changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 10456 e7ee508a8b2f
child 11949 1372d9f80c70
equal deleted inserted replaced
11052:058bb3dc685f 11057:0b59724cb3f2
     1 /* copyright 2003-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     2  * contact --
     3  *
     4  * This file is part of CubicWeb.
     5  *
     6  * CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     7  * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     8  * Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
     9  * any later version.
    10  *
    11  * CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    13  * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    14  * details.
    15  *
    16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    17  * with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
    18  */
    20 /**
    21  * .. function:: Deferred
    22  *
    23  * dummy ultra minimalist implementation of deferred for jQuery
    24  */
    26 cw.ajax = new Namespace('cw.ajax');
    28 function Deferred() {
    29     this.__init__(this);
    30 }
    32 jQuery.extend(Deferred.prototype, {
    33     __init__: function() {
    34         this._onSuccess = [];
    35         this._onFailure = [];
    36         this._req = null;
    37         this._result = null;
    38         this._error = null;
    39     },
    41     addCallback: function(callback) {
    42         if (this._req && (this._req.readyState == 4) && this._result) {
    43             var args = [this._result, this._req];
    44             jQuery.merge(args, cw.utils.sliceList(arguments, 1));
    45             callback.apply(null, args);
    46         }
    47         else {
    48             this._onSuccess.push([callback, cw.utils.sliceList(arguments, 1)]);
    49         }
    50         return this;
    51     },
    53     addErrback: function(callback) {
    54         if (this._req && this._req.readyState == 4 && this._error) {
    55             callback.apply(null, [this._error, this._req]);
    56         }
    57         else {
    58             this._onFailure.push([callback, cw.utils.sliceList(arguments, 1)]);
    59         }
    60         return this;
    61     },
    63     success: function(result) {
    64         this._result = result;
    65         for (var i = 0; i < this._onSuccess.length; i++) {
    66             var callback = this._onSuccess[i][0];
    67             var args = [result, this._req];
    68             jQuery.merge(args, this._onSuccess[i][1]);
    69             callback.apply(null, args);
    70         }
    71     },
    73     error: function(xhr, status, error) {
    74         this._error = error;
    75         for (var i = 0; i < this._onFailure.length; i++) {
    76             var callback = this._onFailure[i][0];
    77             var args = [error, this._req];
    78             jQuery.merge(args, this._onFailure[i][1]);
    79             if (callback !== undefined)
    80                 callback.apply(null, args);
    81         }
    82     }
    84 });
    86 var AJAX_PREFIX_URL = 'ajax';
    87 var JSON_BASE_URL = BASE_URL + 'json?';
    91 jQuery.extend(cw.ajax, {
    92     /* variant of jquery evalScript with cache: true in ajax call */
    93     _evalscript: function ( i, elem ) {
    94        var src = elem.getAttribute('src');
    95        if (src) {
    96            jQuery.ajax({
    97                url: src,
    98                async: false,
    99                cache: true,
   100                dataType: "script"
   101            });
   102        } else {
   103            jQuery.globalEval( elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || "" );
   104        }
   105        if ( elem.parentNode ) {
   106            elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );
   107        }
   108     },
   110     evalscripts: function ( scripts ) {
   111         if ( scripts.length ) {
   112             jQuery.each(scripts, cw.ajax._evalscript);
   113         }
   114     },
   116     /**
   117      * returns true if `url` is a mod_concat-like url
   118      * (e.g. http://..../data??resource1.js,resource2.js)
   119      */
   120     _modconcatLikeUrl: function(url) {
   121         var modconcat_rgx = new RegExp('(' + BASE_URL + 'data/([a-z0-9]+/)?)\\?\\?(.+)');
   122         return modconcat_rgx.exec(url);
   123     },
   125     /**
   126      * decomposes a mod_concat-like url into its corresponding list of
   127      * resources' urls
   128      * >>> _listResources(',b.js,c.js')
   129      * ['', '', '']
   130      */
   131     _listResources: function(src) {
   132         var resources = [];
   133         var groups = cw.ajax._modconcatLikeUrl(src);
   134         if (groups == null) {
   135             resources.push(src);
   136         } else {
   137             var dataurl = groups[1];
   138             $.each(cw.utils.lastOf(groups).split(','),
   139                  function() {
   140                      resources.push(dataurl + this);
   141                  }
   142             );
   143         }
   144         return resources;
   145     },
   147     _buildMissingResourcesUrl: function(url, loadedResources) {
   148         var resources = cw.ajax._listResources(url);
   149         var missingResources = $.grep(resources, function(resource) {
   150             return $.inArray(resource, loadedResources) == -1;
   151         });
   152         cw.utils.extend(loadedResources, missingResources);
   153         var missingResourceUrl = null;
   154         if (missingResources.length == 1) {
   155             // only one resource missing: build a node with a single resource url
   156             // (maybe the browser has it in cache already)
   157             missingResourceUrl = missingResources[0];
   158         } else if (missingResources.length > 1) {
   159             // several resources missing: build a node with a concatenated
   160             // resources url
   161             var dataurl = cw.ajax._modconcatLikeUrl(url)[1];
   162             var missing_path = $.map(missingResources, function(resource) {
   163                 return resource.substring(dataurl.length);
   164             });
   165             missingResourceUrl = dataurl + '??' + missing_path.join(',');
   166         }
   167         return missingResourceUrl;
   168     },
   170     _loadAjaxStylesheets: function($responseHead, $head) {
   171         $responseHead.find('link[href]').each(function(i) {
   172             var $srcnode = $(this);
   173             var url = $srcnode.attr('href');
   174             if (url) {
   175                 var missingStylesheetsUrl = cw.ajax._buildMissingResourcesUrl(url, cw.loaded_links);
   176                 // compute concat-like url for missing resources and append <link>
   177                 // element to $head
   178                 if (missingStylesheetsUrl) {
   179                     // IE has problems with dynamic CSS insertions. One symptom (among others)
   180                     // is a "1 item remaining" message in the status bar. (cf. #2356261)
   181                     // document.createStyleSheet needs to be used for this, although it seems
   182                     // that IE can't create more than 31 additional stylesheets with
   183                     // document.createStyleSheet.
   184                     if ($.browser.msie) {
   185                         document.createStyleSheet(missingStylesheetsUrl);
   186                     } else {
   187                         $srcnode.attr('href', missingStylesheetsUrl);
   188                         $srcnode.appendTo($head);
   189                     }
   190                 }
   191             }
   192         });
   193         $responseHead.find('link[href]').remove();
   194     },
   196     _loadAjaxScripts: function($responseHead, $head) {
   197         $responseHead.find('cubicweb\\:script').each(function(i) {
   198             var $srcnode = $(this);
   199             var url = $srcnode.attr('src');
   200             if (url) {
   201                 var missingScriptsUrl = cw.ajax._buildMissingResourcesUrl(url, cw.loaded_scripts);
   202                 if (missingScriptsUrl) {
   203                     $srcnode.attr('src', missingScriptsUrl);
   204                     /* special handling of <script> tags: script nodes appended by jquery
   205                      * use uncached ajax calls and do not appear in the DOM
   206                      * (See comments in response to Syt on //,
   207                      * which cause undesired duplicated load in our case. We now handle
   208                      * a list of already loaded resources, since bare DOM api gives bugs with the
   209                      * server-response event, and we lose control on when the
   210                      * script is loaded (jQuery loads it immediately). */
   211                     cw.ajax.evalscripts($srcnode);
   212                 }
   213             } else {
   214                 // <script> contains inlined javascript code, node content
   215                 // must be evaluated
   216     	        jQuery.globalEval($srcnode.text());
   217     	    }
   218         });
   219         $responseHead.find('cubicweb\\:script').remove();
   220     }
   221 });
   223 //============= utility function handling remote calls responses. ==============//
   224 /**
   225  * .. function:: function loadAjaxHtmlHead(response)
   226  *
   227  * inspect dom response (as returned by getDomFromResponse), search for
   228  * a <div class="ajaxHtmlHead"> node and put its content into the real
   229  * document's head.
   230  * This enables dynamic css and js loading and is used by replacePageChunk
   231  */
   232 function loadAjaxHtmlHead(response) {
   233     var $head = jQuery('head');
   234     var $responseHead = jQuery(response).find('div.ajaxHtmlHead');
   235     // no ajaxHtmlHead found, no processing required
   236     if (!$responseHead.length) {
   237         return response;
   238     }
   239     cw.ajax._loadAjaxStylesheets($responseHead, $head);
   240     cw.ajax._loadAjaxScripts($responseHead, $head);
   241     // add any remaining children (e.g. meta)
   242     $responseHead.children().appendTo($head);
   243     // remove original container, which is now empty
   244     $responseHead.remove();
   245     // if there was only one actual node in the reponse besides
   246     // the ajaxHtmlHead, then remove the wrapper created by
   247     // getDomFromResponse() and return this single element
   248     // For instance :
   249     // 1/ CW returned the following content :
   250     //    <div>the-actual-content</div><div class="ajaxHtmlHead">...</div>
   251     // 2/ getDomFromReponse() wrapped this into a single DIV to hold everything
   252     //    in one, unique, dom element
   253     // 3/ now that we've removed the ajaxHtmlHead div, the only
   254     //    node left in the wrapper if the 'real' node built by the view,
   255     //    we can safely return this node. Otherwise, the view itself
   256     //    returned several 'root' nodes and we need to keep the wrapper
   257     //    created by getDomFromResponse()
   258     if (response.childNodes.length == 1 && response.getAttribute('cubicweb:type') == 'cwResponseWrapper') {
   259         return response.firstChild;
   260     }
   261     return response;
   262 }
   264 function _postAjaxLoad(node) {
   265     // find textareas and wrap them if there are some
   266     if (typeof(FCKeditor) != 'undefined') {
   267         buildWysiwygEditors();
   268     }
   269     if (typeof initFacetBoxEvents != 'undefined') {
   270         initFacetBoxEvents(node);
   271     }
   272     if (typeof buildWidgets != 'undefined') {
   273         buildWidgets(node);
   274     }
   275     if (typeof roundedCorners != 'undefined') {
   276         roundedCorners(node);
   277     }
   278     _loadDynamicFragments(node);
   279     jQuery(cw).trigger('server-response', [true, node]);
   280     jQuery(node).trigger('server-response', [true, node]);
   281 }
   283 function remoteCallFailed(err, req) {
   284     cw.log(err);
   285     if (req.status == 500) {
   286         updateMessage(err);
   287     } else {
   288         updateMessage(_("an error occurred while processing your request"));
   289     }
   290 }
   292 //============= base AJAX functions to make remote calls =====================//
   293 /**
   294  * .. function:: ajaxFuncArgs(fname, form, *args)
   295  *
   296  * extend `form` parameters to call the js_`fname` function of the json
   297  * controller with `args` arguments.
   298  */
   299 function ajaxFuncArgs(fname, form /* ... */) {
   300     form = form || {};
   301     $.extend(form, {
   302         'fname': fname,
   303         'pageid': pageid,
   304         'arg': $.map(cw.utils.sliceList(arguments, 2), JSON.stringify)
   305     });
   306     return form;
   307 }
   309 /**
   310  * .. function:: loadxhtml(url, form, reqtype='get', mode='replace', cursor=false)
   311  *
   312  * build url given by absolute or relative `url` and `form` parameters
   313  * (dictionary), fetch it using `reqtype` method, then evaluate the
   314  * returned XHTML and insert it according to `mode` in the
   315  * document. Possible modes are :
   316  *
   317  *    - 'replace' to replace the node's content with the generated HTML
   318  *    - 'swap' to replace the node itself with the generated HTML
   319  *    - 'append' to append the generated HTML to the node's content
   320  *
   321  * If `cursor`, turn mouse cursor into 'progress' cursor until the remote call
   322  * is back.
   323  */
   324 jQuery.fn.loadxhtml = function(url, form, reqtype, mode, cursor) {
   325     if (this.size() > 1) {
   326         cw.log('loadxhtml called with more than one element');
   327     } else if (this.size() < 1) {
   328         cw.log('loadxhtml called without an element');
   329     }
   330     var node = this.get(0); // only consider the first element
   331     if (cursor) {
   332         setProgressCursor();
   333     }
   334     var d = loadRemote(url, form, reqtype);
   335     d.addCallback(function(response) {
   336         var domnode = getDomFromResponse(response);
   337         domnode = loadAjaxHtmlHead(domnode);
   338         mode = mode || 'replace';
   339         // make sure the component is visible
   340         $(node).removeClass("hidden");
   341         if (mode == 'swap') {
   342             var origId =;
   343             node = cw.swapDOM(node, domnode);
   344             if (! {
   345        = origId;
   346             }
   347         } else if (mode == 'replace') {
   348             jQuery(node).empty().append(domnode);
   349         } else if (mode == 'append') {
   350             jQuery(node).append(domnode);
   351         }
   352         _postAjaxLoad(node);
   353     });
   354     d.addErrback(remoteCallFailed);
   355     if (cursor) {
   356         d.addCallback(resetCursor);
   357         d.addErrback(resetCursor);
   358     }
   359     return d;
   360 }
   362 /**
   363  * .. function:: loadRemote(url, form, reqtype='POST', sync=false)
   364  *
   365  * Asynchronously (unless `sync` argument is set to true) load a URL or path
   366  * and return a deferred whose callbacks args are decoded according to the
   367  * Content-Type response header. `form` should be additional form params
   368  * dictionary, `reqtype` the HTTP request type (get 'GET' or 'POST').
   369  */
   370 function loadRemote(url, form, reqtype, sync) {
   371     if (!url.toLowerCase().startswith(BASE_URL.toLowerCase())) {
   372         url = BASE_URL + url;
   373     }
   374     if (!sync) {
   375         var deferred = new Deferred();
   376         jQuery.ajax({
   377             url: url,
   378             type: (reqtype || 'POST').toUpperCase(),
   379             data: form,
   380             traditional: true,
   381             async: true,
   383             beforeSend: function(xhr) {
   384                 deferred._req = xhr;
   385             },
   387             success: function(data, status) {
   388                 deferred.success(data);
   389             },
   391             error: function(xhr, status, error) {
   392                 try {
   393                     if (xhr.status == 500) {
   394                         var reason_dict = cw.evalJSON(xhr.responseText);
   395                         deferred.error(xhr, status, reason_dict['reason']);
   396                         return;
   397                     }
   398                 } catch(exc) {
   399                     cw.log('error with server side error report:' + exc);
   400                 }
   401                 deferred.error(xhr, status, null);
   402             }
   403         });
   404         return deferred;
   405     } else {
   406         var result;
   407         // jQuery.ajax returns the XHR object, even for synchronous requests,
   408         // but in that case, the success callback will be called before
   409         // jQuery.ajax returns. The first argument of the callback will be
   410         // the server result, interpreted by jQuery according to the reponse's
   411         // content-type (i.e. json or xml)
   412         jQuery.ajax({
   413             url: url,
   414             type: (reqtype || 'GET').toUpperCase(),
   415             data: form,
   416             traditional: true,
   417             async: false,
   418             success: function(res) {
   419                 result = res;
   420             }
   421         });
   422         return result;
   423     }
   424 }
   426 //============= higher level AJAX functions using remote calls ===============//
   428 var _i18ncache = {};
   430 /**
   431  * .. function:: _(message)
   432  *
   433  * emulation of gettext's _ shortcut
   434  */
   435 function _(message) {
   436     var form;
   437     if (!(message in _i18ncache)) {
   438         form = ajaxFuncArgs('i18n', null, [message]);
   439         _i18ncache[message] = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, form, 'GET', true)[0];
   440     }
   441     return _i18ncache[message];
   442 }
   444 /**
   445  * .. function:: _loadDynamicFragments(node)
   446  *
   447  * finds each dynamic fragment in the page and executes the
   448  * the associated RQL to build them (Async call)
   449  */
   450 function _loadDynamicFragments(node) {
   451     if (node) {
   452         var fragments = jQuery(node).find('div.dynamicFragment');
   453     } else {
   454         var fragments = jQuery('div.dynamicFragment');
   455     }
   456     if (fragments.length == 0) {
   457         return;
   458     }
   459     if (typeof LOADING_MSG == 'undefined') {
   460         LOADING_MSG = 'loading'; // this is only a safety belt, it should not happen
   461     }
   462     for (var i = 0; i < fragments.length; i++) {
   463         var fragment = fragments[i];
   464         fragment.innerHTML = '<h3>' + LOADING_MSG + ' ... <img src="data/loading.gif" /></h3>';
   465         var $fragment = jQuery(fragment);
   466         // if cubicweb:loadurl is set, just pick the url et send it to loadxhtml
   467         var url = $fragment.attr('cubicweb:loadurl');
   468         if (url) {
   469             $fragment.loadxhtml(url);
   470             continue;
   471         }
   472         // else: rebuild full url by fetching cubicweb:rql, cubicweb:vid, etc.
   473         var rql = $fragment.attr('cubicweb:rql');
   474         var items = $fragment.attr('cubicweb:vid').split('&');
   475         var vid = items[0];
   476         var extraparams = {};
   477         // case where vid='myvid&param1=val1&param2=val2': this is a deprecated abuse-case
   478         if (items.length > 1) {
   479             cw.log("[3.5] you're using extraargs in cubicweb:vid " +
   480                    "attribute, this is deprecated, consider using " +
   481                    "loadurl instead");
   482             for (var j = 1; j < items.length; j++) {
   483                 var keyvalue = items[j].split('=');
   484                 extraparams[keyvalue[0]] = keyvalue[1];
   485             }
   486         }
   487         var actrql = $fragment.attr('cubicweb:actualrql');
   488         if (actrql) {
   489             extraparams['actualrql'] = actrql;
   490         }
   491         var fbvid = $fragment.attr('cubicweb:fallbackvid');
   492         if (fbvid) {
   493             extraparams['fallbackvid'] = fbvid;
   494         }
   495         extraparams['rql'] = rql;
   496         extraparams['vid'] = vid;
   497         $fragment.loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('view', extraparams));
   498     }
   499 }
   500 function unloadPageData() {
   501     // NOTE: do not make async calls on unload if you want to avoid
   502     //       strange bugs
   503     loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('unload_page_data'), 'POST', true);
   504 }
   506 function removeBookmark(beid) {
   507     var d = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('delete_bookmark', null, beid));
   508     d.addCallback(function(boxcontent) {
   509         $('#bookmarks_box').loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL,
   510                                       ajaxFuncArgs('render', null, 'ctxcomponents',
   511                                                    'bookmarks_box'),
   512                                       null, 'swap');
   513         document.location.hash = '#header';
   514         updateMessage(_("bookmark has been removed"));
   515     });
   516 }
   519 //============= XXX move those functions? ====================================//
   520 function openHash() {
   521     if (document.location.hash) {
   522         var nid = document.location.hash.replace('#', '');
   523         var node = jQuery('#' + nid);
   524         if (node) {
   525             $(node).removeClass("hidden");
   526         }
   527     };
   528 }
   529 jQuery(document).ready(openHash);
   531 /**
   532  * .. function:: buildWysiwygEditors(parent)
   533  *
   534  *XXX: this function should go in edition.js but as for now, htmlReplace
   535  * references it.
   536  *
   537  * replace all textareas with fckeditors.
   538  */
   539 function buildWysiwygEditors(parent) {
   540     jQuery('textarea').each(function() {
   541         if (this.getAttribute('cubicweb:type') == 'wysiwyg') {
   542             // mark editor as instanciated, we may be called a number of times
   543             // (see _postAjaxLoad)
   544             this.setAttribute('cubicweb:type', 'fckeditor');
   545             if (typeof FCKeditor != "undefined") {
   546                 var fck = new FCKeditor(;
   547                 fck.Config['CustomConfigurationsPath'] = fckconfigpath;
   548                 fck.Config['DefaultLanguage'] = fcklang;
   549                 fck.BasePath = BASE_URL + "fckeditor/";
   550                 fck.ReplaceTextarea();
   551             } else {
   552                 cw.log('fckeditor could not be found.');
   553             }
   554         }
   555     });
   556 }
   557 jQuery(document).ready(buildWysiwygEditors);
   559 /**
   560  * .. function:: stripEmptyTextNodes(nodelist)
   561  *
   562  * takes a list of DOM nodes and removes all empty text nodes
   563  */
   564 function stripEmptyTextNodes(nodelist) {
   565     /* this DROPS empty text nodes */
   566     var stripped = [];
   567     for (var i = 0; i < nodelist.length; i++) {
   568         var node = nodelist[i];
   569         if (isTextNode(node)) {
   570             /* all browsers but FF -> innerText, FF -> textContent  */
   571             var text = node.innerText || node.textContent;
   572             if (text && ! text.strip()) {
   573                 continue;
   574             }
   575         } else {
   576             stripped.push(node);
   577         }
   578     }
   579     return stripped;
   580 }
   582 /**
   583  * .. function:: getDomFromResponse(response)
   584  *
   585  * convenience function that returns a DOM node based on req's result.
   586  * XXX clarify the need to clone
   587  * */
   588 function getDomFromResponse(response) {
   589     if (typeof(response) == 'string') {
   590         var doc = html2dom(response);
   591     } else {
   592         var doc = response.documentElement;
   593     }
   594     var children = doc.childNodes;
   595     if (!children.length) {
   596         // no child (error cases) => return the whole document
   597         return jQuery(doc).clone().context;
   598     }
   599     children = stripEmptyTextNodes(children);
   600     if (children.length == 1) {
   601         // only one child => return it
   602         return jQuery(children[0]).clone().context;
   603     }
   604     // several children => wrap them in a single node and return the wrap
   605     return DIV({'cubicweb:type': "cwResponseWrapper"},
   606                $.map(children, function(node) {
   607                        return jQuery(node).clone().context;})
   608                );
   609 }
   611 /* High-level functions *******************************************************/
   613 /**
   614  * .. function:: reloadCtxComponentsSection(context, actualEid, creationEid=None)
   615  *
   616  * reload all components in the section for a given `context`.
   617  *
   618  * This is necessary for cases where the parent entity (on which the section
   619  * apply) has been created during post, hence the section has to be reloaded to
   620  * consider its new eid, hence the two additional arguments `actualEid` and
   621  * `creationEid`: `actualEid` is the eid of newly created top level entity and
   622  * `creationEid` the fake eid that was given as form creation marker (e.g. A).
   623  *
   624  * You can still call this function with only the actual eid if you're not in
   625  * such creation case.
   626  */
   627 function reloadCtxComponentsSection(context, actualEid, creationEid) {
   628     // in this case, actualEid is the eid of newly created top level entity and
   629     // creationEid the fake eid given as form creation marker (e.g. A)
   630     if (!creationEid) { creationEid = actualEid ; }
   631     var $compsholder = $('#' + context + creationEid);
   632     // reload the whole components section
   633     $compsholder.children().each(function (index) {
   634 	// XXX[:-len(eid)]
   635 	var compid ="_", ".").rstrip(creationEid);
   636 	var params = ajaxFuncArgs('render', null, 'ctxcomponents',
   637 				  compid, actualEid);
   638 	$(this).loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL, params, null, 'swap', true);
   639     });
   640     $compsholder.attr('id', context + actualEid);
   641 }
   644 /**
   645  * .. function:: reload(domid, compid, registry, formparams, *render_args)
   646  *
   647  * `js_render` based reloading of views and components.
   648  */
   649 function reload(domid, compid, registry, formparams  /* ... */) {
   650     var ajaxArgs = ['render', formparams, registry, compid];
   651     ajaxArgs = ajaxArgs.concat(cw.utils.sliceList(arguments, 4));
   652     var params = ajaxFuncArgs.apply(null, ajaxArgs);
   653     return $('#'+domid).loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL, params, null, 'swap', true);
   654 }
   656 /* ajax tabs ******************************************************************/
   658 function setTab(tabname, cookiename) {
   659     // set appropriate cookie
   660     jQuery.cookie(cookiename, tabname, {path: '/'});
   661     // trigger show + tabname event
   662     triggerLoad(tabname);
   663 }
   665 function loadNow(eltsel, holesel, reloadable) {
   666     var lazydiv = jQuery(eltsel);
   667     var hole = lazydiv.children(holesel);
   669     if ((hole.length == 0) && ! reloadable) {
   670         /* the hole is already filed */
   671         return;
   672     }
   673     lazydiv.loadxhtml(lazydiv.attr('cubicweb:loadurl'), {'pageid': pageid});
   674 }
   676 function triggerLoad(divid) {
   677     jQuery('#lazy-' + divid).trigger('load_' + divid);
   678 }
   680 /* DEPRECATED *****************************************************************/
   682 // still used in cwo and keyword cubes at least
   683 reloadComponent = cw.utils.deprecatedFunction(
   684     '[3.9] reloadComponent() is deprecated, use loadxhtml instead',
   685     function(compid, rql, registry, nodeid, extraargs) {
   686         registry = registry || 'components';
   687         rql = rql || '';
   688         nodeid = nodeid || (compid + 'Component');
   689         extraargs = extraargs || {};
   690         var node = cw.jqNode(nodeid);
   691         return node.loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('component', null, compid,
   692                                                           rql, registry, extraargs));
   693     }
   694 );
   697 function remoteExec(fname /* ... */) {
   698     setProgressCursor();
   699     var props = {
   700         fname: fname,
   701         pageid: pageid,
   702         arg: $.map(cw.utils.sliceList(arguments, 1), JSON.stringify)
   703     };
   704     var result = jQuery.ajax({
   705         url: AJAX_BASE_URL,
   706         data: props,
   707         async: false,
   708         traditional: true
   709     }).responseText;
   710     if (result) {
   711         result = cw.evalJSON(result);
   712     }
   713     resetCursor();
   714     return result;
   715 }
   717 function asyncRemoteExec(fname /* ... */) {
   718     setProgressCursor();
   719     var props = {
   720         fname: fname,
   721         pageid: pageid,
   722         arg: $.map(cw.utils.sliceList(arguments, 1), JSON.stringify)
   723     };
   724     // XXX we should inline the content of loadRemote here
   725     var deferred = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, props, 'POST');
   726     deferred = deferred.addErrback(remoteCallFailed);
   727     deferred = deferred.addErrback(resetCursor);
   728     deferred = deferred.addCallback(resetCursor);
   729     return deferred;
   730 }
   732 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
   733     _loadDynamicFragments();
   734     // build loaded_scripts / loaded_links lists
   735     cw.loaded_scripts = [];
   736     jQuery('head script[src]').each(function(i) {
   737         cw.utils.extend(cw.loaded_scripts, cw.ajax._listResources(this.getAttribute('src')));
   738     });
   739     cw.loaded_links = [];
   740     jQuery('head link[href]').each(function(i) {
   741         cw.utils.extend(cw.loaded_links, cw.ajax._listResources(this.getAttribute('href')));
   742     });
   743 });