changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 10802 3d948d35d94f
child 11286 0b38e373b985
equal deleted inserted replaced
11052:058bb3dc685f 11057:0b59724cb3f2
     1 # copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     2 # contact --
     3 #
     4 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
     5 #
     6 # CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     7 # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     8 # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
     9 # any later version.
    10 #
    11 # CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    13 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    14 # details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    17 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
    18 """utilities for instances migration"""
    19 from __future__ import print_function
    21 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    23 import sys
    24 import os
    25 import logging
    26 import tempfile
    27 from os.path import exists, join, basename, splitext
    28 from itertools import chain
    29 from warnings import warn
    31 from six import string_types
    33 from logilab.common import IGNORED_EXTENSIONS
    34 from logilab.common.decorators import cached
    35 from logilab.common.configuration import REQUIRED, read_old_config
    36 from logilab.common.shellutils import ASK
    37 from logilab.common.changelog import Version
    38 from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
    40 from cubicweb import ConfigurationError, ExecutionError
    41 from cubicweb.cwconfig import CubicWebConfiguration as cwcfg
    42 from cubicweb.toolsutils import show_diffs
    44 def filter_scripts(config, directory, fromversion, toversion, quiet=True):
    45     """return a list of paths of migration files to consider to upgrade
    46     from a version to a greater one
    47     """
    48     from logilab.common.changelog import Version # doesn't work with appengine
    49     assert fromversion
    50     assert toversion
    51     assert isinstance(fromversion, tuple), fromversion.__class__
    52     assert isinstance(toversion, tuple), toversion.__class__
    53     assert fromversion <= toversion, (fromversion, toversion)
    54     if not exists(directory):
    55         if not quiet:
    56             print(directory, "doesn't exists, no migration path")
    57         return []
    58     if fromversion == toversion:
    59         return []
    60     result = []
    61     for fname in os.listdir(directory):
    62         if fname.endswith(IGNORED_EXTENSIONS):
    63             continue
    64         fpath = join(directory, fname)
    65         try:
    66             tver, mode = fname.split('_', 1)
    67         except ValueError:
    68             continue
    69         mode = mode.split('.', 1)[0]
    70         if not config.accept_mode(mode):
    71             continue
    72         try:
    73             tver = Version(tver)
    74         except ValueError:
    75             continue
    76         if tver <= fromversion:
    77             continue
    78         if tver > toversion:
    79             continue
    80         result.append((tver, fpath))
    81     # be sure scripts are executed in order
    82     return sorted(result)
    85 def execscript_confirm(scriptpath):
    86     """asks for confirmation before executing a script and provides the
    87     ability to show the script's content
    88     """
    89     while True:
    90         answer = ASK.ask('Execute %r ?' % scriptpath,
    91                          ('Y','n','show','abort'), 'Y')
    92         if answer == 'abort':
    93             raise SystemExit(1)
    94         elif answer == 'n':
    95             return False
    96         elif answer == 'show':
    97             stream = open(scriptpath)
    98             scriptcontent =
    99             stream.close()
   100             print()
   101             print(scriptcontent)
   102             print()
   103         else:
   104             return True
   106 def yes(*args, **kwargs):
   107     return True
   110 class MigrationHelper(object):
   111     """class holding CubicWeb Migration Actions used by migration scripts"""
   113     def __init__(self, config, interactive=True, verbosity=1):
   114         self.config = config
   115         if config:
   116             # no config on shell to a remote instance
   117             self.config.init_log(logthreshold=logging.ERROR)
   118         # 0: no confirmation, 1: only main commands confirmed, 2 ask for everything
   119         self.verbosity = verbosity
   120         self.need_wrap = True
   121         if not interactive or not verbosity:
   122             self.confirm = yes
   123             self.execscript_confirm = yes
   124         else:
   125             self.execscript_confirm = execscript_confirm
   126         self._option_changes = []
   127         self.__context = {'confirm': self.confirm,
   128                           'config': self.config,
   129                           'interactive_mode': interactive,
   130                           }
   131         self._context_stack = []
   133     def __getattribute__(self, name):
   134         try:
   135             return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
   136         except AttributeError:
   137             cmd = 'cmd_%s' % name
   138             # search self.__class__ to avoid infinite recursion
   139             if hasattr(self.__class__, cmd):
   140                 meth = getattr(self, cmd)
   141                 return lambda *args, **kwargs: self.interact(args, kwargs,
   142                                                              meth=meth)
   143             raise
   144         raise AttributeError(name)
   146     def migrate(self, vcconf, toupgrade, options):
   147         """upgrade the given set of cubes
   149         `cubes` is an ordered list of 3-uple:
   150         (cube, fromversion, toversion)
   151         """
   152         if options.fs_only:
   153             # monkey path configuration.accept_mode so database mode (e.g. Any)
   154             # won't be accepted
   155             orig_accept_mode = self.config.accept_mode
   156             def accept_mode(mode):
   157                 if mode == 'Any':
   158                     return False
   159                 return orig_accept_mode(mode)
   160             self.config.accept_mode = accept_mode
   161         # may be an iterator
   162         toupgrade = tuple(toupgrade)
   163         vmap = dict( (cube, (fromver, tover)) for cube, fromver, tover in toupgrade)
   164         ctx = self.__context
   165         ctx['versions_map'] = vmap
   166         if self.config.accept_mode('Any') and 'cubicweb' in vmap:
   167             migrdir = self.config.migration_scripts_dir()
   168             self.cmd_process_script(join(migrdir, ''))
   169         for cube, fromversion, toversion in toupgrade:
   170             if cube == 'cubicweb':
   171                 migrdir = self.config.migration_scripts_dir()
   172             else:
   173                 migrdir = self.config.cube_migration_scripts_dir(cube)
   174             scripts = filter_scripts(self.config, migrdir, fromversion, toversion)
   175             if scripts:
   176                 prevversion = None
   177                 for version, script in scripts:
   178                     # take care to / we've to call
   179                     # cube_upgraded once all script of X.Y.Z have been executed
   180                     if prevversion is not None and version != prevversion:
   181                         self.cube_upgraded(cube, prevversion)
   182                     prevversion = version
   183                     self.cmd_process_script(script)
   184                 self.cube_upgraded(cube, toversion)
   185             else:
   186                 self.cube_upgraded(cube, toversion)
   188     def cube_upgraded(self, cube, version):
   189         pass
   191     def shutdown(self):
   192         pass
   194     def interact(self, args, kwargs, meth):
   195         """execute the given method according to user's confirmation"""
   196         msg = 'Execute command: %s(%s) ?' % (
   197             meth.__name__[4:],
   198             ', '.join([repr(arg) for arg in args] +
   199                       ['%s=%r' % (n,v) for n,v in kwargs.items()]))
   200         if 'ask_confirm' in kwargs:
   201             ask_confirm = kwargs.pop('ask_confirm')
   202         else:
   203             ask_confirm = True
   204         if not ask_confirm or self.confirm(msg):
   205             return meth(*args, **kwargs)
   207     def confirm(self, question, # pylint: disable=E0202
   208                 shell=True, abort=True, retry=False, pdb=False, default='y'):
   209         """ask for confirmation and return true on positive answer
   211         if `retry` is true the r[etry] answer may return 2
   212         """
   213         possibleanswers = ['y', 'n']
   214         if abort:
   215             possibleanswers.append('abort')
   216         if pdb:
   217             possibleanswers.append('pdb')
   218         if shell:
   219             possibleanswers.append('shell')
   220         if retry:
   221             possibleanswers.append('retry')
   222         try:
   223             answer = ASK.ask(question, possibleanswers, default)
   224         except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
   225             answer = 'abort'
   226         if answer == 'n':
   227             return False
   228         if answer == 'retry':
   229             return 2
   230         if answer == 'abort':
   231             raise SystemExit(1)
   232         if answer == 'shell':
   233             self.interactive_shell()
   234             return self.confirm(question, shell, abort, retry, pdb, default)
   235         if answer == 'pdb':
   236             import pdb
   237             pdb.set_trace()
   238             return self.confirm(question, shell, abort, retry, pdb, default)
   239         return True
   241     def interactive_shell(self):
   242         self.confirm = yes
   243         self.need_wrap = False
   244         # avoid '_' to be added to builtins by sys.display_hook
   245         def do_not_add___to_builtins(obj):
   246             if obj is not None:
   247                 print(repr(obj))
   248         sys.displayhook = do_not_add___to_builtins
   249         local_ctx = self._create_context()
   250         try:
   251             import readline
   252             from cubicweb.toolsutils import CWShellCompleter
   253         except ImportError:
   254             # readline not available
   255             pass
   256         else:
   257             rql_completer = CWShellCompleter(local_ctx)
   258             readline.set_completer(rql_completer.complete)
   259             readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
   260             home_key = 'HOME'
   261             if sys.platform == 'win32':
   262                 home_key = 'USERPROFILE'
   263             histfile = os.path.join(os.environ[home_key], ".cwshell_history")
   264             try:
   265                 readline.read_history_file(histfile)
   266             except IOError:
   267                 pass
   268         from code import interact
   269         banner = """entering the migration python shell
   270 just type migration commands or arbitrary python code and type ENTER to execute it
   271 type "exit" or Ctrl-D to quit the shell and resume operation"""
   272         # give custom readfunc to avoid
   273         def unicode_raw_input(prompt):
   274             return unicode(raw_input(prompt), sys.stdin.encoding)
   275         interact(banner, readfunc=unicode_raw_input, local=local_ctx)
   276         try:
   277             readline.write_history_file(histfile)
   278         except IOError:
   279             pass
   280         # delete instance's confirm attribute to avoid questions
   281         del self.confirm
   282         self.need_wrap = True
   284     @cached
   285     def _create_context(self):
   286         """return a dictionary to use as migration script execution context"""
   287         context = self.__context
   288         for attr in dir(self):
   289             if attr.startswith('cmd_'):
   290                 if self.need_wrap:
   291                     context[attr[4:]] = getattr(self, attr[4:])
   292                 else:
   293                     context[attr[4:]] = getattr(self, attr)
   294         return context
   296     def update_context(self, key, value):
   297         for context in self._context_stack:
   298             context[key] = value
   299         self.__context[key] = value
   301     def cmd_process_script(self, migrscript, funcname=None, *args, **kwargs):
   302         """execute a migration script in interactive mode
   304         Display the migration script path, ask for confirmation and execute it
   305         if confirmed
   307         Allowed input file formats for migration scripts:
   308         - `python` (.py)
   309         - `sql` (.sql)
   310         - `doctest` (.txt or .rst)
   312         .. warning:: sql migration scripts are not available in web-only instance
   314         You can pass script parameters with using double dash (--) in the
   315         command line
   317         Context environment can have these variables defined:
   318         - __name__ : will be determine by funcname parameter
   319         - __file__ : is the name of the script if it exists
   320         - __args__ : script arguments coming from command-line
   322         :param migrscript: name of the script
   323         :param funcname: defines __name__ inside the shell (or use __main__)
   324         :params args: optional arguments for funcname
   325         :keyword scriptargs: optional arguments of the script
   326         """
   327         ftypes = {'python':  ('.py',),
   328                   'doctest': ('.txt', '.rst'),
   329                   'sql':     ('.sql',)}
   330         # sql migration scripts are not available in web-only instance
   331         if not hasattr(self, "session"):
   332             ftypes.pop('sql')
   333         migrscript = os.path.normpath(migrscript)
   334         for (script_mode, ftype) in ftypes.items():
   335             if migrscript.endswith(ftype):
   336                 break
   337         else:
   338             ftypes = ', '.join(chain(*ftypes.values()))
   339             msg = 'ignoring %s, not a valid script extension (%s)'
   340             raise ExecutionError(msg % (migrscript, ftypes))
   341         if not self.execscript_confirm(migrscript):
   342             return
   343         scriptlocals = self._create_context().copy()
   344         scriptlocals.update({'__file__': migrscript,
   345                              '__args__': kwargs.pop("scriptargs", [])})
   346         self._context_stack.append(scriptlocals)
   347         if script_mode == 'python':
   348             if funcname is None:
   349                 pyname = '__main__'
   350             else:
   351                 pyname = splitext(basename(migrscript))[0]
   352             scriptlocals['__name__'] = pyname
   353             with open(migrscript, 'rb') as fobj:
   354                 fcontent =
   355             try:
   356                 code = compile(fcontent, migrscript, 'exec')
   357             except SyntaxError:
   358                 # try without print_function
   359                 code = compile(fcontent, migrscript, 'exec', 0, True)
   360                 warn('[3.22] script %r should be updated to work with print_function'
   361                      % migrscript, DeprecationWarning)
   362             exec(code, scriptlocals)
   363             if funcname is not None:
   364                 try:
   365                     func = scriptlocals[funcname]
   366           'found %s in locals', funcname)
   367                     assert callable(func), '%s (%s) is not callable' % (func, funcname)
   368                 except KeyError:
   369                     self.critical('no %s in script %s', funcname, migrscript)
   370                     return None
   371                 return func(*args, **kwargs)
   372         elif script_mode == 'sql':
   373             from cubicweb.server.sqlutils import sqlexec
   374             sqlexec(open(migrscript).read(), self.session.system_sql)
   375             self.commit()
   376         else: # script_mode == 'doctest'
   377             import doctest
   378             return doctest.testfile(migrscript, module_relative=False,
   379                                     optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS,
   380                                     # verbose mode when user input is expected
   381                                     verbose=self.verbosity==2,
   382                                     report=True,
   383                                     encoding='utf-8',
   384                                     globs=scriptlocals)
   385         self._context_stack.pop()
   387     def cmd_option_renamed(self, oldname, newname):
   388         """a configuration option has been renamed"""
   389         self._option_changes.append(('renamed', oldname, newname))
   391     def cmd_option_group_changed(self, option, oldgroup, newgroup):
   392         """a configuration option has been moved in another group"""
   393         self._option_changes.append(('moved', option, oldgroup, newgroup))
   395     def cmd_option_added(self, optname):
   396         """a configuration option has been added"""
   397         self._option_changes.append(('added', optname))
   399     def cmd_option_removed(self, optname):
   400         """a configuration option has been removed"""
   401         # can safely be ignored
   402         #self._option_changes.append(('removed', optname))
   404     def cmd_option_type_changed(self, optname, oldtype, newvalue):
   405         """a configuration option's type has changed"""
   406         self._option_changes.append(('typechanged', optname, oldtype, newvalue))
   408     def cmd_add_cubes(self, cubes):
   409         """modify the list of used cubes in the in-memory config
   410         returns newly inserted cubes, including dependencies
   411         """
   412         if isinstance(cubes, string_types):
   413             cubes = (cubes,)
   414         origcubes = self.config.cubes()
   415         newcubes = [p for p in self.config.expand_cubes(cubes)
   416                     if not p in origcubes]
   417         if newcubes:
   418             self.config.add_cubes(newcubes)
   419         return newcubes
   421     @deprecated('[3.20] use drop_cube() instead of remove_cube()')
   422     def cmd_remove_cube(self, cube, removedeps=False):
   423         return self.cmd_drop_cube(cube, removedeps)
   425     def cmd_drop_cube(self, cube, removedeps=False):
   426         if removedeps:
   427             toremove = self.config.expand_cubes([cube])
   428         else:
   429             toremove = (cube,)
   430         origcubes = self.config._cubes
   431         basecubes = [c for c in origcubes if not c in toremove]
   432         # don't fake-add any new ones, or we won't be able to really-add them later
   433         self.config._cubes = tuple(cube for cube in self.config.expand_cubes(basecubes)
   434                                    if cube in origcubes)
   435         removed = [p for p in origcubes if not p in self.config._cubes]
   436         if not cube in removed and cube in origcubes:
   437             raise ConfigurationError("can't remove cube %s, "
   438                                      "used as a dependency" % cube)
   439         return removed
   441     def rewrite_configuration(self):
   442         configfile = self.config.main_config_file()
   443         if self._option_changes:
   444             read_old_config(self.config, self._option_changes, configfile)
   445         fd, newconfig = tempfile.mkstemp()
   446         for optdescr in self._option_changes:
   447             if optdescr[0] == 'added':
   448                 optdict = self.config.get_option_def(optdescr[1])
   449                 if optdict.get('default') is REQUIRED:
   450                     self.config.input_option(optdescr[1], optdict)
   451         self.config.generate_config(open(newconfig, 'w'))
   452         show_diffs(configfile, newconfig, askconfirm=self.confirm is not yes)
   453         os.close(fd)
   454         if exists(newconfig):
   455             os.unlink(newconfig)
   457     # these are overridden by set_log_methods below
   458     # only defining here to prevent pylint from complaining
   459     info = warning = error = critical = exception = debug = lambda msg,*a,**kw: None
   461 from logging import getLogger
   462 from cubicweb import set_log_methods
   463 set_log_methods(MigrationHelper, getLogger('cubicweb.migration'))
   466 def version_strictly_lower(a, b):
   467     if a is None:
   468         return True
   469     if b is None:
   470         return False
   471     if a:
   472         a = Version(a)
   473     if b:
   474         b = Version(b)
   475     return a < b
   477 def max_version(a, b):
   478     return str(max(Version(a), Version(b)))
   480 class ConfigurationProblem(object):
   481     """Each cube has its own list of dependencies on other cubes/versions.
   483     The ConfigurationProblem is used to record the loaded cubes, then to detect
   484     inconsistencies in their dependencies.
   486     See configuration management on wikipedia for litterature.
   487     """
   489     def __init__(self, config):
   490         self.config = config
   491         self.cubes = {'cubicweb': cwcfg.cubicweb_version()}
   493     def add_cube(self, name, version):
   494         self.cubes[name] = version
   496     def solve(self):
   497         self.warnings = []
   498         self.errors = []
   499         self.dependencies = {}
   500         self.reverse_dependencies = {}
   501         self.constraints = {}
   502         # read dependencies
   503         for cube in self.cubes:
   504             if cube == 'cubicweb': continue
   505             self.dependencies[cube] = dict(self.config.cube_dependencies(cube))
   506             self.dependencies[cube]['cubicweb'] = self.config.cube_depends_cubicweb_version(cube)
   507         # compute reverse dependencies
   508         for cube, dependencies in self.dependencies.items():
   509             for name, constraint in dependencies.items():
   510                 self.reverse_dependencies.setdefault(name,set())
   511                 if constraint:
   512                     try:
   513                         oper, version = constraint.split()
   514                         self.reverse_dependencies[name].add( (oper, version, cube) )
   515                     except Exception:
   516                         self.warnings.append(
   517                             'cube %s depends on %s but constraint badly '
   518                             'formatted: %s' % (cube, name, constraint))
   519                 else:
   520                     self.reverse_dependencies[name].add( (None, None, cube) )
   521         # check consistency
   522         for cube, versions in sorted(self.reverse_dependencies.items()):
   523             oper, version, source = None, None, None
   524             # simplify constraints
   525             if versions:
   526                 for constraint in versions:
   527                     op, ver, src = constraint
   528                     if oper is None:
   529                         oper = op
   530                         version = ver
   531                         source = src
   532                     elif op == '>=' and oper == '>=':
   533                         if version_strictly_lower(version, ver):
   534                             version = ver
   535                             source = src
   536                     elif op == None:
   537                         continue
   538                     else:
   539                         print('unable to handle %s in %s, set to `%s %s` '
   540                               'but currently up to `%s %s`' %
   541                               (cube, source, oper, version, op, ver))
   542             # "solve" constraint satisfaction problem
   543             if cube not in self.cubes:
   544                 self.errors.append( ('add', cube, version, source) )
   545             elif versions:
   546                 lower_strict = version_strictly_lower(self.cubes[cube], version)
   547                 if oper in ('>=','=','=='):
   548                     if lower_strict:
   549                         self.errors.append( ('update', cube, version, source) )
   550                 elif oper is None:
   551                     pass # no constraint on version
   552                 else:
   553                     print('unknown operator', oper)