changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 10997 da712d3f0601
child 11168 dfa5f8879e8f
equal deleted inserted replaced
11052:058bb3dc685f 11057:0b59724cb3f2
     1 # copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     2 # contact --
     3 #
     4 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
     5 #
     6 # CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     7 # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     8 # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
     9 # any later version.
    10 #
    11 # CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    13 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    14 # details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    17 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
    18 """The `ResultSet` class which is returned as result of an rql query"""
    19 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    21 from warnings import warn
    23 from six import PY3
    24 from six.moves import range
    26 from logilab.common import nullobject
    27 from logilab.common.decorators import cached, clear_cache, copy_cache
    28 from rql import nodes, stmts
    30 from cubicweb import NotAnEntity, NoResultError, MultipleResultsError
    33 _MARKER = nullobject()
    36 class ResultSet(object):
    37     """A result set wraps a RQL query result. This object implements
    38     partially the list protocol to allow direct use as a list of
    39     result rows.
    41     :type rowcount: int
    42     :param rowcount: number of rows in the result
    44     :type rows: list
    45     :param rows: list of rows of result
    47     :type description: list
    48     :param description:
    49       result's description, using the same structure as the result itself
    51     :type rql: str or unicode
    52     :param rql: the original RQL query string
    53     """
    55     def __init__(self, results, rql, args=None, description=None, rqlst=None):
    56         if rqlst is not None:
    57             warn('[3.20] rqlst parameter is deprecated',
    58                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
    59         self.rows = results
    60         self.rowcount = results and len(results) or 0
    61         # original query and arguments
    62         self.rql = rql
    63         self.args = args
    64         # entity types for each cell (same shape as rows)
    65         # maybe discarded if specified when the query has been executed
    66         if description is None:
    67             self.description = []
    68         else:
    69             self.description = description
    70         # set to (limit, offset) when a result set is limited using the
    71         # .limit method
    72 = None
    73         # set by the cursor which returned this resultset
    74         self.req = None
    75         # actions cache
    76         self._rsetactions = None
    78     def __str__(self):
    79         if not self.rows:
    80             return '<empty resultset %s>' % self.rql
    81         return '<resultset %s (%s rows)>' % (self.rql, len(self.rows))
    83     def __repr__(self):
    84         if not self.rows:
    85             return '<empty resultset for %r>' % self.rql
    86         rows = self.rows
    87         if len(rows) > 10:
    88             rows = rows[:10] + ['...']
    89         if len(rows) > 1:
    90             # add a line break before first entity if more that one.
    91             pattern = '<resultset %r (%s rows):\n%s>'
    92         else:
    93             pattern = '<resultset %r (%s rows): %s>'
    95         if not self.description:
    96             return pattern % (self.rql, len(self.rows),
    97                                                      '\n'.join(str(r) for r in rows))
    98         return pattern % (self.rql, len(self.rows),
    99                                                  '\n'.join('%s (%s)' % (r, d)
   100                                                            for r, d in zip(rows, self.description)))
   102     def possible_actions(self, **kwargs):
   103         if self._rsetactions is None:
   104             self._rsetactions = {}
   105         if kwargs:
   106             key = tuple(sorted(kwargs.items()))
   107         else:
   108             key = None
   109         try:
   110             return self._rsetactions[key]
   111         except KeyError:
   112             actions = self.req.vreg['actions'].poss_visible_objects(
   113                 self.req, rset=self, **kwargs)
   114             self._rsetactions[key] = actions
   115             return actions
   117     def __len__(self):
   118         """returns the result set's size"""
   119         return self.rowcount
   121     def __getitem__(self, i):
   122         """returns the ith element of the result set"""
   123         return self.rows[i] #ResultSetRow(self.rows[i])
   125     def __iter__(self):
   126         """Returns an iterator over rows"""
   127         return iter(self.rows)
   129     def __add__(self, rset):
   130         # XXX buggy implementation (.rql and .args attributes at least much
   131         # probably differ)
   132         # at least rql could be fixed now that we have union and sub-queries
   133         # but I tend to think that since we have that, we should not need this
   134         # method anymore (syt)
   135         rset = ResultSet(self.rows+rset.rows, self.rql, self.args,
   136                          self.description + rset.description)
   137         rset.req = self.req
   138         return rset
   140     def copy(self, rows=None, descr=None):
   141         if rows is None:
   142             rows = self.rows[:]
   143             descr = self.description[:]
   144         rset = ResultSet(rows, self.rql, self.args, descr)
   145         rset.req = self.req
   146         return rset
   148     def transformed_rset(self, transformcb):
   149         """ the result set according to a given column types
   151         :type transormcb: callable(row, desc)
   152         :param transformcb:
   153           a callable which should take a row and its type description as
   154           parameters, and return the transformed row and type description.
   157         :type col: int
   158         :param col: the column index
   160         :rtype: `ResultSet`
   161         """
   162         rows, descr = [], []
   163         rset = self.copy(rows, descr)
   164         for row, desc in zip(self.rows, self.description):
   165             nrow, ndesc = transformcb(row, desc)
   166             if ndesc: # transformcb returns None for ndesc to skip that row
   167                 rows.append(nrow)
   168                 descr.append(ndesc)
   169         rset.rowcount = len(rows)
   170         return rset
   172     def filtered_rset(self, filtercb, col=0):
   173         """filter the result set according to a given filtercb
   175         :type filtercb: callable(entity)
   176         :param filtercb:
   177           a callable which should take an entity as argument and return
   178           False if it should be skipped, else True
   180         :type col: int
   181         :param col: the column index
   183         :rtype: `ResultSet`
   184         """
   185         rows, descr = [], []
   186         rset = self.copy(rows, descr)
   187         for i in range(len(self)):
   188             if not filtercb(self.get_entity(i, col)):
   189                 continue
   190             rows.append(self.rows[i])
   191             descr.append(self.description[i])
   192         rset.rowcount = len(rows)
   193         return rset
   196     def sorted_rset(self, keyfunc, reverse=False, col=0):
   197         """sorts the result set according to a given keyfunc
   199         :type keyfunc: callable(entity)
   200         :param keyfunc:
   201           a callable which should take an entity as argument and return
   202           the value used to compare and sort
   204         :type reverse: bool
   205         :param reverse: if the result should be reversed
   207         :type col: int
   208         :param col: the column index. if col = -1, the whole row are used
   210         :rtype: `ResultSet`
   211         """
   212         rows, descr = [], []
   213         rset = self.copy(rows, descr)
   214         if col >= 0:
   215             entities = sorted(enumerate(self.entities(col)),
   216                               key=lambda t: keyfunc(t[1]), reverse=reverse)
   217         else:
   218             entities = sorted(enumerate(self),
   219                               key=lambda t: keyfunc(t[1]), reverse=reverse)
   220         for index, _ in entities:
   221             rows.append(self.rows[index])
   222             descr.append(self.description[index])
   223         rset.rowcount = len(rows)
   224         return rset
   226     def split_rset(self, keyfunc=None, col=0, return_dict=False):
   227         """splits the result set in multiple result sets according to
   228         a given key
   230         :type keyfunc: callable(entity or FinalType)
   231         :param keyfunc:
   232           a callable which should take a value of the rset in argument and
   233           return the value used to group the value. If not define, raw value
   234           of the specified columns is used.
   236         :type col: int
   237         :param col: the column index. if col = -1, the whole row are used
   239         :type return_dict: Boolean
   240         :param return_dict: If true, the function return a mapping
   241             (key -> rset) instead of a list of rset
   243         :rtype: List of `ResultSet` or mapping of  `ResultSet`
   245         """
   246         result = []
   247         mapping = {}
   248         for idx, line in enumerate(self):
   249             if col >= 0:
   250                 try:
   251                     key = self.get_entity(idx, col)
   252                 except NotAnEntity:
   253                     key = line[col]
   254             else:
   255                 key = line
   256             if keyfunc is not None:
   257                 key = keyfunc(key)
   259             if key not in mapping:
   260                 rows, descr = [], []
   261                 rset = self.copy(rows, descr)
   262                 mapping[key] = rset
   263                 result.append(rset)
   264             else:
   265                 rset = mapping[key]
   266             rset.rows.append(self.rows[idx])
   267             rset.description.append(self.description[idx])
   268         for rset in result:
   269             rset.rowcount = len(rset.rows)
   270         if return_dict:
   271             return mapping
   272         else:
   273             return result
   275     def limited_rql(self):
   276         """returns a printable rql for the result set associated to the object,
   277         with limit/offset correctly set according to maximum page size and
   278         currently displayed page when necessary
   279         """
   280         # try to get page boundaries from the navigation component
   281         # XXX we should probably not have a ref to this component here (eg in
   282         #     cubicweb)
   283         nav = self.req.vreg['components'].select_or_none('navigation', self.req,
   284                                                          rset=self)
   285         if nav:
   286             start, stop = nav.page_boundaries()
   287             rql = self._limit_offset_rql(stop - start, start)
   288         # result set may have be limited manually in which case navigation won't
   289         # apply
   290         elif
   291             rql = self._limit_offset_rql(*
   292         # navigation component doesn't apply and rset has not been limited, no
   293         # need to limit query
   294         else:
   295             rql = self.printable_rql()
   296         return rql
   298     def _limit_offset_rql(self, limit, offset):
   299         rqlst = self.syntax_tree()
   300         if len(rqlst.children) == 1:
   301             select = rqlst.children[0]
   302             olimit, ooffset = select.limit, select.offset
   303             select.limit, select.offset = limit, offset
   304             rql = rqlst.as_string(kwargs=self.args)
   305             # restore original limit/offset
   306             select.limit, select.offset = olimit, ooffset
   307         else:
   308             newselect = stmts.Select()
   309             newselect.limit = limit
   310             newselect.offset = offset
   311             aliases = [nodes.VariableRef(newselect.get_variable(chr(65+i), i))
   312                        for i in range(len(rqlst.children[0].selection))]
   313             for vref in aliases:
   314                 newselect.append_selected(nodes.VariableRef(vref.variable))
   315             newselect.set_with([nodes.SubQuery(aliases, rqlst)], check=False)
   316             newunion = stmts.Union()
   317             newunion.append(newselect)
   318             rql = newunion.as_string(kwargs=self.args)
   319             rqlst.parent = None
   320         return rql
   322     def limit(self, limit, offset=0, inplace=False):
   323         """limit the result set to the given number of rows optionally starting
   324         from an index different than 0
   326         :type limit: int
   327         :param limit: the maximum number of results
   329         :type offset: int
   330         :param offset: the offset index
   332         :type inplace: bool
   333         :param inplace:
   334           if true, the result set is modified in place, else a new result set
   335           is returned and the original is left unmodified
   337         :rtype: `ResultSet`
   338         """
   339         stop = limit+offset
   340         rows = self.rows[offset:stop]
   341         descr = self.description[offset:stop]
   342         if inplace:
   343             rset = self
   344             rset.rows, rset.description = rows, descr
   345             rset.rowcount = len(rows)
   346             clear_cache(rset, 'description_struct')
   347             if offset:
   348                 clear_cache(rset, 'get_entity')
   349             # we also have to fix/remove from the request entity cache entities
   350             # which get a wrong rset reference by this limit call
   351             for entity in self.req.cached_entities():
   352                 if entity.cw_rset is self:
   353                     if offset <= entity.cw_row < stop:
   354                         entity.cw_row = entity.cw_row - offset
   355                     else:
   356                         entity.cw_rset = entity.as_rset()
   357                         entity.cw_row = entity.cw_col = 0
   358         else:
   359             rset = self.copy(rows, descr)
   360             if not offset:
   361                 # can copy built entity caches
   362                 copy_cache(rset, 'get_entity', self)
   363 = (limit, offset)
   364         return rset
   366     def printable_rql(self, encoded=_MARKER):
   367         """return the result set's origin rql as a string, with arguments
   368         substitued
   369         """
   370         if encoded is not _MARKER:
   371             warn('[3.21] the "encoded" argument is deprecated', DeprecationWarning)
   372         encoding = self.req.encoding
   373         rqlstr = self.syntax_tree().as_string(kwargs=self.args)
   374         if PY3:
   375             return rqlstr
   376         # sounds like we get encoded or unicode string due to a bug in as_string
   377         if not encoded:
   378             if isinstance(rqlstr, unicode):
   379                 return rqlstr
   380             return unicode(rqlstr, encoding)
   381         else:
   382             if isinstance(rqlstr, unicode):
   383                 return rqlstr.encode(encoding)
   384             return rqlstr
   386     # client helper methods ###################################################
   388     def entities(self, col=0):
   389         """iter on entities with eid in the `col` column of the result set"""
   390         for i in range(len(self)):
   391             # may have None values in case of outer join (or aggregat on eid
   392             # hacks)
   393             if self.rows[i][col] is not None:
   394                 yield self.get_entity(i, col)
   396     def iter_rows_with_entities(self):
   397         """ iterates over rows, and for each row
   398         eids are converted to plain entities
   399         """
   400         for i, row in enumerate(self):
   401             _row = []
   402             for j, col in enumerate(row):
   403                 try:
   404                     _row.append(self.get_entity(i, j) if col is not None else col)
   405                 except NotAnEntity:
   406                     _row.append(col)
   407             yield _row
   409     def complete_entity(self, row, col=0, skip_bytes=True):
   410         """short cut to get an completed entity instance for a particular
   411         row (all instance's attributes have been fetched)
   412         """
   413         entity = self.get_entity(row, col)
   414         entity.complete(skip_bytes=skip_bytes)
   415         return entity
   417     @cached
   418     def get_entity(self, row, col):
   419         """convenience method for query retrieving a single entity, returns a
   420         partially initialized Entity instance.
   422         .. warning::
   424           Due to the cache wrapping this function, you should NEVER give row as
   425           a named parameter (i.e. `rset.get_entity(0, 1)` is OK but
   426           `rset.get_entity(row=0, col=1)` isn't)
   428         :type row,col: int, int
   429         :param row,col:
   430           row and col numbers localizing the entity among the result's table
   432         :return: the partially initialized `Entity` instance
   433         """
   434         etype = self.description[row][col]
   435         try:
   436             eschema = self.req.vreg.schema.eschema(etype)
   437             if
   438                 raise NotAnEntity(etype)
   439         except KeyError:
   440             raise NotAnEntity(etype)
   441         return self._build_entity(row, col)
   443     def one(self, col=0):
   444         """Retrieve exactly one entity from the query.
   446         If the result set is empty, raises :exc:`NoResultError`.
   447         If the result set has more than one row, raises
   448         :exc:`MultipleResultsError`.
   450         :type col: int
   451         :param col: The column localising the entity in the unique row
   453         :return: the partially initialized `Entity` instance
   454         """
   455         if len(self) == 1:
   456             return self.get_entity(0, col)
   457         elif len(self) == 0:
   458             raise NoResultError("No row was found for one()")
   459         else:
   460             raise MultipleResultsError("Multiple rows were found for one()")
   462     def _build_entity(self, row, col):
   463         """internal method to get a single entity, returns a partially
   464         initialized Entity instance.
   466         partially means that only attributes selected in the RQL query will be
   467         directly assigned to the entity.
   469         :type row,col: int, int
   470         :param row,col:
   471           row and col numbers localizing the entity among the result's table
   473         :return: the partially initialized `Entity` instance
   474         """
   475         req = self.req
   476         if req is None:
   477             raise AssertionError('dont call get_entity with no req on the result set')
   478         rowvalues = self.rows[row]
   479         eid = rowvalues[col]
   480         assert eid is not None
   481         # return cached entity if exists. This also avoids potential recursion
   482         # XXX should we consider updating a cached entity with possible
   483         #     new attributes found in this resultset ?
   484         try:
   485             entity = req.entity_cache(eid)
   486         except KeyError:
   487             pass
   488         else:
   489             if entity.cw_rset is None:
   490                 # entity has no rset set, this means entity has been created by
   491                 # the querier (req is a repository session) and so jas no rset
   492                 # info. Add it.
   493                 entity.cw_rset = self
   494                 entity.cw_row = row
   495                 entity.cw_col = col
   496             return entity
   497         # build entity instance
   498         etype = self.description[row][col]
   499         entity = self.req.vreg['etypes'].etype_class(etype)(req, rset=self,
   500                                                             row=row, col=col)
   501         entity.eid = eid
   502         # cache entity
   503         req.set_entity_cache(entity)
   504         # try to complete the entity if there are some additional columns
   505         if len(rowvalues) > 1:
   506             eschema = entity.e_schema
   507             eid_col, attr_cols, rel_cols = self._rset_structure(eschema, col)
   508             entity.eid = rowvalues[eid_col]
   509             for attr, col_idx in attr_cols.items():
   510                 entity.cw_attr_cache[attr] = rowvalues[col_idx]
   511             for (rtype, role), col_idx in rel_cols.items():
   512                 value = rowvalues[col_idx]
   513                 if value is None:
   514                     if role == 'subject':
   515                         rql = 'Any Y WHERE X %s Y, X eid %s'
   516                     else:
   517                         rql = 'Any Y WHERE Y %s X, X eid %s'
   518                     rrset = ResultSet([], rql % (rtype, entity.eid))
   519                     rrset.req = req
   520                 else:
   521                     rrset = self._build_entity(row, col_idx).as_rset()
   522                 entity.cw_set_relation_cache(rtype, role, rrset)
   523         return entity
   525     @cached
   526     def _rset_structure(self, eschema, entity_col):
   527         eid_col = col = entity_col
   528         rqlst = self.syntax_tree()
   529         get_rschema = eschema.schema.rschema
   530         attr_cols = {}
   531         rel_cols = {}
   532         if rqlst.TYPE == 'select':
   533             # UNION query, find the subquery from which this entity has been
   534             # found
   535             select, col = rqlst.locate_subquery(entity_col, eschema.type, self.args)
   536         else:
   537             select = rqlst
   538         # take care, due to outer join support, we may find None
   539         # values for non final relation
   540         for i, attr, role in attr_desc_iterator(select, col, entity_col):
   541             rschema = get_rschema(attr)
   542             if
   543                 if attr == 'eid':
   544                     eid_col = i
   545                 else:
   546                     attr_cols[attr] = i
   547             else:
   548                 # XXX takefirst=True to remove warning triggered by ambiguous relations
   549                 rdef = eschema.rdef(attr, role, takefirst=True)
   550                 # only keep value if it can't be multivalued
   551                 if rdef.role_cardinality(role) in '1?':
   552                     rel_cols[(attr, role)] = i
   553         return eid_col, attr_cols, rel_cols
   555     @cached
   556     def syntax_tree(self):
   557         """return the syntax tree (:class:`rql.stmts.Union`) for the
   558         originating query. You can expect it to have solutions
   559         computed and it will be properly annotated.
   560         """
   561         return self.req.vreg.parse(self.req, self.rql, self.args)
   563     @cached
   564     def column_types(self, col):
   565         """return the list of different types in the column with the given col
   567         :type col: int
   568         :param col: the index of the desired column
   570         :rtype: list
   571         :return: the different entities type found in the column
   572         """
   573         return frozenset(struc[-1][col] for struc in self.description_struct())
   575     @cached
   576     def description_struct(self):
   577         """return a list describing sequence of results with the same
   578         description, e.g. :
   579         [[0, 4, ('Bug',)]
   580         [[0, 4, ('Bug',), [5, 8, ('Story',)]
   581         [[0, 3, ('Project', 'Version',)]]
   582         """
   583         result = []
   584         last = None
   585         for i, row in enumerate(self.description):
   586             if row != last:
   587                 if last is not None:
   588                     result[-1][1] = i - 1
   589                 result.append( [i, None, row] )
   590                 last = row
   591         if last is not None:
   592             result[-1][1] = i
   593         return result
   595     def _locate_query_params(self, rqlst, row, col):
   596         locate_query_col = col
   597         etype = self.description[row][col]
   598         # final type, find a better one to locate the correct subquery
   599         # (ambiguous if possible)
   600         eschema = self.req.vreg.schema.eschema
   601         if eschema(etype).final:
   602             for select in rqlst.children:
   603                 try:
   604                     myvar = select.selection[col].variable
   605                 except AttributeError:
   606                     # not a variable
   607                     continue
   608                 for i in range(len(select.selection)):
   609                     if i == col:
   610                         continue
   611                     coletype = self.description[row][i]
   612                     # None description possible on column resulting from an
   613                     # outer join
   614                     if coletype is None or eschema(coletype).final:
   615                         continue
   616                     try:
   617                         ivar = select.selection[i].variable
   618                     except AttributeError:
   619                         # not a variable
   620                         continue
   621                     # check variables don't comes from a subquery or are both
   622                     # coming from the same subquery
   623                     if getattr(ivar, 'query', None) is getattr(myvar, 'query', None):
   624                         etype = coletype
   625                         locate_query_col = i
   626                         if len(self.column_types(i)) > 1:
   627                             return etype, locate_query_col
   628         return etype, locate_query_col
   630     @cached
   631     def related_entity(self, row, col):
   632         """given an cell of the result set, try to return a (entity, relation
   633         name) tuple to which this cell is linked.
   635         This is especially useful when the cell is an attribute of an entity,
   636         to get the entity to which this attribute belongs to.
   637         """
   638         rqlst = self.syntax_tree()
   639         # UNION query, we've first to find a 'pivot' column to use to get the
   640         # actual query from which the row is coming
   641         etype, locate_query_col = self._locate_query_params(rqlst, row, col)
   642         # now find the query from which this entity has been found. Returned
   643         # select node may be a subquery with different column indexes.
   644         select = rqlst.locate_subquery(locate_query_col, etype, self.args)[0]
   645         # then get the index of root query's col in the subquery
   646         col = rqlst.subquery_selection_index(select, col)
   647         if col is None:
   648             # XXX unexpected, should fix subquery_selection_index ?
   649             return None, None
   650         try:
   651             myvar = select.selection[col].variable
   652         except AttributeError:
   653             # not a variable
   654             return None, None
   655         rel = myvar.main_relation()
   656         if rel is not None:
   657             index = rel.children[0].root_selection_index()
   658             if index is not None and self.rows[row][index]:
   659                 try:
   660                     entity = self.get_entity(row, index)
   661                     return entity, rel.r_type
   662                 except NotAnEntity as exc:
   663                     return None, None
   664         return None, None
   666     @cached
   667     def searched_text(self):
   668         """returns the searched text in case of full-text search
   670         :return: searched text or `None` if the query is not
   671                  a full-text query
   672         """
   673         rqlst = self.syntax_tree()
   674         for rel in rqlst.iget_nodes(nodes.Relation):
   675             if rel.r_type == 'has_text':
   676                 __, rhs = rel.get_variable_parts()
   677                 return rhs.eval(self.args)
   678         return None
   680 def _get_variable(term):
   681     # XXX rewritten const
   682     # use iget_nodes for (hack) case where we have things like MAX(V)
   683     for vref in term.iget_nodes(nodes.VariableRef):
   684         return vref.variable
   686 def attr_desc_iterator(select, selectidx, rootidx):
   687     """return an iterator on a list of 2-uple (index, attr_relation)
   688     localizing attribute relations of the main variable in a result's row
   690     :type rqlst: rql.stmts.Select
   691     :param rqlst: the RQL syntax tree to describe
   693     :return:
   694       a generator on (index, relation, target) describing column being
   695       attribute of the main variable
   696     """
   697     rootselect = select
   698     while rootselect.parent.parent is not None:
   699         rootselect = rootselect.parent.parent.parent
   700     rootmain = rootselect.selection[selectidx]
   701     rootmainvar = _get_variable(rootmain)
   702     assert rootmainvar
   703     root = rootselect.parent
   704     selectmain = select.selection[selectidx]
   705     for i, term in enumerate(rootselect.selection):
   706         try:
   707             # don't use _get_variable here: if the term isn't a variable
   708             # (function...), we don't want it to be used as an entity attribute
   709             # or relation's value (XXX beside MAX/MIN trick?)
   710             rootvar = term.variable
   711         except AttributeError:
   712             continue
   713         if ==
   714             continue
   715         if select is not rootselect and isinstance(rootvar, nodes.ColumnAlias):
   716             term = select.selection[root.subquery_selection_index(select, i)]
   717         var = _get_variable(term)
   718         if var is None:
   719             continue
   720         for ref in var.references():
   721             rel = ref.relation()
   722             if rel is None or rel.is_types_restriction():
   723                 continue
   724             lhs, rhs = rel.get_variable_parts()
   725             if selectmain.is_equivalent(lhs):
   726                 if rhs.is_equivalent(term):
   727                     yield (i, rel.r_type, 'subject')
   728             elif selectmain.is_equivalent(rhs):
   729                 if lhs.is_equivalent(term):
   730                     yield (i, rel.r_type, 'object')