changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 10727 3fb9111d521f
child 11058 23eb30449fe5
equal deleted inserted replaced
11052:058bb3dc685f 11057:0b59724cb3f2
     1 # copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     2 # contact --
     3 #
     4 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
     5 #
     6 # CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     7 # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     8 # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
     9 # any later version.
    10 #
    11 # CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    13 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    14 # details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    17 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
    18 """This module provides some generic components to navigate in the web
    19 application.
    21 Pagination
    22 ----------
    24 Several implementations for large result set pagination are provided:
    26 .. autoclass:: PageNavigation
    27 .. autoclass:: PageNavigationSelect
    28 .. autoclass:: SortedNavigation
    30 Pagination will appear when needed according to the `page-size` ui property.
    32 This module monkey-patch the :func:`paginate` function to the base :class:`View`
    33 class, so that you can ask pagination explicitly on every result-set based views.
    35 .. autofunction:: paginate
    38 Previous / next navigation
    39 --------------------------
    41 An adapter and its related component for the somewhat usal "previous / next"
    42 navigation are provided.
    44   .. autoclass:: IPrevNextAdapter
    45   .. autoclass:: NextPrevNavigationComponent
    46 """
    48 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    49 from cubicweb import _
    51 from datetime import datetime
    53 from six import text_type
    55 from rql.nodes import VariableRef, Constant
    57 from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
    58 from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
    60 from cubicweb.predicates import paginated_rset, sorted_rset, adaptable
    61 from cubicweb.uilib import cut
    62 from cubicweb.view import EntityAdapter
    63 from cubicweb.web.component import EmptyComponent, EntityCtxComponent, NavigationComponent
    66 class PageNavigation(NavigationComponent):
    67     """The default pagination component: display link to pages where each pages
    68     is identified by the item number of its first and last elements.
    69     """
    70     def call(self):
    71         """displays a resultset by page"""
    72         params = dict(self._cw.form)
    73         self.clean_params(params)
    74         basepath = self._cw.relative_path(includeparams=False)
    75         self.w(u'<div class="pagination">')
    76         self.w(self.previous_link(basepath, params))
    77         self.w(u'[&#160;%s&#160;]' %
    78                u'&#160;| '.join(self.iter_page_links(basepath, params)))
    79         self.w(u'&#160;&#160;%s' % self.next_link(basepath, params))
    80         self.w(u'</div>')
    82     def index_display(self, start, stop):
    83         return u'%s - %s' % (start+1, stop+1)
    85     def iter_page_links(self, basepath, params):
    86         rset = self.cw_rset
    87         page_size = self.page_size
    88         start = 0
    89         while start < rset.rowcount:
    90             stop = min(start + page_size - 1, rset.rowcount - 1)
    91             yield self.page_link(basepath, params, start, stop,
    92                                  self.index_display(start, stop))
    93             start = stop + 1
    96 class PageNavigationSelect(PageNavigation):
    97     """This pagination component displays a result-set by page as
    98     :class:`PageNavigation` but in a <select>, which is better when there are a
    99     lot of results.
   101     By default it will be selected when there are more than 4 pages to be
   102     displayed.
   103     """
   104     __select__ = paginated_rset(4)
   106     page_link_templ = u'<option value="%s" title="%s">%s</option>'
   107     selected_page_link_templ = u'<option value="%s" selected="selected" title="%s">%s</option>'
   108     def call(self):
   109         params = dict(self._cw.form)
   110         self.clean_params(params)
   111         basepath = self._cw.relative_path(includeparams=False)
   112         w = self.w
   113         w(u'<div class="pagination">')
   114         w(self.previous_link(basepath, params))
   115         w(u'<select onchange="javascript: document.location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">')
   116         for option in self.iter_page_links(basepath, params):
   117             w(option)
   118         w(u'</select>')
   119         w(u'&#160;&#160;%s' % self.next_link(basepath, params))
   120         w(u'</div>')
   123 class SortedNavigation(NavigationComponent):
   124     """This pagination component will be selected by default if there are less
   125     than 4 pages and if the result set is sorted.
   127     Displayed links to navigate accross pages of a result set are done according
   128     to the first variable on which the sort is done, and looks like:
   130         [ana - cro] | [cro - ghe] | ... | [tim - zou]
   132     You may want to override this component to customize display in some cases.
   134     .. automethod:: sort_on
   135     .. automethod:: display_func
   136     .. automethod:: format_link_content
   137     .. automethod:: write_links
   139     Below an example from the tracker cube:
   141     .. sourcecode:: python
   143       class TicketsNavigation(navigation.SortedNavigation):
   144           __select__ = (navigation.SortedNavigation.__select__
   145                         & ~paginated_rset(4) & is_instance('Ticket'))
   146           def sort_on(self):
   147               col, attrname = super(TicketsNavigation, self).sort_on()
   148               if col == 6:
   149                   # sort on state, we don't want that
   150                   return None, None
   151               return col, attrname
   153     The idea is that in trackers'ticket tables, result set is first ordered on
   154     ticket's state while this doesn't make any sense in the navigation. So we
   155     override :meth:`sort_on` so that if we detect such sorting, we disable the
   156     feature to go back to item number in the pagination.
   158     Also notice the `~paginated_rset(4)` in the selector so that if there are
   159     more than 4 pages to display, :class:`PageNavigationSelect` will still be
   160     selected.
   161     """
   162     __select__ = paginated_rset() & sorted_rset()
   164     # number of considered chars to build page links
   165     nb_chars = 5
   167     def call(self):
   168         # attrname = the name of attribute according to which the sort
   169         # is done if any
   170         col, attrname = self.sort_on()
   171         index_display = self.display_func(self.cw_rset, col, attrname)
   172         basepath = self._cw.relative_path(includeparams=False)
   173         params = dict(self._cw.form)
   174         self.clean_params(params)
   175         blocklist = []
   176         start = 0
   177         total = self.cw_rset.rowcount
   178         while start < total:
   179             stop = min(start + self.page_size - 1, total - 1)
   180             cell = self.format_link_content(index_display(start), index_display(stop))
   181             blocklist.append(self.page_link(basepath, params, start, stop, cell))
   182             start = stop + 1
   183         self.write_links(basepath, params, blocklist)
   185     def display_func(self, rset, col, attrname):
   186         """Return a function that will be called with a row number as argument
   187         and should return a string to use as link for it.
   188         """
   189         if attrname is not None:
   190             def index_display(row):
   191                 if not rset[row][col]: # outer join
   192                     return u''
   193                 entity = rset.get_entity(row, col)
   194                 return entity.printable_value(attrname, format='text/plain')
   195         elif col is None: # smart links disabled.
   196             def index_display(row):
   197                 return text_type(row)
   198         elif self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema(rset.description[0][col]).final:
   199             def index_display(row):
   200                 return text_type(rset[row][col])
   201         else:
   202             def index_display(row):
   203                 return rset.get_entity(row, col).view('text')
   204         return index_display
   206     def sort_on(self):
   207         """Return entity column number / attr name to use for nice display by
   208         inspecting the rset'syntax tree.
   209         """
   210         rschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.rschema
   211         for sorterm in self.cw_rset.syntax_tree().children[0].orderby:
   212             if isinstance(sorterm.term, Constant):
   213                 col = sorterm.term.value - 1
   214                 return col, None
   215             var = sorterm.term.get_nodes(VariableRef)[0].variable
   216             col = None
   217             for ref in var.references():
   218                 rel = ref.relation()
   219                 if rel is None:
   220                     continue
   221                 attrname = rel.r_type
   222                 if attrname in ('is', 'has_text'):
   223                     continue
   224                 if not rschema(attrname).final:
   225                     col = var.selected_index()
   226                     attrname = None
   227                 if col is None:
   228                     # final relation or not selected non final relation
   229                     if var is rel.children[0]:
   230                         relvar = rel.children[1].children[0].get_nodes(VariableRef)[0]
   231                     else:
   232                         relvar = rel.children[0].variable
   233                     col = relvar.selected_index()
   234                 if col is not None:
   235                     break
   236             else:
   237                 # no relation but maybe usable anyway if selected
   238                 col = var.selected_index()
   239                 attrname = None
   240             if col is not None:
   241                 # if column type is date[time], set proper 'nb_chars'
   242                 if var.stinfo['possibletypes'] & frozenset(('TZDatetime', 'Datetime',
   243                                                             'Date')):
   244                     self.nb_chars = len(self._cw.format_date(
   245                 return col, attrname
   246         # nothing usable found, use the first column
   247         return 0, None
   249     def format_link_content(self, startstr, stopstr):
   250         """Return text for a page link, where `startstr` and `stopstr` are the
   251         text for the lower/upper boundaries of the page.
   253         By default text are stripped down to :attr:`nb_chars` characters.
   254         """
   255         text = u'%s - %s' % (startstr.lower()[:self.nb_chars],
   256                              stopstr.lower()[:self.nb_chars])
   257         return xml_escape(text)
   259     def write_links(self, basepath, params, blocklist):
   260         """Return HTML for the whole navigation: `blocklist` is a list of HTML
   261         snippets for each page, `basepath` and `params` will be necessary to
   262         build previous/next links.
   263         """
   264         self.w(u'<div class="pagination">')
   265         self.w(u'%s&#160;' % self.previous_link(basepath, params))
   266         self.w(u'[&#160;%s&#160;]' % u'&#160;| '.join(blocklist))
   267         self.w(u'&#160;%s' % self.next_link(basepath, params))
   268         self.w(u'</div>')
   271 def do_paginate(view, rset=None, w=None, show_all_option=True, page_size=None):
   272     """write pages index in w stream (default to view.w) and then limit the
   273     result set (default to view.rset) to the currently displayed page if we're
   274     not explicitly told to display everything (by setting __force_display in
   275     req.form)
   276     """
   277     req = view._cw
   278     if rset is None:
   279         rset = view.cw_rset
   280     if w is None:
   281         w = view.w
   282     nav = req.vreg['components'].select_or_none(
   283         'navigation', req, rset=rset, page_size=page_size, view=view)
   284     if nav:
   285         if w is None:
   286             w = view.w
   287         if req.form.get('__force_display'):
   288             # allow to come back to the paginated view
   289             params = dict(req.form)
   290             basepath = req.relative_path(includeparams=False)
   291             del params['__force_display']
   292             url = nav.page_url(basepath, params)
   293             w(u'<div class="displayAllLink"><a href="%s">%s</a></div>\n'
   294               % (xml_escape(url), req._('back to pagination (%s results)')
   295                                   % nav.page_size))
   296         else:
   297             # get boundaries before component rendering
   298             start, stop = nav.page_boundaries()
   299             nav.render(w=w)
   300             params = dict(req.form)
   301             nav.clean_params(params)
   302             # make a link to see them all
   303             if show_all_option:
   304                 basepath = req.relative_path(includeparams=False)
   305                 params['__force_display'] = 1
   306                 params['__fromnavigation'] = 1
   307                 url = nav.page_url(basepath, params)
   308                 w(u'<div class="displayAllLink"><a href="%s">%s</a></div>\n'
   309                   % (xml_escape(url), req._('show %s results') % len(rset)))
   310             rset.limit(offset=start, limit=stop-start, inplace=True)
   313 def paginate(view, show_all_option=True, w=None, page_size=None, rset=None):
   314     """paginate results if the view is paginable
   315     """
   316     if view.paginable:
   317         do_paginate(view, rset, w, show_all_option, page_size)
   319 # monkey patch base View class to add a .paginate([...])
   320 # method to be called to write pages index in the view and then limit the result
   321 # set to the current page
   322 from cubicweb.view import View
   323 View.do_paginate = do_paginate
   324 View.paginate = paginate
   325 View.handle_pagination = False
   329 class IPrevNextAdapter(EntityAdapter):
   330     """Interface for entities which can be linked to a previous and/or next
   331     entity
   333     .. automethod:: next_entity
   334     .. automethod:: previous_entity
   335     """
   336     __needs_bw_compat__ = True
   337     __regid__ = 'IPrevNext'
   338     __abstract__ = True
   340     def next_entity(self):
   341         """return the 'next' entity"""
   342         raise NotImplementedError
   344     def previous_entity(self):
   345         """return the 'previous' entity"""
   346         raise NotImplementedError
   349 class NextPrevNavigationComponent(EntityCtxComponent):
   350     """Entities adaptable to the 'IPrevNext' should have this component
   351     automatically displayed. You may want to override this component to have a
   352     different look and feel.
   353     """
   355     __regid__ = 'prevnext'
   356     # register msg not generated since no entity implements IPrevNext in cubicweb
   357     # itself
   358     help = _('ctxcomponents_prevnext_description')
   359     __select__ = EntityCtxComponent.__select__ & adaptable('IPrevNext')
   360     context = 'navbottom'
   361     order = 10
   363     @property
   364     def prev_icon(self):
   365         return '<img src="%s" alt="%s" />' % (
   366             xml_escape(self._cw.data_url('go_prev.png')), self._cw._('previous page'))
   368     @property
   369     def next_icon(self):
   370         return '<img src="%s" alt="%s" />' % (
   371             xml_escape(self._cw.data_url('go_next.png')), self._cw._('next page'))
   373     def init_rendering(self):
   374         adapter = self.entity.cw_adapt_to('IPrevNext')
   375         self.previous = adapter.previous_entity()
   376 = adapter.next_entity()
   377         if not (self.previous or
   378             raise EmptyComponent()
   380     def render_body(self, w):
   381         w(u'<div class="prevnext">')
   382         self.prevnext(w)
   383         w(u'</div>')
   384         w(u'<div class="clear"></div>')
   386     def prevnext(self, w):
   387         if self.previous:
   388             self.prevnext_entity(w, self.previous, 'prev')
   389         if
   390             self.prevnext_entity(w,, 'next')
   392     def prevnext_entity(self, w, entity, type):
   393         textsize = self._cw.property_value('navigation.short-line-size')
   394         content = xml_escape(cut(entity.dc_title(), textsize))
   395         if type == 'prev':
   396             title = self._cw._('i18nprevnext_previous')
   397             icon = self.prev_icon
   398             cssclass = u'previousEntity left'
   399             content = icon + '&#160;&#160;' + content
   400         else:
   401             title = self._cw._('i18nprevnext_next')
   402             icon = self.next_icon
   403             cssclass = u'nextEntity right'
   404             content = content + '&#160;&#160;' + icon
   405         self.prevnext_div(w, type, cssclass, entity.absolute_url(),
   406                           title, content)
   408     def prevnext_div(self, w, type, cssclass, url, title, content):
   409         w(u'<div class="%s">' % cssclass)
   410         w(u'<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>' % (xml_escape(url),
   411                                                xml_escape(title),
   412                                                content))
   413         w(u'</div>')
   414         self._cw.html_headers.add_raw('<link rel="%s" href="%s" />' % (
   415               type, xml_escape(url)))