1 .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
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3 User interface for web site configuration |
4 ========================================= |
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6 .. image:: images/lax-book.03-site-config-panel.en.png |
7 |
8 This panel allows you to configure the appearance of your application site. |
9 Six menus are available and we will go through each of them to explain how |
10 to use them. |
11 |
12 Navigation |
13 ~~~~~~~~~~ |
14 This menu provides you a way to adjust some navigation options depending on |
15 your needs, such as the number of entities to display by page of results. |
16 Follows the detailled list of available options : |
17 |
18 * navigation.combobox-limit : maximum number of entities to display in related |
19 combo box (sample format: 23) |
20 * navigation.page-size : maximum number of objects displayed by page of results |
21 (sample format: 23) |
22 * navigation.related-limit : maximum number of related entities to display in |
23 the primary view (sample format: 23) |
24 * navigation.short-line-size : maximum number of characters in short description |
25 (sample format: 23) |
26 |
27 UI |
28 ~~ |
29 This menu provides you a way to customize the user interface settings such as |
30 date format or encoding in the produced html. |
31 Follows the detailled list of available options : |
32 |
33 * ui.date-format : how to format date in the ui ("man strftime" for format description) |
34 * ui.datetime-format : how to format date and time in the ui ("man strftime" for format |
35 description) |
36 * ui.default-text-format : default text format for rich text fields. |
37 * ui.encoding : user interface encoding |
38 * ui.fckeditor :should html fields being edited using fckeditor (a HTML WYSIWYG editor). |
39 You should also select text/html as default text format to actually get fckeditor. |
40 * ui.float-format : how to format float numbers in the ui |
41 * ui.language : language of the user interface |
42 * ui.main-template : id of main template used to render pages |
43 * ui.site-title : site title, which is displayed right next to the logo in the header |
44 * ui.time-format : how to format time in the ui ("man strftime" for format description) |
45 |
46 |
47 Actions |
48 ~~~~~~~ |
49 This menu provides a way to configure the context in which you expect the actions |
50 to be displayed to the user and if you want the action to be visible or not. |
51 You must have notice that when you view a list of entities, an action box is |
52 available on the left column which display some actions as well as a drop-down |
53 menu for more actions. |
54 |
55 The context available are : |
56 |
57 * mainactions : actions listed in the left box |
58 * moreactions : actions listed in the `more` menu of the left box |
59 * addrelated : add actions listed in the left box |
60 * useractions : actions listed in the first section of drop-down menu |
61 accessible from the right corner user login link |
62 * siteactions : actions listed in the second section of drop-down menu |
63 accessible from the right corner user login link |
64 * hidden : select this to hide the specific action |
65 |
66 Boxes |
67 ~~~~~ |
68 The application has already a pre-defined set of boxes you can use right away. |
69 This configuration section allows you to place those boxes where you want in the |
70 application interface to customize it. |
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72 The available boxes are : |
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74 * actions box : box listing the applicable actions on the displayed data |
75 |
76 * boxes_blog_archives_box : box listing the blog archives |
77 |
78 * possible views box : box listing the possible views for the displayed data |
79 |
80 * rss box : RSS icon to get displayed data as a RSS thread |
81 |
82 * search box : search box |
83 |
84 * startup views box : box listing the configuration options available for |
85 the application site, such as `Preferences` and `Site Configuration` |
86 |
87 Components |
88 ~~~~~~~~~~ |
89 [WRITE ME] |
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91 Contextual components |
92 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
93 [WRITE ME] |
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