changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 10907 9ae707db5265
child 11767 432f87a63057
equal deleted inserted replaced
11052:058bb3dc685f 11057:0b59724cb3f2
     1 # copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     2 # contact --
     3 #
     4 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
     5 #
     6 # CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     7 # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     8 # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
     9 # any later version.
    10 #
    11 # CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    13 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    14 # details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    17 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
    18 """This module contains table views, with the following features that may be
    19 provided (depending on the used implementation):
    21 * facets filtering
    22 * pagination
    23 * actions menu
    24 * properly sortable content
    25 * odd/row/hover line styles
    27 The three main implementation are described below. Each implementation is
    28 suitable for a particular case, but they each attempt to display tables that
    29 looks similar.
    31 .. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.RsetTableView
    32    :members:
    34 .. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.EntityTableView
    35    :members:
    37 .. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.pyviews.PyValTableView
    38    :members:
    40 All those classes are rendered using a *layout*:
    42 .. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.TableLayout
    43    :members:
    45 There is by default only one table layout, using the 'table_layout' identifier,
    46 that is referenced by table views
    47 :attr:`cubicweb.web.views.tableview.TableMixIn.layout_id`.  If you want to
    48 customize the look and feel of your table, you can either replace the default
    49 one by yours, having multiple variants with proper selectors, or change the
    50 `layout_id` identifier of your table to use your table specific implementation.
    52 Notice you can gives options to the layout using a `layout_args` dictionary on
    53 your class.
    55 If you still can't find a view that suit your needs, you should take a look at the
    56 class below that is the common abstract base class for the three views defined
    57 above and implement your own class.
    59 .. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.TableMixIn
    60    :members:
    61 """
    63 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    64 from cubicweb import _
    66 from warnings import warn
    67 from copy import copy
    68 from types import MethodType
    70 from six import string_types, add_metaclass, create_bound_method
    71 from six.moves import range
    73 from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
    74 from logilab.common.decorators import cachedproperty
    75 from logilab.common.deprecation import class_deprecated
    76 from logilab.common.registry import yes
    78 from cubicweb import NoSelectableObject, tags
    79 from cubicweb.predicates import nonempty_rset, match_kwargs, objectify_predicate
    80 from cubicweb.schema import display_name
    81 from cubicweb.utils import make_uid, js_dumps, JSString, UStringIO
    82 from cubicweb.uilib import toggle_action, limitsize, htmlescape, sgml_attributes, domid
    83 from cubicweb.view import EntityView, AnyRsetView
    84 from cubicweb.web import jsonize, component
    85 from cubicweb.web.htmlwidgets import (TableWidget, TableColumn, MenuWidget,
    86                                       PopupBoxMenu)
    89 @objectify_predicate
    90 def unreloadable_table(cls, req, rset=None,
    91                        displaycols=None, headers=None, cellvids=None,
    92                        paginate=False, displayactions=False, displayfilter=False,
    93                        **kwargs):
    94     # one may wish to specify one of headers/displaycols/cellvids as long as he
    95     # doesn't want pagination nor actions nor facets
    96     if not kwargs and (displaycols or headers or cellvids) and not (
    97         displayfilter or displayactions or paginate):
    98         return 1
    99     return 0
   102 class TableLayout(component.Component):
   103     """The default layout for table. When `render` is called, this will use
   104     the API described on :class:`TableMixIn` to feed the generated table.
   106     This layout behaviour may be customized using the following attributes /
   107     selection arguments:
   109     * `cssclass`, a string that should be used as HTML class attribute. Default
   110       to "listing".
   112     * `needs_css`, the CSS files that should be used together with this
   113       table. Default to ('cubicweb.tablesorter.css', 'cubicweb.tableview.css').
   115     * `needs_js`, the Javascript files that should be used together with this
   116       table. Default to ('jquery.tablesorter.js',)
   118     * `display_filter`, tells if the facets filter should be displayed when
   119       possible. Allowed values are:
   120       - `None`, don't display it
   121       - 'top', display it above the table
   122       - 'bottom', display it below the table
   124     * `display_actions`, tells if a menu for available actions should be
   125       displayed when possible (see two following options). Allowed values are:
   126       - `None`, don't display it
   127       - 'top', display it above the table
   128       - 'bottom', display it below the table
   130     * `hide_filter`, when true (the default), facets filter will be hidden by
   131       default, with an action in the actions menu allowing to show / hide it.
   133     * `show_all_option`, when true, a *show all results* link will be displayed
   134       below the navigation component.
   136     * `add_view_actions`, when true, actions returned by view.table_actions()
   137       will be included in the actions menu.
   139     * `header_column_idx`, if not `None`, should be a colum index or a set of
   140       column index where <th> tags should be generated instead of <td>
   141     """ #'# make emacs happier
   142     __regid__ = 'table_layout'
   143     cssclass = "listing"
   144     needs_css = ('cubicweb.tableview.css',)
   145     needs_js = ()
   146     display_filter = None    # None / 'top' / 'bottom'
   147     display_actions = 'top'  # None / 'top' / 'bottom'
   148     hide_filter = True
   149     show_all_option = True   # make navcomp generate a 'show all' results link
   150     add_view_actions = False
   151     header_column_idx = None
   152     enable_sorting = True
   153     sortvalue_limit = 10
   154     tablesorter_settings = {
   155         'textExtraction': JSString('cw.sortValueExtraction'),
   156         'selectorHeaders': "thead tr:first th[class='sortable']", # only plug on the first row
   157         }
   159     def _setup_tablesorter(self, divid):
   160         self._cw.add_css('cubicweb.tablesorter.css')
   161         self._cw.add_js('jquery.tablesorter.js')
   162         self._cw.add_onload('''$(document).ready(function() {
   163     $("#%s table").tablesorter(%s);
   164 });''' % (divid, js_dumps(self.tablesorter_settings)))
   166     def __init__(self, req, view, **kwargs):
   167         super(TableLayout, self).__init__(req, **kwargs)
   168         for key, val in list(self.cw_extra_kwargs.items()):
   169             if hasattr(self.__class__, key) and not key[0] == '_':
   170                 setattr(self, key, val)
   171                 self.cw_extra_kwargs.pop(key)
   172         self.view = view
   173         if self.header_column_idx is None:
   174             self.header_column_idx = frozenset()
   175         elif isinstance(self.header_column_idx, int):
   176             self.header_column_idx = frozenset( (self.header_column_idx,) )
   178     @cachedproperty
   179     def initial_load(self):
   180         """We detect a bit heuristically if we are built for the first time or
   181         from subsequent calls by the form filter or by the pagination hooks.
   182         """
   183         form = self._cw.form
   184         return 'fromformfilter' not in form and '__fromnavigation' not in form
   186     def render(self, w, **kwargs):
   187         assert self.display_filter in (None, 'top', 'bottom'), self.display_filter
   188         if self.needs_css:
   189             self._cw.add_css(self.needs_css)
   190         if self.needs_js:
   191             self._cw.add_js(self.needs_js)
   192         if self.enable_sorting:
   193             self._setup_tablesorter(self.view.domid)
   194         # Notice facets form must be rendered **outside** the main div as it
   195         # shouldn't be rendered on ajax call subsequent to facet restriction
   196         # (hence the 'fromformfilter' parameter added by the form
   197         generate_form = self.initial_load
   198         if self.display_filter and generate_form:
   199             facetsform = self.view.facets_form()
   200         else:
   201             facetsform = None
   202         if facetsform and self.display_filter == 'top':
   203             cssclass = u'hidden' if self.hide_filter else u''
   204             facetsform.render(w, vid=self.view.__regid__, cssclass=cssclass,
   205                               divid=self.view.domid)
   206         actions = []
   207         if self.display_actions:
   208             if self.add_view_actions:
   209                 actions = self.view.table_actions()
   210             if self.display_filter and self.hide_filter and (facetsform or not generate_form):
   211                 actions += self.show_hide_filter_actions(not generate_form)
   212         self.render_table(w, actions, self.view.paginable)
   213         if facetsform and self.display_filter == 'bottom':
   214             cssclass = u'hidden' if self.hide_filter else u''
   215             facetsform.render(w, vid=self.view.__regid__, cssclass=cssclass,
   216                               divid=self.view.domid)
   218     def render_table_headers(self, w, colrenderers):
   219         w(u'<thead><tr>')
   220         for colrenderer in colrenderers:
   221             if colrenderer.sortable:
   222                 w(u'<th class="sortable">')
   223             else:
   224                 w(u'<th>')
   225             colrenderer.render_header(w)
   226             w(u'</th>')
   227         w(u'</tr></thead>\n')
   229     def render_table_body(self, w, colrenderers):
   230         w(u'<tbody>')
   231         for rownum in range(self.view.table_size):
   232             self.render_row(w, rownum, colrenderers)
   233         w(u'</tbody>')
   235     def render_table(self, w, actions, paginate):
   236         view = self.view
   237         divid = view.domid
   238         if divid is not None:
   239             w(u'<div id="%s">' % divid)
   240         else:
   241             assert not (actions or paginate)
   242         nav_html = UStringIO()
   243         if paginate:
   244             view.paginate(w=nav_html.write, show_all_option=self.show_all_option)
   245         w(nav_html.getvalue())
   246         if actions and self.display_actions == 'top':
   247             self.render_actions(w, actions)
   248         colrenderers = view.build_column_renderers()
   249         attrs = self.table_attributes()
   250         w(u'<table %s>' % sgml_attributes(attrs))
   251         if self.view.has_headers:
   252             self.render_table_headers(w, colrenderers)
   253         self.render_table_body(w, colrenderers)
   254         w(u'</table>')
   255         if actions and self.display_actions == 'bottom':
   256             self.render_actions(w, actions)
   257         w(nav_html.getvalue())
   258         if divid is not None:
   259             w(u'</div>')
   261     def table_attributes(self):
   262         return {'class': self.cssclass}
   264     def render_row(self, w, rownum, renderers):
   265         attrs = self.row_attributes(rownum)
   266         w(u'<tr %s>' % sgml_attributes(attrs))
   267         for colnum, renderer in enumerate(renderers):
   268             self.render_cell(w, rownum, colnum, renderer)
   269         w(u'</tr>\n')
   271     def row_attributes(self, rownum):
   272         return {'class': 'odd' if (rownum%2==1) else 'even',
   273                 'onmouseover': '$(this).addClass("highlighted");',
   274                 'onmouseout': '$(this).removeClass("highlighted")'}
   276     def render_cell(self, w, rownum, colnum, renderer):
   277         attrs = self.cell_attributes(rownum, colnum, renderer)
   278         if colnum in self.header_column_idx:
   279             tag = u'th'
   280         else:
   281             tag = u'td'
   282         w(u'<%s %s>' % (tag, sgml_attributes(attrs)))
   283         renderer.render_cell(w, rownum)
   284         w(u'</%s>' % tag)
   286     def cell_attributes(self, rownum, _colnum, renderer):
   287         attrs = renderer.attributes.copy()
   288         if renderer.sortable:
   289             sortvalue = renderer.sortvalue(rownum)
   290             if isinstance(sortvalue, string_types):
   291                 sortvalue = sortvalue[:self.sortvalue_limit]
   292             if sortvalue is not None:
   293                 attrs[u'cubicweb:sortvalue'] = js_dumps(sortvalue)
   294         return attrs
   296     def render_actions(self, w, actions):
   297         box = MenuWidget('', '', _class='tableActionsBox', islist=False)
   298         label = tags.span(self._cw._('action menu'))
   299         menu = PopupBoxMenu(label, isitem=False, link_class='actionsBox',
   300                             ident='%sActions' % self.view.domid)
   301         box.append(menu)
   302         for action in actions:
   303             menu.append(action)
   304         box.render(w=w)
   305         w(u'<div class="clear"></div>')
   307     def show_hide_filter_actions(self, currentlydisplayed=False):
   308         divid = self.view.domid
   309         showhide = u';'.join(toggle_action('%s%s' % (divid, what))[11:]
   310                              for what in ('Form', 'Show', 'Hide', 'Actions'))
   311         showhide = 'javascript:' + showhide
   312         self._cw.add_onload(u'''\
   313 $(document).ready(function() {
   314   if ($('#%(id)sForm[class=\"hidden\"]').length) {
   315     $('#%(id)sHide').attr('class', 'hidden');
   316   } else {
   317     $('#%(id)sShow').attr('class', 'hidden');
   318   }
   319 });''' % {'id': divid})
   320         showlabel = self._cw._('show filter form')
   321         hidelabel = self._cw._('hide filter form')
   322         return [component.Link(showhide, showlabel, id='%sShow' % divid),
   323                 component.Link(showhide, hidelabel, id='%sHide' % divid)]
   326 class AbstractColumnRenderer(object):
   327     """Abstract base class for column renderer. Interface of a column renderer follows:
   329     .. automethod:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.AbstractColumnRenderer.bind
   330     .. automethod:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.AbstractColumnRenderer.render_header
   331     .. automethod:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.AbstractColumnRenderer.render_cell
   332     .. automethod:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.AbstractColumnRenderer.sortvalue
   334     Attributes on this base class are:
   336     :attr: `header`, the column header. If None, default to `_(colid)`
   337     :attr: `addcount`, if True, add the table size in parenthezis beside the header
   338     :attr: `trheader`, should the header be translated
   339     :attr: `escapeheader`, should the header be xml_escaped
   340     :attr: `sortable`, tell if the column is sortable
   341     :attr: `view`, the table view
   342     :attr: `_cw`, the request object
   343     :attr: `colid`, the column identifier
   344     :attr: `attributes`, dictionary of attributes to put on the HTML tag when
   345             the cell is rendered
   346     """ #'# make emacs
   347     attributes = {}
   348     empty_cell_content = u'&#160;'
   350     def __init__(self, header=None, addcount=False, trheader=True,
   351                  escapeheader=True, sortable=True):
   352         self.header = header
   353         self.trheader = trheader
   354         self.escapeheader = escapeheader
   355         self.addcount = addcount
   356         self.sortable = sortable
   357         self.view = None
   358         self._cw = None
   359         self.colid = None
   361     def __str__(self):
   362         return '<%s.%s (column %s) at 0x%x>' % (self.view.__class__.__name__,
   363                                         self.__class__.__name__,
   364                                         self.colid, id(self))
   366     def bind(self, view, colid):
   367         """Bind the column renderer to its view. This is where `_cw`, `view`,
   368         `colid` are set and the method to override if you want to add more
   369         view/request depending attributes on your column render.
   370         """
   371         self.view = view
   372         self._cw = view._cw
   373         self.colid = colid
   375     def copy(self):
   376         assert self.view is None
   377         return copy(self)
   379     def default_header(self):
   380         """Return header for this column if one has not been specified."""
   381         return self._cw._(self.colid)
   383     def render_header(self, w):
   384         """Write label for the specified column by calling w()."""
   385         header = self.header
   386         if header is None:
   387             header = self.default_header()
   388         elif self.trheader and header:
   389            header = self._cw._(header)
   390         if self.addcount:
   391             header = '%s (%s)' % (header, self.view.table_size)
   392         if header:
   393             if self.escapeheader:
   394                 header = xml_escape(header)
   395         else:
   396             header = self.empty_cell_content
   397         if self.sortable:
   398             header = tags.span(
   399                 header, escapecontent=False,
   400                 title=self._cw._('Click to sort on this column'))
   401         w(header)
   403     def render_cell(self, w, rownum):
   404         """Write value for the specified cell by calling w().
   406          :param `rownum`: the row number in the table
   407          """
   408         raise NotImplementedError()
   410     def sortvalue(self, _rownum):
   411         """Return typed value to be used for sorting on the specified column.
   413         :param `rownum`: the row number in the table
   414         """
   415         return None
   418 class TableMixIn(component.LayoutableMixIn):
   419     """Abstract mix-in class for layout based tables.
   421     This default implementation's call method simply delegate to
   422     meth:`layout_render` that will select the renderer whose identifier is given
   423     by the :attr:`layout_id` attribute.
   425     Then it provides some default implementation for various parts of the API
   426     used by that layout.
   428     Abstract method you will have to override is:
   430     .. automethod:: build_column_renderers
   432     You may also want to overridde:
   434     .. autoattribute:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.TableMixIn.table_size
   436     The :attr:`has_headers` boolean attribute tells if the table has some
   437     headers to be displayed. Default to `True`.
   438     """
   439     __abstract__ = True
   440     # table layout to use
   441     layout_id = 'table_layout'
   442     # true if the table has some headers
   443     has_headers = True
   444     # dictionary {colid : column renderer}
   445     column_renderers = {}
   446     # default renderer class to use when no renderer specified for the column
   447     default_column_renderer_class = None
   448     # default layout handles inner pagination
   449     handle_pagination = True
   451     def call(self, **kwargs):
   452         self._cw.add_js('cubicweb.ajax.js') # for pagination
   453         self.layout_render(self.w)
   455     def column_renderer(self, colid, *args, **kwargs):
   456         """Return a column renderer for column of the given id."""
   457         try:
   458             crenderer = self.column_renderers[colid].copy()
   459         except KeyError:
   460             crenderer = self.default_column_renderer_class(*args, **kwargs)
   461         crenderer.bind(self, colid)
   462         return crenderer
   464     # layout callbacks #########################################################
   466     def facets_form(self, **kwargs):# XXX extracted from jqplot cube
   467         return self._cw.vreg['views'].select_or_none(
   468             'facet.filtertable', self._cw, rset=self.cw_rset, view=self,
   469             **kwargs)
   471     @cachedproperty
   472     def domid(self):
   473         return self._cw.form.get('divid') or domid('%s-%s' % (self.__regid__, make_uid()))
   475     @property
   476     def table_size(self):
   477         """Return the number of rows (header excluded) to be displayed.
   479         By default return the number of rows in the view's result set. If your
   480         table isn't reult set based, override this method.
   481         """
   482         return self.cw_rset.rowcount
   484     def build_column_renderers(self):
   485         """Return a list of column renderers, one for each column to be
   486         rendered. Prototype of a column renderer is described below:
   488         .. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.AbstractColumnRenderer
   489         """
   490         raise NotImplementedError()
   492     def table_actions(self):
   493         """Return a list of actions (:class:`~cubicweb.web.component.Link`) that
   494         match the view's result set, and return those in the 'mainactions'
   495         category.
   496         """
   497         req = self._cw
   498         actions = []
   499         actionsbycat = req.vreg['actions'].possible_actions(req, self.cw_rset)
   500         for action in actionsbycat.get('mainactions', ()):
   501             for action in action.actual_actions():
   502                 actions.append(component.Link(action.url(), req._(action.title),
   503                                               klass=action.html_class()) )
   504         return actions
   506     # interaction with navigation component ####################################
   508     def page_navigation_url(self, navcomp, _path, params):
   509         params['divid'] = self.domid
   510         params['vid'] = self.__regid__
   511         return navcomp.ajax_page_url(**params)
   514 class RsetTableColRenderer(AbstractColumnRenderer):
   515     """Default renderer for :class:`RsetTableView`."""
   517     def __init__(self, cellvid, **kwargs):
   518         super(RsetTableColRenderer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
   519         self.cellvid = cellvid
   521     def bind(self, view, colid):
   522         super(RsetTableColRenderer, self).bind(view, colid)
   523         self.cw_rset = view.cw_rset
   524     def render_cell(self, w, rownum):
   525         self._cw.view(self.cellvid, self.cw_rset, 'empty-cell',
   526                       row=rownum, col=self.colid, w=w)
   528     # limit value's length as much as possible (e.g. by returning the 10 first
   529     # characters of a string)
   530     def sortvalue(self, rownum):
   531         colid = self.colid
   532         val = self.cw_rset[rownum][colid]
   533         if val is None:
   534             return u''
   535         etype = self.cw_rset.description[rownum][colid]
   536         if etype is None:
   537             return u''
   538         if self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema(etype).final:
   539             entity, rtype = self.cw_rset.related_entity(rownum, colid)
   540             if entity is None:
   541                 return val # remove_html_tags() ?
   542             return entity.sortvalue(rtype)
   543         entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(rownum, colid)
   544         return entity.sortvalue()
   547 class RsetTableView(TableMixIn, AnyRsetView):
   548     """This table view accepts any non-empty rset. It uses introspection on the
   549     result set to compute column names and the proper way to display the cells.
   551     It is highly configurable and accepts a wealth of options, but take care to
   552     check what you're trying to achieve wouldn't be a job for the
   553     :class:`EntityTableView`. Basically the question is: does this view should
   554     be tied to the result set query's shape or no? If yes, than you're fine. If
   555     no, you should take a look at the other table implementation.
   557     The following class attributes may be used to control the table:
   559     * `finalvid`, a view identifier that should be called on final entities
   560       (e.g. attribute values). Default to 'final'.
   562     * `nonfinalvid`, a view identifier that should be called on
   563       entities. Default to 'incontext'.
   565     * `displaycols`, if not `None`, should be a list of rset's columns to be
   566       displayed.
   568     * `headers`, if not `None`, should be a list of headers for the table's
   569       columns.  `None` values in the list will be replaced by computed column
   570       names.
   572     * `cellvids`, if not `None`, should be a dictionary with table column index
   573       as key and a view identifier as value, telling the view that should be
   574       used in the given column.
   576     Notice `displaycols`, `headers` and `cellvids` may be specified at selection
   577     time but then the table won't have pagination and shouldn't be configured to
   578     display the facets filter nor actions (as they wouldn't behave as expected).
   580     This table class use the :class:`RsetTableColRenderer` as default column
   581     renderer.
   583     .. autoclass:: RsetTableColRenderer
   584     """    #'# make emacs happier
   585     __regid__ = 'table'
   586     # selector trick for bw compath with the former :class:TableView
   587     __select__ = AnyRsetView.__select__ & (~match_kwargs(
   588         'title', 'subvid', 'displayfilter', 'headers', 'displaycols',
   589         'displayactions', 'actions', 'divid', 'cellvids', 'cellattrs',
   590         'mainindex', 'paginate', 'page_size', mode='any')
   591                                             | unreloadable_table())
   592     title = _('table')
   593     # additional configuration parameters
   594     finalvid = 'final'
   595     nonfinalvid = 'incontext'
   596     displaycols = None
   597     headers = None
   598     cellvids = None
   599     default_column_renderer_class = RsetTableColRenderer
   601     def linkable(self):
   602         # specific subclasses of this view usually don't want to be linkable
   603         # since they depends on a particular shape (being linkable meaning view
   604         # may be listed in possible views
   605         return self.__regid__ == 'table'
   607     def call(self, headers=None, displaycols=None, cellvids=None,
   608              paginate=None, **kwargs):
   609         if self.headers:
   610             self.headers = [h and self._cw._(h) for h in self.headers]
   611         if (headers or displaycols or cellvids or paginate):
   612             if headers is not None:
   613                 self.headers = headers
   614             if displaycols is not None:
   615                 self.displaycols = displaycols
   616             if cellvids is not None:
   617                 self.cellvids = cellvids
   618             if paginate is not None:
   619                 self.paginable = paginate
   620         if kwargs:
   621             # old table view arguments that we can safely ignore thanks to
   622             # selectors
   623             if len(kwargs) > 1:
   624                 msg = '[3.14] %s arguments are deprecated' % ', '.join(kwargs)
   625             else:
   626                 msg = '[3.14] %s argument is deprecated' % ', '.join(kwargs)
   627             warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
   628         super(RsetTableView, self).call(**kwargs)
   630     def main_var_index(self):
   631         """returns the index of the first non-attribute variable among the RQL
   632         selected variables
   633         """
   634         eschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema
   635         for i, etype in enumerate(self.cw_rset.description[0]):
   636             if not eschema(etype).final:
   637                 return i
   638         return None
   640     # layout callbacks #########################################################
   642     @property
   643     def table_size(self):
   644         """return the number of rows (header excluded) to be displayed"""
   645         return self.cw_rset.rowcount
   647     def build_column_renderers(self):
   648         headers = self.headers
   649         # compute displayed columns
   650         if self.displaycols is None:
   651             if headers is not None:
   652                 displaycols = list(range(len(headers)))
   653             else:
   654                 rqlst = self.cw_rset.syntax_tree()
   655                 displaycols = list(range(len(rqlst.children[0].selection)))
   656         else:
   657             displaycols = self.displaycols
   658         # compute table headers
   659         main_var_index = self.main_var_index()
   660         computed_titles = self.columns_labels(main_var_index)
   661         # compute build renderers
   662         cellvids = self.cellvids
   663         renderers = []
   664         for colnum, colid in enumerate(displaycols):
   665             addcount = False
   666             # compute column header
   667             title = None
   668             if headers is not None:
   669                 title = headers[colnum]
   670             if title is None:
   671                 title = computed_titles[colid]
   672             if colid == main_var_index:
   673                 addcount = True
   674             # compute cell vid for the column
   675             if cellvids is not None and colnum in cellvids:
   676                 cellvid = cellvids[colnum]
   677             else:
   678                 coltype = self.cw_rset.description[0][colid]
   679                 if coltype is not None and self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema(coltype).final:
   680                     cellvid = self.finalvid
   681                 else:
   682                     cellvid = self.nonfinalvid
   683             # get renderer
   684             renderer = self.column_renderer(colid, header=title, trheader=False,
   685                                             addcount=addcount, cellvid=cellvid)
   686             renderers.append(renderer)
   687         return renderers
   690 class EntityTableColRenderer(AbstractColumnRenderer):
   691     """Default column renderer for :class:`EntityTableView`.
   693     You may use the :meth:`entity` method to retrieve the main entity for a
   694     given row number.
   696     .. automethod:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.EntityTableColRenderer.entity
   697     .. automethod:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.EntityTableColRenderer.render_entity
   698     .. automethod:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.EntityTableColRenderer.entity_sortvalue
   699     """
   700     def __init__(self, renderfunc=None, sortfunc=None, sortable=None, **kwargs):
   701         if renderfunc is None:
   702             renderfunc = self.render_entity
   703             # if renderfunc nor sortfunc nor sortable specified, column will be
   704             # sortable using the default implementation.
   705             if sortable is None:
   706                 sortable = True
   707         # no sortfunc given but asked to be sortable: use the default sort
   708         # method. Sub-class may set `entity_sortvalue` to None if they don't
   709         # support sorting.
   710         if sortfunc is None and sortable:
   711             sortfunc = self.entity_sortvalue
   712         # at this point `sortable` may still be unspecified while `sortfunc` is
   713         # sure to be set to someting else than None if the column is sortable.
   714         sortable = sortfunc is not None
   715         super(EntityTableColRenderer, self).__init__(sortable=sortable, **kwargs)
   716         self.renderfunc = renderfunc
   717         self.sortfunc = sortfunc
   719     def copy(self):
   720         assert self.view is None
   721         # copy of attribute referencing a method doesn't work with python < 2.7
   722         renderfunc = self.__dict__.pop('renderfunc')
   723         sortfunc = self.__dict__.pop('sortfunc')
   724         try:
   725             acopy =  copy(self)
   726             for aname, member in[('renderfunc', renderfunc),
   727                                  ('sortfunc', sortfunc)]:
   728                 if isinstance(member, MethodType):
   729                     member = create_bound_method(member.__func__, acopy)
   730                 setattr(acopy, aname, member)
   731             return acopy
   732         finally:
   733             self.renderfunc = renderfunc
   734             self.sortfunc = sortfunc
   736     def render_cell(self, w, rownum):
   737         entity = self.entity(rownum)
   738         if entity is None:
   739             w(self.empty_cell_content)
   740         else:
   741             self.renderfunc(w, entity)
   743     def sortvalue(self, rownum):
   744         entity = self.entity(rownum)
   745         if entity is None:
   746             return None
   747         else:
   748             return self.sortfunc(entity)
   750     def entity(self, rownum):
   751         """Convenience method returning the table's main entity."""
   752         return self.view.entity(rownum)
   754     def render_entity(self, w, entity):
   755         """Sort value if `renderfunc` nor `sortfunc` specified at
   756         initialization.
   758         This default implementation consider column id is an entity attribute
   759         and print its value.
   760         """
   761         w(entity.printable_value(self.colid))
   763     def entity_sortvalue(self, entity):
   764         """Cell rendering implementation if `renderfunc` nor `sortfunc`
   765         specified at initialization.
   767         This default implementation consider column id is an entity attribute
   768         and return its sort value by calling `entity.sortvalue(colid)`.
   769         """
   770         return entity.sortvalue(self.colid)
   773 class MainEntityColRenderer(EntityTableColRenderer):
   774     """Renderer to be used for the column displaying the 'main entity' of a
   775     :class:`EntityTableView`.
   777     By default display it using the 'incontext' view. You may specify another
   778     view identifier using the `vid` argument.
   780     If header not specified, it would be built using entity types in the main
   781     column.
   782     """
   783     def __init__(self, vid='incontext', addcount=True, **kwargs):
   784         super(MainEntityColRenderer, self).__init__(addcount=addcount, **kwargs)
   785         self.vid = vid
   787     def default_header(self):
   788         view = self.view
   789         if len(view.cw_rset) > 1:
   790             suffix = '_plural'
   791         else:
   792             suffix = ''
   793         return u', '.join(self._cw.__(et + suffix)
   794                           for et in view.cw_rset.column_types(view.cw_col or 0))
   796     def render_entity(self, w, entity):
   797         entity.view(self.vid, w=w)
   799     def entity_sortvalue(self, entity):
   800         return entity.sortvalue()
   803 class RelatedEntityColRenderer(MainEntityColRenderer):
   804     """Renderer to be used for column displaying an entity related the 'main
   805     entity' of a :class:`EntityTableView`.
   807     By default display it using the 'incontext' view. You may specify another
   808     view identifier using the `vid` argument.
   810     If header not specified, it would be built by translating the column id.
   811     """
   812     def __init__(self, getrelated, addcount=False, **kwargs):
   813         super(RelatedEntityColRenderer, self).__init__(addcount=addcount, **kwargs)
   814         self.getrelated = getrelated
   816     def entity(self, rownum):
   817         entity = super(RelatedEntityColRenderer, self).entity(rownum)
   818         return self.getrelated(entity)
   820     def default_header(self):
   821         return self._cw._(self.colid)
   824 class RelationColRenderer(EntityTableColRenderer):
   825     """Renderer to be used for column displaying a list of entities related the
   826     'main entity' of a :class:`EntityTableView`. By default, the main entity is
   827     considered as the subject of the relation but you may specify otherwise
   828     using the `role` argument.
   830     By default display the related rset using the 'csv' view, using
   831     'outofcontext' sub-view for each entity. You may specify another view
   832     identifier using respectivly the `vid` and `subvid` arguments.
   834     If you specify a 'rtype view', such as 'reledit', you should add a
   835     is_rtype_view=True parameter.
   837     If header not specified, it would be built by translating the column id,
   838     properly considering role.
   839     """
   840     def __init__(self, role='subject', vid='csv', subvid=None,
   841                  fallbackvid='empty-cell', is_rtype_view=False, **kwargs):
   842         super(RelationColRenderer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
   843         self.role = role
   844         self.vid = vid
   845         if subvid is None and vid in ('csv', 'list'):
   846             subvid = 'outofcontext'
   847         self.subvid = subvid
   848         self.fallbackvid = fallbackvid
   849         self.is_rtype_view = is_rtype_view
   851     def render_entity(self, w, entity):
   852         kwargs = {'w': w}
   853         if self.is_rtype_view:
   854             rset = None
   855             kwargs['entity'] = entity
   856             kwargs['rtype'] = self.colid
   857             kwargs['role'] = self.role
   858         else:
   859             rset = entity.related(self.colid, self.role)
   860         if self.subvid is not None:
   861             kwargs['subvid'] = self.subvid
   862         self._cw.view(self.vid, rset, self.fallbackvid, **kwargs)
   864     def default_header(self):
   865         return display_name(self._cw, self.colid, self.role)
   867     entity_sortvalue = None # column not sortable by default
   870 class EntityTableView(TableMixIn, EntityView):
   871     """This abstract table view is designed to be used with an
   872     :class:`is_instance()` or :class:`adaptable` predicate, hence doesn't depend
   873     the result set shape as the :class:`RsetTableView` does.
   875     It will display columns that should be defined using the `columns` class
   876     attribute containing a list of column ids. By default, each column is
   877     renderered by :class:`EntityTableColRenderer` which consider that the column
   878     id is an attribute of the table's main entity (ie the one for which the view
   879     is selected).
   881     You may wish to specify :class:`MainEntityColRenderer` or
   882     :class:`RelatedEntityColRenderer` renderer for a column in the
   883     :attr:`column_renderers` dictionary.
   885     .. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.EntityTableColRenderer
   886     .. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.MainEntityColRenderer
   887     .. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.RelatedEntityColRenderer
   888     .. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.views.tableview.RelationColRenderer
   889     """
   890     __abstract__ = True
   891     default_column_renderer_class = EntityTableColRenderer
   892     columns = None # to be defined in concret class
   894     def call(self, columns=None, **kwargs):
   895         if columns is not None:
   896             self.columns = columns
   897         self.layout_render(self.w)
   899     @property
   900     def table_size(self):
   901         return self.cw_rset.rowcount
   903     def build_column_renderers(self):
   904         return [self.column_renderer(colid) for colid in self.columns]
   906     def entity(self, rownum):
   907         """Return the table's main entity"""
   908         return self.cw_rset.get_entity(rownum, self.cw_col or 0)
   911 class EmptyCellView(AnyRsetView):
   912     __regid__ = 'empty-cell'
   913     __select__ = yes()
   914     def call(self, **kwargs):
   915         self.w(u'&#160;')
   916     cell_call = call
   919 ################################################################################
   920 # DEPRECATED tables ############################################################
   921 ################################################################################
   924 @add_metaclass(class_deprecated)
   925 class TableView(AnyRsetView):
   926     """The table view accepts any non-empty rset. It uses introspection on the
   927     result set to compute column names and the proper way to display the cells.
   929     It is however highly configurable and accepts a wealth of options.
   930     """
   931     __deprecation_warning__ = '[3.14] %(cls)s is deprecated'
   932     __regid__ = 'table'
   933     title = _('table')
   934     finalview = 'final'
   936     table_widget_class = TableWidget
   937     table_column_class = TableColumn
   939     tablesorter_settings = {
   940         'textExtraction': JSString('cw.sortValueExtraction'),
   941         'selectorHeaders': 'thead tr:first th', # only plug on the first row
   942         }
   943     handle_pagination = True
   945     def form_filter(self, divid, displaycols, displayactions, displayfilter,
   946                     paginate, hidden=True):
   947         try:
   948             filterform = self._cw.vreg['views'].select(
   949                 'facet.filtertable', self._cw, rset=self.cw_rset)
   950         except NoSelectableObject:
   951             return ()
   952         vidargs = {'paginate': paginate,
   953                    'displaycols': displaycols,
   954                    'displayactions': displayactions,
   955                    'displayfilter': displayfilter}
   956         cssclass = hidden and 'hidden' or ''
   957         filterform.render(self.w, vid=self.__regid__, divid=divid,
   958                           vidargs=vidargs, cssclass=cssclass)
   959         return self.show_hide_actions(divid, not hidden)
   961     def main_var_index(self):
   962         """Returns the index of the first non final variable of the rset.
   964         Used to select the main etype to help generate accurate column headers.
   965         XXX explain the concept
   967         May return None if none is found.
   968         """
   969         eschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema
   970         for i, etype in enumerate(self.cw_rset.description[0]):
   971             try:
   972                 if not eschema(etype).final:
   973                     return i
   974             except KeyError: # XXX possible?
   975                 continue
   976         return None
   978     def displaycols(self, displaycols, headers):
   979         if displaycols is None:
   980             if 'displaycols' in self._cw.form:
   981                 displaycols = [int(idx) for idx in self._cw.form['displaycols']]
   982             elif headers is not None:
   983                 displaycols = list(range(len(headers)))
   984             else:
   985                 displaycols = list(range(len(self.cw_rset.syntax_tree().children[0].selection)))
   986         return displaycols
   988     def _setup_tablesorter(self, divid):
   989         req = self._cw
   990         req.add_js('jquery.tablesorter.js')
   991         req.add_onload('''$(document).ready(function() {
   992     $("#%s table.listing").tablesorter(%s);
   993 });''' % (divid, js_dumps(self.tablesorter_settings)))
   994         req.add_css(('cubicweb.tablesorter.css', 'cubicweb.tableview.css'))
   996     @cachedproperty
   997     def initial_load(self):
   998         """We detect a bit heuristically if we are built for the first time or
   999         from subsequent calls by the form filter or by the pagination
  1000         hooks.
  1002         """
  1003         form = self._cw.form
  1004         return 'fromformfilter' not in form and '__start' not in form
  1006     def call(self, title=None, subvid=None, displayfilter=None, headers=None,
  1007              displaycols=None, displayactions=None, actions=(), divid=None,
  1008              cellvids=None, cellattrs=None, mainindex=None,
  1009              paginate=False, page_size=None):
  1010         """Produces a table displaying a composite query
  1012         :param title: title added before table
  1013         :param subvid: cell view
  1014         :param displayfilter: filter that selects rows to display
  1015         :param headers: columns' titles
  1016         :param displaycols: indexes of columns to display (first column is 0)
  1017         :param displayactions: if True, display action menu
  1018         """
  1019         req = self._cw
  1020         divid = divid or req.form.get('divid') or 'rs%s' % make_uid(id(self.cw_rset))
  1021         self._setup_tablesorter(divid)
  1022         # compute label first  since the filter form may remove some necessary
  1023         # information from the rql syntax tree
  1024         if mainindex is None:
  1025             mainindex = self.main_var_index()
  1026         computed_labels = self.columns_labels(mainindex)
  1027         if not subvid and 'subvid' in req.form:
  1028             subvid = req.form.pop('subvid')
  1029         actions = list(actions)
  1030         if mainindex is None:
  1031             displayfilter, displayactions = False, False
  1032         else:
  1033             if displayfilter is None and req.form.get('displayfilter'):
  1034                 displayfilter = True
  1035             if displayactions is None and req.form.get('displayactions'):
  1036                 displayactions = True
  1037         displaycols = self.displaycols(displaycols, headers)
  1038         if self.initial_load:
  1039             self.w(u'<div class="section">')
  1040             if not title and 'title' in req.form:
  1041                 title = req.form['title']
  1042             if title:
  1043                 self.w(u'<h2 class="tableTitle">%s</h2>\n' % title)
  1044             if displayfilter:
  1045                 actions += self.form_filter(divid, displaycols, displayfilter,
  1046                                             displayactions, paginate)
  1047         elif displayfilter:
  1048             actions += self.show_hide_actions(divid, True)
  1049         self.w(u'<div id="%s">' % divid)
  1050         if displayactions:
  1051             actionsbycat = self._cw.vreg['actions'].possible_actions(req, self.cw_rset)
  1052             for action in actionsbycat.get('mainactions', ()):
  1053                 for action in action.actual_actions():
  1054                     actions.append( (action.url(), req._(action.title),
  1055                                      action.html_class(), None) )
  1056         # render actions menu
  1057         if actions:
  1058             self.render_actions(divid, actions)
  1059         # render table
  1060         if paginate:
  1061             self.divid = divid # XXX iirk (see usage in page_navigation_url)
  1062             self.paginate(page_size=page_size, show_all_option=False)
  1063         table = self.table_widget_class(self)
  1064         for column in self.get_columns(computed_labels, displaycols, headers,
  1065                                        subvid, cellvids, cellattrs, mainindex):
  1066             table.append_column(column)
  1067         table.render(self.w)
  1068         self.w(u'</div>\n')
  1069         if self.initial_load:
  1070             self.w(u'</div>\n')
  1072     def page_navigation_url(self, navcomp, path, params):
  1073         """Build a URL to the current view using the <navcomp> attributes
  1075         :param navcomp: a NavigationComponent to call a URL method on.
  1076         :param path:    expected to be json here?
  1077         :param params: params to give to build_url method
  1079         this is called by :class:`cubiweb.web.component.NavigationComponent`
  1080         """
  1081         if hasattr(self, 'divid'):
  1082             # XXX this assert a single call
  1083             params['divid'] = self.divid
  1084         params['vid'] = self.__regid__
  1085         return navcomp.ajax_page_url(**params)
  1087     def show_hide_actions(self, divid, currentlydisplayed=False):
  1088         showhide = u';'.join(toggle_action('%s%s' % (divid, what))[11:]
  1089                              for what in ('Form', 'Show', 'Hide', 'Actions'))
  1090         showhide = 'javascript:' + showhide
  1091         showlabel = self._cw._('show filter form')
  1092         hidelabel = self._cw._('hide filter form')
  1093         if currentlydisplayed:
  1094             return [(showhide, showlabel, 'hidden', '%sShow' % divid),
  1095                     (showhide, hidelabel, None, '%sHide' % divid)]
  1096         return [(showhide, showlabel, None, '%sShow' % divid),
  1097                 (showhide, hidelabel, 'hidden', '%sHide' % divid)]
  1099     def render_actions(self, divid, actions):
  1100         box = MenuWidget('', 'tableActionsBox', _class='', islist=False)
  1101         label = tags.img(src=self._cw.uiprops['PUCE_DOWN'],
  1102                          alt=xml_escape(self._cw._('action(s) on this selection')))
  1103         menu = PopupBoxMenu(label, isitem=False, link_class='actionsBox',
  1104                             ident='%sActions' % divid)
  1105         box.append(menu)
  1106         for url, label, klass, ident in actions:
  1107             menu.append(component.Link(url, label, klass=klass, id=ident))
  1108         box.render(w=self.w)
  1109         self.w(u'<div class="clear"></div>')
  1111     def get_columns(self, computed_labels, displaycols, headers, subvid,
  1112                     cellvids, cellattrs, mainindex):
  1113         """build columns description from various parameters
  1115         : computed_labels: columns headers computed from rset to be used if there is no headers entry
  1116         : displaycols: see :meth:`call`
  1117         : headers: explicitly define columns headers
  1118         : subvid: see :meth:`call`
  1119         : cellvids: see :meth:`call`
  1120         : cellattrs: see :meth:`call`
  1121         : mainindex: see :meth:`call`
  1123         return a list of columns description to be used by
  1124                :class:`~cubicweb.web.htmlwidgets.TableWidget`
  1125         """
  1126         columns = []
  1127         eschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema
  1128         for colindex, label in enumerate(computed_labels):
  1129             if colindex not in displaycols:
  1130                 continue
  1131             # compute column header
  1132             if headers is not None:
  1133                 _label = headers[displaycols.index(colindex)]
  1134                 if _label is not None:
  1135                     label = _label
  1136             if colindex == mainindex and label is not None:
  1137                 label += ' (%s)' % self.cw_rset.rowcount
  1138             column = self.table_column_class(label, colindex)
  1139             coltype = self.cw_rset.description[0][colindex]
  1140             # compute column cell view (if coltype is None, it's a left outer
  1141             # join, use the default non final subvid)
  1142             if cellvids and colindex in cellvids:
  1143                 column.append_renderer(cellvids[colindex], colindex)
  1144             elif coltype is not None and eschema(coltype).final:
  1145                 column.append_renderer(self.finalview, colindex)
  1146             else:
  1147                 column.append_renderer(subvid or 'incontext', colindex)
  1148             if cellattrs and colindex in cellattrs:
  1149                 for name, value in cellattrs[colindex].items():
  1150                     column.add_attr(name, value)
  1151             # add column
  1152             columns.append(column)
  1153         return columns
  1156     def render_cell(self, cellvid, row, col, w):
  1157         self._cw.view('cell', self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col, cellvid=cellvid, w=w)
  1159     def get_rows(self):
  1160         return self.cw_rset
  1162     @htmlescape
  1163     @jsonize
  1164     @limitsize(10)
  1165     def sortvalue(self, row, col):
  1166         # XXX it might be interesting to try to limit value's
  1167         #     length as much as possible (e.g. by returning the 10
  1168         #     first characters of a string)
  1169         val = self.cw_rset[row][col]
  1170         if val is None:
  1171             return u''
  1172         etype = self.cw_rset.description[row][col]
  1173         if etype is None:
  1174             return u''
  1175         if self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema(etype).final:
  1176             entity, rtype = self.cw_rset.related_entity(row, col)
  1177             if entity is None:
  1178                 return val # remove_html_tags() ?
  1179             return entity.sortvalue(rtype)
  1180         entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
  1181         return entity.sortvalue()
  1184 class EditableTableView(TableView):
  1185     __regid__ = 'editable-table'
  1186     finalview = 'editable-final'
  1187     title = _('editable-table')
  1190 @add_metaclass(class_deprecated)
  1191 class CellView(EntityView):
  1192     __deprecation_warning__ = '[3.14] %(cls)s is deprecated'
  1193     __regid__ = 'cell'
  1194     __select__ = nonempty_rset()
  1196     def cell_call(self, row, col, cellvid=None):
  1197         """
  1198         :param row, col: indexes locating the cell value in view's result set
  1199         :param cellvid: cell view (defaults to 'outofcontext')
  1200         """
  1201         etype, val = self.cw_rset.description[row][col], self.cw_rset[row][col]
  1202         if etype is None or not self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema(etype).final:
  1203             if val is None:
  1204                 # This is usually caused by a left outer join and in that case,
  1205                 # regular views will most certainly fail if they don't have
  1206                 # a real eid
  1207                 # XXX if cellvid is e.g. reledit, we may wanna call it anyway
  1208                 self.w(u'&#160;')
  1209             else:
  1210                 self.wview(cellvid or 'outofcontext', self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col)
  1211         else:
  1212             # XXX why do we need a fallback view here?
  1213             self.wview(cellvid or 'final', self.cw_rset, 'null', row=row, col=col)
  1216 class InitialTableView(TableView):
  1217     """same display as  table view but consider two rql queries :
  1219     * the default query (ie `rql` form parameter), which is only used to select
  1220       this view and to build the filter form. This query should have the same
  1221       structure as the actual without actual restriction (but link to
  1222       restriction variables) and usually with a limit for efficiency (limit set
  1223       to 2 is advised)
  1225     * the actual query (`actualrql` form parameter) whose results will be
  1226       displayed with default restrictions set
  1227     """
  1228     __regid__ = 'initialtable'
  1229     __select__ = nonempty_rset()
  1230     # should not be displayed in possible view since it expects some specific
  1231     # parameters
  1232     title = None
  1234     def call(self, title=None, subvid=None, headers=None, divid=None,
  1235              paginate=False, displaycols=None, displayactions=None,
  1236              mainindex=None):
  1237         """Dumps a table displaying a composite query"""
  1238         try:
  1239             actrql = self._cw.form['actualrql']
  1240         except KeyError:
  1241             actrql = self.cw_rset.printable_rql()
  1242         else:
  1243             self._cw.ensure_ro_rql(actrql)
  1244         displaycols = self.displaycols(displaycols, headers)
  1245         if displayactions is None and 'displayactions' in self._cw.form:
  1246             displayactions = True
  1247         if divid is None and 'divid' in self._cw.form:
  1248             divid = self._cw.form['divid']
  1249         self.w(u'<div class="section">')
  1250         if not title and 'title' in self._cw.form:
  1251             # pop title so it's not displayed by the table view as well
  1252             title = self._cw.form.pop('title')
  1253         if title:
  1254             self.w(u'<h2>%s</h2>\n' % title)
  1255         if mainindex is None:
  1256             mainindex = self.main_var_index()
  1257         if mainindex is not None:
  1258             actions = self.form_filter(divid, displaycols, displayactions,
  1259                                        displayfilter=True, paginate=paginate,
  1260                                        hidden=True)
  1261         else:
  1262             actions = ()
  1263         if not subvid and 'subvid' in self._cw.form:
  1264             subvid = self._cw.form.pop('subvid')
  1265         self._cw.view('table', self._cw.execute(actrql),
  1266                       'noresult', w=self.w, displayfilter=False, subvid=subvid,
  1267                       displayactions=displayactions, displaycols=displaycols,
  1268                       actions=actions, headers=headers, divid=divid)
  1269         self.w(u'</div>\n')
  1272 class EditableInitialTableTableView(InitialTableView):
  1273     __regid__ = 'editable-initialtable'
  1274     finalview = 'editable-final'
  1277 @add_metaclass(class_deprecated)
  1278 class EntityAttributesTableView(EntityView):
  1279     """This table displays entity attributes in a table and allow to set a
  1280     specific method to help building cell content for each attribute as well as
  1281     column header.
  1283     Table will render entity cell by using the appropriate build_COLNAME_cell
  1284     methods if defined otherwise cell content will be entity.COLNAME.
  1286     Table will render column header using the method header_for_COLNAME if
  1287     defined otherwise COLNAME will be used.
  1288     """
  1289     __deprecation_warning__ = '[3.14] %(cls)s is deprecated'
  1290     __abstract__ = True
  1291     columns = ()
  1292     table_css = "listing"
  1293     css_files = ()
  1295     def call(self, columns=None):
  1296         if self.css_files:
  1297             self._cw.add_css(self.css_files)
  1298         _ = self._cw._
  1299         self.columns = columns or self.columns
  1300         sample = self.cw_rset.get_entity(0, 0)
  1301         self.w(u'<table class="%s">' % self.table_css)
  1302         self.table_header(sample)
  1303         self.w(u'<tbody>')
  1304         for row in range(self.cw_rset.rowcount):
  1305             self.cell_call(row=row, col=0)
  1306         self.w(u'</tbody>')
  1307         self.w(u'</table>')
  1309     def cell_call(self, row, col):
  1310         _ = self._cw._
  1311         entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
  1312         entity.complete()
  1313         infos = {}
  1314         for col in self.columns:
  1315             meth = getattr(self, 'build_%s_cell' % col, None)
  1316             # find the build method or try to find matching attribute
  1317             if meth:
  1318                 content = meth(entity)
  1319             else:
  1320                 content = entity.printable_value(col)
  1321             infos[col] = content
  1322         self.w(u"""<tr onmouseover="$(this).addClass('highlighted');"
  1323             onmouseout="$(this).removeClass('highlighted')">""")
  1324         line = u''.join(u'<td>%%(%s)s</td>' % col for col in self.columns)
  1325         self.w(line % infos)
  1326         self.w(u'</tr>\n')
  1328     def table_header(self, sample):
  1329         """builds the table's header"""
  1330         self.w(u'<thead><tr>')
  1331         for column in self.columns:
  1332             meth = getattr(self, 'header_for_%s' % column, None)
  1333             if meth:
  1334                 colname = meth(sample)
  1335             else:
  1336                 colname = self._cw._(column)
  1337             self.w(u'<th>%s</th>' % xml_escape(colname))
  1338         self.w(u'</tr></thead>\n')