changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 10351 91e63306e277
child 11129 97095348b3ee
equal deleted inserted replaced
11052:058bb3dc685f 11057:0b59724cb3f2
     1 # copyright 2003-2015 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     2 # contact --
     3 #
     4 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
     5 #
     6 # CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     7 # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     8 # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
     9 # any later version.
    10 #
    11 # CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    13 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    14 # details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    17 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
    18 """some hooks to handle notification on entity's changes"""
    20 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
    22 from logilab.common.textutils import normalize_text
    23 from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
    25 from cubicweb import RegistryNotFound
    26 from cubicweb.predicates import is_instance
    27 from cubicweb.server import hook
    28 from cubicweb.sobjects.supervising import SupervisionMailOp
    31 @deprecated('[3.17] use notify_on_commit instead')
    32 def RenderAndSendNotificationView(cnx, view, viewargs=None):
    33     notify_on_commit(cnx, view, viewargs)
    36 def notify_on_commit(cnx, view, viewargs=None):
    37     """register a notification view (see
    38     :class:`~cubicweb.sobjects.notification.NotificationView`) to be sent at
    39     post-commit time, ie only if the transaction has succeeded.
    41     `viewargs` is an optional dictionary containing extra argument to be given
    42     to :meth:`~cubicweb.sobjects.notification.NotificationView.render_and_send`
    43     """
    44     if viewargs is None:
    45         viewargs = {}
    46     notif_op = _RenderAndSendNotificationOp.get_instance(cnx)
    47     notif_op.add_data((view, viewargs))
    50 class _RenderAndSendNotificationOp(hook.DataOperationMixIn, hook.Operation):
    51     """End of the notification chain. Do render and send views after commit
    53     All others Operations end up adding data to this Operation.
    54     The notification are done on ``postcommit_event`` to make sure to prevent
    55     sending notification about rolled back data.
    56     """
    58     containercls = list
    60     def postcommit_event(self):
    61         deleted = self.cnx.deleted_in_transaction
    62         for view, viewargs in self.get_data():
    63             if view.cw_rset is not None:
    64                 if not view.cw_rset:
    65                     # entity added and deleted in the same transaction
    66                     # (cache effect)
    67                     continue
    68                 elif deleted(view.cw_rset[view.cw_row or 0][view.cw_col or 0]):
    69                     # entity added and deleted in the same transaction
    70                     continue
    71             try:
    72                 view.render_and_send(**viewargs)
    73             except Exception:
    74                 # error in post commit are not propagated
    75                 # We keep this logic here to prevent a small notification error
    76                 # to prevent them all.
    77                 self.exception('Notification failed')
    80 class NotificationHook(hook.Hook):
    81     __abstract__ = True
    82     category = 'notification'
    84     def select_view(self, vid, rset, row=0, col=0):
    85         try:
    86             return self._cw.vreg['views'].select_or_none(vid, self._cw, rset=rset,
    87                                                          row=row, col=col)
    88         except RegistryNotFound: # can happen in some config
    89                                  # (e.g. repo only config with no
    90                                  # notification views registered by
    91                                  # the instance's cubes)
    92             return None
    95 class StatusChangeHook(NotificationHook):
    96     """notify when a workflowable entity has its state modified"""
    97     __regid__ = 'notifystatuschange'
    98     __select__ = NotificationHook.__select__ & is_instance('TrInfo')
    99     events = ('after_add_entity',)
   101     def __call__(self):
   102         entity = self.entity
   103         if not entity.from_state: # not a transition
   104             return
   105         rset = entity.related('wf_info_for')
   106         view = self.select_view('notif_status_change', rset=rset, row=0)
   107         if view is None:
   108             return
   109         comment = entity.printable_value('comment', format='text/plain')
   110         # XXX don't try to wrap rest until we've a proper transformation (see
   111         # #103822)
   112         if comment and entity.comment_format != 'text/rest':
   113             comment = normalize_text(comment, 80)
   114         viewargs = {'comment': comment,
   115                     'previous_state':,
   116                     'current_state':}
   117         notify_on_commit(self._cw, view, viewargs=viewargs)
   119 class RelationChangeHook(NotificationHook):
   120     __regid__ = 'notifyrelationchange'
   121     events = ('before_add_relation', 'after_add_relation',
   122               'before_delete_relation', 'after_delete_relation')
   124     def __call__(self):
   125         """if a notification view is defined for the event, send notification
   126         email defined by the view
   127         """
   128         rset = self._cw.eid_rset(self.eidfrom)
   129         view = self.select_view('notif_%s_%s' % (self.event,  self.rtype),
   130                                 rset=rset, row=0)
   131         if view is None:
   132             return
   133         notify_on_commit(self._cw, view)
   136 class EntityChangeHook(NotificationHook):
   137     """if a notification view is defined for the event, send notification
   138     email defined by the view
   139     """
   140     __regid__ = 'notifyentitychange'
   141     events = ('after_add_entity', 'after_update_entity')
   143     def __call__(self):
   144         rset = self.entity.as_rset()
   145         view = self.select_view('notif_%s' % self.event, rset=rset, row=0)
   146         if view is None:
   147             return
   148         notify_on_commit(self._cw, view)
   151 class EntityUpdatedNotificationOp(hook.SingleLastOperation):
   152     """scrap all changed entity to prepare a Notification Operation for them"""
   154     def precommit_event(self):
   155         # precommit event that creates postcommit operation
   156         cnx = self.cnx
   157         for eid in cnx.transaction_data['changes']:
   158             view = cnx.vreg['views'].select('notif_entity_updated', cnx,
   159                                             rset=cnx.eid_rset(eid),
   160                                             row=0)
   161             notify_on_commit(self.cnx, view,
   162                     viewargs={'changes': cnx.transaction_data['changes'][eid]})
   165 class EntityUpdateHook(NotificationHook):
   166     __regid__ = 'notifentityupdated'
   167     __abstract__ = True # do not register by default
   168     __select__ = NotificationHook.__select__ & hook.issued_from_user_query()
   169     events = ('before_update_entity',)
   170     skip_attrs = set()
   172     def __call__(self):
   173         cnx = self._cw
   174         if cnx.added_in_transaction(self.entity.eid):
   175             return # entity is being created
   176         # then compute changes
   177         attrs = [k for k in self.entity.cw_edited
   178                  if not k in self.skip_attrs]
   179         if not attrs:
   180             return
   181         changes = cnx.transaction_data.setdefault('changes', {})
   182         thisentitychanges = changes.setdefault(self.entity.eid, set())
   183         rqlsel, rqlrestr = [], ['X eid %(x)s']
   184         for i, attr in enumerate(attrs):
   185             var = chr(65+i)
   186             rqlsel.append(var)
   187             rqlrestr.append('X %s %s' % (attr, var))
   188         rql = 'Any %s WHERE %s' % (','.join(rqlsel), ','.join(rqlrestr))
   189         rset = cnx.execute(rql, {'x': self.entity.eid})
   190         for i, attr in enumerate(attrs):
   191             oldvalue = rset[0][i]
   192             newvalue = self.entity.cw_edited[attr]
   193             if oldvalue != newvalue:
   194                 thisentitychanges.add((attr, oldvalue, newvalue))
   195         if thisentitychanges:
   196             EntityUpdatedNotificationOp(cnx)
   199 # supervising ##################################################################
   201 class SomethingChangedHook(NotificationHook):
   202     __regid__ = 'supervising'
   203     __select__ = NotificationHook.__select__ & hook.issued_from_user_query()
   204     events = ('before_add_relation', 'before_delete_relation',
   205               'after_add_entity', 'before_update_entity')
   207     def __call__(self):
   208         dest = self._cw.vreg.config['supervising-addrs']
   209         if not dest: # no supervisors, don't do this for nothing...
   210             return
   211         if self._call():
   212             SupervisionMailOp(self._cw)
   214     def _call(self):
   215         event = self.event.split('_', 1)[1]
   216         if event == 'update_entity':
   217             if self._cw.added_in_transaction(self.entity.eid):
   218                 return False
   219             if self.entity.e_schema == 'CWUser':
   220                 if not (frozenset(self.entity.cw_edited)
   221                         - frozenset(('eid', 'modification_date',
   222                                      'last_login_time'))):
   223                     # don't record last_login_time update which are done
   224                     # automatically at login time
   225                     return False
   226         self._cw.transaction_data.setdefault('pendingchanges', []).append(
   227             (event, self))
   228         return True
   231 class EntityDeleteHook(SomethingChangedHook):
   232     __regid__ = 'supervisingentitydel'
   233     events = ('before_delete_entity',)
   235     def _call(self):
   236         try:
   237             title = self.entity.dc_title()
   238         except Exception:
   239             # may raise an error during deletion process, for instance due to
   240             # missing required relation
   241             title = '#%s' % self.entity.eid
   242         self._cw.transaction_data.setdefault('pendingchanges', []).append(
   243             ('delete_entity', (self.entity.eid, self.entity.cw_etype, title)))
   244         return True