changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11052 058bb3dc685f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
equal deleted inserted replaced
11052:058bb3dc685f 11057:0b59724cb3f2
     1 # copyright 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     2 # contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
     3 #
     4 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
     5 #
     6 # CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     7 # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     8 # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
     9 # any later version.
    10 #
    11 # CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    13 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    14 # details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    17 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    18 """rest publishing functions
    20 contains some functions and setup of docutils for cubicweb. Provides the
    21 following ReST directives:
    23 * `eid`, create link to entity in the repository by their eid
    25 * `card`, create link to card entity in the repository by their wikiid
    26   (proposing to create it when the refered card doesn't exist yet)
    28 * `winclude`, reference to a web documentation file (in wdoc/ directories)
    30 * `sourcecode` (if pygments is installed), source code colorization
    32 * `rql-table`, create a table from a RQL query
    34 """
    35 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    37 import sys
    38 from itertools import chain
    39 from logging import getLogger
    40 from os.path import join
    42 from six import text_type
    43 from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit
    45 from docutils import statemachine, nodes, utils, io
    46 from docutils.core import Publisher
    47 from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser, states, directives, Directive
    48 from docutils.parsers.rst.roles import register_canonical_role, set_classes
    50 from logilab.mtconverter import ESC_UCAR_TABLE, ESC_CAR_TABLE, xml_escape
    52 from cubicweb import UnknownEid
    53 from cubicweb.ext.html4zope import Writer
    55 from cubicweb.web.views import vid_from_rset  # XXX better not to import c.w.views here...
    57 # We provide our own parser as an attempt to get rid of
    58 # state machine reinstanciation
    60 import re
    61 # compile states.Body patterns
    62 for k, v in states.Body.patterns.items():
    63     if isinstance(v, str):
    64         states.Body.patterns[k] = re.compile(v)
    66 # register ReStructured Text mimetype / extensions
    67 import mimetypes
    68 mimetypes.add_type('text/rest', '.rest')
    69 mimetypes.add_type('text/rest', '.rst')
    72 LOGGER = getLogger('cubicweb.rest')
    75 def eid_reference_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner,
    76                        options={}, content=[]):
    77     try:
    78         try:
    79             eid_num, rest = text.split(u':', 1)
    80         except ValueError:
    81             eid_num, rest = text, '#'+text
    82         eid_num = int(eid_num)
    83         if eid_num < 0:
    84             raise ValueError
    85     except ValueError:
    86         msg = inliner.reporter.error(
    87             'EID number must be a positive number; "%s" is invalid.'
    88             % text, line=lineno)
    89         prb = inliner.problematic(rawtext, rawtext, msg)
    90         return [prb], [msg]
    91     # Base URL mainly used by inliner.pep_reference; so this is correct:
    92     context = inliner.document.settings.context
    93     try:
    94         refedentity = context._cw.entity_from_eid(eid_num)
    95     except UnknownEid:
    96         ref = '#'
    97         rest += u' ' + context._cw._('(UNEXISTANT EID)')
    98     else:
    99         ref = refedentity.absolute_url()
   100     set_classes(options)
   101     return [nodes.reference(rawtext, utils.unescape(rest), refuri=ref,
   102                             **options)], []
   105 def rql_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
   106     """``:rql:`<rql-expr>``` or ``:rql:`<rql-expr>:<vid>```
   108     Example: ``:rql:`Any X,Y WHERE X is CWUser, X login Y:table```
   110     Replace the directive with the output of applying the view to the resultset
   111     returned by the query.
   113     "X eid %(userid)s" can be used in the RQL query for this query will be
   114     executed with the argument {'userid': _cw.user.eid}.
   115     """
   116     _cw = inliner.document.settings.context._cw
   117     text = text.strip()
   118     if ':' in text:
   119         rql, vid = text.rsplit(u':', 1)
   120         rql = rql.strip()
   121     else:
   122         rql, vid = text, None
   123     _cw.ensure_ro_rql(rql)
   124     try:
   125         rset = _cw.execute(rql, {'userid': _cw.user.eid})
   126         if rset:
   127             if vid is None:
   128                 vid = vid_from_rset(_cw, rset, _cw.vreg.schema)
   129         else:
   130             vid = 'noresult'
   131         view = _cw.vreg['views'].select(vid, _cw, rset=rset)
   132         content = view.render()
   133     except Exception as exc:
   134         content = 'an error occurred while interpreting this rql directive: %r' % exc
   135     set_classes(options)
   136     return [nodes.raw('', content, format='html')], []
   139 def bookmark_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
   140     """``:bookmark:`<bookmark-eid>``` or ``:bookmark:`<eid>:<vid>```
   142     Example: ``:bookmark:`1234:table```
   144     Replace the directive with the output of applying the view to the resultset
   145     returned by the query stored in the bookmark. By default, the view is the one
   146     stored in the bookmark, but it can be overridden by the directive as in the
   147     example above.
   149     "X eid %(userid)s" can be used in the RQL query stored in the Bookmark, for
   150     this query will be executed with the argument {'userid': _cw.user.eid}.
   151     """
   152     _cw = inliner.document.settings.context._cw
   153     text = text.strip()
   154     try:
   155         if ':' in text:
   156             eid, vid = text.rsplit(u':', 1)
   157             eid = int(eid)
   158         else:
   159             eid, vid = int(text), None
   160     except ValueError:
   161         msg = inliner.reporter.error(
   162             'EID number must be a positive number; "%s" is invalid.'
   163             % text, line=lineno)
   164         prb = inliner.problematic(rawtext, rawtext, msg)
   165         return [prb], [msg]
   166     try:
   167         bookmark = _cw.entity_from_eid(eid)
   168     except UnknownEid:
   169         msg = inliner.reporter.error('Unknown EID %s.' % text, line=lineno)
   170         prb = inliner.problematic(rawtext, rawtext, msg)
   171         return [prb], [msg]
   172     try:
   173         params = dict(_cw.url_parse_qsl(urlsplit(bookmark.path).query))
   174         rql = params['rql']
   175         if vid is None:
   176             vid = params.get('vid')
   177     except (ValueError, KeyError) as exc:
   178         msg = inliner.reporter.error('Could not parse bookmark path %s [%s].'
   179                                      % (bookmark.path, exc), line=lineno)
   180         prb = inliner.problematic(rawtext, rawtext, msg)
   181         return [prb], [msg]
   182     try:
   183         rset = _cw.execute(rql, {'userid': _cw.user.eid})
   184         if rset:
   185             if vid is None:
   186                 vid = vid_from_rset(_cw, rset, _cw.vreg.schema)
   187         else:
   188             vid = 'noresult'
   189         view = _cw.vreg['views'].select(vid, _cw, rset=rset)
   190         content = view.render()
   191     except Exception as exc:
   192         content = 'An error occurred while interpreting directive bookmark: %r' % exc
   193     set_classes(options)
   194     return [nodes.raw('', content, format='html')], []
   197 def winclude_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
   198                        content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
   199     """Include a reST file as part of the content of this reST file.
   201     same as standard include directive but using config.locate_doc_resource to
   202     get actual file to include.
   204     Most part of this implementation is copied from `include` directive defined
   205     in `docutils.parsers.rst.directives.misc`
   206     """
   207     context = state.document.settings.context
   208     cw = context._cw
   209     source = state_machine.input_lines.source(
   210         lineno - state_machine.input_offset - 1)
   211     #source_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(source))
   212     fid = arguments[0]
   213     for lang in chain((cw.lang, cw.vreg.property_value('ui.language')),
   214                       cw.vreg.config.available_languages()):
   215         rid = '%s_%s.rst' % (fid, lang)
   216         resourcedir = cw.vreg.config.locate_doc_file(rid)
   217         if resourcedir:
   218             break
   219     else:
   220         severe = state_machine.reporter.severe(
   221               'Problems with "%s" directive path:\nno resource matching %s.'
   222               % (name, fid),
   223               nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text), line=lineno)
   224         return [severe]
   225     path = join(resourcedir, rid)
   226     encoding = options.get('encoding', state.document.settings.input_encoding)
   227     try:
   228         state.document.settings.record_dependencies.add(path)
   229         include_file = io.FileInput(
   230             source_path=path, encoding=encoding,
   231             error_handler=state.document.settings.input_encoding_error_handler,
   232             handle_io_errors=None)
   233     except IOError as error:
   234         severe = state_machine.reporter.severe(
   235               'Problems with "%s" directive path:\n%s: %s.'
   236               % (name, error.__class__.__name__, error),
   237               nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text), line=lineno)
   238         return [severe]
   239     try:
   240         include_text = include_file.read()
   241     except UnicodeError as error:
   242         severe = state_machine.reporter.severe(
   243               'Problem with "%s" directive:\n%s: %s'
   244               % (name, error.__class__.__name__, error),
   245               nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text), line=lineno)
   246         return [severe]
   247     if 'literal' in options:
   248         literal_block = nodes.literal_block(include_text, include_text,
   249                                             source=path)
   250         literal_block.line = 1
   251         return literal_block
   252     else:
   253         include_lines = statemachine.string2lines(include_text,
   254                                                   convert_whitespace=1)
   255         state_machine.insert_input(include_lines, path)
   256         return []
   258 winclude_directive.arguments = (1, 0, 1)
   259 winclude_directive.options = {'literal': directives.flag,
   260                               'encoding': directives.encoding}
   263 class RQLTableDirective(Directive):
   264     """rql-table directive
   266     Example:
   268         .. rql-table::
   269            :vid: mytable
   270            :headers: , , progress
   271            :colvids: 2=progress
   273             Any X,U,X WHERE X is Project, X url U
   275     All fields but the RQL string are optionnal. The ``:headers:`` option can
   276     contain empty column names.
   277     """
   279     required_arguments = 0
   280     optional_arguments = 0
   281     has_content= True
   282     final_argument_whitespace = True
   283     option_spec = {'vid': directives.unchanged,
   284                    'headers': directives.unchanged,
   285                    'colvids': directives.unchanged}
   287     def run(self):
   288         errid = "rql-table directive"
   289         self.assert_has_content()
   290         if self.arguments:
   291             raise self.warning('%s does not accept arguments' % errid)
   292         rql = ' '.join([l.strip() for l in self.content])
   293         _cw = self.state.document.settings.context._cw
   294         _cw.ensure_ro_rql(rql)
   295         try:
   296             rset = _cw.execute(rql)
   297         except Exception as exc:
   298             raise self.error("fail to execute RQL query in %s: %r" %
   299                              (errid, exc))
   300         if not rset:
   301             raise self.warning("empty result set")
   302         vid = self.options.get('vid', 'table')
   303         try:
   304             view = _cw.vreg['views'].select(vid, _cw, rset=rset)
   305         except Exception as exc:
   306             raise self.error("fail to select '%s' view in %s: %r" %
   307                              (vid, errid, exc))
   308         headers = None
   309         if 'headers' in self.options:
   310             headers = [h.strip() for h in self.options['headers'].split(',')]
   311             while headers.count(''):
   312                 headers[headers.index('')] = None
   313             if len(headers) != len(rset[0]):
   314                 raise self.error("the number of 'headers' does not match the "
   315                                  "number of columns in %s" % errid)
   316         cellvids = None
   317         if 'colvids' in self.options:
   318             cellvids = {}
   319             for f in self.options['colvids'].split(','):
   320                 try:
   321                     idx, vid = f.strip().split('=')
   322                 except ValueError:
   323                     raise self.error("malformatted 'colvids' option in %s" %
   324                                      errid)
   325                 cellvids[int(idx.strip())] = vid.strip()
   326         try:
   327             content = view.render(headers=headers, cellvids=cellvids)
   328         except Exception as exc:
   329             raise self.error("Error rendering %s (%s)" % (errid, exc))
   330         return [nodes.raw('', content, format='html')]
   333 try:
   334     from pygments import highlight
   335     from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
   336     from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter
   337 except ImportError:
   338     pygments_directive = None
   339 else:
   340     _PYGMENTS_FORMATTER = HtmlFormatter()
   342     def pygments_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
   343                            content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
   344         try:
   345             lexer = get_lexer_by_name(arguments[0])
   346         except ValueError:
   347             # no lexer found
   348             lexer = get_lexer_by_name('text')
   349         parsed = highlight(u'\n'.join(content), lexer, _PYGMENTS_FORMATTER)
   350         # don't fail if no context set on the sourcecode directive
   351         try:
   352             context = state.document.settings.context
   353             context._cw.add_css('pygments.css')
   354         except AttributeError:
   355             # used outside cubicweb XXX use hasattr instead
   356             pass
   357         return [nodes.raw('', parsed, format='html')]
   359     pygments_directive.arguments = (1, 0, 1)
   360     pygments_directive.content = 1
   363 class CubicWebReSTParser(Parser):
   364     """The (customized) reStructuredText parser."""
   366     def __init__(self):
   367         self.initial_state = 'Body'
   368         self.state_classes = states.state_classes
   369         self.inliner = states.Inliner()
   370         self.statemachine = states.RSTStateMachine(
   371               state_classes=self.state_classes,
   372               initial_state=self.initial_state,
   373               debug=0)
   375     def parse(self, inputstring, document):
   376         """Parse `inputstring` and populate `document`, a document tree."""
   377         self.setup_parse(inputstring, document)
   378         inputlines = statemachine.string2lines(inputstring,
   379                                                convert_whitespace=1)
   380         self.statemachine.run(inputlines, document, inliner=self.inliner)
   381         self.finish_parse()
   384 # XXX docutils keep a ref on context, can't find a correct way to remove it
   385 class CWReSTPublisher(Publisher):
   386     def __init__(self, context, settings, **kwargs):
   387         Publisher.__init__(self, **kwargs)
   388         self.set_components('standalone', 'restructuredtext', 'pseudoxml')
   389         self.process_programmatic_settings(None, settings, None)
   390         self.settings.context = context
   393 def rest_publish(context, data):
   394     """publish a string formatted as ReStructured Text to HTML
   396     :type context: a cubicweb application object
   398     :type data: str
   399     :param data: some ReST text
   401     :rtype: unicode
   402     :return:
   403       the data formatted as HTML or the original data if an error occurred
   404     """
   405     req = context._cw
   406     if isinstance(data, text_type):
   407         encoding = 'unicode'
   408         # remove unprintable characters unauthorized in xml
   409         data = data.translate(ESC_UCAR_TABLE)
   410     else:
   411         encoding = req.encoding
   412         # remove unprintable characters unauthorized in xml
   413         data = data.translate(ESC_CAR_TABLE)
   414     settings = {'input_encoding': encoding, 'output_encoding': 'unicode',
   415                 'warning_stream': False,
   416                 'traceback': True, # don't sys.exit
   417                 'stylesheet': None, # don't try to embed stylesheet (may cause
   418                                     # obscure bug due to docutils computing
   419                                     # relative path according to the directory
   420                                     # used *at import time*
   421                 # dunno what's the max, severe is 4, and we never want a crash
   422                 # (though try/except may be a better option...). May be the
   423                 # above traceback option will avoid this?
   424                 'halt_level': 10,
   425                 # disable stupid switch to colspan=2 if field name is above a size limit
   426                 'field_name_limit': sys.maxsize,
   427                 }
   428     if context:
   429         if hasattr(req, 'url'):
   430             base_url = req.url()
   431         elif hasattr(context, 'absolute_url'):
   432             base_url = context.absolute_url()
   433         else:
   434             base_url = req.base_url()
   435     else:
   436         base_url = None
   437     try:
   438         pub = CWReSTPublisher(context, settings,
   439                               parser=CubicWebReSTParser(),
   440                               writer=Writer(base_url=base_url),
   441                               source_class=io.StringInput,
   442                               destination_class=io.StringOutput)
   443         pub.set_source(data)
   444         pub.set_destination()
   445         res = pub.publish(enable_exit_status=None)
   446         # necessary for proper garbage collection, else a ref is kept somewhere in docutils...
   447         del pub.settings.context
   448         return res
   449     except BaseException:
   450         LOGGER.exception('error while publishing ReST text')
   451         if not isinstance(data, text_type):
   452             data = text_type(data, encoding, 'replace')
   453         return xml_escape(req._('error while publishing ReST text')
   454                            + '\n\n' + data)
   457 _INITIALIZED = False
   458 def cw_rest_init():
   459     global _INITIALIZED
   460     if _INITIALIZED:
   461         return
   462     _INITIALIZED = True
   463     register_canonical_role('eid', eid_reference_role)
   464     register_canonical_role('rql', rql_role)
   465     register_canonical_role('bookmark', bookmark_role)
   466     directives.register_directive('winclude', winclude_directive)
   467     if pygments_directive is not None:
   468         directives.register_directive('sourcecode', pygments_directive)
   469     directives.register_directive('rql-table', RQLTableDirective)