changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11033 63d860a14a17
child 11129 97095348b3ee
equal deleted inserted replaced
11052:058bb3dc685f 11057:0b59724cb3f2
     1 # copyright 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     2 # contact --
     3 #
     4 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
     5 #
     6 # CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     7 # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     8 # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
     9 # any later version.
    10 #
    11 # CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    13 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    14 # details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    17 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
    18 """The edit controller, automatically handling entity form submitting"""
    20 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    22 from warnings import warn
    23 from collections import defaultdict
    25 from datetime import datetime
    27 from six import text_type
    29 from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
    30 from logilab.common.graph import ordered_nodes
    32 from rql.utils import rqlvar_maker
    34 from cubicweb import _, Binary, ValidationError
    35 from cubicweb.view import EntityAdapter
    36 from cubicweb.predicates import is_instance
    37 from cubicweb.web import (INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE, RequestError, NothingToEdit,
    38                           ProcessFormError)
    39 from cubicweb.web.views import basecontrollers, autoform
    42 class IEditControlAdapter(EntityAdapter):
    43     __regid__ = 'IEditControl'
    44     __select__ = is_instance('Any')
    46     def __init__(self, _cw, **kwargs):
    47         if self.__class__ is not IEditControlAdapter:
    48             warn('[3.14] IEditControlAdapter is deprecated, override EditController'
    49                  ' using match_edited_type or match_form_id selectors for example.',
    50                  DeprecationWarning)
    51         super(IEditControlAdapter, self).__init__(_cw, **kwargs)
    53     def after_deletion_path(self):
    54         """return (path, parameters) which should be used as redirect
    55         information when this entity is being deleted
    56         """
    57         parent = self.entity.cw_adapt_to('IBreadCrumbs').parent_entity()
    58         if parent is not None:
    59             return parent.rest_path(), {}
    60         return str(self.entity.e_schema).lower(), {}
    62     def pre_web_edit(self):
    63         """callback called by the web editcontroller when an entity will be
    64         created/modified, to let a chance to do some entity specific stuff.
    66         Do nothing by default.
    67         """
    68         pass
    71 def valerror_eid(eid):
    72     try:
    73         return int(eid)
    74     except (ValueError, TypeError):
    75         return eid
    77 class RqlQuery(object):
    78     def __init__(self):
    79         self.edited = []
    80         self.restrictions = []
    81         self.kwargs = {}
    83     def __repr__(self):
    84         return ('Query <edited=%r restrictions=%r kwargs=%r>' % (
    85             self.edited, self.restrictions, self.kwargs))
    87     def insert_query(self, etype):
    88         if self.edited:
    89             rql = 'INSERT %s X: %s' % (etype, ','.join(self.edited))
    90         else:
    91             rql = 'INSERT %s X' % etype
    92         if self.restrictions:
    93             rql += ' WHERE %s' % ','.join(self.restrictions)
    94         return rql
    96     def update_query(self, eid):
    97         varmaker = rqlvar_maker()
    98         var = next(varmaker)
    99         while var in self.kwargs:
   100             var = next(varmaker)
   101         rql = 'SET %s WHERE X eid %%(%s)s' % (','.join(self.edited), var)
   102         if self.restrictions:
   103             rql += ', %s' % ','.join(self.restrictions)
   104         self.kwargs[var] = eid
   105         return rql
   107     def set_attribute(self, attr, value):
   108         self.kwargs[attr] = value
   109         self.edited.append('X %s %%(%s)s' % (attr, attr))
   111     def set_inlined(self, relation, value):
   112         self.kwargs[relation] = value
   113         self.edited.append('X %s %s' % (relation, relation.upper()))
   114         self.restrictions.append('%s eid %%(%s)s' % (relation.upper(), relation))
   117 class EditController(basecontrollers.ViewController):
   118     __regid__ = 'edit'
   120     def publish(self, rset=None):
   121         """edit / create / copy / delete entity / relations"""
   122         for key in self._cw.form:
   123             # There should be 0 or 1 action
   124             if key.startswith('__action_'):
   125                 cbname = key[1:]
   126                 try:
   127                     callback = getattr(self, cbname)
   128                 except AttributeError:
   129                     raise RequestError(self._cw._('invalid action %r' % key))
   130                 else:
   131                     return callback()
   132         self._default_publish()
   133         self.reset()
   135     def _ordered_formparams(self):
   136         """ Return form parameters dictionaries for each edited entity.
   138         We ensure that entities can be created in this order accounting for
   139         mandatory inlined relations.
   140         """
   141         req = self._cw
   142         graph = {}
   143         get_rschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.rschema
   144         # minparams = 2, because at least __type and eid are needed
   145         values_by_eid = dict((eid, req.extract_entity_params(eid, minparams=2))
   146                              for eid in req.edited_eids())
   147         # iterate over all the edited entities
   148         for eid, values in values_by_eid.items():
   149             # add eid to the dependency graph
   150             graph.setdefault(eid, set())
   151             # search entity's edited fields for mandatory inlined relation
   152             for param in values['_cw_entity_fields'].split(','):
   153                 try:
   154                     rtype, role = param.split('-')
   155                 except ValueError:
   156                     # e.g. param='__type'
   157                     continue
   158                 rschema = get_rschema(rtype)
   159                 if rschema.inlined:
   160                     for target in rschema.targets(values['__type'], role):
   161                         rdef = rschema.role_rdef(values['__type'], target, role)
   162                         # if cardinality is 1 and if the target entity is being
   163                         # simultaneously edited, the current entity must be
   164                         # created before the target one
   165                         if rdef.cardinality[0 if role == 'subject' else 1] == '1':
   166                             # use .get since param may be unspecified (though it will usually lead
   167                             # to a validation error later)
   168                             target_eid = values.get(param)
   169                             if target_eid in values_by_eid:
   170                                 # add dependency from the target entity to the
   171                                 # current one
   172                                 if role == 'object':
   173                                     graph.setdefault(target_eid, set()).add(eid)
   174                                 else:
   175                                     graph.setdefault(eid, set()).add(target_eid)
   176                                 break
   177         for eid in reversed(ordered_nodes(graph)):
   178             yield values_by_eid[eid]
   180     def _default_publish(self):
   181         req = self._cw
   182         self.errors = []
   183         self.relations_rql = []
   184         form = req.form
   185         # so we're able to know the main entity from the repository side
   186         if '__maineid' in form:
   187             req.transaction_data['__maineid'] = form['__maineid']
   188         # no specific action, generic edition
   189         self._to_create =['eidmap'] = {}
   190         # those two data variables are used to handle relation from/to entities
   191         # which doesn't exist at time where the entity is edited and that
   192         # deserves special treatment
   193['pending_inlined'] = defaultdict(set)
   194['pending_others'] = set()
   195         try:
   196             for formparams in self._ordered_formparams():
   197                 eid = self.edit_entity(formparams)
   198         except (RequestError, NothingToEdit) as ex:
   199             if '__linkto' in req.form and 'eid' in req.form:
   200                 self.execute_linkto()
   201             elif not ('__delete' in req.form or '__insert' in req.form):
   202                 raise ValidationError(None, {None: text_type(ex)})
   203         # all pending inlined relations to newly created entities have been
   204         # treated now (pop to ensure there are no attempt to add new ones)
   205         pending_inlined ='pending_inlined')
   206         assert not pending_inlined, pending_inlined
   207         # handle all other remaining relations now
   208         for form_, field in'pending_others'):
   209             self.handle_formfield(form_, field)
   210         # then execute rql to set all relations
   211         for querydef in self.relations_rql:
   212             self._cw.execute(*querydef)
   213         # XXX this processes *all* pending operations of *all* entities
   214         if '__delete' in req.form:
   215             todelete = req.list_form_param('__delete', req.form, pop=True)
   216             if todelete:
   217                 autoform.delete_relations(self._cw, todelete)
   218         self._cw.remove_pending_operations()
   219         if self.errors:
   220             errors = dict((, text_type(ex)) for f, ex in self.errors)
   221             raise ValidationError(valerror_eid(form.get('__maineid')), errors)
   223     def _insert_entity(self, etype, eid, rqlquery):
   224         rql = rqlquery.insert_query(etype)
   225         try:
   226             entity = self._cw.execute(rql, rqlquery.kwargs).get_entity(0, 0)
   227             neweid = entity.eid
   228         except ValidationError as ex:
   229             self._to_create[eid] = ex.entity
   230             if self._cw.ajax_request: # XXX (syt) why?
   231                 ex.entity = eid
   232             raise
   233         self._to_create[eid] = neweid
   234         return neweid
   236     def _update_entity(self, eid, rqlquery):
   237         self._cw.execute(rqlquery.update_query(eid), rqlquery.kwargs)
   239     def edit_entity(self, formparams, multiple=False):
   240         """edit / create / copy an entity and return its eid"""
   241         req = self._cw
   242         etype = formparams['__type']
   243         entity = req.vreg['etypes'].etype_class(etype)(req)
   244         entity.eid = valerror_eid(formparams['eid'])
   245         is_main_entity = req.form.get('__maineid') == formparams['eid']
   246         # let a chance to do some entity specific stuff
   247         entity.cw_adapt_to('IEditControl').pre_web_edit()
   248         # create a rql query from parameters
   249         rqlquery = RqlQuery()
   250         # process inlined relations at the same time as attributes
   251         # this will generate less rql queries and might be useful in
   252         # a few dark corners
   253         if is_main_entity:
   254             formid = req.form.get('__form_id', 'edition')
   255         else:
   256             # XXX inlined forms formid should be saved in a different formparams entry
   257             # inbetween, use cubicweb standard formid for inlined forms
   258             formid = 'edition'
   259         form = req.vreg['forms'].select(formid, req, entity=entity)
   260         eid = form.actual_eid(entity.eid)
   261         editedfields = formparams['_cw_entity_fields']
   262         form.formvalues = {} # init fields value cache
   263         for field in form.iter_modified_fields(editedfields, entity):
   264             self.handle_formfield(form, field, rqlquery)
   265         # if there are some inlined field which were waiting for this entity's
   266         # creation, add relevant data to the rqlquery
   267         for form_, field in['pending_inlined'].pop(entity.eid, ()):
   268             rqlquery.set_inlined(, form_.edited_entity.eid)
   269         if self.errors:
   270             errors = dict((f.role_name(), text_type(ex)) for f, ex in self.errors)
   271             raise ValidationError(valerror_eid(entity.eid), errors)
   272         if eid is None: # creation or copy
   273             entity.eid = eid = self._insert_entity(etype, formparams['eid'], rqlquery)
   274         elif rqlquery.edited: # edition of an existant entity
   275             self.check_concurrent_edition(formparams, eid)
   276             self._update_entity(eid, rqlquery)
   277         if is_main_entity:
   278             self.notify_edited(entity)
   279         if '__delete' in formparams:
   280             # XXX deprecate?
   281             todelete = req.list_form_param('__delete', formparams, pop=True)
   282             autoform.delete_relations(req, todelete)
   283         if '__cloned_eid' in formparams:
   284             entity.copy_relations(int(formparams['__cloned_eid']))
   285         if is_main_entity: # only execute linkto for the main entity
   286             self.execute_linkto(entity.eid)
   287         return eid
   289     def handle_formfield(self, form, field, rqlquery=None):
   290         eschema = form.edited_entity.e_schema
   291         try:
   292             for field, value in field.process_posted(form):
   293                 if not (
   294                     (field.role == 'subject' and in eschema.subjrels)
   295                     or
   296                     (field.role == 'object' and in eschema.objrels)):
   297                     continue
   298                 rschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.rschema(
   299                 if
   300                     rqlquery.set_attribute(, value)
   301                 else:
   302                     if form.edited_entity.has_eid():
   303                         origvalues = set(entity.eid for entity in form.edited_entity.related(, field.role, entities=True))
   304                     else:
   305                         origvalues = set()
   306                     if value is None or value == origvalues:
   307                         continue # not edited / not modified / to do later
   308                     if rschema.inlined and rqlquery is not None and field.role == 'subject':
   309                         self.handle_inlined_relation(form, field, value, origvalues, rqlquery)
   310                     elif form.edited_entity.has_eid():
   311                         self.handle_relation(form, field, value, origvalues)
   312                     else:
   313               ['pending_others'].add( (form, field) )
   314         except ProcessFormError as exc:
   315             self.errors.append((field, exc))
   317     def handle_inlined_relation(self, form, field, values, origvalues, rqlquery):
   318         """handle edition for the (rschema, x) relation of the given entity
   319         """
   320         if values:
   321             rqlquery.set_inlined(, next(iter(values)))
   322         elif form.edited_entity.has_eid():
   323             self.handle_relation(form, field, values, origvalues)
   325     def handle_relation(self, form, field, values, origvalues):
   326         """handle edition for the (rschema, x) relation of the given entity
   327         """
   328         etype = form.edited_entity.e_schema
   329         rschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.rschema(
   330         if field.role == 'subject':
   331             desttype = rschema.objects(etype)[0]
   332             card = rschema.rdef(etype, desttype).cardinality[0]
   333             subjvar, objvar = 'X', 'Y'
   334         else:
   335             desttype = rschema.subjects(etype)[0]
   336             card = rschema.rdef(desttype, etype).cardinality[1]
   337             subjvar, objvar = 'Y', 'X'
   338         eid = form.edited_entity.eid
   339         if field.role == 'object' or not rschema.inlined or not values:
   340             # this is not an inlined relation or no values specified,
   341             # explicty remove relations
   342             rql = 'DELETE %s %s %s WHERE X eid %%(x)s, Y eid %%(y)s' % (
   343                 subjvar, rschema, objvar)
   344             for reid in origvalues.difference(values):
   345                 self.relations_rql.append((rql, {'x': eid, 'y': reid}))
   346         seteids = values.difference(origvalues)
   347         if seteids:
   348             rql = 'SET %s %s %s WHERE X eid %%(x)s, Y eid %%(y)s' % (
   349                 subjvar, rschema, objvar)
   350             for reid in seteids:
   351                 self.relations_rql.append((rql, {'x': eid, 'y': reid}))
   353     def delete_entities(self, eidtypes):
   354         """delete entities from the repository"""
   355         redirect_info = set()
   356         eidtypes = tuple(eidtypes)
   357         for eid, etype in eidtypes:
   358             entity = self._cw.entity_from_eid(eid, etype)
   359             path, params = entity.cw_adapt_to('IEditControl').after_deletion_path()
   360             redirect_info.add( (path, tuple(params.items())) )
   361             entity.cw_delete()
   362         if len(redirect_info) > 1:
   363             # In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
   364             self._after_deletion_path = 'view', ()
   365         else:
   366             self._after_deletion_path = next(iter(redirect_info))
   367         if len(eidtypes) > 1:
   368             self._cw.set_message(self._cw._('entities deleted'))
   369         else:
   370             self._cw.set_message(self._cw._('entity deleted'))
   373     def check_concurrent_edition(self, formparams, eid):
   374         req = self._cw
   375         try:
   376             form_ts = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(formparams['__form_generation_time']))
   377         except KeyError:
   378             # Backward and tests compatibility : if no timestamp consider edition OK
   379             return
   380         if req.execute("Any X WHERE X modification_date > %(fts)s, X eid %(eid)s",
   381                        {'eid': eid, 'fts': form_ts}):
   382             # We only mark the message for translation but the actual
   383             # translation will be handled by the Validation mechanism...
   384             msg = _("Entity %(eid)s has changed since you started to edit it."
   385                     " Reload the page and reapply your changes.")
   386             # ... this is why we pass the formats' dict as a third argument.
   387             raise ValidationError(eid, {None: msg}, {'eid' : eid})
   389     def _action_apply(self):
   390         self._default_publish()
   391         self.reset()
   393     def _action_delete(self):
   394         self.delete_entities(self._cw.edited_eids(withtype=True))
   395         return self.reset()