   416                        config.appid])
   417         elif ASK.confirm('Run db-init to initialize the system database ?'):
   418   ['db-init', '--config-level',
   419                        str(self.config.config_level), config.appid])
   420         else:
   421             print('-> nevermind, you can do it later with '
   422                   '"cubicweb-ctl db-init %s".' % config.appid)
   425 class InitInstanceCommand(Command):
   426     """Initialize the system database of an instance (run after 'db-create').
   428     Notice this will be done using user specified in the sources files, so this
   429     user should have the create tables grant permissions on the database.
   431     <instance>
   432       the identifier of the instance to initialize.
   433     """
   434     name = 'db-init'
   435     arguments = '<instance>'
   436     min_args = max_args = 1
   437     options = (
   438         ('automatic',
   439          {'short': 'a', 'action' : 'store_true',
   440           'default': False,
   441           'help': 'automatic mode: never ask and use default answer to every '
   442           'question.',
   443           }),
   444         ('config-level',
   445          {'short': 'l', 'type': 'int', 'default': 0,
   446           'help': 'level threshold for questions asked when configuring '
   447           'another source'
   448           }),
   449         ('drop',
   450          {'short': 'd', 'action': 'store_true',
   451           'default': False,
   452           'help': 'insert drop statements to remove previously existant '
   453           'tables, indexes... (no by default)'
   454           }),
   455         )
   457     def run(self, args):
   458         check_options_consistency(self.config)
   459         print('\n'+underline_title('Initializing the system database'))
   460         from cubicweb.server import init_repository
   461         appid = args[0]
   462         config = ServerConfiguration.config_for(appid)
   463         try:
   464             system = config.system_source_config
   465             extra_args = system.get('db-extra-arguments')
   466             extra = extra_args and {'extra_args': extra_args} or {}
   467             get_connection(
   468                 system['db-driver'], database=system['db-name'],
   469                 host=system.get('db-host'), port=system.get('db-port'),
   470                 user=system.get('db-user') or '', password=system.get('db-password') or '',
   471                 schema=system.get('db-namespace'), **extra)
   472         except Exception as ex:
   473             raise ConfigurationError(
   474                 'You seem to have provided wrong connection information in '\
   475                 'the %s file. Resolve this first (error: %s).'
   476                 % (config.sources_file(), str(ex).strip()))
   477         init_repository(config, drop=self.config.drop)
   478         if not self.config.automatic:
   479             while ASK.confirm('Enter another source ?', default_is_yes=False):
   480       ['source-add', '--config-level',
   481                            str(self.config.config_level), config.appid])
   484 class AddSourceCommand(Command):
   485     """Add a data source to an instance.
   487     <instance>
   488       the identifier of the instance to initialize.
   489     """
   490     name = 'source-add'
   491     arguments = '<instance>'
   492     min_args = max_args = 1
   493     options = (
   494         ('config-level',
   495          {'short': 'l', 'type': 'int', 'default': 1,
   496           'help': 'level threshold for questions asked when configuring another source'
   497           }),
   498         )
   500     def run(self, args):
   501         appid = args[0]
   502         config = ServerConfiguration.config_for(appid)
   503         repo, cnx = repo_cnx(config)
   504'server_maintenance', repo=repo)
   505         try:
   506             with cnx:
   507                 used = set(n for n, in cnx.execute('Any SN WHERE S is CWSource, S name SN'))
   508                 cubes = repo.get_cubes()
   509                 while True:
   510                     type = input('source type (%s): '
   511                                         % ', '.join(sorted(SOURCE_TYPES)))
   512                     if type not in SOURCE_TYPES:
   513                         print('-> unknown source type, use one of the available types.')
   514                         continue
   515                     sourcemodule = SOURCE_TYPES[type].module
   516                     if not sourcemodule.startswith('cubicweb.'):
   517                         # module names look like cubes.mycube.themodule
   518                         sourcecube = SOURCE_TYPES[type].module.split('.', 2)[1]
   519                         # if the source adapter is coming from an external component,
   520                         # ensure it's specified in used cubes
   521                         if not sourcecube in cubes:
   522                             print ('-> this source type require the %s cube which is '
   523                                    'not used by the instance.')
   524                             continue
   525                     break
   526                 while True:
   527                     parser = input('parser type (%s): '
   528                                         % ', '.join(sorted(repo.vreg['parsers'])))
   529                     if parser in repo.vreg['parsers']:
   530                         break
   531                     print('-> unknown parser identifier, use one of the available types.')
   532                 while True:
   533                     sourceuri = input('source identifier (a unique name used to '
   534                                           'tell sources apart): ').strip()
   535                     if not sourceuri:
   536                         print('-> mandatory.')
   537                     else:
   538                         sourceuri = unicode(sourceuri, sys.stdin.encoding)
   539                         if sourceuri in used:
   540                             print('-> uri already used, choose another one.')
   541                         else:
   542                             break
   543                 url = input('source URL (leave empty for none): ').strip()
   544                 url = unicode(url) if url else None
   545                 # XXX configurable inputlevel
   546                 sconfig = ask_source_config(config, type, inputlevel=self.config.config_level)
   547                 cfgstr = unicode(generate_source_config(sconfig), sys.stdin.encoding)
   548                 cnx.create_entity('CWSource', name=sourceuri, type=unicode(type),
   549                                   config=cfgstr, parser=unicode(parser), url=unicode(url))
   550                 cnx.commit()
   551         finally:
   552   'server_shutdown')
   555 class GrantUserOnInstanceCommand(Command):
   556     """Grant a database user on a repository system database.
   558     <instance>
   559       the identifier of the instance
   560     <user>
   561       the database's user requiring grant access
   562     """
   563     name = 'db-grant-user'
   564     arguments = '<instance> <user>'
   565     min_args = max_args = 2
   566     options = (
   567         ('set-owner',
   568          {'short': 'o', 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<yes or no>',
   569           'default' : False,
   570           'help': 'Set the user as tables owner if yes (no by default).'}
   571          ),
   572         )
   573     def run(self, args):
   574         """run the command with its specific arguments"""
   575         from cubicweb.server.sqlutils import sqlexec, sqlgrants
   576         appid, user = args
   577         config = ServerConfiguration.config_for(appid)
   578         source = config.system_source_config
   579         set_owner = self.config.set_owner
   580         cnx = system_source_cnx(source, special_privs='GRANT')
   581         cursor = cnx.cursor()
   582         schema = config.load_schema()
   583         try:
   584             sqlexec(sqlgrants(schema, source['db-driver'], user,
   585                               set_owner=set_owner), cursor)
   586         except Exception as ex:
   587             cnx.rollback()
   588             import traceback
   589             traceback.print_exc()
   590             print('-> an error occurred:', ex)
   591         else:
   592             cnx.commit()
   593             print('-> rights granted to %s on instance %s.' % (appid, user))
   596 class ResetAdminPasswordCommand(Command):
   597     """Reset the administrator password.
   599     <instance>
   600       the identifier of the instance
   601     """
   602     name = 'reset-admin-pwd'
   603     arguments = '<instance>'
   604     min_args = max_args = 1
   605     options = (
   606         ('password',
   607          {'short': 'p', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar' : '<new-password>',
   608           'default' : None,
   609           'help': 'Use this password instead of prompt for one.\n'
   610                   '/!\ THIS IS AN INSECURE PRACTICE /!\ \n'
   611                   'the password will appear in shell history'}
   612          ),
   613         )
   615     def run(self, args):
   616         """run the command with its specific arguments"""
   617         from cubicweb.server.utils import crypt_password, manager_userpasswd
   618         appid = args[0]
   619         config = ServerConfiguration.config_for(appid)
   620         sourcescfg = config.read_sources_file()
   621         try:
   622             adminlogin = sourcescfg['admin']['login']
   623         except KeyError:
   624             print('-> Error: could not get cubicweb administrator login.')
   625             sys.exit(1)
   626         cnx = source_cnx(sourcescfg['system'])
   627         driver = sourcescfg['system']['db-driver']
   628         dbhelper = get_db_helper(driver)
   629         cursor = cnx.cursor()
   630         # check admin exists
   631         cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM cw_CWUser WHERE cw_login=%(l)s",
   632                        {'l': adminlogin})
   633         if not cursor.fetchall():
   634             print("-> error: admin user %r specified in sources doesn't exist "
   635                   "in the database" % adminlogin)
   636             print("   fix your sources file before running this command")
   637             cnx.close()
   638             sys.exit(1)
   639         if self.config.password is None:
   640             # ask for a new password
   641             msg = 'new password for %s' % adminlogin
   642             _, pwd = manager_userpasswd(adminlogin, confirm=True, passwdmsg=msg)
   643         else:
   644             pwd = self.config.password
   645         try:
   646             cursor.execute("UPDATE cw_CWUser SET cw_upassword=%(p)s WHERE cw_login=%(l)s",
   647                            {'p': dbhelper.binary_value(crypt_password(pwd)), 'l': adminlogin})
   648             sconfig = Configuration(options=USER_OPTIONS)
   649             sconfig['login'] = adminlogin
   650             sconfig['password'] = pwd
   651             sourcescfg['admin'] = sconfig
   652             config.write_sources_file(sourcescfg)
   653         except Exception as ex:
   654             cnx.rollback()
   655             import traceback
   656             traceback.print_exc()
   657             print('-> an error occurred:', ex)
   658         else:
   659             cnx.commit()
   660             print('-> password reset, sources file regenerated.')
   661         cnx.close()
   665 def _remote_dump(host, appid, output, sudo=False):
   666     # XXX generate unique/portable file name
   667     from datetime import date
   668     filename = '%s-%s.tgz' % (appid,'%Y-%m-%d'))
   669     dmpcmd = 'cubicweb-ctl db-dump -o /tmp/%s %s' % (filename, appid)
   670     if sudo:
   671         dmpcmd = 'sudo %s' % (dmpcmd)
   672     dmpcmd = 'ssh -t %s "%s"' % (host, dmpcmd)
   673     print(dmpcmd)
   674     if os.system(dmpcmd):
   675         raise ExecutionError('Error while dumping the database')
   676     if output is None:
   677         output = filename
   678     cmd = 'scp %s:/tmp/%s %s' % (host, filename, output)
   679     print(cmd)
   680     if os.system(cmd):
   681         raise ExecutionError('Error while retrieving the dump at /tmp/%s' % filename)
   682     rmcmd = 'ssh -t %s "rm -f /tmp/%s"' % (host, filename)
   683     print(rmcmd)
   684     if os.system(rmcmd) and not ASK.confirm(
   685         'An error occurred while deleting remote dump at /tmp/%s. '
   686         'Continue anyway?' % filename):
   687         raise ExecutionError('Error while deleting remote dump at /tmp/%s' % filename)
   690 def _local_dump(appid, output, format='native'):
   691     config = ServerConfiguration.config_for(appid)
   692     config.quick_start = True
   693     mih = config.migration_handler(verbosity=1)
   694     mih.backup_database(output, askconfirm=False, format=format)
   695     mih.shutdown()
   697 def _local_restore(appid, backupfile, drop, format='native'):
   698     config = ServerConfiguration.config_for(appid)
   699     config.verbosity = 1 # else we won't be asked for confirmation on problems
   700     config.quick_start = True
   701     mih = config.migration_handler(connect=False, verbosity=1)
   702     mih.restore_database(backupfile, drop, askconfirm=False, format=format)
   703     repo = mih.repo
   704     # version of the database
   705     dbversions = repo.get_versions()
   706     mih.shutdown()
   707     if not dbversions:
   708         print("bad or missing version information in the database, don't upgrade file system")
   709         return
   710     # version of installed software
   711     eversion = dbversions['cubicweb']
   712     status = instance_status(config, eversion, dbversions)
   713     # * database version > installed software
   714     if status == 'needsoftupgrade':
   715         print("** The database of %s is more recent than the installed software!" % config.appid)
   716         print("** Upgrade your software, then migrate the database by running the command")
   717         print("** 'cubicweb-ctl upgrade %s'" % config.appid)
   718         return
   719     # * database version < installed software, an upgrade will be necessary
   720     #   anyway, just rewrite vc.conf and warn user he has to upgrade
   721     elif status == 'needapplupgrade':
   722         print("** The database of %s is older than the installed software." % config.appid)
   723         print("** Migrate the database by running the command")
   724         print("** 'cubicweb-ctl upgrade %s'" % config.appid)
   725         return
   726     # * database version = installed software, database version = instance fs version
   727     #   ok!
   729 def instance_status(config, cubicwebapplversion, vcconf):
   730     cubicwebversion = config.cubicweb_version()
   731     if cubicwebapplversion > cubicwebversion:
   732         return 'needsoftupgrade'
   733     if cubicwebapplversion < cubicwebversion:
   734         return 'needapplupgrade'
   735     for cube in config.cubes():
   736         try:
   737             softversion = config.cube_version(cube)
   738         except ConfigurationError:
   739             print('-> Error: no cube version information for %s, please check that the cube is installed.' % cube)
   740             continue
   741         try:
   742             applversion = vcconf[cube]
   743         except KeyError:
   744             print('-> Error: no cube version information for %s in version configuration.' % cube)
   745             continue
   746         if softversion == applversion:
   747             continue
   748         if softversion > applversion:
   749             return 'needsoftupgrade'
   750         elif softversion < applversion:
   751             return 'needapplupgrade'
   752     return None
   755 class DBDumpCommand(Command):
   756     """Backup the system database of an instance.
   758     <instance>
   759       the identifier of the instance to backup
   760       format [[user@]host:]appname
   761     """
   762     name = 'db-dump'
   763     arguments = '<instance>'
   764     min_args = max_args = 1
   765     options = (
   766         ('output',
   767          {'short': 'o', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar' : '<file>',
   768           'default' : None,
   769           'help': 'Specify the backup file where the backup will be stored.'}
   770          ),
   771         ('sudo',
   772          {'short': 's', 'action' : 'store_true',
   773           'default' : False,
   774           'help': 'Use sudo on the remote host.'}
   775          ),
   776         ('format',
   777          {'short': 'f', 'default': 'native', 'type': 'choice',
   778           'choices': ('native', 'portable'),
   779           'help': '"native" format uses db backend utilities to dump the database. '
   780                   '"portable" format uses a database independent format'}
   781          ),
   782         )
   784     def run(self, args):
   785         appid = args[0]
   786         if ':' in appid:
   787             host, appid = appid.split(':')
   788             _remote_dump(host, appid, self.config.output, self.config.sudo)
   789         else:
   790             _local_dump(appid, self.config.output, format=self.config.format)
   795 class DBRestoreCommand(Command):
   796     """Restore the system database of an instance.
   798     <instance>
   799       the identifier of the instance to restore
   800     """
   801     name = 'db-restore'
   802     arguments = '<instance> <backupfile>'
   803     min_args = max_args = 2
   805     options = (
   806         ('no-drop',
   807          {'short': 'n', 'action' : 'store_true', 'default' : False,
   808           'help': 'for some reason the database doesn\'t exist and so '
   809           'should not be dropped.'}
   810          ),
   811         ('format',
   812          {'short': 'f', 'default': 'native', 'type': 'choice',
   813           'choices': ('native', 'portable'),
   814           'help': 'the format used when dumping the database'}),
   815         )
   817     def run(self, args):
   818         appid, backupfile = args
   819         if self.config.format == 'portable':
   820             # we need to ensure a DB exist before restoring from portable format
   821             if not self.config.no_drop:
   822                 try:
   823           ['db-create', '--automatic', appid])
   824                 except SystemExit as exc:
   825                     # continue if the command exited with status 0 (success)
   826                     if exc.code:
   827                         raise
   828         _local_restore(appid, backupfile,
   829                        drop=not self.config.no_drop,
   830                        format=self.config.format)
   831         if self.config.format == 'portable':
   832             try:
   833       ['db-rebuild-fti', appid])
   834             except SystemExit as exc:
   835                 if exc.code:
   836                     raise
   839 class DBCopyCommand(Command):
   840     """Copy the system database of an instance (backup and restore).
   842     <src-instance>
   843       the identifier of the instance to backup
   844       format [[user@]host:]appname
   846     <dest-instance>
   847       the identifier of the instance to restore
   848     """
   849     name = 'db-copy'
   850     arguments = '<src-instance> <dest-instance>'
   851     min_args = max_args = 2
   852     options = (
   853         ('no-drop',
   854          {'short': 'n', 'action' : 'store_true',
   855           'default' : False,
   856           'help': 'For some reason the database doesn\'t exist and so '
   857           'should not be dropped.'}
   858          ),
   859         ('keep-dump',
   860          {'short': 'k', 'action' : 'store_true',
   861           'default' : False,
   862           'help': 'Specify that the dump file should not be automatically removed.'}
   863          ),
   864         ('sudo',
   865          {'short': 's', 'action' : 'store_true',
   866           'default' : False,
   867           'help': 'Use sudo on the remote host.'}
   868          ),
   869         ('format',
   870          {'short': 'f', 'default': 'native', 'type': 'choice',
   871           'choices': ('native', 'portable'),
   872           'help': '"native" format uses db backend utilities to dump the database. '
   873                   '"portable" format uses a database independent format'}
   874          ),
   875         )
   877     def run(self, args):
   878         import tempfile
   879         srcappid, destappid = args
   880         fd, output = tempfile.mkstemp()
   881         os.close(fd)
   882         if ':' in srcappid:
   883             host, srcappid = srcappid.split(':')
   884             _remote_dump(host, srcappid, output, self.config.sudo)
   885         else:
   886             _local_dump(srcappid, output, format=self.config.format)
   887         _local_restore(destappid, output, not self.config.no_drop,
   888                        self.config.format)
   889         if self.config.keep_dump:
   890             print('-> you can get the dump file at', output)
   891         else:
   892             os.remove(output)
   895 class CheckRepositoryCommand(Command):
   896     """Check integrity of the system database of an instance.
   898     <instance>
   899       the identifier of the instance to check
   900     """
   901     name = 'db-check'
   902     arguments = '<instance>'
   903     min_args = max_args = 1
   904     options = (
   905         ('checks',
   906          {'short': 'c', 'type' : 'csv', 'metavar' : '<check list>',
   907           'default' : ('entities', 'relations',
   908                        'mandatory_relations', 'mandatory_attributes',
   909                        'metadata', 'schema', 'text_index'),
   910           'help': 'Comma separated list of check to run. By default run all \
   911 checks, i.e. entities, relations, mandatory_relations, mandatory_attributes, \
   912 metadata, text_index and schema.'}
   913          ),
   915         ('autofix',
   916          {'short': 'a', 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<yes or no>',
   917           'default' : False,
   918           'help': 'Automatically correct integrity problems if this option \
   919 is set to "y" or "yes", else only display them'}
   920          ),
   921         ('reindex',
   922          {'short': 'r', 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<yes or no>',
   923           'default' : False,
   924           'help': 're-indexes the database for full text search if this \
   925 option is set to "y" or "yes" (may be long for large database).'}
   926          ),
   927         ('force',
   928          {'short': 'f', 'action' : 'store_true',
   929           'default' : False,
   930           'help': 'don\'t check instance is up to date.'}
   931          ),
   933         )
   935     def run(self, args):
   936         from cubicweb.server.checkintegrity import check
   937         appid = args[0]
   938         config = ServerConfiguration.config_for(appid)
   939         config.repairing = self.config.force
   940         repo, _cnx = repo_cnx(config)
   941         with repo.internal_cnx() as cnx:
   942             check(repo, cnx,
   943                   self.config.checks,
   944                   self.config.reindex,
   945                   self.config.autofix)
   948 class RebuildFTICommand(Command):
   949     """Rebuild the full-text index of the system database of an instance.
   951     <instance> [etype(s)]
   952       the identifier of the instance to rebuild
   954     If no etype is specified, cubicweb will reindex everything, otherwise
   955     only specified etypes will be considered.
   956     """
   957     name = 'db-rebuild-fti'
   958     arguments = '<instance>'
   959     min_args = 1
   961     def run(self, args):
   962         from cubicweb.server.checkintegrity import reindex_entities
   963         appid = args.pop(0)
   964         etypes = args or None
   965         config = ServerConfiguration.config_for(appid)
   966         repo, cnx = repo_cnx(config)
   967         with cnx:
   968             reindex_entities(repo.schema, cnx, etypes=etypes)
   969             cnx.commit()
   972 class SynchronizeSourceCommand(Command):
   973     """Force a source synchronization.
   975     <instance>
   976       the identifier of the instance
   977     <source>
   978       the name of the source to synchronize.
   979     """
   980     name = 'source-sync'
   981     arguments = '<instance> <source>'
   982     min_args = max_args = 2
   983     options = (
   984             ('loglevel',
   985              {'short': 'l', 'type' : 'choice', 'metavar': '<log level>',
   986               'default': 'info', 'choices': ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error'),
   987              }),
   988     )
   990     def run(self, args):
   991         from cubicweb import repoapi
   992         from cubicweb.cwctl import init_cmdline_log_threshold
   993         config = ServerConfiguration.config_for(args[0])
   994         config.global_set_option('log-file', None)
   995         config.log_format = '%(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s'
   996         init_cmdline_log_threshold(config, self['loglevel'])
   997         repo = repoapi.get_repository(config=config)
   998'server_maintenance', repo=repo)
   999         try:
  1000             try:
  1001                 source = repo.sources_by_uri[args[1]]
  1002             except KeyError:
  1003                 raise ExecutionError('no source named %r' % args[1])
  1004             with repo.internal_cnx() as cnx:
  1005                 stats = source.pull_data(cnx, force=True, raise_on_error=True)
  1006         finally:
  1007             repo.shutdown()
  1008         for key, val in stats.items():
  1009             if val:
  1010                 print(key, ':', val)
  1014 def permissionshandler(relation, perms):
  1015     from yams.schema import RelationDefinitionSchema
  1016     from yams.buildobjs import DEFAULT_ATTRPERMS
  1017     from cubicweb.schema import (PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS, PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS,
  1018                                  PUB_SYSTEM_ATTR_PERMS, RO_REL_PERMS, RO_ATTR_PERMS)
  1019     defaultrelperms = (DEFAULT_ATTRPERMS, PUB_SYSTEM_REL_PERMS,
  1020                        PUB_SYSTEM_ATTR_PERMS, RO_REL_PERMS, RO_ATTR_PERMS)
  1021     defaulteperms = (PUB_SYSTEM_ENTITY_PERMS,)
  1022     # canonicalize vs str/unicode
  1023     for p in ('read', 'add', 'update', 'delete'):
  1024         rule = perms.get(p)
  1025         if rule:
  1026             perms[p] = tuple(str(x) if isinstance(x, string_types) else x
  1027                              for x in rule)
  1028     return perms, perms in defaultrelperms or perms in defaulteperms
  1031 class SchemaDiffCommand(Command):
  1032     """Generate a diff between schema and fsschema description.
  1034     <instance>
  1035       the identifier of the instance
  1036     <diff-tool>
  1037       the name of the diff tool to compare the two generated files.
  1038     """
  1039     name = 'schema-diff'
  1040     arguments = '<instance> <diff-tool>'
  1041     min_args = max_args = 2
  1043     def run(self, args):
  1044         from yams.diff import schema_diff
  1045         from cubicweb import repoapi
  1046         appid = args.pop(0)
  1047         diff_tool = args.pop(0)
  1048         config = ServerConfiguration.config_for(appid)
  1049         repo = repoapi.get_repository(config=config)
  1050         fsschema = config.load_schema(expand_cubes=True)
  1051         schema_diff(fsschema, repo.schema, permissionshandler, diff_tool, ignore=('eid',))
  1054 for cmdclass in (CreateInstanceDBCommand, InitInstanceCommand,
  1055                  GrantUserOnInstanceCommand, ResetAdminPasswordCommand,
  1056                  DBDumpCommand, DBRestoreCommand, DBCopyCommand,
  1057                  AddSourceCommand, CheckRepositoryCommand, RebuildFTICommand,
  1058                  SynchronizeSourceCommand, SchemaDiffCommand,
  1059                  ):
  1060     CWCTL.register(cmdclass)
  1062 # extend configure command to set options in sources config file ###############
  1064 db_options = (
  1065     ('db',
  1066      {'short': 'd', 'type' : 'named', 'metavar' : '[section1.]key1:value1,[section2.]key2:value2',
  1067       'default': None,
  1068       'help': '''set <key> in <section> to <value> in "source" configuration file. If <section> is not specified, it defaults to "system".
  1070 Beware that changing admin.login or admin.password using this command
  1071 will NOT update the database with new admin credentials.  Use the
  1072 reset-admin-pwd command instead.
  1073 ''',
  1074       }),
  1075     )
  1077 ConfigureInstanceCommand.options = merge_options(
  1078         ConfigureInstanceCommand.options + db_options)
  1080 configure_instance = ConfigureInstanceCommand.configure_instance
  1081 def configure_instance2(self, appid):
  1082     configure_instance(self, appid)
  1083     if self.config.db is not None:
  1084         appcfg = ServerConfiguration.config_for(appid)
  1085         srccfg = appcfg.read_sources_file()
  1086         for key, value in self.config.db.items():
  1087             if '.' in key:
  1088                 section, key = key.split('.', 1)
  1089             else:
  1090                 section = 'system'
  1091             try:
  1092                 srccfg[section][key] = value
  1093             except KeyError:
  1094                 raise ConfigurationError('unknown configuration key "%s" in section "%s" for source' % (key, section))
  1095         admcfg = Configuration(options=USER_OPTIONS)
  1096         admcfg['login'] = srccfg['admin']['login']
  1097         admcfg['password'] = srccfg['admin']['password']
  1098         srccfg['admin'] = admcfg
  1099         appcfg.write_sources_file(srccfg)
  1100 ConfigureInstanceCommand.configure_instance = configure_instance2