changeset 11057 0b59724cb3f2
parent 11000 dc9de651c328
child 11072 8c3155a0ae5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
11052:058bb3dc685f 11057:0b59724cb3f2
     1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
     2 # copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
     3 # contact --
     4 #
     5 # This file is part of CubicWeb.
     6 #
     7 # CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
     8 # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
     9 # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
    10 # any later version.
    11 #
    12 # CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    14 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
    15 # details.
    16 #
    17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
    18 # with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
    19 """
    20 .. _ResourceMode:
    22 Resource mode
    23 -------------
    25 Standard resource mode
    26 ```````````````````````````
    28 A resource *mode* is a predefined set of settings for various resources
    29 directories, such as cubes, instances, etc. to ease development with the
    30 framework. There are two running modes with *CubicWeb*:
    32 * **system**: resources are searched / created in the system directories (eg
    33   usually requiring root access):
    35   - instances are stored in :file:`<INSTALL_PREFIX>/etc/cubicweb.d`
    36   - temporary files (such as pid file) in :file:`<INSTALL_PREFIX>/var/run/cubicweb`
    38   where `<INSTALL_PREFIX>` is the detected installation prefix ('/usr/local' for
    39   instance).
    41 * **user**: resources are searched / created in the user home directory:
    43   - instances are stored in :file:`~/etc/cubicweb.d`
    44   - temporary files (such as pid file) in :file:`/tmp`
    49 .. _CubicwebWithinVirtualEnv:
    51 Within virtual environment
    52 ```````````````````````````
    54 If you are not administrator of you machine or if you need to play with some
    55 specific version of |cubicweb| you can use `virtualenv`_ a tool to create
    56 isolated Python environments.
    58 - instances are stored in :file:`<VIRTUAL_ENV>/etc/cubicweb.d`
    59 - temporary files (such as pid file) in :file:`<VIRTUAL_ENV>/var/run/cubicweb`
    61 .. _`virtualenv`:
    63 Custom resource location
    64 ````````````````````````````````
    66 Notice that each resource path may be explicitly set using an environment
    67 variable if the default doesn't suit your needs. Here are the default resource
    68 directories that are affected according to mode:
    70 * **system**: ::
    72         CW_INSTANCES_DIR = <INSTALL_PREFIX>/etc/cubicweb.d/
    73         CW_INSTANCES_DATA_DIR = <INSTALL_PREFIX>/var/lib/cubicweb/instances/
    74         CW_RUNTIME_DIR = <INSTALL_PREFIX>/var/run/cubicweb/
    76 * **user**: ::
    78         CW_INSTANCES_DIR = ~/etc/cubicweb.d/
    79         CW_INSTANCES_DATA_DIR = ~/etc/cubicweb.d/
    80         CW_RUNTIME_DIR = /tmp
    82 Cubes search path is also affected, see the :ref:`Cube` section.
    84 Setting Cubicweb Mode
    85 `````````````````````
    87 By default, the mode is set to 'system' for standard installation. The mode is
    88 set to 'user' if `cubicweb is used from a mercurial repository`_. You can force
    89 this by setting the :envvar:`CW_MODE` environment variable to either 'user' or
    90 'system' so you can easily:
    92 * use system wide installation but user specific instances and all, without root
    93   privileges on the system (`export CW_MODE=user`)
    95 * use local checkout of cubicweb on system wide instances (requires root
    96   privileges on the system (`export CW_MODE=system`)
    98 If you've a doubt about the mode you're currently running, check the first line
    99 outputed by the :command:`cubicweb-ctl list` command.
   101 .. _`cubicweb is used from a mercurial repository`: CubicwebDevelopmentMod_
   103 .. _CubicwebDevelopmentMod:
   105 Development Mode
   106 `````````````````````
   107 If :file:`.hg` directory is found into the cubicweb package, there are specific resource rules.
   109 `<CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT>` is the source checkout's ``cubicweb`` directory:
   111 * main cubes directory is `<CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT>/../../cubes`. You can specify
   112   another one with :envvar:`CW_INSTANCES_DIR` environment variable or simply
   113   add some other directories by using :envvar:`CW_CUBES_PATH`
   115 * cubicweb migration files are searched in `<CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT>/misc/migration`
   116   instead of `<INSTALL_PREFIX>/share/cubicweb/migration/`.
   119 .. _ConfigurationEnv:
   121 Environment configuration
   122 -------------------------
   124 Python
   125 ``````
   127 If you installed *CubicWeb* by cloning the Mercurial shell repository or from source
   128 distribution, then you will need to update the environment variable PYTHONPATH by
   129 adding the path to `cubicweb`:
   131 Add the following lines to either :file:`.bashrc` or :file:`.bash_profile` to
   132 configure your development environment ::
   134     export PYTHONPATH=/full/path/to/grshell-cubicweb
   136 If you installed *CubicWeb* with packages, no configuration is required and your
   137 new cubes will be placed in `/usr/share/cubicweb/cubes` and your instances will
   138 be placed in `/etc/cubicweb.d`.
   141 CubicWeb
   142 ````````
   144 Here are all environment variables that may be used to configure *CubicWeb*:
   146 .. envvar:: CW_MODE
   148    Resource mode: user or system, as explained in :ref:`ResourceMode`.
   150 .. envvar:: CW_CUBES_PATH
   152    Augments the default search path for cubes. You may specify several
   153    directories using ':' as separator (';' under windows environment).
   155 .. envvar:: CW_INSTANCES_DIR
   157    Directory where cubicweb instances will be found.
   159 .. envvar:: CW_INSTANCES_DATA_DIR
   161    Directory where cubicweb instances data will be written (backup file...)
   163 .. envvar:: CW_RUNTIME_DIR
   165    Directory where pid files will be written
   166 """
   167 from __future__ import print_function
   169 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
   171 import sys
   172 import os
   173 import stat
   174 import logging
   175 import logging.config
   176 from smtplib import SMTP
   177 from threading import Lock
   178 from os.path import (exists, join, expanduser, abspath, normpath,
   179                      basename, isdir, dirname, splitext)
   180 from warnings import warn, filterwarnings
   182 from six import text_type
   184 from logilab.common.decorators import cached, classproperty
   185 from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
   186 from logilab.common.logging_ext import set_log_methods, init_log
   187 from logilab.common.configuration import (Configuration, Method,
   188                                           ConfigurationMixIn, merge_options)
   190 from cubicweb import (CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, CW_MIGRATION_MAP,
   191                       ConfigurationError, Binary, _)
   192 from cubicweb.toolsutils import create_dir
   196 SMTP_LOCK = Lock()
   199 def configuration_cls(name):
   200     """return the configuration class registered with the given name"""
   201     try:
   202         return [c for c in CONFIGURATIONS if == name][0]
   203     except IndexError:
   204         raise ConfigurationError('no such config %r (check it exists with "cubicweb-ctl list")' % name)
   206 def possible_configurations(directory):
   207     """return a list of installed configurations in a directory
   208     according to \*-ctl files
   209     """
   210     return [name for name in ('repository', 'all-in-one')
   211             if exists(join(directory, '%s.conf' % name))]
   213 def guess_configuration(directory):
   214     """try to guess the configuration to use for a directory. If multiple
   215     configurations are found, ConfigurationError is raised
   216     """
   217     modes = possible_configurations(directory)
   218     if len(modes) != 1:
   219         raise ConfigurationError('unable to guess configuration from %r %s'
   220                                  % (directory, modes))
   221     return modes[0]
   223 def _find_prefix(start_path=CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT):
   224     """Runs along the parent directories of *start_path* (default to cubicweb source directory)
   225     looking for one containing a 'share/cubicweb' directory.
   226     The first matching directory is assumed as the prefix installation of cubicweb
   228     Returns the matching prefix or None.
   229     """
   230     prefix = start_path
   231     old_prefix = None
   232     if not isdir(start_path):
   233         prefix = dirname(start_path)
   234     while (not isdir(join(prefix, 'share', 'cubicweb'))
   235           or prefix.endswith('.egg')) and prefix != old_prefix:
   236         old_prefix = prefix
   237         prefix = dirname(prefix)
   238     if isdir(join(prefix, 'share', 'cubicweb')):
   239         return prefix
   240     return sys.prefix
   242 # persistent options definition
   244     ('encoding',
   245      {'type' : 'string',
   246       'default': 'UTF-8',
   247       'help': _('user interface encoding'),
   248       'group': 'ui', 'sitewide': True,
   249       }),
   250     ('language',
   251      {'type' : 'string',
   252       'default': 'en',
   253       'vocabulary': Method('available_languages'),
   254       'help': _('language of the user interface'),
   255       'group': 'ui',
   256       }),
   257     ('date-format',
   258      {'type' : 'string',
   259       'default': '%Y/%m/%d',
   260       'help': _('how to format date in the ui (see <a href="">this page</a> for format description)'),
   261       'group': 'ui',
   262       }),
   263     ('datetime-format',
   264      {'type' : 'string',
   265       'default': '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M',
   266       'help': _('how to format date and time in the ui (see <a href="">this page</a> for format description)'),
   267       'group': 'ui',
   268       }),
   269     ('time-format',
   270      {'type' : 'string',
   271       'default': '%H:%M',
   272       'help': _('how to format time in the ui (see <a href="">this page</a> for format description)'),
   273       'group': 'ui',
   274       }),
   275     ('float-format',
   276      {'type' : 'string',
   277       'default': '%.3f',
   278       'help': _('how to format float numbers in the ui'),
   279       'group': 'ui',
   280       }),
   281     ('default-text-format',
   282      {'type' : 'choice',
   283       'choices': ('text/plain', 'text/rest', 'text/html', 'text/markdown'),
   284       'default': 'text/plain',
   285       'help': _('default text format for rich text fields.'),
   286       'group': 'ui',
   287       }),
   288     ('short-line-size',
   289      {'type' : 'int',
   290       'default': 80,
   291       'help': _('maximum number of characters in short description'),
   292       'group': 'navigation',
   293       }),
   294     )
   296 def register_persistent_options(options):
   297     global PERSISTENT_OPTIONS
   298     PERSISTENT_OPTIONS = merge_options(PERSISTENT_OPTIONS + options)
   301     'string': 'String',
   302     'choice': 'String',
   303     'yn':     'Boolean',
   304     'int':    'Int',
   305     'float' : 'Float',
   306     }
   308 _forced_mode = os.environ.get('CW_MODE')
   309 assert _forced_mode in (None, 'system', 'user')
   311 # CWDEV tells whether directories such as i18n/, web/data/, etc. (ie containing
   312 # some other resources than python libraries) are located with the python code
   313 # or as a 'shared' cube
   314 CWDEV = exists(join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, 'i18n'))
   316 try:
   317     _INSTALL_PREFIX = os.environ['CW_INSTALL_PREFIX']
   318 except KeyError:
   319     _INSTALL_PREFIX = _find_prefix()
   320 _USR_INSTALL = _INSTALL_PREFIX == '/usr'
   322 class CubicWebNoAppConfiguration(ConfigurationMixIn):
   323     """base class for cubicweb configuration without a specific instance directory
   324     """
   325     # to set in concrete configuration
   326     name = None
   327     # log messages format (see logging module documentation for available keys)
   328     log_format = '%(asctime)s - (%(name)s) %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
   329     # the format below can be useful to debug multi thread issues:
   330     # log_format = '%(asctime)s - [%(threadName)s] (%(name)s) %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
   331     # nor remove appobjects based on unused interface [???]
   332     cleanup_unused_appobjects = True
   334     quick_start = False
   336     if (CWDEV and _forced_mode != 'system'):
   337         mode = 'user'
   338         _CUBES_DIR = join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, '../../cubes')
   339     else:
   340         mode = _forced_mode or 'system'
   341         _CUBES_DIR = join(_INSTALL_PREFIX, 'share', 'cubicweb', 'cubes')
   343     CUBES_DIR = abspath(os.environ.get('CW_CUBES_DIR', _CUBES_DIR))
   344     CUBES_PATH = os.environ.get('CW_CUBES_PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
   346     options = (
   347        ('log-threshold',
   348          {'type' : 'string', # XXX use a dedicated type?
   349           'default': 'WARNING',
   350           'help': 'server\'s log level',
   351           'group': 'main', 'level': 1,
   352           }),
   353         ('umask',
   354          {'type' : 'int',
   355           'default': 0o077,
   356           'help': 'permission umask for files created by the server',
   357           'group': 'main', 'level': 2,
   358           }),
   359         # common configuration options which are potentially required as soon as
   360         # you're using "base" application objects (ie to really server/web
   361         # specific)
   362         ('base-url',
   363          {'type' : 'string',
   364           'default': None,
   365           'help': 'web server root url',
   366           'group': 'main', 'level': 1,
   367           }),
   368         ('allow-email-login',
   369          {'type' : 'yn',
   370           'default': False,
   371           'help': 'allow users to login with their primary email if set',
   372           'group': 'main', 'level': 2,
   373           }),
   374         ('mangle-emails',
   375          {'type' : 'yn',
   376           'default': False,
   377           'help': "don't display actual email addresses but mangle them if \
   378 this option is set to yes",
   379           'group': 'email', 'level': 3,
   380           }),
   381         )
   382     # static and class methods used to get instance independant resources ##
   383     @staticmethod
   384     def cubicweb_version():
   385         """return installed cubicweb version"""
   386         from logilab.common.changelog import Version
   387         from cubicweb import __pkginfo__
   388         version = __pkginfo__.numversion
   389         assert len(version) == 3, version
   390         return Version(version)
   392     @staticmethod
   393     def persistent_options_configuration():
   394         return Configuration(options=PERSISTENT_OPTIONS)
   396     @classmethod
   397     def shared_dir(cls):
   398         """return the shared data directory (i.e. directory where standard
   399         library views and data may be found)
   400         """
   401         if CWDEV:
   402             return join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, 'web')
   403         return cls.cube_dir('shared')
   405     @classmethod
   406     def i18n_lib_dir(cls):
   407         """return instance's i18n directory"""
   408         if CWDEV:
   409             return join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, 'i18n')
   410         return join(cls.shared_dir(), 'i18n')
   412     @classmethod
   413     def cw_languages(cls):
   414         for fname in os.listdir(join(cls.i18n_lib_dir())):
   415             if fname.endswith('.po'):
   416                 yield splitext(fname)[0]
   419     @classmethod
   420     def available_cubes(cls):
   421         import re
   422         cubes = set()
   423         for directory in cls.cubes_search_path():
   424             if not exists(directory):
   425                 cls.error('unexistant directory in cubes search path: %s'
   426                           % directory)
   427                 continue
   428             for cube in os.listdir(directory):
   429                 if cube == 'shared':
   430                     continue
   431                 if not re.match('[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*$', cube):
   432                     continue # skip invalid python package name
   433                 cubedir = join(directory, cube)
   434                 if isdir(cubedir) and exists(join(cubedir, '')):
   435                     cubes.add(cube)
   436         return sorted(cubes)
   438     @classmethod
   439     def cubes_search_path(cls):
   440         """return the path of directories where cubes should be searched"""
   441         path = [abspath(normpath(directory)) for directory in cls.CUBES_PATH
   442                 if directory.strip() and exists(directory.strip())]
   443         if not cls.CUBES_DIR in path and exists(cls.CUBES_DIR):
   444             path.append(cls.CUBES_DIR)
   445         return path
   447     @classproperty
   448     def extrapath(cls):
   449         extrapath = {}
   450         for cubesdir in cls.cubes_search_path():
   451             if cubesdir != cls.CUBES_DIR:
   452                 extrapath[cubesdir] = 'cubes'
   453         return extrapath
   455     @classmethod
   456     def cube_dir(cls, cube):
   457         """return the cube directory for the given cube id, raise
   458         `ConfigurationError` if it doesn't exist
   459         """
   460         for directory in cls.cubes_search_path():
   461             cubedir = join(directory, cube)
   462             if exists(cubedir):
   463                 return cubedir
   464         raise ConfigurationError('no cube %r in %s' % (
   465             cube, cls.cubes_search_path()))
   467     @classmethod
   468     def cube_migration_scripts_dir(cls, cube):
   469         """cube migration scripts directory"""
   470         return join(cls.cube_dir(cube), 'migration')
   472     @classmethod
   473     def cube_pkginfo(cls, cube):
   474         """return the information module for the given cube"""
   475         cube = CW_MIGRATION_MAP.get(cube, cube)
   476         try:
   477             parent = __import__('cubes.%s.__pkginfo__' % cube)
   478             return getattr(parent, cube).__pkginfo__
   479         except Exception as ex:
   480             raise ConfigurationError(
   481                 'unable to find packaging information for cube %s (%s: %s)'
   482                 % (cube, ex.__class__.__name__, ex))
   484     @classmethod
   485     def cube_version(cls, cube):
   486         """return the version of the cube located in the given directory
   487         """
   488         from logilab.common.changelog import Version
   489         version = cls.cube_pkginfo(cube).numversion
   490         assert len(version) == 3, version
   491         return Version(version)
   493     @classmethod
   494     def _cube_deps(cls, cube, key, oldkey):
   495         """return cubicweb cubes used by the given cube"""
   496         pkginfo = cls.cube_pkginfo(cube)
   497         try:
   498             # explicit __xxx_cubes__ attribute
   499             deps = getattr(pkginfo, key)
   500         except AttributeError:
   501             # deduce cubes from generic __xxx__ attribute
   502             try:
   503                 gendeps = getattr(pkginfo, key.replace('_cubes', ''))
   504             except AttributeError:
   505                 deps = {}
   506             else:
   507                 deps = dict( (x[len('cubicweb-'):], v)
   508                              for x, v in gendeps.items()
   509                              if x.startswith('cubicweb-'))
   510         for depcube in deps:
   511             try:
   512                 newname = CW_MIGRATION_MAP[depcube]
   513             except KeyError:
   514                 pass
   515             else:
   516                 deps[newname] = deps.pop(depcube)
   517         return deps
   519     @classmethod
   520     def cube_depends_cubicweb_version(cls, cube):
   521         # XXX no backward compat (see _cube_deps above)
   522         try:
   523             pkginfo = cls.cube_pkginfo(cube)
   524             deps = getattr(pkginfo, '__depends__')
   525             return deps.get('cubicweb')
   526         except AttributeError:
   527             return None
   529     @classmethod
   530     def cube_dependencies(cls, cube):
   531         """return cubicweb cubes used by the given cube"""
   532         return cls._cube_deps(cube, '__depends_cubes__', '__use__')
   534     @classmethod
   535     def cube_recommends(cls, cube):
   536         """return cubicweb cubes recommended by the given cube"""
   537         return cls._cube_deps(cube, '__recommends_cubes__', '__recommend__')
   539     @classmethod
   540     def expand_cubes(cls, cubes, with_recommends=False):
   541         """expand the given list of top level cubes used by adding recursivly
   542         each cube dependencies
   543         """
   544         cubes = list(cubes)
   545         todo = cubes[:]
   546         if with_recommends:
   547             available = set(cls.available_cubes())
   548         while todo:
   549             cube = todo.pop(0)
   550             for depcube in cls.cube_dependencies(cube):
   551                 if depcube not in cubes:
   552                     cubes.append(depcube)
   553                     todo.append(depcube)
   554             if with_recommends:
   555                 for depcube in cls.cube_recommends(cube):
   556                     if depcube not in cubes and depcube in available:
   557                         cubes.append(depcube)
   558                         todo.append(depcube)
   559         return cubes
   561     @classmethod
   562     def reorder_cubes(cls, cubes):
   563         """reorder cubes from the top level cubes to inner dependencies
   564         cubes
   565         """
   566         from logilab.common.graph import ordered_nodes, UnorderableGraph
   567         graph = {}
   568         for cube in cubes:
   569             cube = CW_MIGRATION_MAP.get(cube, cube)
   570             graph[cube] = set(dep for dep in cls.cube_dependencies(cube)
   571                               if dep in cubes)
   572             graph[cube] |= set(dep for dep in cls.cube_recommends(cube)
   573                                if dep in cubes)
   574         try:
   575             return ordered_nodes(graph)
   576         except UnorderableGraph as ex:
   577             raise ConfigurationError(ex)
   579     @classmethod
   580     def cls_adjust_sys_path(cls):
   581         """update python path if necessary"""
   582         cubes_parent_dir = normpath(join(cls.CUBES_DIR, '..'))
   583         if not cubes_parent_dir in sys.path:
   584             sys.path.insert(0, cubes_parent_dir)
   585         try:
   586             import cubes
   587             cubes.__path__ = cls.cubes_search_path()
   588         except ImportError:
   589             return # cubes dir doesn't exists
   591     @classmethod
   592     def load_available_configs(cls):
   593         from logilab.common.modutils import load_module_from_file
   594         for conffile in ('web/',  'etwist/',
   595                         'server/',):
   596             if exists(join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, conffile)):
   597                 load_module_from_file(join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, conffile))
   599     @classmethod
   600     def load_cwctl_plugins(cls):
   601         from logilab.common.modutils import load_module_from_file
   602         cls.cls_adjust_sys_path()
   603         for ctlfile in ('web/',  'etwist/',
   604                         'server/',
   605                         'devtools/', 'goa/'):
   606             if exists(join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, ctlfile)):
   607                 try:
   608                     load_module_from_file(join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, ctlfile))
   609                 except ImportError as err:
   610                     cls.error('could not import the command provider %s: %s',
   611                               ctlfile, err)
   612       'loaded cubicweb-ctl plugin %s', ctlfile)
   613         for cube in cls.available_cubes():
   614             pluginfile = join(cls.cube_dir(cube), '')
   615             initfile = join(cls.cube_dir(cube), '')
   616             if exists(pluginfile):
   617                 try:
   618                     __import__('cubes.%s.ccplugin' % cube)
   619           'loaded cubicweb-ctl plugin from %s', cube)
   620                 except Exception:
   621                     cls.exception('while loading plugin %s', pluginfile)
   622             elif exists(initfile):
   623                 try:
   624                     __import__('cubes.%s' % cube)
   625                 except Exception:
   626                     cls.exception('while loading cube %s', cube)
   627             else:
   628                 cls.warning('no __init__ file in cube %s', cube)
   630     @classmethod
   631     def init_available_cubes(cls):
   632         """cubes may register some sources (svnfile for instance) in their
   633         __init__ file, so they should be loaded early in the startup process
   634         """
   635         for cube in cls.available_cubes():
   636             try:
   637                 __import__('cubes.%s' % cube)
   638             except Exception as ex:
   639                 cls.warning("can't init cube %s: %s", cube, ex)
   641     cubicweb_appobject_path = set(['entities'])
   642     cube_appobject_path = set(['entities'])
   644     def __init__(self, debugmode=False):
   645         if debugmode:
   646             # in python 2.7, DeprecationWarning are not shown anymore by default
   647             filterwarnings('default', category=DeprecationWarning)
   648         register_stored_procedures()
   649         self._cubes = None
   650         super(CubicWebNoAppConfiguration, self).__init__()
   651         self.debugmode = debugmode
   652         self.adjust_sys_path()
   653         self.load_defaults()
   654         # will be properly initialized later by _gettext_init
   655         self.translations = {'en': (text_type, lambda ctx, msgid: text_type(msgid) )}
   656         self._site_loaded = set()
   657         # don't register ReStructured Text directives by simple import, avoid pb
   658         # with eg sphinx.
   659         # XXX should be done properly with a function from cw.uicfg
   660         try:
   661             from import cw_rest_init
   662         except ImportError:
   663             pass
   664         else:
   665             cw_rest_init()
   667     def adjust_sys_path(self):
   668         # overriden in CubicWebConfiguration
   669         self.cls_adjust_sys_path()
   671     def init_log(self, logthreshold=None, logfile=None, syslog=False):
   672         """init the log service"""
   673         if logthreshold is None:
   674             if self.debugmode:
   675                 logthreshold = 'DEBUG'
   676             else:
   677                 logthreshold = self['log-threshold']
   678         if sys.platform == 'win32':
   679             # no logrotate on win32, so use logging rotation facilities
   680             # for now, hard code weekly rotation every sunday, and 52 weeks kept
   681             # idea: make this configurable?
   682             init_log(self.debugmode, syslog, logthreshold, logfile, self.log_format,
   683                      rotation_parameters={'when': 'W6', # every sunday
   684                                           'interval': 1,
   685                                           'backupCount': 52})
   686         else:
   687             init_log(self.debugmode, syslog, logthreshold, logfile, self.log_format)
   688         # configure simpleTal logger
   689         logging.getLogger('simpleTAL').setLevel(logging.ERROR)
   691     def appobjects_path(self):
   692         """return a list of files or directories where the registry will look
   693         for application objects. By default return nothing in NoApp config.
   694         """
   695         return []
   697     def build_appobjects_path(self, templpath, evobjpath=None, tvobjpath=None):
   698         """given a list of directories, return a list of sub files and
   699         directories that should be loaded by the instance objects registry.
   701         :param evobjpath:
   702           optional list of sub-directories (or files without the .py ext) of
   703           the cubicweb library that should be tested and added to the output list
   704           if they exists. If not give, default to `cubicweb_appobject_path` class
   705           attribute.
   706         :param tvobjpath:
   707           optional list of sub-directories (or files without the .py ext) of
   708           directories given in `templpath` that should be tested and added to
   709           the output list if they exists. If not give, default to
   710           `cube_appobject_path` class attribute.
   711         """
   712         vregpath = self.build_appobjects_cubicweb_path(evobjpath)
   713         vregpath += self.build_appobjects_cube_path(templpath, tvobjpath)
   714         return vregpath
   716     def build_appobjects_cubicweb_path(self, evobjpath=None):
   717         vregpath = []
   718         if evobjpath is None:
   719             evobjpath = self.cubicweb_appobject_path
   720         # NOTE: for the order, see
   721         #       it is clearly a workaround
   722         for subdir in sorted(evobjpath, key=lambda x:x != 'entities'):
   723             path = join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, subdir)
   724             if exists(path):
   725                 vregpath.append(path)
   726         return vregpath
   728     def build_appobjects_cube_path(self, templpath, tvobjpath=None):
   729         vregpath = []
   730         if tvobjpath is None:
   731             tvobjpath = self.cube_appobject_path
   732         for directory in templpath:
   733             # NOTE: for the order, see
   734             for subdir in sorted(tvobjpath, key=lambda x:x != 'entities'):
   735                 path = join(directory, subdir)
   736                 if exists(path):
   737                     vregpath.append(path)
   738                 elif exists(path + '.py'):
   739                     vregpath.append(path + '.py')
   740         return vregpath
   742     apphome = None
   744     def load_site_cubicweb(self, paths=None):
   745         """load instance's specific site_cubicweb file"""
   746         if paths is None:
   747             paths = self.cubes_path()
   748             if self.apphome is not None:
   749                 paths = [self.apphome] + paths
   750         for path in reversed(paths):
   751             sitefile = join(path, '')
   752             if exists(sitefile) and not sitefile in self._site_loaded:
   753                 self._load_site_cubicweb(sitefile)
   754                 self._site_loaded.add(sitefile)
   756     def _load_site_cubicweb(self, sitefile):
   757         # XXX extrapath argument to load_module_from_file only in lgc > 0.50.2
   758         from logilab.common.modutils import load_module_from_modpath, modpath_from_file
   759         module = load_module_from_modpath(modpath_from_file(sitefile, self.extrapath))
   760         self.debug('%s loaded', sitefile)
   761         return module
   763     def cwproperty_definitions(self):
   764         cfg = self.persistent_options_configuration()
   765         for section, options in cfg.options_by_section():
   766             section = section.lower()
   767             for optname, optdict, value in options:
   768                 key = '%s.%s' % (section, optname)
   769                 type, vocab = self.map_option(optdict)
   770                 default = cfg.option_default(optname, optdict)
   771                 pdef = {'type': type, 'vocabulary': vocab, 'default': default,
   772                         'help': optdict['help'],
   773                         'sitewide': optdict.get('sitewide', False)}
   774                 yield key, pdef
   776     def map_option(self, optdict):
   777         try:
   778             vocab = optdict['choices']
   779         except KeyError:
   780             vocab = optdict.get('vocabulary')
   781             if isinstance(vocab, Method):
   782                 vocab = getattr(self, vocab.method, ())
   783         return CFGTYPE2ETYPE_MAP[optdict['type']], vocab
   785     def default_instance_id(self):
   786         """return the instance identifier, useful for option which need this
   787         as default value
   788         """
   789         return None
   791     _cubes = None
   793     def init_cubes(self, cubes):
   794         self._cubes = self.reorder_cubes(cubes)
   795         # load cubes' file first
   796         for cube in cubes:
   797             __import__('cubes.%s' % cube)
   798         self.load_site_cubicweb()
   800     def cubes(self):
   801         """return the list of cubes used by this instance
   803         result is ordered from the top level cubes to inner dependencies
   804         cubes
   805         """
   806         assert self._cubes is not None, 'cubes not initialized'
   807         return self._cubes
   809     def cubes_path(self):
   810         """return the list of path to cubes used by this instance, from outer
   811         most to inner most cubes
   812         """
   813         return [self.cube_dir(p) for p in self.cubes()]
   815     # these are overridden by set_log_methods below
   816     # only defining here to prevent pylint from complaining
   817     @classmethod
   818     def debug(cls, msg, *a, **kw):
   819         pass
   820     info = warning = error = critical = exception = debug
   823 class CubicWebConfiguration(CubicWebNoAppConfiguration):
   824     """base class for cubicweb server and web configurations"""
   826     if CubicWebNoAppConfiguration.mode == 'user':
   827         _INSTANCES_DIR = expanduser('~/etc/cubicweb.d/')
   828     #mode == system'
   829     elif _USR_INSTALL:
   830         _INSTANCES_DIR = '/etc/cubicweb.d/'
   831     else:
   832         _INSTANCES_DIR = join(_INSTALL_PREFIX, 'etc', 'cubicweb.d')
   834     # set to true during repair (shell, migration) to allow some things which
   835     # wouldn't be possible otherwise
   836     repairing = False
   838     # set by upgrade command
   839     verbosity = 0
   840     cmdline_options = None
   841     options = CubicWebNoAppConfiguration.options + (
   842         ('log-file',
   843          {'type' : 'string',
   844           'default': Method('default_log_file'),
   845           'help': 'file where output logs should be written',
   846           'group': 'main', 'level': 2,
   847           }),
   848         ('statsd-endpoint',
   849          {'type' : 'string',
   850           'default': '',
   851           'help': 'UDP address of the statsd endpoint; it must be formatted'
   852                   'like <ip>:<port>; disabled is unset.',
   853           'group': 'main', 'level': 2,
   854           }),
   855         # email configuration
   856         ('smtp-host',
   857          {'type' : 'string',
   858           'default': 'mail',
   859           'help': 'hostname of the SMTP mail server',
   860           'group': 'email', 'level': 1,
   861           }),
   862         ('smtp-port',
   863          {'type' : 'int',
   864           'default': 25,
   865           'help': 'listening port of the SMTP mail server',
   866           'group': 'email', 'level': 1,
   867           }),
   868         ('sender-name',
   869          {'type' : 'string',
   870           'default': Method('default_instance_id'),
   871           'help': 'name used as HELO name for outgoing emails from the \
   872 repository.',
   873           'group': 'email', 'level': 2,
   874           }),
   875         ('sender-addr',
   876          {'type' : 'string',
   877           'default': '',
   878           'help': 'email address used as HELO address for outgoing emails from \
   879 the repository',
   880           'group': 'email', 'level': 1,
   881           }),
   882         ('logstat-interval',
   883          {'type' : 'int',
   884           'default': 0,
   885           'help': 'interval (in seconds) at which stats are dumped in the logstat file; set 0 to disable',
   886           'group': 'main', 'level': 2,
   887           }),
   888         ('logstat-file',
   889          {'type' : 'string',
   890           'default': Method('default_stats_file'),
   891           'help': 'file where stats for the instance should be written',
   892           'group': 'main', 'level': 2,
   893           }),
   894         )
   896     @classmethod
   897     def instances_dir(cls):
   898         """return the control directory"""
   899         return abspath(os.environ.get('CW_INSTANCES_DIR', cls._INSTANCES_DIR))
   901     @classmethod
   902     def migration_scripts_dir(cls):
   903         """cubicweb migration scripts directory"""
   904         if CWDEV:
   905             return join(CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT, 'misc', 'migration')
   906         mdir = join(_INSTALL_PREFIX, 'share', 'cubicweb', 'migration')
   907         if not exists(mdir):
   908             raise ConfigurationError('migration path %s doesn\'t exist' % mdir)
   909         return mdir
   911     @classmethod
   912     def config_for(cls, appid, config=None, debugmode=False, creating=False):
   913         """return a configuration instance for the given instance identifier
   914         """
   915         cls.load_available_configs()
   916         config = config or guess_configuration(cls.instance_home(appid))
   917         configcls = configuration_cls(config)
   918         return configcls(appid, debugmode, creating)
   920     @classmethod
   921     def possible_configurations(cls, appid):
   922         """return the name of possible configurations for the given
   923         instance id
   924         """
   925         home = cls.instance_home(appid)
   926         return possible_configurations(home)
   928     @classmethod
   929     def instance_home(cls, appid):
   930         """return the home directory of the instance with the given
   931         instance id
   932         """
   933         home = join(cls.instances_dir(), appid)
   934         if not exists(home):
   935             raise ConfigurationError('no such instance %s (check it exists with'
   936                                      ' "cubicweb-ctl list")' % appid)
   937         return home
   939     MODES = ('common', 'repository', 'Any')
   940     MCOMPAT = {'all-in-one': MODES,
   941                'repository': ('common', 'repository', 'Any')}
   942     @classmethod
   943     def accept_mode(cls, mode):
   944         #assert mode in cls.MODES, mode
   945         return mode in cls.MCOMPAT[]
   947     # default configuration methods ###########################################
   949     def default_instance_id(self):
   950         """return the instance identifier, useful for option which need this
   951         as default value
   952         """
   953         return self.appid
   955     def default_log_file(self):
   956         """return default path to the log file of the instance'server"""
   957         if self.mode == 'user':
   958             import tempfile
   959             basepath = join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '%s-%s' % (
   960                 basename(self.appid),
   961             path = basepath + '.log'
   962             i = 1
   963             while exists(path) and i < 100: # arbitrary limit to avoid infinite loop
   964                 try:
   965                     open(path, 'a')
   966                     break
   967                 except IOError:
   968                     path = '%s-%s.log' % (basepath, i)
   969                     i += 1
   970             return path
   971         if _USR_INSTALL:
   972             return '/var/log/cubicweb/%s-%s.log' % (self.appid,
   973         else:
   974             log_path = os.path.join(_INSTALL_PREFIX, 'var', 'log', 'cubicweb', '%s-%s.log')
   975             return log_path % (self.appid,
   977     def default_stats_file(self):
   978         """return default path to the stats file of the instance'server"""
   979         logfile = self.default_log_file()
   980         if logfile.endswith('.log'):
   981             logfile = logfile[:-4]
   982         return logfile + '.stats'
   984     def default_pid_file(self):
   985         """return default path to the pid file of the instance'server"""
   986         if self.mode == 'system':
   987             if _USR_INSTALL:
   988                 default = '/var/run/cubicweb/'
   989             else:
   990                 default = os.path.join(_INSTALL_PREFIX, 'var', 'run', 'cubicweb')
   991         else:
   992             import tempfile
   993             default = tempfile.gettempdir()
   994         # runtime directory created on startup if necessary, don't check it
   995         # exists
   996         rtdir = abspath(os.environ.get('CW_RUNTIME_DIR', default))
   997         return join(rtdir, '' % (self.appid,
   999     # config -> repository
  1001     def repository(self, vreg=None):
  1002         from cubicweb.server.repository import Repository
  1003         from cubicweb.server.utils import TasksManager
  1004         return Repository(self, TasksManager(), vreg=vreg)
  1006     # instance methods used to get instance specific resources #############
  1008     def __init__(self, appid, debugmode=False, creating=False):
  1009         self.appid = appid
  1010         # set to true while creating an instance
  1011         self.creating = creating
  1012         super(CubicWebConfiguration, self).__init__(debugmode)
  1013         fake_gettext = (text_type, lambda ctx, msgid: text_type(msgid))
  1014         for lang in self.available_languages():
  1015             self.translations[lang] = fake_gettext
  1016         self._cubes = None
  1017         self.load_file_configuration(self.main_config_file())
  1019     def adjust_sys_path(self):
  1020         super(CubicWebConfiguration, self).adjust_sys_path()
  1021         # adding apphome to python path is not usually necessary in production
  1022         # environments, but necessary for tests
  1023         if self.apphome and self.apphome not in sys.path:
  1024             sys.path.insert(0, self.apphome)
  1026     @property
  1027     def apphome(self):
  1028         return join(self.instances_dir(), self.appid)
  1030     @property
  1031     def appdatahome(self):
  1032         if self.mode == 'system':
  1033             if _USR_INSTALL:
  1034                 iddir = os.path.join('/var','lib', 'cubicweb', 'instances')
  1035             else:
  1036                 iddir = os.path.join(_INSTALL_PREFIX, 'var', 'lib', 'cubicweb', 'instances')
  1037         else:
  1038             iddir = self.instances_dir()
  1039         iddir = abspath(os.environ.get('CW_INSTANCES_DATA_DIR', iddir))
  1040         return join(iddir, self.appid)
  1042     def init_cubes(self, cubes):
  1043         super(CubicWebConfiguration, self).init_cubes(cubes)
  1044         # reload config file in cases options are defined in cubes __init__
  1045         # or site_cubicweb files
  1046         self.load_file_configuration(self.main_config_file())
  1047         # configuration initialization hook
  1048         self.load_configuration(**(self.cmdline_options or {}))
  1050     def add_cubes(self, cubes):
  1051         """add given cubes to the list of used cubes"""
  1052         if not isinstance(cubes, list):
  1053             cubes = list(cubes)
  1054         self._cubes = self.reorder_cubes(list(self._cubes) + cubes)
  1055         self.load_site_cubicweb([self.cube_dir(cube) for cube in cubes])
  1057     def main_config_file(self):
  1058         """return instance's control configuration file"""
  1059         return join(self.apphome, '%s.conf' %
  1061     def save(self):
  1062         """write down current configuration"""
  1063         with open(self.main_config_file(), 'w') as fobj:
  1064             self.generate_config(fobj)
  1066     def check_writeable_uid_directory(self, path):
  1067         """check given directory path exists, belongs to the user running the
  1068         server process and is writeable.
  1070         If not, try to fix this, letting exception propagate when not possible.
  1071         """
  1072         if not exists(path):
  1073   'creating %s directory', path)
  1074             try:
  1075                 os.makedirs(path)
  1076             except OSError as ex:
  1077                 self.warning('error while creating %s directory: %s', path, ex)
  1078                 return
  1079         if self['uid']:
  1080             try:
  1081                 uid = int(self['uid'])
  1082             except ValueError:
  1083                 from pwd import getpwnam
  1084                 uid = getpwnam(self['uid']).pw_uid
  1085         else:
  1086             try:
  1087                 uid = os.getuid()
  1088             except AttributeError: # we are on windows
  1089                 return
  1090         fstat = os.stat(path)
  1091         if fstat.st_uid != uid:
  1092   'giving ownership of %s directory to %s', path, self['uid'])
  1093             try:
  1094                 os.chown(path, uid, os.getgid())
  1095             except OSError as ex:
  1096                 self.warning('error while giving ownership of %s directory to %s: %s',
  1097                              path, self['uid'], ex)
  1098         if not (fstat.st_mode & stat.S_IWUSR):
  1099   'forcing write permission on directory %s', path)
  1100             try:
  1101                 os.chmod(path, fstat.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR)
  1102             except OSError as ex:
  1103                 self.warning('error while forcing write permission on directory %s: %s',
  1104                              path, ex)
  1105                 return
  1107     @cached
  1108     def instance_md5_version(self):
  1109         from hashlib import md5 # pylint: disable=E0611
  1110         infos = []
  1111         for pkg in sorted(self.cubes()):
  1112             version = self.cube_version(pkg)
  1113             infos.append('%s-%s' % (pkg, version))
  1114         infos.append('cubicweb-%s' % str(self.cubicweb_version()))
  1115         return md5((';'.join(infos)).encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
  1117     def load_configuration(self, **kw):
  1118         """load instance's configuration files"""
  1119         super(CubicWebConfiguration, self).load_configuration(**kw)
  1120         if self.apphome and not self.creating:
  1121             # init gettext
  1122             self._gettext_init()
  1124     def _load_site_cubicweb(self, sitefile):
  1125         # overridden to register cube specific options
  1126         mod = super(CubicWebConfiguration, self)._load_site_cubicweb(sitefile)
  1127         if getattr(mod, 'options', None):
  1128             self.register_options(mod.options)
  1129             self.load_defaults()
  1131     def init_log(self, logthreshold=None, force=False):
  1132         """init the log service"""
  1133         if not force and hasattr(self, '_logging_initialized'):
  1134             return
  1135         self._logging_initialized = True
  1136         super_self = super(CubicWebConfiguration, self)
  1137         super_self.init_log(logthreshold, logfile=self.get('log-file'))
  1138         # read a config file if it exists
  1139         logconfig = join(self.apphome, 'logging.conf')
  1140         if exists(logconfig):
  1141             logging.config.fileConfig(logconfig)
  1142         # set the statsd address, if any
  1143         if self.get('statsd-endpoint'):
  1144             try:
  1145                 address, port = self.get('statsd-endpoint').split(':')
  1146                 port = int(port)
  1147             except:
  1148                 self.error('statsd-endpoint: invalid address format ({}); '
  1149                            'it should be "ip:port"'.format(self.get('statsd-endpoint')))
  1150             else:
  1151                 import statsd_logger
  1152                 statsd_logger.setup('cubicweb.%s' % self.appid, (address, port))
  1154     def available_languages(self, *args):
  1155         """return available translation for an instance, by looking for
  1156         compiled catalog
  1158         take \*args to be usable as a vocabulary method
  1159         """
  1160         from glob import glob
  1161         yield 'en' # ensure 'en' is yielded even if no .mo found
  1162         for path in glob(join(self.apphome, 'i18n',
  1163                               '*', 'LC_MESSAGES')):
  1164             lang = path.split(os.sep)[-2]
  1165             if lang != 'en':
  1166                 yield lang
  1168     def _gettext_init(self):
  1169         """set language for gettext"""
  1170         from cubicweb.cwgettext import translation
  1171         path = join(self.apphome, 'i18n')
  1172         for language in self.available_languages():
  1173   "loading language %s", language)
  1174             try:
  1175                 tr = translation('cubicweb', path, languages=[language])
  1176                 self.translations[language] = (tr.ugettext, tr.upgettext)
  1177             except (ImportError, AttributeError, IOError):
  1178                 if self.mode != 'test':
  1179                     # in test contexts, data/i18n does not exist, hence
  1180                     # logging will only pollute the logs
  1181                     self.exception('localisation support error for language %s',
  1182                                    language)
  1184     def appobjects_path(self):
  1185         """return a list of files or directories where the registry will look
  1186         for application objects
  1187         """
  1188         templpath = list(reversed(self.cubes_path()))
  1189         if self.apphome: # may be unset in tests
  1190             templpath.append(self.apphome)
  1191         return self.build_appobjects_path(templpath)
  1193     def set_sources_mode(self, sources):
  1194         if not 'all' in sources:
  1195             print('warning: ignoring specified sources, requires a repository '
  1196                   'configuration')
  1198     def i18ncompile(self, langs=None):
  1199         from cubicweb import i18n
  1200         if langs is None:
  1201             langs = self.available_languages()
  1202         i18ndir = join(self.apphome, 'i18n')
  1203         if not exists(i18ndir):
  1204             create_dir(i18ndir)
  1205         sourcedirs = [join(path, 'i18n') for path in self.cubes_path()]
  1206         sourcedirs.append(self.i18n_lib_dir())
  1207         return i18n.compile_i18n_catalogs(sourcedirs, i18ndir, langs)
  1209     def sendmails(self, msgs, fromaddr=None):
  1210         """msgs: list of 2-uple (message object, recipients). Return False
  1211         if connection to the smtp server failed, else True.
  1212         """
  1213         server, port = self['smtp-host'], self['smtp-port']
  1214         if fromaddr is None:
  1215             fromaddr = '%s <%s>' % (self['sender-name'], self['sender-addr'])
  1216         SMTP_LOCK.acquire()
  1217         try:
  1218             try:
  1219                 smtp = SMTP(server, port)
  1220             except Exception as ex:
  1221                 self.exception("can't connect to smtp server %s:%s (%s)",
  1222                                server, port, ex)
  1223                 return False
  1224             for msg, recipients in msgs:
  1225                 try:
  1226                     smtp.sendmail(fromaddr, recipients, msg.as_string())
  1227                 except Exception as ex:
  1228                     self.exception("error sending mail to %s (%s)",
  1229                                    recipients, ex)
  1230             smtp.close()
  1231         finally:
  1232             SMTP_LOCK.release()
  1233         return True
  1235 set_log_methods(CubicWebNoAppConfiguration,
  1236                 logging.getLogger('cubicweb.configuration'))
  1238 # alias to get a configuration instance from an instance id
  1239 instance_configuration = CubicWebConfiguration.config_for
  1240 application_configuration = deprecated('use instance_configuration')(instance_configuration)
  1243 _EXT_REGISTERED = False
  1244 def register_stored_procedures():
  1245     from logilab.database import FunctionDescr
  1246     from rql.utils import register_function, iter_funcnode_variables
  1247     from rql.nodes import SortTerm, Constant, VariableRef
  1249     global _EXT_REGISTERED
  1250     if _EXT_REGISTERED:
  1251         return
  1252     _EXT_REGISTERED = True
  1254     class COMMA_JOIN(FunctionDescr):
  1255         supported_backends = ('postgres', 'sqlite',)
  1256         rtype = 'String'
  1258         def st_description(self, funcnode, mainindex, tr):
  1259             return ', '.join(sorted(term.get_description(mainindex, tr)
  1260                                     for term in iter_funcnode_variables(funcnode)))
  1262     register_function(COMMA_JOIN)  # XXX do not expose?
  1265     class CONCAT_STRINGS(COMMA_JOIN):
  1266         aggregat = True
  1268     register_function(CONCAT_STRINGS) # XXX bw compat
  1272         supported_backends = ('mysql', 'postgres', 'sqlite',)
  1274     register_function(GROUP_CONCAT)
  1277     class LIMIT_SIZE(FunctionDescr):
  1278         supported_backends = ('postgres', 'sqlite',)
  1279         minargs = maxargs = 3
  1280         rtype = 'String'
  1282         def st_description(self, funcnode, mainindex, tr):
  1283             return funcnode.children[0].get_description(mainindex, tr)
  1285     register_function(LIMIT_SIZE)
  1288     class TEXT_LIMIT_SIZE(LIMIT_SIZE):
  1289         supported_backends = ('mysql', 'postgres', 'sqlite',)
  1290         minargs = maxargs = 2
  1292     register_function(TEXT_LIMIT_SIZE)
  1295     class FTIRANK(FunctionDescr):
  1296         """return ranking of a variable that must be used as some has_text
  1297         relation subject in the query's restriction. Usually used to sort result
  1298         of full-text search by ranking.
  1299         """
  1300         supported_backends = ('postgres',)
  1301         rtype = 'Float'
  1303         def st_check_backend(self, backend, funcnode):
  1304             """overriden so that on backend not supporting fti ranking, the
  1305             function is removed when in an orderby clause, or replaced by a 1.0
  1306             constant.
  1307             """
  1308             if not self.supports(backend):
  1309                 parent = funcnode.parent
  1310                 while parent is not None and not isinstance(parent, SortTerm):
  1311                     parent = parent.parent
  1312                 if isinstance(parent, SortTerm):
  1313                     parent.parent.remove(parent)
  1314                 else:
  1315                     funcnode.parent.replace(funcnode, Constant(1.0, 'Float'))
  1316                     parent = funcnode
  1317                 for vref in parent.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
  1318                     vref.unregister_reference()
  1320     register_function(FTIRANK)
  1323     class FSPATH(FunctionDescr):
  1324         """return path of some bytes attribute stored using the Bytes
  1325         File-System Storage (bfss)
  1326         """
  1327         rtype = 'Bytes' # XXX return a String? potential pb with fs encoding
  1329         def update_cb_stack(self, stack):
  1330             assert len(stack) == 1
  1331             stack[0] = self.source_execute
  1333         def as_sql(self, backend, args):
  1334             raise NotImplementedError(
  1335                 'This callback is only available for BytesFileSystemStorage '
  1336                 'managed attribute. Is FSPATH() argument BFSS managed?')
  1338         def source_execute(self, source, session, value):
  1339             fpath = source.binary_to_str(value)
  1340             try:
  1341                 return Binary(fpath)
  1342             except OSError as ex:
  1343                 source.critical("can't open %s: %s", fpath, ex)
  1344                 return None
  1346     register_function(FSPATH)