changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11052 058bb3dc685f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
equal deleted inserted replaced
11052:058bb3dc685f 11057:0b59724cb3f2
     1 # copyright 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     2 # contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
     3 #
     4 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
     5 #
     6 # CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     7 # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     8 # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
     9 # any later version.
    10 #
    11 # CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    13 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    14 # details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    17 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    18 """allways executed before all others in server migration
    20 it should only include low level schema changes
    21 """
    22 from __future__ import print_function
    24 from six import text_type
    26 from cubicweb import ConfigurationError
    27 from cubicweb.server.session import hooks_control
    28 from cubicweb.server import schemaserial as ss
    30 applcubicwebversion, cubicwebversion = versions_map['cubicweb']
    32 def _add_relation_definition_no_perms(subjtype, rtype, objtype):
    33     rschema = fsschema.rschema(rtype)
    34     rdef = rschema.rdefs[(subjtype, objtype)]
    35     rdef.rtype = schema.rschema(rtype)
    36     rdef.subject = schema.eschema(subjtype)
    37     rdef.object = schema.eschema(objtype)
    38     ss.execschemarql(rql, rdef, ss.rdef2rql(rdef, CSTRMAP, groupmap=None))
    39     commit(ask_confirm=False)
    41 def replace_eid_sequence_with_eid_numrange(session):
    42     dbh = session.repo.system_source.dbhelper
    43     cursor = session.cnxset.cu
    44     try:
    45         cursor.execute(dbh.sql_sequence_current_state('entities_id_seq'))
    46         lasteid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    47     except: # programming error, already migrated
    48         return
    50     cursor.execute(dbh.sql_drop_sequence('entities_id_seq'))
    51     cursor.execute(dbh.sql_create_numrange('entities_id_seq'))
    52     cursor.execute(dbh.sql_restart_numrange('entities_id_seq', initial_value=lasteid))
    53     session.commit()
    55 if applcubicwebversion <= (3, 13, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 13, 1):
    56     sql('ALTER TABLE entities ADD asource VARCHAR(64)')
    57     sql('UPDATE entities SET asource=cw_name  '
    58         'FROM cw_CWSource, cw_source_relation '
    59         'WHERE entities.eid=cw_source_relation.eid_from AND cw_source_relation.eid_to=cw_CWSource.cw_eid')
    60     commit()
    62 if applcubicwebversion <= (3, 14, 4) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 14, 4):
    63     from cubicweb.server import schema2sql as y2sql
    64     dbhelper = repo.system_source.dbhelper
    65     rdefdef = schema['CWSource'].rdef('name')
    66     attrtype = y2sql.type_from_constraints(dbhelper, rdefdef.object, rdefdef.constraints).split()[0]
    67     cursor = session.cnxset.cu
    68     sql('UPDATE entities SET asource = source WHERE asource is NULL')
    69     dbhelper.change_col_type(cursor, 'entities', 'asource', attrtype, False)
    70     dbhelper.change_col_type(cursor, 'entities', 'source', attrtype, False)
    72     # we now have a functional asource column, start using the normal eid_type_source method
    73     if repo.system_source.eid_type_source == repo.system_source.eid_type_source_pre_131:
    74         del repo.system_source.eid_type_source
    76 if applcubicwebversion < (3, 19, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 19, 0):
    77     try: 
    78         # need explicit drop of the indexes on some database systems (sqlserver)
    79         sql(repo.system_source.dbhelper.sql_drop_index('entities', 'mtime'))
    80         sql('ALTER TABLE "entities" DROP COLUMN "mtime"')
    81         sql('ALTER TABLE "entities" DROP COLUMN "source"')
    82     except: # programming error, already migrated
    83         print("Failed to drop mtime or source database columns")
    84         print("'entities' table of the database has probably been already updated")
    86     commit()
    88     replace_eid_sequence_with_eid_numrange(session)
    90 if applcubicwebversion < (3, 20, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 20, 0):
    91     ss._IGNORED_PROPS.append('formula')
    92     add_attribute('CWAttribute', 'formula', commit=False)
    93     ss._IGNORED_PROPS.remove('formula')
    94     commit()
    95     add_entity_type('CWComputedRType')
    96     commit()
    98 if schema['TZDatetime'].eid is None:
    99     add_entity_type('TZDatetime', auto=False)
   100 if schema['TZTime'].eid is None:
   101     add_entity_type('TZTime', auto=False)
   103 if applcubicwebversion < (3, 18, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 18, 0):
   104     driver = config.system_source_config['db-driver']
   105     if not (driver == 'postgres' or driver.startswith('sqlserver')):
   106         import sys
   107         print('This migration is not supported for backends other than sqlserver or postgres (yet).', file=sys.stderr)
   108         sys.exit(1)
   110     add_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'add_permission', 'CWGroup')
   111     add_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'add_permission', 'RQLExpression')
   113     # a bad defaultval in 3.13.8 schema was fixed in 3.13.9, but the migration was missed
   114     rql('SET ATTR defaultval NULL WHERE ATTR from_entity E, E name "CWSource", ATTR relation_type T, T name "in_synchronization"')
   116     # the migration gets confused when we change rdefs out from under it.  So
   117     # explicitly remove this size constraint so it doesn't stick around and break
   118     # things later.
   119     rdefeid = schema['defaultval'].rdefs.values()[0].eid
   120     rql('DELETE CWConstraint C WHERE C cstrtype T, T name "SizeConstraint", R constrained_by C, R eid %(eid)s', {'eid': rdefeid})
   122     sync_schema_props_perms('defaultval')
   124     def convert_defaultval(cwattr, default):
   125         from decimal import Decimal
   126         import yams
   127         from cubicweb import Binary
   128         if default is None:
   129             return
   130         if isinstance(default, Binary):
   131             # partially migrated instance, try to be idempotent
   132             return default
   133         atype = cwattr.to_entity[0].name
   134         if atype == 'Boolean':
   135             # boolean attributes with default=False were stored as ''
   136             assert default in ('True', 'False', ''), repr(default)
   137             default = default == 'True'
   138         elif atype in ('Int', 'BigInt'):
   139             default = int(default)
   140         elif atype == 'Float':
   141             default = float(default)
   142         elif atype == 'Decimal':
   143             default = Decimal(default)
   144         elif atype in ('Date', 'Datetime', 'TZDatetime', 'Time'):
   145             try:
   146                 # handle NOW and TODAY, keep them stored as strings
   147                 yams.KEYWORD_MAP[atype][default.upper()]
   148                 default = default.upper()
   149             except KeyError:
   150                 # otherwise get an actual date or datetime
   151                 default = yams.DATE_FACTORY_MAP[atype](default)
   152         else:
   153             assert atype == 'String', atype
   154             default = text_type(default)
   155         return Binary.zpickle(default)
   157     dbh = repo.system_source.dbhelper
   160     sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute ADD new_defaultval %s' % dbh.TYPE_MAPPING['Bytes'])
   162     for cwattr in rql('CWAttribute X').entities():
   163         olddefault = cwattr.defaultval
   164         if olddefault is not None:
   165             req = "UPDATE cw_cwattribute SET new_defaultval = %(val)s WHERE cw_eid = %(eid)s"
   166             args = {'val': dbh.binary_value(convert_defaultval(cwattr, olddefault).getvalue()), 'eid': cwattr.eid}
   167             sql(req, args, ask_confirm=False)
   169     sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute DROP COLUMN cw_defaultval')
   170     if driver == 'postgres':
   171         sql('ALTER TABLE cw_cwattribute RENAME COLUMN new_defaultval TO cw_defaultval')
   172     else: # sqlserver
   173         sql("sp_rename 'cw_cwattribute.new_defaultval', 'cw_defaultval', 'COLUMN'")
   176     # Set object type to "Bytes" for CWAttribute's "defaultval" attribute
   177     rql('SET X to_entity B WHERE X is CWAttribute, X from_entity Y, Y name "CWAttribute", '
   178         'X relation_type Z, Z name "defaultval", B name "Bytes", NOT X to_entity B')
   180     oldrdef = schema['CWAttribute'].rdef('defaultval')
   181     import yams.buildobjs as ybo
   182     newrdef = ybo.RelationDefinition('CWAttribute', 'defaultval', 'Bytes')
   183     newrdef.eid = oldrdef.eid
   184     schema.add_relation_def(newrdef)
   185     schema.del_relation_def('CWAttribute', 'defaultval', 'String')
   187     commit()
   189     sync_schema_props_perms('defaultval')
   191     for rschema in schema.relations():
   192         if rschema.symmetric:
   193             subjects = set(repr(e.type) for e in rschema.subjects())
   194             objects = set(repr(e.type) for e in rschema.objects())
   195             assert subjects == objects
   196             martians = set(str(eid) for eid, in sql('SELECT eid_to FROM %s_relation, entities WHERE eid_to = eid AND type NOT IN (%s)' %
   197                                                (rschema.type, ','.join(subjects))))
   198             martians |= set(str(eid) for eid, in sql('SELECT eid_from FROM %s_relation, entities WHERE eid_from = eid AND type NOT IN (%s)' %
   199                                                 (rschema.type, ','.join(subjects))))
   200             if martians:
   201                 martians = ','.join(martians)
   202                 print('deleting broken relations %s for eids %s' % (rschema.type, martians))
   203                 sql('DELETE FROM %s_relation WHERE eid_from IN (%s) OR eid_to IN (%s)' % (rschema.type, martians, martians))
   204             with session.deny_all_hooks_but():
   205                 rql('SET X %(r)s Y WHERE Y %(r)s X, NOT X %(r)s Y' % {'r': rschema.type})
   206             commit()
   209     # multi columns unique constraints regeneration
   210     from cubicweb.server import schemaserial
   212     # syncschema hooks would try to remove indices but
   213     # 1) we already do that below
   214     # 2) the hook expects the CWUniqueTogetherConstraint.name attribute that hasn't
   215     #    yet been added
   216     with session.allow_all_hooks_but('syncschema'):
   217         rql('DELETE CWUniqueTogetherConstraint C')
   218     commit()
   219     add_attribute('CWUniqueTogetherConstraint', 'name')
   221     # low-level wipe code for postgres & sqlserver, plain sql ...
   222     if driver == 'postgres':
   223         for indexname, in sql('select indexname from pg_indexes'):
   224             if indexname.startswith('unique_'):
   225                 print('dropping index', indexname)
   226                 sql('DROP INDEX %s' % indexname)
   227         commit()
   228     elif driver.startswith('sqlserver'):
   229         for viewname, in sql('select name from sys.views'):
   230             if viewname.startswith('utv_'):
   231                 print('dropping view (index should be cascade-deleted)', viewname)
   232                 sql('DROP VIEW %s' % viewname)
   233         commit()
   235     # recreate the constraints, hook will lead to low-level recreation
   236     for eschema in sorted(schema.entities()):
   237         if eschema._unique_together:
   238             print('recreate unique indexes for', eschema)
   239             rql_args = schemaserial.uniquetogether2rqls(eschema)
   240             for rql, args in rql_args:
   241                 args['x'] = eschema.eid
   242                 session.execute(rql, args)
   243     commit()
   245     # all attributes perms have to be refreshed ...
   246     for rschema in sorted(schema.relations()):
   247         if rschema.final:
   248             if rschema.type in fsschema:
   249                 print('sync perms for', rschema.type)
   250                 sync_schema_props_perms(rschema.type, syncprops=False, ask_confirm=False, commit=False)
   251             else:
   252                 print('WARNING: attribute %s missing from fs schema' % rschema.type)
   253     commit()
   255 if applcubicwebversion < (3, 17, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 17, 0):
   256     try:
   257         add_cube('sioc', update_database=False)
   258     except ConfigurationError:
   259         if not confirm('In cubicweb 3.17 sioc views have been moved to the sioc '
   260                        'cube, which is not installed.  Continue anyway?'):
   261             raise
   262     try:
   263         add_cube('embed', update_database=False)
   264     except ConfigurationError:
   265         if not confirm('In cubicweb 3.17 embedding views have been moved to the embed '
   266                        'cube, which is not installed.  Continue anyway?'):
   267             raise
   268     try:
   269         add_cube('geocoding', update_database=False)
   270     except ConfigurationError:
   271         if not confirm('In cubicweb 3.17 geocoding views have been moved to the geocoding '
   272                        'cube, which is not installed.  Continue anyway?'):
   273             raise
   276 if applcubicwebversion <= (3, 14, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 14, 0):
   277     if 'require_permission' in schema and not 'localperms'in repo.config.cubes():
   278         from cubicweb import ExecutionError
   279         try:
   280             add_cube('localperms', update_database=False)
   281         except ConfigurationError:
   282             raise ExecutionError('In cubicweb 3.14, CWPermission and related stuff '
   283                                  'has been moved to cube localperms. Install it first.')
   286 if applcubicwebversion == (3, 6, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 6, 0):
   287     CSTRMAP = dict(rql('Any T, X WHERE X is CWConstraintType, X name T',
   288                        ask_confirm=False))
   289     _add_relation_definition_no_perms('CWAttribute', 'update_permission', 'CWGroup')
   290     _add_relation_definition_no_perms('CWAttribute', 'update_permission', 'RQLExpression')
   291     rql('SET X update_permission Y WHERE X is CWAttribute, X add_permission Y')
   292     drop_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'delete_permission', 'CWGroup')
   293     drop_relation_definition('CWAttribute', 'delete_permission', 'RQLExpression')
   295 elif applcubicwebversion < (3, 6, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 6, 0):
   296     CSTRMAP = dict(rql('Any T, X WHERE X is CWConstraintType, X name T',
   297                        ask_confirm=False))
   298     session.set_cnxset()
   299     permsdict = ss.deserialize_ertype_permissions(session)
   301     with hooks_control(session, session.HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL, 'integrity'):
   302         for rschema in repo.schema.relations():
   303             rpermsdict = permsdict.get(rschema.eid, {})
   304             for rdef in rschema.rdefs.values():
   305                 for action in rdef.ACTIONS:
   306                     actperms = []
   307                     for something in rpermsdict.get(action == 'update' and 'add' or action, ()):
   308                         if isinstance(something, tuple):
   309                             actperms.append(rdef.rql_expression(*something))
   310                         else: # group name
   311                             actperms.append(something)
   312                     rdef.set_action_permissions(action, actperms)
   313         for action in ('read', 'add', 'delete'):
   314             _add_relation_definition_no_perms('CWRelation', '%s_permission' % action, 'CWGroup')
   315             _add_relation_definition_no_perms('CWRelation', '%s_permission' % action, 'RQLExpression')
   316         for action in ('read', 'update'):
   317             _add_relation_definition_no_perms('CWAttribute', '%s_permission' % action, 'CWGroup')
   318             _add_relation_definition_no_perms('CWAttribute', '%s_permission' % action, 'RQLExpression')
   319         for action in ('read', 'add', 'delete'):
   320             rql('SET X %s_permission Y WHERE X is CWRelation, '
   321                 'RT %s_permission Y, X relation_type RT, Y is CWGroup' % (action, action))
   322             rql('INSERT RQLExpression Y: Y exprtype YET, Y mainvars YMV, Y expression YEX, '
   323                 'X %s_permission Y WHERE X is CWRelation, '
   324                 'X relation_type RT, RT %s_permission Y2, Y2 exprtype YET, '
   325                 'Y2 mainvars YMV, Y2 expression YEX' % (action, action))
   326         rql('SET X read_permission Y WHERE X is CWAttribute, '
   327             'RT read_permission Y, X relation_type RT, Y is CWGroup')
   328         rql('INSERT RQLExpression Y: Y exprtype YET, Y mainvars YMV, Y expression YEX, '
   329             'X read_permission Y WHERE X is CWAttribute, '
   330             'X relation_type RT, RT read_permission Y2, Y2 exprtype YET, '
   331             'Y2 mainvars YMV, Y2 expression YEX')
   332         rql('SET X update_permission Y WHERE X is CWAttribute, '
   333             'RT add_permission Y, X relation_type RT, Y is CWGroup')
   334         rql('INSERT RQLExpression Y: Y exprtype YET, Y mainvars YMV, Y expression YEX, '
   335             'X update_permission Y WHERE X is CWAttribute, '
   336             'X relation_type RT, RT add_permission Y2, Y2 exprtype YET, '
   337             'Y2 mainvars YMV, Y2 expression YEX')
   338         for action in ('read', 'add', 'delete'):
   339             drop_relation_definition('CWRType', '%s_permission' % action, 'CWGroup', commit=False)
   340             drop_relation_definition('CWRType', '%s_permission' % action, 'RQLExpression')
   341     sync_schema_props_perms('read_permission', syncperms=False) # fix read_permission cardinality
   343 if applcubicwebversion < (3, 9, 6) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 9, 6) and not 'CWUniqueTogetherConstraint' in schema:
   344     add_entity_type('CWUniqueTogetherConstraint')
   346 if not ('CWUniqueTogetherConstraint', 'CWRType') in schema['relations'].rdefs:
   347     add_relation_definition('CWUniqueTogetherConstraint', 'relations', 'CWRType')
   348     rql('SET C relations RT WHERE C relations RDEF, RDEF relation_type RT')
   349     commit()
   350     drop_relation_definition('CWUniqueTogetherConstraint', 'relations', 'CWAttribute')
   351     drop_relation_definition('CWUniqueTogetherConstraint', 'relations', 'CWRelation')
   354 if applcubicwebversion < (3, 4, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 4, 0):
   356     with hooks_control(session, session.HOOKS_ALLOW_ALL, 'integrity'):
   357         session.set_shared_data('do-not-insert-cwuri', True)
   358         add_relation_type('cwuri')
   359         base_url = session.base_url()
   360         for eid, in rql('Any X', ask_confirm=False):
   361             type, source, extid = session.describe(eid)
   362             if source == 'system':
   363                 rql('SET X cwuri %(u)s WHERE X eid %(x)s',
   364                     {'x': eid, 'u': u'%s%s' % (base_url, eid)})
   365         isession.commit()
   366         session.set_shared_data('do-not-insert-cwuri', False)
   368 if applcubicwebversion < (3, 5, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 5, 0):
   369     # check that migration is not doomed
   370     rset = rql('Any X,Y WHERE X transition_of E, Y transition_of E, '
   371                'X name N, Y name N, NOT X identity Y',
   372                ask_confirm=False)
   373     if rset:
   374         from logilab.common.shellutils import ASK
   375         if not ASK.confirm('Migration will fail because of transitions with the same name. '
   376                            'Continue anyway ?'):
   377             import sys
   378             sys.exit(1)
   379     # proceed with migration
   380     add_entity_type('Workflow')
   381     add_entity_type('BaseTransition')
   382     add_entity_type('WorkflowTransition')
   383     add_entity_type('SubWorkflowExitPoint')
   384     # drop explicit 'State allowed_transition Transition' since it should be
   385     # infered due to yams inheritance.  However we've to disable the schema
   386     # sync hook first to avoid to destroy existing data...
   387     try:
   388         from cubicweb.hooks import syncschema
   389         repo.vreg.unregister(syncschema.AfterDelRelationTypeHook)
   390         try:
   391             drop_relation_definition('State', 'allowed_transition', 'Transition')
   392         finally:
   393             repo.vreg.register(syncschema.AfterDelRelationTypeHook)
   394     except ImportError: # syncschema is in CW >= 3.6 only
   395         from cubicweb.server.schemahooks import after_del_relation_type
   396         repo.hm.unregister_hook(after_del_relation_type,
   397                                 'after_delete_relation', 'relation_type')
   398         try:
   399             drop_relation_definition('State', 'allowed_transition', 'Transition')
   400         finally:
   401             repo.hm.register_hook(after_del_relation_type,
   402                                   'after_delete_relation', 'relation_type')
   403     schema.rebuild_infered_relations() # need to be explicitly called once everything is in place
   405     for et in rql('DISTINCT Any ET,ETN WHERE S state_of ET, ET name ETN',
   406                   ask_confirm=False).entities():
   407         wf = add_workflow(u'default %s workflow' % et.name, et.name,
   408                           ask_confirm=False)
   409         rql('SET S state_of WF WHERE S state_of ET, ET eid %(et)s, WF eid %(wf)s',
   410             {'et': et.eid, 'wf': wf.eid}, 'et', ask_confirm=False)
   411         rql('SET T transition_of WF WHERE T transition_of ET, ET eid %(et)s, WF eid %(wf)s',
   412             {'et': et.eid, 'wf': wf.eid}, 'et', ask_confirm=False)
   413         rql('SET WF initial_state S WHERE ET initial_state S, ET eid %(et)s, WF eid %(wf)s',
   414             {'et': et.eid, 'wf': wf.eid}, 'et', ask_confirm=False)
   417     rql('DELETE TrInfo TI WHERE NOT TI from_state S')
   418     rql('SET TI by_transition T WHERE TI from_state FS, TI to_state TS, '
   419         'FS allowed_transition T, T destination_state TS')
   420     commit()
   422     drop_relation_definition('State', 'state_of', 'CWEType')
   423     drop_relation_definition('Transition', 'transition_of', 'CWEType')
   424     drop_relation_definition('CWEType', 'initial_state', 'State')
   426     sync_schema_props_perms()
   428 if applcubicwebversion < (3, 2, 2) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 2, 1):
   429     from base64 import b64encode
   430     for eid, extid in sql('SELECT eid, extid FROM entities '
   431                           'WHERE extid is NOT NULL',
   432                           ask_confirm=False):
   433         sql('UPDATE entities SET extid=%(extid)s WHERE eid=%(eid)s',
   434             {'extid': b64encode(extid), 'eid': eid}, ask_confirm=False)
   435     commit()
   437 if applcubicwebversion < (3, 2, 0) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 2, 0):
   438     add_cube('card', update_database=False)
   441 if applcubicwebversion < (3, 21, 1) and cubicwebversion >= (3, 21, 1):
   442     add_relation_definition('CWComputedRType', 'read_permission', 'CWGroup')
   443     add_relation_definition('CWComputedRType', 'read_permission', 'RQLExpression')
   446 def sync_constraint_types():
   447     """Make sure the repository knows about all constraint types defined in the code"""
   448     from cubicweb.schema import CONSTRAINTS
   449     repo_constraints = set(row[0] for row in rql('Any N WHERE X is CWConstraintType, X name N'))
   451     for cstrtype in set(CONSTRAINTS) - repo_constraints:
   452         if cstrtype == 'BoundConstraint':
   453             # was renamed to BoundaryConstraint, we don't need the old name
   454             continue
   455         rql('INSERT CWConstraintType X: X name %(name)s', {'name': cstrtype})
   457     commit()
   459 sync_constraint_types()